156 research outputs found

    Estimating fruitfulness of grape-vine buds by forced bursting in summer in the tropics of India

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    Potential productivity of the grapevine in the climate of northern India can be estimated by forcing the buds to grow on the selected canes which may be pruned in June, soon after the harvest of the crop.Schätzung der Fruchtbarkeit von Rebenknospen durch Austriebsförderung während des Sommers in den Tropen IndiensDer potentielle Ertrag der Rebe im Klima Nordindiens kann geschätzt werden, indem man die Knospen an ausgewählten Tragruten zum Austrieb zwingt; an diesen wird im Juni gleich nach der Traubenlese der Holzschnitt vorgenommen

    Effect of foliar sprays of uracil, xanthine and caffeine on the nucleic acid and protein content of leaves and fruiting of Thompson Seedless grapes

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    Thompson Seedless vines were sprayed with aqueous solutions of uracil, xanthine and caffeine at 50 ppm twice during the growing season: when the shoots were 30-40 cm long and again a week later. Uracil was found to be more effective than caffeine and xanthine in its promoting influence on the synthesis of RNA and fruitfulness. The sugar content of the berries on the treated vines was increased but there was little change in acid content. The time of fruit maturity was not affected.Der Einfluß von Sprühbehandlungen mit Uracil, Xanthin und Coffein auf den Nukleinsäure- und Proteingehalt der Blätter sowie den Fruchtansatz bei  ThompsonSeedless-RebenReben der Sorte Thompson Seedless wurden mit wässrigen Lösungen von Uracil, Xanthin und Coffein (50 ppm) zweimal während der Wachstumsperiode gesprüht, und zwar bei einer Trieblänge von 30-40 cm Länge und eine Woche später.Uracil förderte die DNS- und Proteinsynthese sowie die Fruchtbarkeit in stärkerem Maße als Coffein und Xanthin. Der Zuckergehalt der Beeren war gegenüber der Kontrolle erhöht, der Säuregehalt jedoch nur wenig verändert. Der Zeitpunkt der Fruchtreife wurde nicht beeinflußt

    Response of Perlette clusters to gibberellic acid applied at different stages of bloom

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    Treatment of Perlette clusters with GA at 10, 20 and 40 ppm concentrations applied at various stages of bloom significantly reduced the number of berries/cm length of lateral, the maximum reduction being with 10 ppm applied at 50 % capfall. This was accompanied by a significant increase in percentage of shot berries. Similar thinning response was obtained with 40 ppm GA applied at 75 % capfall stage without any effect on percentage of shot berries. Quality constituents of berries were not significantly affected by GA treatments.Die Reaktion von Perlette-Trauben auf die Anwendung von Gibberellinsäurewährend verschiedener BlühphasenWurden Infloreszenzen der Rebensorte Perlette während verschiedener Blühphasen mit 10, 20 oder 40 ppm GS behandelt, so war die Anzahl der Beeren/cm der Traubenäste signifikant verringert; der stärkste Rückgang erfolgte bei Anwendung von 10 ppm GS, wenn 50°/a der Calyptren abgefallen waren. Hiermit war zugleich eine signifikante Zunahme der „Sehrotbeeren" verbunden. Ein ähnlicher Ausdünnungseffekt wurde mit 40 ppm GS bei 750/o abgefallener Calyptren erzielt, ohne daß dabei jedoch der Anteil der Sehrotbeeren beeinflußt wurde. Die Qualitätskomponenten der Beeren wurden durch GS-Behandlung nicht signifikant beeinflußt

    Negative pressure wound therapy for managementof the surgical incision in orthopaedic surgery: A review of evidence and mechanisms for an emerging indication.

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    OBJECTIVES: The period of post-operative treatment before surgical wounds are completely closed remains a key window, during which one can apply new technologies that can minimise complications. One such technology is the use of negative pressure wound therapy to manage and accelerate healing of the closed incisional wound (incisional NPWT). METHODS: We undertook a literature review of this emerging indication to identify evidence within orthopaedic surgery and other surgical disciplines. Literature that supports our current understanding of the mechanisms of action was also reviewed in detail. RESULTS: A total of 33 publications were identified, including nine clinical study reports from orthopaedic surgery; four from cardiothoracic surgery and 12 from studies in abdominal, plastic and vascular disciplines. Most papers (26 of 33) had been published within the past three years. Thus far two randomised controlled trials - one in orthopaedic and one in cardiothoracic surgery - show evidence of reduced incidence of wound healing complications after between three and five days of post-operative NPWT of two- and four-fold, respectively. Investigations show that reduction in haematoma and seroma, accelerated wound healing and increased clearance of oedema are significant mechanisms of action. CONCLUSIONS: There is a rapidly emerging literature on the effect of NPWT on the closed incision. Initiated and confirmed first with a randomised controlled trial in orthopaedic trauma surgery, studies in abdominal, plastic and vascular surgery with high rates of complications have been reported recently. The evidence from single-use NPWT devices is accumulating. There are no large randomised studies yet in reconstructive joint replacement. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2013;2:276-84.The authors are members of an Expert Panel on incisional NPWT in orthopaedic surgery funded by Smith & Nephew

    Advances and innovations in total hip arthroplasty.

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    Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been quoted as one of the most successful and cost-effective procedures in Orthopaedics. The last decade has seen an exponential rise in the number of THAs performed globally and a sharp increase in the percentage of young patients hoping to improve their quality of life and return to physically demanding activities. Hence, it is imperative to review the various applications of technology in total hip arthroplasty for improving outcomes. The development of state-of-the-art robotic technology has enabled more reproducible and accurate acetabular positioning, while long-term data are needed to assess its cost-effectiveness. This opinion piece aims to outline and present the advances and innovations in total hip arthroplasty, from virtual reality and three-dimensional printing to patient-specific instrumentation and dual mobility bearings. This illustrates and reflects the debate that will be at the centre of hip surgery for the next decade

    Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty: The Past, Current Controversies and Future Perspectives

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    Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a bone conserving and ligament-sparing procedure that reliably restores normal knee kinematics and function for arthritis limited either to the medial or the lateral compartment of the knee. Although there is enough evidence to demonstrate that the UKA offers good mediumto long-termsuccess given the correct patient selection, prosthesis design, and implantation technique, there are several reports to suggest inferior survival rates in comparison with the total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Furthermore, it is a specialized procedure which works well in the hands of the experienced operator and therefore different authors’ tend to draw different conclusions based on the same evidence, and as a result, there is great variability in the usage of the UKA. The aimof this current concept’s review is to present to the readers the history of the UKA especially with reference to implant design, discuss current controversies, and outline the future perspectives of this novel procedure
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