914 research outputs found

    Multi--Layer Structure in the Strongly Coupled 5D Abelian Higgs Model

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    We explore the phase diagram of the five-dimensional anisotropic Abelian Higgs model by Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we study the transition between the confining phase and the four dimensional layered Higgs phase. We find that, in a certain region of the lattice parameter space, this transition can be first order and that each layer moves into the Higgs phase independently of the others (decoupling of layers). As the Higgs couplings vary, we find, using mean field techniques, that this transition may probably become second order.Comment: 16 page

    Phase Structure of the 5D Abelian Higgs Model with Anisotropic Couplings

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    We establish the phase diagram of the five-dimensional anisotropic Abelian Higgs model by mean field techniques and Monte Carlo simulations. The anisotropy is encoded in the gauge couplings as well as in the Higgs couplings. In addition to the usual bulk phases (confining, Coulomb and Higgs) we find four-dimensional ``layered'' phases (3-branes) at weak gauge coupling, where the layers may be in either the Coulomb or the Higgs phase, while the transverse directions are confining.Comment: LaTeX (amssymb.sty and psfig) 21 pages, 17 figure

    Dynamical estimates of chaotic systems from Poincar\'e recurrences

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    We show that the probability distribution function that best fits the distribution of return times between two consecutive visits of a chaotic trajectory to finite size regions in phase space deviates from the exponential statistics by a small power-law term, a term that represents the deterministic manifestation of the dynamics, which can be easily experimentally detected and theoretically estimated. We also provide simpler and faster ways to calculate the positive Lyapunov exponents and the short-term correlation function by either realizing observations of higher probable returns or by calculating the eigenvalues of only one very especial unstable periodic orbit of low-period. Finally, we discuss how our approaches can be used to treat data coming from complex systems.Comment: subm. for publication. Accepted fpr publication in Chao

    Modes of Growth in Dynamic Systems

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    Regardless of a system's complexity or scale, its growth can be considered to be a spontaneous thermodynamic response to a local convergence of down-gradient material flows. Here it is shown how growth can be constrained to a few distinct modes that depend on the availability of material and energetic resources. These modes include a law of diminishing returns, logistic behavior and, if resources are expanding very rapidly, super-exponential growth. For a case where a system has a resolved sink as well as a source, growth and decay can be characterized in terms of a slightly modified form of the predator-prey equations commonly employed in ecology, where the perturbation formulation of these equations is equivalent to a damped simple harmonic oscillator. Thus, the framework presented here suggests a common theoretical under-pinning for emergent behaviors in the physical and life sciences. Specific examples are described for phenomena as seemingly dissimilar as the development of rain and the evolution of fish stocks.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, including appendi

    Curvature corrections in DGP brane cosmology

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    We consider a DGP inspired brane scenario where the action on the brane is augmented by a function of the Ricci scalar, L(R){\cal L}(R). The cosmological implications that such a scenario entails are examined for RnR^{n} and shown to be consistent with a universe expanding with power-law acceleration. It is shown that two classes of solutions exist for the usual FRW metric and small Hubble radii. When the Hubble radius becomes larger, we either have a transition to a fully 5D regime or to a self-inflationary solution which produces a late accelerated expansion such that the radius becomes a function of nn.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Multi-Layer Structure in the Strongly Five Dimensional Abelian Higgs Model

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    We explore the phase diagram of the 5--D anisotropic Abelian Higgs model by Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we study the transition between the confining phase and the four dimensional layered Higgs phase. We find that, in a certain region of the lattice parameter space, this transition can be first order and that each layer moves into the Higgs phase independently of the others (decoupling of layers).Comment: Lattice 2001, 3 page

    Brans-Dicke DGP Brane Cosmology

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    We consider a five dimensional DGP-brane scenario endowed with a non-minimally coupled scalar field within the context of Brans-Dicke theory. This theory predicts that the mass appearing in the gravitational potential is modified by the addition of the mass of the effective intrinsic curvature on the brane. We also derive the effective four dimensional field equations on a 3+1 dimensional brane where the fifth dimension is assumed to have an orbifold symmetry. Finally, we discuss the cosmological implications of this setup, predicting an accelerated expanding universe with a value of the Brans-Dicke parameter ω\omega consistent with values resulting from the solar system observations.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, to appear in JCA

    Classical Stability of the Galileon

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    We consider the classical equations of motion for a single Galileon field with generic parameters in the presence of non-relativistic sources. We introduce the concept of absolute stability of a theory: if one can show that a field at a single point---like infinity for instance---in spacetime is stable, then stability of the field over the rest of spacetime is guaranteed for any positive energy source configuration. The Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) model is stable in this manner, and previous studies of spherically symmetric solutions suggest that certain classes of the single field Galileon (of which the DGP model is a subclass) may have this property as well. We find, however, that when general solutions are considered this is not the case. In fact, when considering generic solutions there are no choices of free parameters in the Galileon theory that will lead to absolute stability except the DGP choice. Our analysis indicates that the DGP model is an exceptional choice among the large class of possible single field Galileon theories. This implies that if general solutions (non-spherically symmetric) exist they may be unstable. Given astrophysical motivation for the Galileon, further investigation into these unstable solutions may prove fruitful.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Towards a covariant model for cosmic self-acceleration

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    An explicitly covariant formulation is presented of a modified DGP scenario proposed recently [1], to avoid the instability of the self-accelerating branch. It is based on the introduction of a bulk scalar field with appropriate non-minimal coupling to the bulk Einstein-Hilbert term. The method is general and may be applied to other models as well.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; v2: version published in JHE

    Inequivalence of coset constructions for spacetime symmetries

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    Non-linear realizations of spacetime symmetries can be obtained by a generalization of the coset construction valid for internal ones. The physical equivalence of different representations for spacetime symmetries is not obvious, since their relation involves not only a redefinition of the fields but also a field-dependent change of coordinates. A simple and relevant spacetime symmetry is obtained by the contraction of the 4D conformal group that leads to the Galileon group. We analyze two non-linear realizations of this group, focusing in particular on the propagation of signals around non-trivial backgrounds. The aperture of the lightcone is in general different in the two representations and in particular a free (luminal) massless scalar is mapped in a Galileon theory which admits superluminal propagation. We show that in this theory, if we consider backgrounds that vanish at infinity, there is no asymptotic effect: the displacement of the trajectory integrates to zero, as can be expected since the S-matrix is trivial. Regarding local measurements, we show that the puzzle is solved taking into account that a local coupling with fixed sources in one theory is mapped into a non-local coupling and we show that this effect compensates the different lightcone. Therefore the two theories have a different notion of locality. The same applies to the different non-linear realizations of the conformal group and we study the particular case of a cosmologically interesting background: the Galilean Genesis scenarios