102 research outputs found

    Influence of leptin on arterial distensibility - A novel link between obesity and cardiovascular disease?

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    Background-The mechanisms by which obesity increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) are poorly understood. In experimental models, leptin, a hormone produced by adipose tissue, has been shown adversely to affect vascular health. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that high leptin concentrations are associated with lower arterial distensibility, an index of circulatory function relevant to the atherosclerotic process.Methods and Results-Noninvasive, high-resolution, vascular ultrasound was used to measure brachial artery distensibility in 294 healthy adolescents (aged 13 to 16 years) who had a broad range of body mass indexes. Fat mass was measured by bioelectric impedance analysis; fasting serum leptin concentration by radioimmunoassay; and lipid profile, fasting insulin, glucose, and C-reactive protein concentrations by standard laboratory techniques. Higher leptin concentrations were associated with impaired arterial distensibility (regression coefficient, -1.3% change in arterial distension per 10% increase in leptin; 95% CI, -1.9% to -0.8%; P<0.001). This association was independent of fat mass, blood pressure, and C-reactive protein, fasting insulin, or LDL cholesterol concentrations.Conclusions-Elevation in leptin was associated with impaired vascular function, independent of the metabolic and inflammatory disturbances associated with obesity. Our observations are consistent with data from experimental models and suggest that high leptin concentration is an important mechanism for the adverse influence of body fatness on CVD

    AVIATR - Aerial Vehicle for In-situ and Airborne Titan Reconnaissance A Titan Airplane Mission Concept

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    We describe a mission concept for a stand-alone Titan airplane mission: Aerial Vehicle for In-situ and Airborne Titan Reconnaissance (AVIATR). With independent delivery and direct-to-Earth communications, AVIATR could contribute to Titan science either alone or as part of a sustained Titan Exploration Program. As a focused mission, AVIATR as we have envisioned it would concentrate on the science that an airplane can do best: exploration of Titan's global diversity. We focus on surface geology/hydrology and lower-atmospheric structure and dynamics. With a carefully chosen set of seven instruments-2 near-IR cameras, 1 near-IR spectrometer, a RADAR altimeter, an atmospheric structure suite, a haze sensor, and a raindrop detector-AVIATR could accomplish a significant subset of the scientific objectives of the aerial element of flagship studies. The AVIATR spacecraft stack is composed of a Space Vehicle (SV) for cruise, an Entry Vehicle (EV) for entry and descent, and the Air Vehicle (AV) to fly in Titan's atmosphere. Using an Earth-Jupiter gravity assist trajectory delivers the spacecraft to Titan in 7.5 years, after which the AVIATR AV would operate for a 1-Earth-year nominal mission. We propose a novel 'gravity battery' climb-then-glide strategy to store energy for optimal use during telecommunications sessions. We would optimize our science by using the flexibility of the airplane platform, generating context data and stereo pairs by flying and banking the AV instead of using gimbaled cameras. AVIATR would climb up to 14 km altitude and descend down to 3.5 km altitude once per Earth day, allowing for repeated atmospheric structure and wind measurements all over the globe. An initial Team-X run at JPL priced the AVIATR mission at FY10 $715M based on the rules stipulated in the recent Discovery announcement of opportunity. Hence we find that a standalone Titan airplane mission can achieve important science building on Cassini's discoveries and can likely do so within a New Frontiers budget

    A Herpesvirus Encoded Deubiquitinase Is a Novel Neuroinvasive Determinant

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    The neuroinvasive property of several alpha-herpesviruses underlies an uncommon infectious process that includes the establishment of life-long latent infections in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Several herpesvirus proteins are required for replication and dissemination within the nervous system, indicating that exploiting the nervous system as a niche for productive infection requires a specialized set of functions encoded by the virus. Whether initial entry into the nervous system from peripheral tissues also requires specialized viral functions is not known. Here we show that a conserved deubiquitinase domain embedded within a pseudorabies virus structural protein, pUL36, is essential for initial neural invasion, but is subsequently dispensable for transmission within and between neurons of the mammalian nervous system. These findings indicate that the deubiquitinase contributes to neurovirulence by participating in a previously unrecognized initial step in neuroinvasion

    Characterisation of the Trichinella spiralis deubiquitinating enzyme, TsUCH37, an evolutionarily conserved proteasome interaction partner.

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    Trichinella spiralis is a parasitic nematode that infects mammals indiscriminately. Although the biggest impact of trichinellosis is observed in developing countries, the parasite is found on all continents except Antarctica. In humans, Trichinella infection contributes globally to helminth related morbidity and disability adjusted life years. In animals, infection is implicated as a serious agricultural problem and drug treatment is largely ineffective. During chronic infection, larvae invade skeletal muscle cells, forming a nurse cell complex in which they become encysted. The nurse cell is a product of the severe disruption of the host cell homeostasis. Proteins of the Ub/proteasome pathway are highly conserved throughout evolution, and considering their importance in the regulation of cell homeostasis, provide interesting and novel therapeutic targets for various diseases. In order to target this system in parasites, pathogen proteins that play a role in this pathway must be identified. We report the identification of the first T. spiralis deubiquitinating enzyme, and show evidence that the function of this protein as a proteasome interaction partner has been evolutionarily conserved. We show that members of this enzyme family are important for T. spiralis survival and that the use of inhibitor compounds may help elucidate their role in infection

    Sedimentary flow heterogeneities in the Triassic U.K. Sherwood Sandstone Group: Insights for hydrocarbon exploration

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    Fluvial and aeolian sedimentary successions host important hydrocarbon resources as well as major groundwater aquifers. This review of the lithological characteristics of Triassic fluvio‐aeolian successions of the Sherwood Sandstone Group (United Kingdom) demonstrates how distance from a fluvial sediment source and rate of rift‐related tectonic subsidence play important roles in governing reservoir quality in continental successions. Increasing distance from the fluvial sediment source area results in increased porosity and permeability in deposits of mixed fluvial and aeolian reservoir successions that accumulated in arid and semiarid settings. Indeed, successions of the U.K. Sherwood Sandstone Group reveal an increase in the proportion of highly permeable deposits of aeolian origin with increasing distance from the principal uplands, represented by the Armorican Massif in northern France, which formed the main source for delivery of fluvial sediment to a series of rift basins. A progressive reduction in the discharge of fluvial systems entering and passing through a series of interlinked rift basins encouraged aeolian accumulation in more distal basins. Extensional tectonics enabled preservation of highly permeable aeolian facies in basins subject to high rates (≳100 m/Myr) of tectonic subsidence by rapidly placing such deposits below the water table. However, successions exclusively characterized by fluvial lithofacies record decreases in both porosity and permeability with increasing distance (~250–750 km) from the sediment source due to the coupling of porosity reduction and increasing clay content