65 research outputs found

    Mass transfer and microbiological profile of pork meat dehydrated in two different osmotic solutions

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    The effects of osmotic dehydration on mass transfer properties and microbiological profile were investigated in order to determine the usefulness of this technique as pre-treatment for further treatment of meat. Process was studied in two solutions (sugar beet molasses, and aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sucrose), at two temperatures (4 and 22Ā°C) at atmospheric pressure. The most significant parameters of mass transfer were determined after 300 minutes of the dehydration. The water activity (aw) values of the processed meat were determined, as well as the change of the microbiological profile between the fresh and dehydrated meat. At the temperature of 22Ā°C the sugar beet molasses proved to be most suitable as an osmotic solution, despite the greater viscosity

    Peripheral Nervous System Genes Expressed in Central Neurons Induce Growth on Inhibitory Substrates

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    Trauma to the spinal cord and brain can result in irreparable loss of function. This failure of recovery is in part due to inhibition of axon regeneration by myelin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). Peripheral nervous system (PNS) neurons exhibit increased regenerative ability compared to central nervous system neurons, even in the presence of inhibitory environments. Previously, we identified over a thousand genes differentially expressed in PNS neurons relative to CNS neurons. These genes represent intrinsic differences that may account for the PNSā€™s enhanced regenerative ability. Cerebellar neurons were transfected with cDNAs for each of these PNS genes to assess their ability to enhance neurite growth on inhibitory (CSPG) or permissive (laminin) substrates. Using high content analysis, we evaluated the phenotypic profile of each neuron to extract meaningful data for over 1100 genes. Several known growth associated proteins potentiated neurite growth on laminin. Most interestingly, novel genes were identified that promoted neurite growth on CSPGs (GPX3, EIF2B5, RBMX). Bioinformatic approaches also uncovered a number of novel gene families that altered neurite growth of CNS neurons

    Metadiscourse in contemporary Italian academic articles and newspapers editorials

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    Poslednjih godina fokus lingvista pomeren je sa ideacione dimenzije na interpersonalni plan teksta ili govora. Pisci ili govornici ne predstavljaju samo informacije, već nastoje da svoje informacije učine razumljivim i prihvatljivim. Na taj način, autori i govornici uvode čitaoce ili sagovornike u svoju stvarnost, tj. motiviÅ”u svoju publiku da ih podrži i prati. Shodno tome, efikasna komunikacija nije samo razmena informacija, robe ili usluga, već uključuje ličnosti, stavove i pretpostavke učesnika (Hyland 2005: 3). Jedno od ključnih jezičkih sredstava kojima autor može pretpostaviti potrebe čitalaca, iskazati stepen formalnosti, moći, ili pak bliskosti je upravo metadiskurs. Metadiskurs je ā€žpisanje o pisanjuā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€ždiskurs o diskursuā€ ili ā€žkomunikacija o komunikacijiā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Obuhvata jezički materijal koji signalizira autorovo prisustvo i odnos prema propozicionom sadržaju i čitalačkoj publici (Swales 1990: 188). Ukratko, metadiskurs pomaže čitaocima da ā€žorganizuju, klasifikuju, tumače, procene i reagujuā€œ na datu informaciju (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Predmet ovog rada je metadiskurs u akademskim i novinskim člancima (uvodnicima) na italijanskom jeziku. Iako Hyland (2005: 200-204) ističe da je neophodno istražiti metadiskursnu prirodu u različitim žanrovima, napisanim za različitu publiku i na različite teme, uporedne studije su retke čak i na engleskom jeziku. Izbor žanrova opravdan je njihovom druÅ”tvenom ulogom. Akademski članci su jedinstveni vid komunikacije naučne zajednice i imaju ključnu ulogu u afirmaciji njenih članova. Stoga pored referencijske, akademski članci imaju persuazivnu i argumentacijsku funkciju. Isto tako, novinski uvodnici obrađuju teme koje su od posebnog druÅ”tvenog značaja u trenutku njihovog objavljivanja i smatraju se najprikladnijim primerom persuazivnog pisanja (Connor 1996: 143). Dakle, oba žanra su arumentacijska, ali napisana za različite potrebe i publiku. Na osnovu svega toga, pretpostavljena je različita upotreba metadiskursa u navedenim žanrovima...In recent years, the linguistsā€™ focus has moved from ideational dimension to interpersonal plan of a text or a speech. Namely, writers or speakers do not only present some information, they also try to make that information understandable and acceptable. At the same time, authors and speakers introduce their readers and interlocutors to their own reality ie. they motivate their audience to support and follow them in a number of different ways. Consequently, effective communication is not simply an exchange of information, goods or services, but it also involves personalities, attitudes and assumptions of those who are communicating (Hyland 2005: 3). One of the key aiding linguistic tools by which the author can assume the needs of his readers, express the level of formality, power or even closeness is actually what metadiscourse is all about. Metadiscourse is ā€œwriting about writingā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€œa discourse about a discourseā€ or ā€œcommunication about communicationā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). It encompases linguistic material which signals the authorā€™s presence and his relation to the propositional content and reading audience (Swales 1990:188). To summarise, metadiscourse assists the readers to ā€œorganise, classify, interpret, evaluate, and react to such materialā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). The subject of this dissertation is metadiscourse in academic articles and newspaper editorials in the Italian language. Although Hyland (2005: 200-204) emphasizes that it is necessary to study the metadiscourse in different genres, written for different audiences and on different subjects, the comparative studies are still rare even in English language. The choice of genres is justified by their social roles. Academic articles are a genuine means of communication within the scientific community and they play a key role in the affirmation of its members. Therefore, in addition to their referential function, academic articles have persuasive and argumentative function, too. Likewise, newspaper editorials cover some topics of a special social significance at the moment of their publication and are considered the most appropriate example of persuasive writing (Connor 1996: 143). Thus, both genres are argumentative but written for different purposes and audiences. Based on the information mentioned above, we assumed a different usage of metadiscourse in the mentioned genres..

    Metadiscourse in contemporary Italian academic articles and newspapers editorials

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    Poslednjih godina fokus lingvista pomeren je sa ideacione dimenzije na interpersonalni plan teksta ili govora. Pisci ili govornici ne predstavljaju samo informacije, već nastoje da svoje informacije učine razumljivim i prihvatljivim. Na taj način, autori i govornici uvode čitaoce ili sagovornike u svoju stvarnost, tj. motiviÅ”u svoju publiku da ih podrži i prati. Shodno tome, efikasna komunikacija nije samo razmena informacija, robe ili usluga, već uključuje ličnosti, stavove i pretpostavke učesnika (Hyland 2005: 3). Jedno od ključnih jezičkih sredstava kojima autor može pretpostaviti potrebe čitalaca, iskazati stepen formalnosti, moći, ili pak bliskosti je upravo metadiskurs. Metadiskurs je ā€žpisanje o pisanjuā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€ždiskurs o diskursuā€ ili ā€žkomunikacija o komunikacijiā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Obuhvata jezički materijal koji signalizira autorovo prisustvo i odnos prema propozicionom sadržaju i čitalačkoj publici (Swales 1990: 188). Ukratko, metadiskurs pomaže čitaocima da ā€žorganizuju, klasifikuju, tumače, procene i reagujuā€œ na datu informaciju (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Predmet ovog rada je metadiskurs u akademskim i novinskim člancima (uvodnicima) na italijanskom jeziku. Iako Hyland (2005: 200-204) ističe da je neophodno istražiti metadiskursnu prirodu u različitim žanrovima, napisanim za različitu publiku i na različite teme, uporedne studije su retke čak i na engleskom jeziku. Izbor žanrova opravdan je njihovom druÅ”tvenom ulogom. Akademski članci su jedinstveni vid komunikacije naučne zajednice i imaju ključnu ulogu u afirmaciji njenih članova. Stoga pored referencijske, akademski članci imaju persuazivnu i argumentacijsku funkciju. Isto tako, novinski uvodnici obrađuju teme koje su od posebnog druÅ”tvenog značaja u trenutku njihovog objavljivanja i smatraju se najprikladnijim primerom persuazivnog pisanja (Connor 1996: 143). Dakle, oba žanra su arumentacijska, ali napisana za različite potrebe i publiku. Na osnovu svega toga, pretpostavljena je različita upotreba metadiskursa u navedenim žanrovima...In recent years, the linguistsā€™ focus has moved from ideational dimension to interpersonal plan of a text or a speech. Namely, writers or speakers do not only present some information, they also try to make that information understandable and acceptable. At the same time, authors and speakers introduce their readers and interlocutors to their own reality ie. they motivate their audience to support and follow them in a number of different ways. Consequently, effective communication is not simply an exchange of information, goods or services, but it also involves personalities, attitudes and assumptions of those who are communicating (Hyland 2005: 3). One of the key aiding linguistic tools by which the author can assume the needs of his readers, express the level of formality, power or even closeness is actually what metadiscourse is all about. Metadiscourse is ā€œwriting about writingā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€œa discourse about a discourseā€ or ā€œcommunication about communicationā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). It encompases linguistic material which signals the authorā€™s presence and his relation to the propositional content and reading audience (Swales 1990:188). To summarise, metadiscourse assists the readers to ā€œorganise, classify, interpret, evaluate, and react to such materialā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). The subject of this dissertation is metadiscourse in academic articles and newspaper editorials in the Italian language. Although Hyland (2005: 200-204) emphasizes that it is necessary to study the metadiscourse in different genres, written for different audiences and on different subjects, the comparative studies are still rare even in English language. The choice of genres is justified by their social roles. Academic articles are a genuine means of communication within the scientific community and they play a key role in the affirmation of its members. Therefore, in addition to their referential function, academic articles have persuasive and argumentative function, too. Likewise, newspaper editorials cover some topics of a special social significance at the moment of their publication and are considered the most appropriate example of persuasive writing (Connor 1996: 143). Thus, both genres are argumentative but written for different purposes and audiences. Based on the information mentioned above, we assumed a different usage of metadiscourse in the mentioned genres..

    Metadiscourse in contemporary Italian academic articles and newspapers editorials

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    Poslednjih godina fokus lingvista pomeren je sa ideacione dimenzije na interpersonalni plan teksta ili govora. Pisci ili govornici ne predstavljaju samo informacije, već nastoje da svoje informacije učine razumljivim i prihvatljivim. Na taj način, autori i govornici uvode čitaoce ili sagovornike u svoju stvarnost, tj. motiviÅ”u svoju publiku da ih podrži i prati. Shodno tome, efikasna komunikacija nije samo razmena informacija, robe ili usluga, već uključuje ličnosti, stavove i pretpostavke učesnika (Hyland 2005: 3). Jedno od ključnih jezičkih sredstava kojima autor može pretpostaviti potrebe čitalaca, iskazati stepen formalnosti, moći, ili pak bliskosti je upravo metadiskurs. Metadiskurs je ā€žpisanje o pisanjuā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€ždiskurs o diskursuā€ ili ā€žkomunikacija o komunikacijiā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Obuhvata jezički materijal koji signalizira autorovo prisustvo i odnos prema propozicionom sadržaju i čitalačkoj publici (Swales 1990: 188). Ukratko, metadiskurs pomaže čitaocima da ā€žorganizuju, klasifikuju, tumače, procene i reagujuā€œ na datu informaciju (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). Predmet ovog rada je metadiskurs u akademskim i novinskim člancima (uvodnicima) na italijanskom jeziku. Iako Hyland (2005: 200-204) ističe da je neophodno istražiti metadiskursnu prirodu u različitim žanrovima, napisanim za različitu publiku i na različite teme, uporedne studije su retke čak i na engleskom jeziku. Izbor žanrova opravdan je njihovom druÅ”tvenom ulogom. Akademski članci su jedinstveni vid komunikacije naučne zajednice i imaju ključnu ulogu u afirmaciji njenih članova. Stoga pored referencijske, akademski članci imaju persuazivnu i argumentacijsku funkciju. Isto tako, novinski uvodnici obrađuju teme koje su od posebnog druÅ”tvenog značaja u trenutku njihovog objavljivanja i smatraju se najprikladnijim primerom persuazivnog pisanja (Connor 1996: 143). Dakle, oba žanra su arumentacijska, ali napisana za različite potrebe i publiku. Na osnovu svega toga, pretpostavljena je različita upotreba metadiskursa u navedenim žanrovima...In recent years, the linguistsā€™ focus has moved from ideational dimension to interpersonal plan of a text or a speech. Namely, writers or speakers do not only present some information, they also try to make that information understandable and acceptable. At the same time, authors and speakers introduce their readers and interlocutors to their own reality ie. they motivate their audience to support and follow them in a number of different ways. Consequently, effective communication is not simply an exchange of information, goods or services, but it also involves personalities, attitudes and assumptions of those who are communicating (Hyland 2005: 3). One of the key aiding linguistic tools by which the author can assume the needs of his readers, express the level of formality, power or even closeness is actually what metadiscourse is all about. Metadiscourse is ā€œwriting about writingā€ (Williams 1985: 226), ā€œa discourse about a discourseā€ or ā€œcommunication about communicationā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). It encompases linguistic material which signals the authorā€™s presence and his relation to the propositional content and reading audience (Swales 1990:188). To summarise, metadiscourse assists the readers to ā€œorganise, classify, interpret, evaluate, and react to such materialā€ (Vande Kopple 1985: 83). The subject of this dissertation is metadiscourse in academic articles and newspaper editorials in the Italian language. Although Hyland (2005: 200-204) emphasizes that it is necessary to study the metadiscourse in different genres, written for different audiences and on different subjects, the comparative studies are still rare even in English language. The choice of genres is justified by their social roles. Academic articles are a genuine means of communication within the scientific community and they play a key role in the affirmation of its members. Therefore, in addition to their referential function, academic articles have persuasive and argumentative function, too. Likewise, newspaper editorials cover some topics of a special social significance at the moment of their publication and are considered the most appropriate example of persuasive writing (Connor 1996: 143). Thus, both genres are argumentative but written for different purposes and audiences. Based on the information mentioned above, we assumed a different usage of metadiscourse in the mentioned genres..

    Small bowel obstruction caused by a large B-cell lymphoma in a patient with multicentric Castleman\u2019s disease: an unusual occurrence

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    Multicentric Castleman's disease is a rare condition of systemic nonclonal lymph node hyperplasia. Because of its strong association with human herpes virus 8 (HHV8), the multicentric, more aggressive, form may progress to Kaposi sarcoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. While surgery is curative in the treatment of localized Castleman's disease, operative treatment of the diffuse form has as yet been unsatisfactory. We report the case of a patient presenting with postprandial vomiting of 1 month duration consistent with partial small bowel obstruction secondary to terminal ileum intussusception. Resection of the small bowel showed a stenosing tumor triggering the intussusception. On pathological examination, the tumor was found to be composed of HHV8-positive plasmablastic lymphoma cells. To our knowledge, this represents the first case of a complication due to the progression of multicentric Castleman's disease requiring surgical intervention for intussusception

    Optimization of the osmotic dehydration of carrot cubes in sugar beet molasses

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    A Response Surface Methodology approach (RSM) was used to determine optimum conditions for the osmotic dehydration of carrot cubes in sugar beet molasses. Treatment times were set to 1, 3 and 5 h, at temperatures of 45, 55 and 65Ā°C and molasses concentrations were 40, 60 and 80% (w/w). The used responses variables were: final dry matter content (DM), water loss (WL), solid gain (Sg), and water activity (aw). A Box and Behnkenā€™s fractional factorial design (2 level-3 parameter) with 15 runs (1 block) was used for design of the experiment. DM, WL, Sg were significantly affected by all process variables (at 90-95% confidence level). The optimum conditions were determined by superimposing the contour plots, with the following response limiting values: DM 50-60%, WL 0.7- 0.8, Sg 0.08-0.09, and aw 0.84-0.86. The optimum conditions generated were: treatment time of 4h, temperature of 60Ā°C, sugar concentration of 66% (w/w)
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