1,113 research outputs found

    Contributions of biotechnology to meeting future food and environmental security needs

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    Biotechnology, including genetic modifications, can play a vital role in helping to meet future food and environmental security needs for our growing population. The nature and use of biotechnology crops are described and related to aspects of food security. Biotechnological applications for food and animal feed are described, together with trends on global adoption of these crops. The benefits of biotechnology crops through increased yield, reduced pesticide use and decreased environmental damage are discussed. Examples of biotechnology crops which do not involve genetic modification are also described. Applications of biotechnology to drought and salt tolerance, and biofortification in which micronutrient content is enhanced are discussed. Emergent technologies such as RNA spraying technology, use of genome editing in agriculture and future targets for improved food and environmental security are considered

    Opportunities in biotechnology

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    Advances in biotechnology: genomics and genome editing

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    Genomics, the study of genes, their functions and related techniques has become a crucial science for developing understanding of life processes and how they evolve. Since the advent of the human genome project, huge strides have been made in developing understanding of DNA and RNA sequence information and how it can be put to good use in the biotechnology sector. Newly derived sequencing and bioinformatics tools have added to the torrent of new insights gained, so that 'sequence once and query often' type DNA apps are now becoming reality. Genome editing, using tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease or Cpf1 nuclease, provide rapid methods for inserting, deleting or modifying DNA sequences in highly precise ways, in virtually any animal, plant or microbial system. Recent international discussions have considered human germline gene editing, amongst other aspects of this technology. Whether or not gene edited plants will be considered as genetically modified remains an important question. This will determine the regulatory processes adopted by different groups of nations and applicability to feeding the world's ever growing population. Questions surrounding the intellectual property rights associated with gene editing must also be resolved. Mitochondrial replacement therapy leading to '3-Parent Babies' has been successfully carried out in Mexico, by an international team, to correct mother to child mitochondrial disease transmission. The UK has become the first country to legally allow 'cautious use' of mitochondrial donation in treatment. Genomics and genome editing will continue to advance what can be achieved technically, whilst society determines whether or not what can be done should be applied

    DRASTIC—INSIGHTS:querying information in a plant gene expression database

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    DRASTIC––Database Resource for the Analysis of Signal Transduction In Cells (http://www.drastic.org.uk/) has been created as a first step towards a data-based approach for constructing signal transduction pathways. DRASTIC is a relational database of plant expressed sequence tags and genes up- or down-regulated in response to various pathogens, chemical exposure or other treatments such as drought, salt and low temperature. More than 17700 records have been obtained from 306 treatments affecting 73 plant species from 512 peer-reviewed publications with most emphasis being placed on data from Arabidopsis thaliana. DRASTIC has been developed by the Scottish Crop Research Institute and the Abertay University and allows rapid identification of plant genes that are up- or down-regulated by multiple treatments and those that are regulated by a very limited (or perhaps a single) treatment. The INSIGHTS (INference of cell SIGnaling HypoTheseS) suite of web-based tools allows intelligent data mining and extraction of information from the DRASTIC database. Potential response pathways can be visualized and comparisons made between gene expression patterns in response to various treatments. The knowledge gained informs plant signalling pathways and systems biology investigations

    Method of measurements with random perturbation: Application in photoemission experiments

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    We report an application of a simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm to filtering systematic noise (SN) with non-zero mean value in photoemission data. In our analysis we have used a series of 50 single-scan photoemission spectra of W(110) surface where randomly chosen SN was added. It was found that the SPSA-evaluated spectrum is in good agreement with the spectrum measured without SN. On the basis of our results a wide application of SPSA for evaluation of experimental data is anticipated.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Current-voltage Relation For A Field Ionizing He Beam Detector

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    Emerging interest in utilizing the transverse coherence properties of thermal energy atomic and molecular beams motivates the development of ionization detectors with near unit detection efficiency and adequate spatial resolution to resolve interference fringes of submicron dimension. We demonstrate that a field ionization tip coupled to a charged particle detector meets these requirements. We have systematically studied the current-voltage relationship for field ionization of helium using tungsten tips in diffuse gas and in a supersonic helium beam. For all 16 tips used in this study, the dependence of ion current on voltage for tips of fixed radius was found to differ from that for tips held at constant surface electric field. A scaling analysis is presented to explain this difference. Ion current increased on average to the 2.8 power of voltage for a tip at fixed field and approximately fifth power of voltage for fixed radius for a liquid nitrogen cooled tip in room temperature helium gas. For the helium beam, ion current increased as 2.2 power of voltage with constant surface field. The capture region of the tips was found to be up to 0.1 mu m(2) for diffuse gas and 0.02 mu m(2) in the beam. Velocity dependence and orientation of tip to beam were also studied

    Small Molecule Recognition of c-Src via the Imatinib-Binding Conformation

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    SummaryThe cancer drug, Imatinib, is a selective Abl kinase inhibitor that does not inhibit the closely related kinase c-Src. This one drug and its ability to selectively inhibit Abl over c-Src has been a guiding principle in virtually all kinase drug discovery efforts in the last 15 years. A prominent hypothesis explaining the selectivity of Imatinib is that Abl has an intrinsic ability to adopt an inactive conformation (termed DFG-out), whereas c-Src appears to pay a high intrinsic energetic penalty for adopting this conformation, effectively excluding Imatinib from its ATP pocket. This explanation of the difference in binding affinity of Imatinib for Abl versus c-Src makes the striking prediction that it would not be possible to design an inhibitor that binds to the DFG-out conformation of c-Src with high affinity. We report the discovery of a series of such inhibitors. We use structure-activity relationships and X-ray crystallography to confirm our findings. These studies suggest that small molecules are capable of inducing the generally unfavorable DFG-out conformation in c-Src. Structural comparison between c-Src in complex with these inhibitors allows us to speculate on the differential selectivity of Imatinib for c-Src and Abl
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