29 research outputs found

    4d-inner-shell ionization of Xe+ ions and subsequent Auger decay

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    We have studied Xe+4d inner-shell photoionization in a direct experiment on Xe+ ions, merging an ion and a photon beam and detecting the ejected electrons with a cylindrical mirror analyzer. The measured 4d photoelectron spectrum is compared to the 4d core valence double ionization spectrum of the neutral Xe atom, obtained with a magnetic bottle spectrometer. This multicoincidence experiment gives access to the spectroscopy of the individual Xe2+4d−15p−1 states and to their respective Auger decays, which are found to present a strong selectivity. The experimental results are interpreted with the help of ab initio calculations.1\. Auflag

    Management control systems (MCS) in the small business context:linking effects of contextual factors with MCS and financial performance of small firms

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    Abstract Small businesses are numerous in any country. However, we have very limited knowledge regarding their management accounting (MA) and management control systems (MCS). Traditionally, it has been stated that small firms do not need and use MCS due to their simple structures and poor resources. On the other hand, a few studies on high technology firms have shown that these firms have developed their MCS and are also utilizing sophisticated management accounting practices and information. The aim of this study is to analyse small firms' use of MCS practices as well as to examine the role of MCS practices and information of small firms in a contingency theoretical framework. Furthermore, the study is not only focusing on small, rapidly growing firms but also on traditional, more stable small firms, all employing from 10 to 49 persons. Based on the survey responses of 183 managing directors of small Finnish firms, the study describes the diffusion and penetration of MCS practices and information among small firms. Two theoretical models are constructed linking the use of MCS with strategy, perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU), use of diversified management team and financial performance of small firms. Tests are made by using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results suggest that small firms do use a wide range of MCS practices and information. The main results also indicate that the use of a more diversified management team seems to increase the use of MCS practices and information. The use of more advanced practices is related to small firms which have been more profitable or which have had lower growth rates in sales. In addition, the use of MCS seems to be associated with small firms' strategies, both realized and intended. The pursued strategy seems to drive small firms' profitability and growth in net sales. However, such an association was not found between the intended strategy and financial performance after two years. The use of MCS seems to have only a few positive effects on small firm's financial performance. Nevertheless, more use of advanced dimensions of MCS seems to predict significant improvements for longer-term growth in net sales

    Tapaus Tähkälä:arvokkaan kulttuurimaiseman osallistava asemakaavatyö

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä tapaustutkimustyyppinen diplomityö esittelee Tähkälän asuinalueen luonnossuunnitelman, joka on laadittu alueen asemakaavoitusta ajatellen, sekä siihen johtaneen suunnitteluprosessin. Diplomityö koostuu suunnitelmasta, suunnitteluprosessia avaavasta selostuksesta sekä osallistamisen vaikutusten arvioinnista. Selostusosa käsittelee Kempeleen kunnan Kirkonseudun tilastoalueella sijaitsevan uuden asuinalueen suunnitteluun liittyvää selvitystyötä osallistavan suunnitteluprosessin näkökulmasta. Etenen kaavaprojektin kulun mukaan kronologisesti alkaen tavoitteen ja tarkoituksen määrittelystä ja päätyen analyysin ja arvottamisen kautta suunnittelutyön vaiheisiin ja suunnitelman esittelyyn. Lopuksi arvioin osallistamisen vaikutuksia suunnitelman ja suunnitteluprosessin kannalta. Diplomityö taustoittaa laajasti Tähkälän kulttuurimaisema-alueen asemakaavatyötä ja pilotoi vuorovaikutteisempaa suunnittelutapaa kunnassa. Diplomityön pohjalta on laadittu asemakaavaluonnos, joka tullaan työstämään ehdotukseksi. Tähkälän asuinalue vastaa kasvavan kunnan tarpeeseen saada omakotitontteja keskustan länsipuolelle. Paikka on lähellä keskustaa ja valmiiksi hyvien palvelu- ja liikenneyhteyksien äärellä, mutta tällä hetkellä maa on aktiiviviljelyssä. Tällaiset maaseutunäkymät ovat Kempeleen keskeistä kulttuurimaisemaa. Tähkälä on monipuoliseen omakotirakentamiseen painottuva noin 370 asukkaan uusi asuinalue. Erityisesti huomiota on kiinnitetty rakentamisen sopivuuteen perinnemaisemaan sekä toimiviin kevyenliikenteenyhteyksiin. Ideointi alkoi kesällä 2017 ja kaavahanke tuli vireille joulukuussa 2017. Suunnitteluprosessissa on osallistettu kuntalaisia ja tehty tiivistä yhteistyötä muiden suunnittelijoiden ja viranomaisten kanssa. Diplomityössäni esittelen osallistamista siten, että kokemustani on mahdollista hyödyntää myös muiden kaavahankkeiden osallistamisen suunnittelussa.Case Tähkälä : a participatory detailed planning process in a valuable cultural landscape. Abstract. This diploma work is a case study, which consists of a plan of a new living district ahead of a draft for a detailed plan, and a description of its participatory planning process. The new district, Tähkälä, is located in the Northern Finland in Kempele municipality, close to the center, in Kirkonseutu area. It serves as research for the detailed planning work in the area, and also as a trial for interactive planning process in the municipality. There is a need for a new housing area, especially for plots for detached houses, on the western side of Kempele due to relatively fast population growth of the municipality. The location is close to the center and already well connected to services and traffic infrastructure, but the land is still in agricultural use as it has been for hundreds of years, and as such a relevant cultural landscape. Chronological description begins from defining the need and purpose for the plan, goes on to analysis and value assessment phase ending with several sketches and the trail of thought behind them. I then present the plan and elaborate some of its features. Finally I evaluate the effects of the used means of participation. Tähkälä is to be a new housing district of circa 370 inhabitants. It consists mostly of plots for detached houses. Special attention was paid to the suitable scale and volume of the buildings to fit them in the landscape, varying plot sizes for different needs as well as the traffic arrangements for the pedestrians and bicycles. The first sketches were drawn in the summer of 2017, and the planning process was initiated in December 2017. Throughout the process I worked in a participatory manner with the inhabitants of the surrounding areas as well as other designers and authorities. In this diploma work I describe the process from a participatory point of view in such a way that it’s possible for one to utilise my experience in arranging participation in future urban planning projects

    Experimental and calculated Auger electron kinetic energies (in eV) following the 3d ionization of atomic gallium

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    <p><b>Table 2.</b> Experimental and calculated Auger electron kinetic energies (in eV) following the 3d ionization of atomic gallium. The mean kinetic energy error was estimated to be ±10 meV. The present assignment and leading mixing coefficients for the 3d ionized states in <em>LSJ</em> coupling are present in the last column.</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>We present an experimental and theoretical study of 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of atomic gallium. The synchrotron radiation-induced electron spectra have been compared and analysed using multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock calculations. It has been shown that the theoretically predicted photoelectron spectrum is in rather good agreement with the experiment allowing us to identify the main spectral features. However, prediction of the Auger decay intensities fails due to calculational difficulties for the continuum wavefunctions of very low kinetic energy Auger electrons.</p

    The energy level diagram of atomic gallium in 3d ionization and subsequent Auger decay

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    <p><strong>Figure 1.</strong> The energy level diagram of atomic gallium in 3d ionization and subsequent Auger decay.</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>We present an experimental and theoretical study of 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of atomic gallium. The synchrotron radiation-induced electron spectra have been compared and analysed using multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock calculations. It has been shown that the theoretically predicted photoelectron spectrum is in rather good agreement with the experiment allowing us to identify the main spectral features. However, prediction of the Auger decay intensities fails due to calculational difficulties for the continuum wavefunctions of very low kinetic energy Auger electrons.</p

    Experimental (a) and theoretically predicted (b) 3d photoelectron spectra of atomic gallium

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    <p><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Experimental (a) and theoretically predicted (b) 3d photoelectron spectra of atomic gallium. The black and grey vertical bars correspond to resolved photoelectron lines from <sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> and <sup>2</sup>P<sub>1/2</sub> initial states, respectively. The peak labels refer to table <a href="http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-4075/46/17/175001/article#jpb476131t1" target="_blank">1</a>. Calculated energies are shifted by +2.290 eV to align the first peak with experiment.</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>We present an experimental and theoretical study of 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of atomic gallium. The synchrotron radiation-induced electron spectra have been compared and analysed using multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock calculations. It has been shown that the theoretically predicted photoelectron spectrum is in rather good agreement with the experiment allowing us to identify the main spectral features. However, prediction of the Auger decay intensities fails due to calculational difficulties for the continuum wavefunctions of very low kinetic energy Auger electrons.</p

    Analysis of 3 d

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