645 research outputs found

    Digital libraries: The challenge of integrating instagram with a taxonomy for content management

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    Interoperability and social implication are two current challenges in the digital library (DL) context. To resolve the problem of interoperability, our work aims to find a relationship between the main metadata schemas. In particular, we want to formalize knowledge through the creation of a metadata taxonomy built with the analysis and the integration of existing schemas associated with DLs. We developed a method to integrate and combine Instagram metadata and hashtags. The final result is a taxonomy, which provides innovative metadata with respect to the classification of resources, as images of Instagram and the user-generated content, that play a primary role in the context of modern DLs. The possibility of Instagram to localize the photos inserted by users allows us to interpret the most relevant and interesting informative content for a specific user type and in a specific location and to improve access, visibility and searching of library content

    Selection of tRNA Charging Quality Control Mechanisms That Increase Mistranslation of the Genetic Code

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    Mistranslation can follow two events during protein synthesis: production of non-cognate amino acid:transfer RNA (tRNA) pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) and inaccurate selection of aminoacyl-tRNAs by the ribosome. Many aaRSs actively edit non-cognate amino acids, but editing mechanisms are not evolutionarily conserved, and their physiological significance remains unclear. To address the connection between aaRSs and mistranslation, the evolutionary divergence of tyrosine editing by phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) was used as a model. Certain PheRSs are naturally error prone, most notably a Mycoplasma example that displayed a low level of specificity consistent with elevated mistranslation of the proteome. Mycoplasma PheRS was found to lack canonical editing activity, relying instead on discrimination against the non-cognate amino acid by kinetic proofreading. This mechanism of discrimination is inadequate for organisms where translation is more accurate, as Mycoplasma PheRS failed to support Escherichia coli growth. However, minor changes in the defunct editing domain of the Mycoplasma enzyme were sufficient to restore E. coli growth, indicating that translational accuracy is an evolutionarily selectable trait

    Use of urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) to monitor the pattern of proteinuria in dogs with leishmaniasis treated with N-methylglucamine antimoniate

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    The aim of this study was to assess if the coupled analysis of the urinary protein to creatinine (UPC) ratio and of the GGT/UC ratio (the ratio between urinary gamma-glutamyl transferase activity and urinary creatinine) may be used in treated leishmaniotic dogs to differentiate dogs with transient impairment of tubular function from dogs with persistent tubular damage. To this aim, 40 urine from 10 proteinuric and leishmaniotic dogs that at the first visit had high GGT/UC ratio, consistent with tubular damage, were collected and analyzed before treatments and 2, 4 and 6 weeks after treatment with N-methylglucamine antimoniate and allopurinol. Compared with pre-treatment values, at the end of the study period the UPC ratio decreased only in 5/10 dogs, which, however, were still proteinuric or borderline proteinuric. Conversely, the GGT/CU ratio decreased in 8/10 dogs and in 3 of them the values at the end of the study period were below the threshold consistent with tubular proteinuria. The GGT/UC values at 6 weeks was significantly lower than before treatment. However, transient increases were frequent for both the analytes. These results indicate that in most of the dogs that remain proteinuric after treatment, likely due to the persistent glomerular damage, the GGT/UC ratio tends to normalize. This suggests that in these dogs tubular proteinuria at admission depends on functional impairment of tubular cells likely due to the overflow of proteins from damaged glomeruli. However, tubular proteinuria occasionally persists, suggesting that tubulointerstitial damages persist even in dogs responsive to treatments

    Quality Control During Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo . More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall idelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment

    Kontrola kvalitete pri biosintezi aminoacil-tRNA

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    The fidelity of translation is determined at two major points: the accuracy of aminoacyl-tRNA selection by the ribosomes and synthesis of cognate amino acid/tRNA pairs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) in the course of the aminoacylation reaction. The most important point in aminoacylation is the accurate recognition of cognate substrates coupled with discrimination of non-cognates. While this is generally accomplished by a single enzyme, we have recently found that discrimination against lysine analogues requires the existence of two unrelated lysyl-tRNA synthetases. For other amino acids, initial recognition is not sufficiently accurate with errors being corrected by an intrinsic editing activity. Recent studies indicate how editing prevents the misinterpretation of phenylalanine as tyrosine in the genetic code and have shown the importance of this process in vivo. More recent studies indicate that while these editing reactions are critical in the cytoplasm, some are absent from mitochondria suggesting that the overall fidelity of protein synthesis might be reduced in this compartment.Vjernost translacije bitno ovisi o točnosti dvaju koraka: odabiru aminoacil-tRNA na ribosomu i sintezi ispravnih aminoacil-tRNA pomoću odgovarajućih aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaza u reakciji aminoaciliranja. Najvažniji događaj u aminoaciliranju precizno je prepoznavanje pripadnih supstrata (tRNA i aminokiseline) i diskriminacija nepripadnih. Iako taj posao uglavnom obavlja po jedan enzim za svaki par tRNA : aminokiselina, nedavno smo ustanovili da su za diskriminaciju analoga lizina potrebne dvije različite lizil-tRNA-sintetaze. U nekim drugim slučajevima otkriveno je da su pogreške u odabiru tRNA i njihovih pripadnih aminokiseline i suviše velike, pa je nužan naknadni popravak pogrešnih produkata u reakciji aminoaciliranja, koji također mogu katalizirati neke aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaze. Na primjeru krivog odabira tirozina umjesto fenilalanina, te naknadnog popravka, pokazano je kako je mogućnost korekcije važna u sprečavanju pogrešne translacije genetičkog koda in vivo. Najnovija istraživanja pokazala su da su mehanizmi popravka od ključne važnosti u citoplazmi, no neki se ne zbivaju u mitohondriju, ukazujući na smanjenu ukupnu točnost biosinteze proteina u ovom staničnom odjeljku

    A transformers-based approach for fine and coarse-grained classification and generation of MIDI songs and soundtracks

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    Music is an extremely subjective art form whose commodification via the recording industry in the 20th century has led to an increasingly subdivided set of genre labels that attempt to organize musical styles into definite categories. Music psychology has been studying the processes through which music is perceived, created, responded to, and incorporated into everyday life, and, modern artificial intelligence technology can be exploited in such a direction. Music classification and generation are emerging fields that gained much attention recently, especially with the latest discoveries within deep learning technologies. Self attention networks have in fact brought huge benefits for several tasks of classification and generation in different domains where data of different types were used (text, images, videos, sounds). In this article, we want to analyze the effectiveness of Transformers for both classification and generation tasks and study the performances of classification at different granularity and of generation using different human and automatic metrics. The input data consist of MIDI sounds that we have considered from different datasets: sounds from 397 Nintendo Entertainment System video games, classical pieces, and rock songs from different composers and bands. We have performed classification tasks within each dataset to identify the types or composers of each sample (fine-grained) and classification at a higher level. In the latter, we combined the three datasets together with the goal of identifying for each sample just NES, rock, or classical (coarse-grained) pieces. The proposed transformers-based approach outperformed competitors based on deep learning and machine learning approaches. Finally, the generation task has been carried out on each dataset and the resulting samples have been evaluated using human and automatic metrics (the local alignment)

    Anti-BVDV activity evaluation of naphthoimidazole derivatives compared with parental imidazoquinoline compounds.

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    Background: Pestivirus genus includes animal pathogens which are involved in economic impact for the livestock industry. Among others, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) establish a persistent infection in cattle causing a long list of symptoms and a high mortality rate. In the last decades, we synthesised and reported a certain number of anti-BVDV compounds. Methods: In them, imidazoquinoline derivatives turned out as the most active. Their mechanism of actions has been deeply investigated, BVDV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RpRd) resulted as target and the way of binding was predicted in silico through three main H-bond interaction with the target. The prediction could be confirmed by target or ligand mutation. The first approach has already been performed and published confirming the in silico prediction. Results: Here, we present how the ligand chemical modification affects the anti-BVDV activity. The designed compounds were synthesised and tested against BVDV as in silico assay negative control. Conclusion: The antiviral results confirmed the predicted mechanism of action, as the newly synthesised compounds resulted not active in the in vitro BVDV infection inhibitio

    Evaluation of the TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer as a Pre-Analysis Screening Device for the Orange County Crime Lab

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    Forensic analysis of suspected narcotics is often dangerous as the substances’ composition is unknown. Many techniques for drug identification require handling of the substance outside of its packaging, which can expose the analyst to potentially harmful chemicals. The TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer is a portable Raman spectroscopy device that is non-destructive of evidence and can be used to screen drugs through simple packaging to minimize the risk of exposure. The Orange County Crime Lab (OCCL) is testing the limits of this device to determine if it can be used to screen new evidence within the Seized Drugs Lab. The OCCL has used this device on over 85 pieces of individual casework, which were then confirmed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl in various forms such as powders, crystalline substances, and tablets, are all drugs we are optimistic that the TruNarc will be able to accurately identify in casework. We found that the three drugs of interest could be identified in most cases where substances were light in color, in powder or crystalline form, and in translucent plastic packaging. However, mixtures and tablets were difficult for the TruNarc to accurately identify. Further testing will be done to determine the lower limits of detection for drugs of interest before making a decision on implementing the device as a pre-analysis screening method in the laboratory and field settings