973 research outputs found

    Development of Simplified Models of Regional Groundwater and Surface Water Flow Processes based on Computational Experiments with Comprehensive Models

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    The development of complex decision support model systems for the analysis of regional water policies for regions with intense socio-economic development affecting and being affected by the water resources system is of increasing importance. One of the most illustrative examples are regions with open-pit lignite mining. Such model systems have to be based on appropriate submodels, e.g. for water quantity processes. The paper describes submodels for groundwater and surface water flow with special regard to open-pit lignite mining regions. Starting with a problem definition in Section 2 the methodological background is given. The state-of-the-art of comprehensive models of regional water flow processes based on groundwater flow models and of stochastic long-term management modeling are described in details. Section 3 gives the methodological approach for model reduction. The application of this approach is illustrated in Section 4 for the modeling of mine drainage and groundwater tables, for the modeling of remaining pit management and of groundwater-surface water interactions. In the appendix computer programs of some submodels are given being suitable for a more general application

    High- and low-mobility stages in the synaptic vesicle cycle.

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    Synaptic vesicles need to be mobile to reach their release sites during synaptic activity. We investigated vesicle mobility throughout the synaptic vesicle cycle using both conventional and subdiffraction-resolution stimulated emission depletion fluorescence microscopy. Vesicle tracking revealed that recently endocytosed synaptic vesicles are highly mobile for a substantial time period after endocytosis. They later undergo a maturation process and integrate into vesicle clusters where they exhibit little mobility. Despite the differences in mobility, both recently endocytosed and mature vesicles are exchanged between synapses. Electrical stimulation does not seem to affect the mobility of the two types of vesicles. After exocytosis, the vesicle material is mobile in the plasma membrane, although the movement appears to be somewhat limited. Increasing the proportion of fused vesicles (by stimulating exocytosis while simultaneously blocking endocytosis) leads to substantially higher mobility. We conclude that both high- and low-mobility states are characteristic of synaptic vesicle movement

    Damage Sensitivity of Axially Loaded Stringer-Stiffened Curved CFRP Panels

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    Ecosystem shifts at two Mid-Holocene tipping points in the alpine Lake Son Kol (Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia)

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    Tipping points can be defined as critical ecosystem thresholds that start self-enforced dynamics pushing systems into new stable states. Many lake ecosystems of arid Central Asia are sensitive to hydrological changes as they are located at the intersection of the influence of the dry Siberian Anticyclone and the relatively humid mid-latitude Westerlies, and their sediment records can be used to study past tipping points. We studied subfossil chironomid remains preserved in a ca. 6000-year-long sediment record from the Central Asian lake Son Kol (Central Kyrgyzstan) to reconstruct past ecosystem dynamics. Our results show abrupt transitions from a chironomid fauna dominated by macrophyte-associated, salinity-indicating taxa, to a vegetation-independent fauna, and subsequently to a macrophyte-associated, freshwater-indicating fauna. A comparison of the chironomid-based environmental reconstruction to other proxy indicators from the same record suggests a phase of increased Westerly strength starting about 4900 cal. yr BP. This increase led to enhanced precipitation and sediment fluxes into the lake, which in turn led to high turbidity levels and consequently to a macrophyte collapse causing abrupt changes in the chironomid fauna. At 4300 cal. yr BP, a weakening of the Westerlies in combination with higher lake levels led to lower turbidity and ultimately to the recovery of the macrophyte population and associated changes in the chironomid assemblage. These two sequences of events show how the occurrence of a gradual change in an external trigger (Westerlies) can trigger a cascade of within-lake processes (turbidity, macrophyte density) and may ultimately lead to an abrupt reorganisation of the ecosystem (chironomid fauna), providing models for tipping points

    A Novel Laboratory Course on Advanced Chemical Engineering Experiments

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    The chemical engineering curriculum in the United States has trained generations of technical experts who have successfully optimized chemical processes and products once they entered the chemical industry. The U.S. chemical industry, however, has entered a critical stage in which it must be able to create new and differentiated value through technical innovations that arc essential for long-term survival. This innovation process will require new skills that go far beyond the traditional expertise for the optimization of tasks possessed by young chemical engineers. The innovators must be able to identify new opportunities, explore the boundaries of technology, evaluate critical issues, develop and implement technologies, and communicate effectively with scientists and engineers from other disciplines. Therefore, one of the most important educational tasks of a modern university, in combination with a strong theoretical foundation, is to challenge students in laboratory courses to think, explore, hypothesize, plan, solve, and evaluate. The typical sequence of laboratory skills development stops short of introducing young engineers to the most critical aspects of experimental work. Chemical engineers usually begin developing their laboratory skills in chemistry courses, where experiments are closely managed. At this early stage in their development, students follow detailed instructions and learn basic principles by observing the results. In the undergraduate engineering laboratory course (the unit operations lab ), students have more freedom in experimental design but still have well-defined objectives and manipulate equipment someone else has set up. It is rare, however, for undergraduate students to be taught how to create new experiments. It is also rare for undergraduate students, and hence beginning graduate students, to have an appreciation for the care, planning, design, and testing required to produce equipment that will give reliable and useful results. Even such simple issues as leak testing or adapting analytical devices to new tasks are outside most students* experience. Even more important is an absence of opportunities to learn how the lessons learned from the failure of an approach can be fed back into the empirical process to seed the finally successful idea. All these skills require more creative freedom than is usually allowed in a well-structured laboratory course. In the novel laboratory teaching approach described here, we try to provide students with a learning environment that allows them to develop advanced experimental skills that are necessary for success in research and development environments

    Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of carbonates in lake sediments as a paleoflood proxy

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    Lake sediments are increasingly explored as reliable paleoflood archives. In addition to established flood proxies including detrital layer thickness, chemical composition, and grain size, we explore stable oxygen and carbon isotope data as paleoflood proxies for lakes in catchments with carbonate bedrock geology. In a case study from Lake Mondsee (Austria), we integrate high-resolution sediment trapping at a proximal and a distal location and stable isotope analyses of varved lake sediments to investigate flood-triggered detrital sediment flux. First, we demonstrate a relation between runoff, detrital sediment flux, and isotope values in the sediment trap record covering the period 2011–2013 CE including 22 events with daily (hourly) peak runoff ranging from 10 (24) m3 s−1 to 79 (110) m3 s−1. The three- to ten-fold lower flood-triggered detrital sediment deposition in the distal trap is well reflected by attenuated peaks in the stable isotope values of trapped sediments. Next, we show that all nine flood-triggered detrital layers deposited in a sediment record from 1988 to 2013 have elevated isotope values compared with endogenic calcite. In addition, even two runoff events that did not cause the deposition of visible detrital layers are distinguished by higher isotope values. Empirical thresholds in the isotope data allow estimation of magnitudes of the majority of floods, although in some cases flood magnitudes are overestimated because local effects can result in too-high isotope values. Hence we present a proof of concept for stable isotopes as reliable tool for reconstructing flood frequency and, although with some limitations, even for flood magnitudes

    Kinetics Study of the Hydrodeoxygenation of Xylitol over a ReO\u3csub\u3ex\u3c/sub\u3e-Pd/CeO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Catalyst

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    In this study, we elucidate the reaction kinetics for the simultaneous hydrodeoxygenation of xylitol to 1,2-dideoxypentitol and 1,2,5-pentanetriol over a ReOx-Pd/CeO2 (2.0 weight% Re, 0.30 weight% Pd) catalyst. The reaction was determined to be a zero-order reaction with respect to xylitol. The activation energy was elucidated through an Arrhenius relationship as well as non-Arrhenius kinetics. The Arrhenius relationship was investigated at 150–170◦ C and a constant H2 pressure of 10 bar resulting in an activation energy of 48.7 ± 10.5 kJ/mol. The investigation of non-Arrhenius kinetics was conducted at 120–170◦ C and a sub-Arrhenius relation was elucidated with activation energy being dependent on temperature, and ranging from 10.2–51.8 kJ/mol in the temperature range investigated. Internal and external mass transfer were investigated through evaluating the Weisz–Prater criterion and the effect of varying stirring rate on the reaction rate, respectively. There were no internal or external mass transfer limitations present in the reaction
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