203 research outputs found

    Implementation of Cultural and Educational Activities in the Sverdlovsk State Academic Drama Theater

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    В данной статье рассматриваются особенности продвижения Свердловского государственного академического театра. Взаимодействие с молодежной аудиторией, репертуарные особенности и интернет-сообщество театра, которое позволяет оценить степень взаимодействия с аудиторией, возраст, пол и предпочтения в репертуаре. Данная статья затрагивает возможности и перспективы на базе Свердловского государственного академического театра драмы, который позволит расширить взаимодействие с молодежной аудиторией.This article discusses the features of the promotion of the Sverdlovsk State Academic Theater. Interaction with the youth audience, repertoire features and the online community of the theater, which allows you to assess the degree of interaction with the audience, age, gender and preferences in the repertoire. This article touches on the opportunities and prospects on the basis of the Sverdlovsk State Academic Drama Theater, which will expand interaction with the youth audience

    Shelter Implementation Plan at the Stage of Radiation Risks Elimination for Public

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    In this article, efficiency of the SIP projects, which already have been implemented at the Shelter, are analyzed in the context of the staged elimination ofradiation risks for public. It starts with theanalysis oftheShelter state in 1998 before SIP implementation compared with the state after implementation of stabilization and other measures and finally with the state which is reached after construction of the New Safe Confinement (NSC). For the analysis a probabilistic approach has been used. Measures to be implemented in the future are mentioned in conclusions.Аналізується ефективність проектів ПЗЗ, які реалізовано на об’єкті «Укриття», в контексті поетапного усунення радіаційних ризиків для населення. Стаття розпочинається з аналізу стану об’єкта «Укриття» в 1998 році до початку реалізації ПЗЗ у порівнянні з його станом після виконання стабілізаційних та інших заходів та, в довершення, зі станом, досягнутим після будівництва нового безпечного конфайнмента (НБК). Для аналізу застосовано імовірнісний підхід. У висновках наведено заходи, які треба здійснити в майбутньому.Анализируется эффективность проектов ПОМ, которые реализованы на объекте «Укрытие», в контексте поэтапного устранения радиационных рисков для населения. Статья начинается с анализа состояния объекта «Укрытие» в 1998 году до начала реализации ПОМ по сравнению с его состоянием после завершения стабилизационных и других мероприятий и, в довершение, с состоянием, достигнутым после строительства нового безопасного конфайнмента (НБК). Для анализа использован вероятностный подход. В выводах указаны мероприятия, которые необходимо осуществить в будущем

    Electron transport through 8-oxoG: NEGF/DFT study

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    We present a first-principles study of the conductance of Guanine and 8-Oxoguanine (8-oxoG) attached to Au(111) electrodes. Cellular levels of 8-oxoG have been found in larger concentrations in cancer patients. The current through the structure was calculated using a DFT–NEGF formalism. We have compared flat and pyramidal electrode geometries and show that there is a measurable difference between the I–V characteristics of the pristine molecule and the 8-oxoG. For a flat electrode geometry, 8-oxoG produces a 2.57 (18.3) times increase in current than the corresponding counterpart at 3 V with a bond separation of 1.2 Å (2.4 Å). This can be attributed to molecular orbital energies shifting at the junction. Overall the flat geometry produces larger currents. We have also investigated the sensitivity of the current to the electrode molecule separation. For the flat geometry, the current dropped approximately 80% (97%) for 8-oxoG (pristine Guanine) with the doubling of the electrode separation


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    The “T Plus” company holds leading positions in the generation of electric and heat energy. However, the specific losses are one of the highest in the sample. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the modernization of equipment and heating networks. The choice of Izhevsk CHPP‑2 heating unit is due to the existence of a program for generating facilities modernization of heat power plants in 2022–2026, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, plus such growth points as optimization of the station and network operating modes, active residential development and non-traditional renewable energy sources.Компания «Т Плюс» занимает лидирующие позиции в выработке электрической и тепловой энергии. Однако удельные потери — одни из самых высоких в выборке. По этой причине необходимо сосредоточиться на модернизации оборудования и тепловых сетей. Выбор теплового узла Ижевской теплоэлектроцентрали 2 (ТЭЦ‑2) обусловлен наличием программы модернизации генерирующих объектов тепловых электростанций на 2022–2026 гг., утвержденной Правительством РФ, а также такими точками роста, как оптимизация режимов работы станции и сетей, активная жилая застройка и нетрадиционные возобновляемые источники энергии

    Origins of Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in CdTe Colloidal Quantum Dots

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    Recent experimental studies have identified at least two nonradiative components in the fluorescence decay of solutions of CdTe colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). The lifetimes reported by different groups, however, differed by orders of magnitude, raising the question of whether different types of traps were at play in the different samples and experimental conditions and even whether different types of charge carriers were involved in the different trapping processes. Considering that the use of these nanomaterials in biology, optoelectronics, photonics, and photovoltaics is becoming widespread, such a gap in our understanding of carrier dynamics in these systems needs addressing. This is what we do here. Using the state-of-the-art atomistic semiempirical pseudopotential method, we calculate trapping times and nonradiative population decay curves for different CQD sizes considering up to 268 surface traps. We show that the seemingly discrepant experimental results are consistent with the trapping of the hole at unsaturated Te bonds on the dot surface in the presence of different dielectric environments. In particular, the observed increase in the trapping times following air exposure is attributed to the formation of an oxide shell on the dot surface, which increases the dielectric constant of the dot environment. Two types of traps are identified, depending on whether the unsaturated bond is single (type I) or part of a pair of dangling bonds on the same Te atom (type II). The energy landscape relative to transitions to these traps is found to be markedly different in the two cases. As a consequence, the trapping times associated with the different types of traps exhibit a strikingly contrasting sensitivity to variations in the dot environment. Based on these characteristics, we predict the presence of a sub-nanosecond component in all photoluminescence decay curves of CdTe CQDs in the size range considered here if both trap types are present. The absence of such a component is attributed to the suppression of type I traps

    Диагностика остеопенического синдрома. Остеопенический синдром у больных бронхиальной астмой

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    Osteopenic syndrome in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases including bronchial asthma represents actual and insufficiently studied area of medical science in view of ambiguous data on influence of glucocorticosteroid therapy and inflammation as basic pathogenetic mechanisms of bronchial asthma on bone metabolism. This review covers issues of pathogenesis and diagnosis of secondary osteopenic syndrome in patients with bronchial asthma.Остеопенический синдром при хронических обструктивных заболеваниях легких, в том числе и при бронхиальной астме, представляет собой актуальную и малоизученную область медицинской науки ввиду неоднозначных данных о воздействии глюкокортикостероидной терапии и воспаления как основного патогенетического механизма бронхиальной астмы на костный метаболизм. В настоящем обзоре освещены вопросы патогенеза и диагностики вторичного остеопенического синдрома у больных бронхиальной астмой

    Optoelectronic Properties of Carbon Nanorings: Excitonic Effects from Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory

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    The electronic structure and size-scaling of optoelectronic properties in cycloparaphenylene carbon nanorings are investigated using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The TDDFT calculations on these molecular nanostructures indicate that the lowest excitation energy surprisingly becomes larger as the carbon nanoring size is increased, in contradiction with typical quantum confinement effects. In order to understand their unusual electronic properties, I performed an extensive investigation of excitonic effects by analyzing electron-hole transition density matrices and exciton binding energies as a function of size in these nanoring systems. The transition density matrices allow a global view of electronic coherence during an electronic excitation, and the exciton binding energies give a quantitative measure of electron-hole interaction energies in the nanorings. Based on overall trends in exciton binding energies and their spatial delocalization, I find that excitonic effects play a vital role in understanding the unique photoinduced dynamics in these carbon nanoring systems.Comment: Accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Особенности остеопенического синдрома у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа

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    In this article the results of ultrasound osteometry in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are discussed. The aim of the research was to estimate the index of bone mineral density in adult patients considering the severity, duration of the disease, age of the onset of the disease, sex, age and body weight of the patients. The leading factors which influence bone mineral density in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are determined.В статье обсуждаются результаты ультразвуковой остеометрии у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа. Исследование проводилось с целью оценки показателей костной прочности у взрослых больных с учетом степени тяжести, длительности, возраста дебюта заболевания, пола, возраста и массы тела пациентов. Определены ведущие факторы, влияющие на костную прочность у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа