38 research outputs found

    An alternative approach to regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations in critical spaces

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    In this paper we present an alternative viewpoint on recent studies of regularity of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in critical spaces. In particular, we prove that mild solutions which remain bounded in the space H˙1/2\dot H^{1/2} do not become singular in finite time, a result which was proved in a more general setting by L. Escauriaza, G. Seregin and V. Sverak using a different approach. We use the method of "concentration-compactness" + "rigidity theorem" which was recently developed by C. Kenig and F. Merle to treat critical dispersive equations. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first instance in which this method has been applied to a parabolic equation. We remark that we have restricted our attention to a special case due only to a technical restriction, and plan to return to the general case (the L3L^3 setting) in a future publication.Comment: 41 page

    The dynamics of the 3D radial NLS with the combined terms

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    In this paper, we show the scattering and blow-up result of the radial solution with the energy below the threshold for the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (NLS) with the combined terms iu_t + \Delta u = -|u|^4u + |u|^2u \tag{CNLS} in the energy space H1(R3)H^1(\R^3). The threshold is given by the ground state WW for the energy-critical NLS: iut+Δu=u4uiu_t + \Delta u = -|u|^4u. This problem was proposed by Tao, Visan and Zhang in \cite{TaoVZ:NLS:combined}. The main difficulty is the lack of the scaling invariance. Illuminated by \cite{IbrMN:f:NLKG}, we need give the new radial profile decomposition with the scaling parameter, then apply it into the scattering theory. Our result shows that the defocusing, H˙1\dot H^1-subcritical perturbation u2u|u|^2u does not affect the determination of the threshold of the scattering solution of (CNLS) in the energy space.Comment: 46page

    On the Dynamics of solitons in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We study the behavior of the soliton solutions of the equation i((\partial{\psi})/(\partialt))=-(1/(2m)){\Delta}{\psi}+(1/2)W_{{\epsilon}}'({\psi})+V(x){\psi} where W_{{\epsilon}}' is a suitable nonlinear term which is singular for {\epsilon}=0. We use the "strong" nonlinearity to obtain results on existence, shape, stability and dynamics of the soliton. The main result of this paper (Theorem 1) shows that for {\epsilon}\to0 the orbit of our soliton approaches the orbit of a classical particle in a potential V(x).Comment: 29 page

    Nonlinear coherent states and Ehrenfest time for Schrodinger equation

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    We consider the propagation of wave packets for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in the semi-classical limit. We establish the existence of a critical size for the initial data, in terms of the Planck constant: if the initial data are too small, the nonlinearity is negligible up to the Ehrenfest time. If the initial data have the critical size, then at leading order the wave function propagates like a coherent state whose envelope is given by a nonlinear equation, up to a time of the same order as the Ehrenfest time. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these nonlinear wave packets.Comment: 27 page

    A general wavelet-based profile decomposition in the critical embedding of function spaces

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    We characterize the lack of compactness in the critical embedding of functions spaces XYX\subset Y having similar scaling properties in the following terms : a sequence (un)n0(u_n)_{n\geq 0} bounded in XX has a subsequence that can be expressed as a finite sum of translations and dilations of functions (ϕl)l>0(\phi_l)_{l>0} such that the remainder converges to zero in YY as the number of functions in the sum and nn tend to ++\infty. Such a decomposition was established by G\'erard for the embedding of the homogeneous Sobolev space X=H˙sX=\dot H^s into the Y=LpY=L^p in dd dimensions with 0<s=d/2d/p0<s=d/2-d/p, and then generalized by Jaffard to the case where XX is a Riesz potential space, using wavelet expansions. In this paper, we revisit the wavelet-based profile decomposition, in order to treat a larger range of examples of critical embedding in a hopefully simplified way. In particular we identify two generic properties on the spaces XX and YY that are of key use in building the profile decomposition. These properties may then easily be checked for typical choices of XX and YY satisfying critical embedding properties. These includes Sobolev, Besov, Triebel-Lizorkin, Lorentz, H\"older and BMO spaces.Comment: 24 page

    A sharp condition for scattering of the radial 3d cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We consider the problem of identifying sharp criteria under which radial H1H^1 (finite energy) solutions to the focusing 3d cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLS) itu+Δu+u2u=0i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2u=0 scatter, i.e. approach the solution to a linear Schr\"odinger equation as t±t\to \pm \infty. The criteria is expressed in terms of the scale-invariant quantities u0L2u0L2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2} and M[u]E[u]M[u]E[u], where u0u_0 denotes the initial data, and M[u]M[u] and E[u]E[u] denote the (conserved in time) mass and energy of the corresponding solution u(t)u(t). The focusing NLS possesses a soliton solution eitQ(x)e^{it}Q(x), where QQ is the ground-state solution to a nonlinear elliptic equation, and we prove that if M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q]M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q] and u0L2u0L2<QL2QL2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2} < \|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then the solution u(t)u(t) is globally well-posed and scatters. This condition is sharp in the sense that the soliton solution eitQ(x)e^{it}Q(x), for which equality in these conditions is obtained, is global but does not scatter. We further show that if M[u]E[u]QL2QL2M[u]E[u] \|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then the solution blows-up in finite time. The technique employed is parallel to that employed by Kenig-Merle \cite{KM06a} in their study of the energy-critical NLS

    Concentration analysis and cocompactness

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    Loss of compactness that occurs in may significant PDE settings can be expressed in a well-structured form of profile decomposition for sequences. Profile decompositions are formulated in relation to a triplet (X,Y,D)(X,Y,D), where XX and YY are Banach spaces, XYX\hookrightarrow Y, and DD is, typically, a set of surjective isometries on both XX and YY. A profile decomposition is a representation of a bounded sequence in XX as a sum of elementary concentrations of the form gkwg_kw, gkDg_k\in D, wXw\in X, and a remainder that vanishes in YY. A necessary requirement for YY is, therefore, that any sequence in XX that develops no DD-concentrations has a subsequence convergent in the norm of YY. An imbedding XYX\hookrightarrow Y with this property is called DD-cocompact, a property weaker than, but related to, compactness. We survey known cocompact imbeddings and their role in profile decompositions