556 research outputs found

    Can Thermal Nonequilibrium Explain Coronal Loops?

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    Any successful model of coronal loops must explain a number of observed properties. For warm (~ 1 MK) loops, these include: 1. excess density, 2. flat temperature profile, 3. super-hydrostatic scale height, 4. unstructured intensity profile, and 5. 1000--5000 s lifetime. We examine whether thermal nonequilibrium can reproduce the observations by performing hydrodynamic simulations based on steady coronal heating that decreases exponentially with height. We consider both monolithic and multi-stranded loops. The simulations successfully reproduce certain aspects of the observations, including the excess density, but each of them fails in at least one critical way. Monolithic models have far too much intensity structure, while multi-strand models are either too structured or too long-lived. Our results appear to rule out the widespread existence of heating that is both highly concentrated low in the corona and steady or quasi-steady (slowly varying or impulsive with a rapid cadence). Active regions would have a very different appearance if the dominant heating mechanism had these properties. Thermal nonequilibrium may nonetheless play an important role in prominences and catastrophic cooling events (e.g., coronal rain) that occupy a small fraction of the coronal volume. However, apparent inconsistencies between the models and observations of cooling events have yet to be understood.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal (vol. 714

    Magnetic-Island Contraction and Particle Acceleration in Simulated Eruptive Solar Flares

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    The mechanism that accelerates particles to the energies required to produce the observed high-energy impulsive emission in solar flares is not well understood. Drake et al. (2006) proposed a mechanism for accelerating electrons in contracting magnetic islands formed by kinetic reconnection in multi-layered current sheets. We apply these ideas to sunward-moving flux ropes (2.5D magnetic islands) formed during fast reconnection in a simulated eruptive flare. A simple analytic model is used to calculate the energy gain of particles orbiting the field lines of the contracting magnetic islands in our ultrahigh-resolution 2.5D numerical simulation. We find that the estimated energy gains in a single island range up to a factor of five. This is higher than that found by Drake et al. for islands in the terrestrial magnetosphere and at the heliopause, due to strong plasma compression that occurs at the flare current sheet. In order to increase their energy by two orders of magnitude and plausibly account for the observed high-energy flare emission, the electrons must visit multiple contracting islands. This mechanism should produce sporadic emission because island formation is intermittent. Moreover, a large number of particles could be accelerated in each magnetohydrodynamic-scale island, which may explain the inferred rates of energetic-electron production in flares. We conclude that island contraction in the flare current sheet is a promising candidate for electron acceleration in solar eruptions.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (2016

    A model for straight and helical solar jets: II. Parametric study of the plasma beta

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    Jets are dynamic, impulsive, well-collimated plasma events that develop at many different scales and in different layers of the solar atmosphere. Jets are believed to be induced by magnetic reconnection, a process central to many astrophysical phenomena. Within the solar atmosphere, jet-like events develop in many different environments, e.g., in the vicinity of active regions as well as in coronal holes, and at various scales, from small photospheric spicules to large coronal jets. In all these events, signatures of helical structure and/or twisting/rotating motions are regularly observed. The present study aims to establish that a single model can generally reproduce the observed properties of these jet-like events. In this study, using our state-of-the-art numerical solver ARMS, we present a parametric study of a numerical tridimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of solar jet-like events. Within the MHD paradigm, we study the impact of varying the atmospheric plasma β\beta on the generation and properties of solar-like jets. The parametric study validates our model of jets for plasma β\beta ranging from 10−310^{-3} to 11, typical of the different layers and magnetic environments of the solar atmosphere. Our model of jets can robustly explain the generation of helical solar jet-like events at various β≤1\beta \le 1. This study introduces the new result that the plasma β\beta modifies the morphology of the helical jet, explaining the different observed shapes of jets at different scales and in different layers of the solar atmosphere. Our results allow us to understand the energisation, triggering, and driving processes of jet-like events. Our model allows us to make predictions of the impulsiveness and energetics of jets as determined by the surrounding environment, as well as the morphological properties of the resulting jets.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Damping of prominence longitudinal oscillations due to mass accretion

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    We study the damping of longitudinal oscillations of a prominence thread caused by the mass accretion. We suggested a simple model describing this phenomenon. In this model we considered a thin curved magnetic tube filled with the plasma. The prominence thread is in the central part of the tube and it consists of dense cold plasma. The parts of the tube at the two sides of the thread are filled with hot rarefied plasma. We assume that there are flows of rarefied plasma toward the thread caused by the plasma evaporation at the magnetic tube footpoints. Our main assumption is that the hot plasma is instantaneously accommodated by the thread when it arrives at the thread, and its temperature and density become equal to those of the thread. Then we derive the system of ordinary differential equations describing the thread dynamics. We solve this system of ordinary differential equations in two particular cases. In the first case we assume that the magnetic tube is composed of an arc of a circle with two straight lines attached to its ends such that the whole curve is smooth. A very important property of this model is that the equations describing the thread oscillations are linear for any oscillation amplitude. We obtain the analytical solution of the governing equations. Then we obtain the analytical expressions for the oscillation damping time and periods. We find that the damping time is inversely proportional to the accretion rate. The oscillation periods increase with time. We conclude that the oscillations can damp in a few periods if the inclination angle is sufficiently small, not larger that 10°, and the flow speed is sufficiently large, not less that 30 km s-1. In the second model we consider the tube with the shape of an arc of a circle. The thread oscillates with the pendulum frequency dependent exclusively on the radius of curvature of the arc. The damping depends on the mass accretion rate and the initial mass of the threads, that is the mass of the thread at the moment when it is perturbed. First we consider small amplitude oscillations and use the linear description. Then we consider nonlinear oscillations and assume that the damping is slow, meaning that the damping time is much larger that the characteristic oscillation time. The thread oscillations are described by the solution of the nonlinear pendulum problem with slowly varying amplitude. The nonlinearity reduces the damping time, however this reduction is small. Again the damping time is inversely proportional to the accretion rate. We also obtain that the oscillation periods decrease with time. However even for the largest initial oscillation amplitude considered in our article the period reduction does not exceed 20%. We conclude that the mass accretion can damp the motion of the threads rapidly. Thus, this mechanism can explain the observed strong damping of large-amplitude longitudinal oscillations. In addition, the damping time can be used to determine the mass accretion rate and indirectly the coronal heating

    Tangled Magnetic Fields in Solar Prominences

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    Solar prominences are an important tool for studying the structure and evolution of the coronal magnetic field. Here we consider so-called "hedgerow" prominences, which consist of thin vertical threads. We explore the possibility that such prominences are supported by tangled magnetic fields. A variety of different approaches are used. First, the dynamics of plasma within a tangled field is considered. We find that the contorted shape of the flux tubes significantly reduces the flow velocity compared to the supersonic free fall that would occur in a straight vertical tube. Second, linear force-free models of tangled fields are developed, and the elastic response of such fields to gravitational forces is considered. We demonstrate that the prominence plasma can be supported by the magnetic pressure of a tangled field that pervades not only the observed dense threads but also their local surroundings. Tangled fields with field strengths of about 10 G are able to support prominence threads with observed hydrogen density of the order of 10^(11) cm^(-3). Finally, we suggest that the observed vertical threads are the result of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Simulations of the density distribution within a prominence thread indicate that the peak density is much larger than the average density. We conclude that tangled fields provide a viable mechanism for magnetic support of hedgerow prominences.Comment: 14 pages (emulateapj style), 10 figures, ApJ, in pres

    On the nature of prominence emission observed by SDO/AIA

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    The Prominence-Corona Transition Region (PCTR) plays a key role in the thermal and pressure equilibrium of solar prominences. Our knowledge of this interface is limited and several major issues remain open, including the thermal structure and, in particular, the maximum temperature of the detectable plasma. The high signal-to-noise ratio of images obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory clearly show that prominences are often seen in emission in the 171 and 131 bands. We investigate the temperature sensitivity of these AIA bands for prominence observation, in order to infer the temperature content in an effort to explain the emission. Using the CHIANTI atomic database and previously determined prominence differential emission measure distributions, we build synthetic spectra to establish the main emission-line contributors in the AIA bands. We find that the Fe IX line always dominates the 171 band, even in the absence of plasma at > 10^6 K temperatures, while the 131 band is dominated by Fe VIII. We conclude that the PCTR has sufficient plasma emitting at > 4 10^5 K to be detected by AIA.Comment: accepted Ap

    CME Onset and Take-Off

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    For understanding and eventually predicting coronal mass ejections/eruptive flares, two critical questions must be answered: What is the mechanism for eruption onset, and what is the mechanism for the rapid acceleration? We address these questions in the context of the breakout model using 2.5D MHD simulations with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The AMR capability allowed us to achieve ultra-high numerical resolution and, thereby, determine the influence of the effective Lundquist number on the eruption. Our calculations show that, at least, for the breakout model, the onset of reconnection external to the highly sheared filament channel is the onset mechanism. Once this reconnection turns on, eruption is inevitable. However, as long as this is the only reconnection in the system, the eruption remains slow. We find that the eruption undergoes an abrupt "take-off" when the flare reconnection below the erupting plasmoid develops significant reconnection jets. We conclude that in fast CMEs, flare reconnection is the primary mechanism responsible for both flare heating and CME acceleration. We discuss the implications of these results for SDO observations and describe possible tests of the model

    Post-flare UV light curves explained with thermal instability of loop plasma

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    In the present work we study the C8 flare occurred on September 26, 2000 at 19:49 UT and observed by the SOHO/SUMER spectrometer from the beginning of the impulsive phase to well beyond the disappearance in the X-rays. The emission first decayed progressively through equilibrium states until the plasma reached 2-3 MK. Then, a series of cooler lines, i.e. Ca x, Ca vii, Ne vi, O iv and Si iii (formed in the temperature range log T = 4.3 - 6.3 under equilibrium conditions), are emitted at the same time and all evolve in a similar way. Here we show that the simultaneous emission of lines with such a different formation temperature is due to thermal instability occurring in the flaring plasma as soon as it has cooled below ~ 2 MK. We can qualitatively reproduce the relative start time of the light curves of each line in the correct order with a simple (and standard) model of a single flaring loop. The agreement with the observed light curves is greatly improved, and a slower evolution of the line emission is predicted, if we assume that the model loop consists of an ensemble of subloops or strands heated at slightly different times. Our analysis can be useful for flare observations with SDO/EVE.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publicatio

    Consequences of the Breakout Model for Particle Acceleration in CMEs and Flares

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    The largest and most efficient particle accelerators in the solar system are the giant events consisting of a fast coronal mass ejection (CME) and an intense X-class solar flare. Both flares and CMEs can produce l0(exp 32) ergs or more in nonthermal particles. Two general processes are believed to be responsible: particle acceleration at the strong shock ahead of the CME, and reconnection-driven acceleration in the flare current sheet. Although shock acceleration is relatively well understood, the mechanism by which flare reconnection produces nonthermal particles is still an issue of great debate. We address the question of CME/flare particle acceleration in the context of the breakout model using 2.5D MHD simulations with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The AMR capability allows us to achieve ultra-high numerical resolution and, thereby, determine the detailed structure and dynamics of the flare reconnection region. Furthermore, we employ newly developed numerical analysis tools for identifying and characterizing magnetic nulls, so that we can quantify accurately the number and location of magnetic islands during reconnection. Our calculations show that flare reconnection is dominated by the formation of magnetic islands. In agreement with many other studies, we find that the number of islands scales with the effective Lundquist number. This result supports the recent work by Drake and co-workers that postulates particle acceleration by magnetic islands. On the other hand, our calculations also show that the flare reconnection region is populated by numerous shocks and other indicators of strong turbulence, which can also accelerate particles. We discuss the implications of our calculations for the flare particle acceleration mechanism and for observational tests of the models

    20 and 3D Numerical Simulations of Flux Cancellation

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    Cancellation of magnetic flux in the solar photosphere and chromosphere has been linked observationally and theoretically to a broad range of solar activity, from filament channel formation to CME initiation. Because this phenomenon is typically measured at only a single layer in the atmosphere, in the radial (line of sight) component of the magnetic field, the actual processes behind this observational signature are ambiguous. It is clear that reconnection is involved in some way, but the location of the reconnection sites and associated connectivity changes remain uncertain in most cases. We are using numerical modeling to demystify flux cancellation, beginning with the simplest possible configuration: a subphotospheric Lundquist flux tube surrounded by a potential field, immersed in a gravitationally stratified atmosphere, spanning many orders of magnitude in plasma beta. In this system, cancellation is driven slowly by a 2-cell circulation pattern imposed in the convection zone, such that the tops of the cells are located around the beta= 1 level (Le., the photosphere) and the flows converge and form a downdraft at the polarity inversion line; note however that no flow is imposed along the neutral line. We will present the results of 2D and 3D MHD-AMR simulations of flux cancellation, in which the flux at the photosphere begins in either an unsheared or sheared state. In all cases, a lOW-lying flux rope is formed by reconnection at the polarity inversion line within a few thousand seconds. The flux rope remains stable and does not rise, however, in contrast to models which do not include the presence of significant mass loading
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