30 research outputs found

    The growth pattern of the human intestine and its mesentery

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    Supplemental Figures. 3D PDF CS14, CS16, CS20, CS23, and 9.0 and 9.5 WKS. Interactive 3D PDFs are provided for CS14, CS16, CS20, CS23, and 9.0 and 9.5 WKS. See the supplement “3D PDF operation manual” for instructions how to use the interactive PDF tools. The color codes correspond to those used in the Figures (Legend Table). (PDF 394 kb

    Cardiac development demystified by use of the HDBR atlas

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Anatomy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Anatomical Society.Much has been learned over the last half century regarding the molecular and genetic changes that take place during cardiac development. As yet, however, these advances have not been translated into knowledge regarding the marked changes that take place in the anatomical arrangements of the different cardiac components. As such, therefore, many aspects of cardiac development are still described on the basis of speculation rather than evidence. In this review, we show how controversial aspects of development can readily be arbitrated by the interested spectator by taking advantage of the material now gathered together in the Human Developmental Biology Resource; HDBR. We use the material to demonstrate the changes taking place during the formation of the ventricular loop, the expansion of the atrioventricular canal, the incorporation of the systemic venous sinus, the formation of the pulmonary vein, the process of atrial septation, the remodelling of the pharyngeal arches, the major changes occurring during formation of the outflow tract, the closure of the embryonic interventricular communication, and the formation of the ventricular walls. We suggest that access to the resource makes it possible for the interested observer to arbitrate, for themselves, the ongoing controversies that continue to plague the understanding of cardiac development

    Development of the epaxial muscles in the human embryo

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    Although the intrinsic muscles of the back are defined by their embryological origin and innervation pattern, no detailed study on their development is available. Human embryos (5-10 weeks development) were studied, using Amira3D® reconstruction and Cinema4D® remodeling software for visualization. At Carnegie Stage (CS)15, the epaxial portions of the myotomes became identifiable laterally to the developing vertebrae. At CS16, these portions fused starting cranially to form a longitudinal muscle column, which became innervated by the dorsal branches of the spinal nerves. At CS17, the longitudinal muscle mass segregated into medial and lateral columns (completed at CS18). At CS18, the medial column segregated again into intermediate and medial columns (completed at CS20). The lateral and intermediate columns did not separate in the lower lumbar and sacral regions. Between CS20 and CS23, the cervical portions of the three columns segregated again from lateral to medial resulting ventrolaterally in rod-like continuations of the caudal portions of the columns and dorsomedially in spade-like portions. The observed topography identifies the iliocostalis and splenius as belonging to the lateral column, the longissimus to the intermediate column, and the (semi-)spinalis to the medial column. The medial (multifidus) group acquired its transversospinal course during closure of the vertebral arches in the early fetal period. Hence, the anatomical ontology of the epaxial muscles is determined by craniocaudal and lateromedial gradients in development. Three longitudinal muscle columns, commonly referred to as the erector spinae, form the basic architectural design of the intrinsic muscles of the back. Clin. Anat. 29:1031-1045, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, In

    Development of the human infrahepatic inferior caval and azygos venous systems

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    Differences in opinion regarding the development of the infrahepatic inferior caval and azygos venous systems in mammals centre on the contributions of ‘caudal cardinal’, ‘subcardinal’, ‘supracardinal’, ‘medial and lateral sympathetic line’ and ‘sacrocardinal’ veins. The disagreements appear to arise from the use of topographical position rather than developmental origin as criterion to define separate venous systems. We reinvestigated the issue in a closely spaced series of human embryos between 4 and 10 weeks of development. Structures were visualized with the Amira reconstruction and Cinema4D remodelling software. The vertebral level and neighbouring structures were used as topographic landmarks. The main results were that the caudal cardinal veins extended caudally from the common cardinal vein between CS11 and CS15, followed by the development of the subcardinal veins as a plexus sprouting ventrally from the caudal cardinal veins. The caudal cardinal veins adapted their course from lateral to medial relative to the laterally expanding lungs, adrenal glands, definitive kidneys, sympathetic trunk and umbilical arteries between CS15 and CS18, and then became interrupted in the part overlaying the regressing mesonephroi (Th12-L3). The caudal part of the left caudal cardinal vein then also regressed. The infrarenal part of the inferior caval vein originated from the right caudal cardinal vein, while the renal part originated from subcardinal veins. The azygos veins developed from the remaining cranial part of the caudal cardinal veins. Our data show that all parts of the inferior caval and azygos venous systems developed directly from the caudal cardinal veins or from a plexus sprouting from these veins

    Infrahepatic inferior caval and azygos vein formation in mammals with different degrees of mesonephric development

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    Controversies regarding the development of the mammalian infrahepatic inferior caval and azygos veins arise from using topography rather than developmental origin as criteria to define venous systems and centre on veins that surround the mesonephros. We compared caudal-vein development in man with that in rodents and pigs (rudimentary and extensive mesonephric development, respectively), and used AMIRA 3D reconstruction and CINEMA 4D-remodelling software for visualisation. The caudal cardinal veins (CCVs) were the only contributors to the inferior caval (IVC) and azygos veins. Development was comparable if temporary vessels that drain the large porcine mesonephros were taken into account. The topography of the CCVs changed concomitant with expansion of adjacent organs (lungs, meso-and metanephroi). The iliac veins arose by gradual extension of the CCVs into the caudal body region. Irrespective of the degree of mesonephric development, the infrarenal part of the IVC developed from the right CCV and the renal part from vascular sprouts of the CCVs in the mesonephros that formed 'subcardinal' veins. The azygos venous system developed from the cranial remnants of the CCVs. Temporary venous collaterals in and around the thoracic sympathetic trunk were interpreted as 'footprints' of the dorsolateral-toventromedial change in the local course of the intersegmental and caudal cardinal veins relative to the sympathetic trunk. Interspecies differences in timing of the same events in IVC and azygos-vein development appear to allow for proper joining of conduits for caudal venous return, whereas local changes in topography appear to accommodate efficient venous perfusion. These findings demonstrate that new systems, such as the 'supracardinal' veins, are not necessary to account for changes in the course of the main venous conduits of the embryo

    Innervation of the human spleen: A complete hilum-embedding approach

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    Introduction: The spleen is hypothesized to play a role in the autonomic nervous system (ANS)-mediated control of host defence, but the neuroanatomical evidence for this assumption rests on a sparse number of studies, which mutually disagree with respect to the existence of cholinergic or vagal innervation. Methods: We conducted an immuno- and enzyme-histochemical study of the innervation of the human spleen using a complete hilum-embedding approach to ensure that only nerves that entered or left the spleen were studied, and that all splenic nerves were included in the sampled area. Furthermore, a complete embedded spleen was serially sectioned to prepare a 3D reconstruction of the hilar nerve plexus. Results: All detected nerves entering the spleen arise from the nerve plexus that surrounds branches of the splenic artery and are catecholaminergic. Inside the spleen these nerves continue within the adventitia of the white pulpal central arteries and red pulpal arterioles. Staining for either choline acetyltransferase or acetylcholinesterase did not reveal any evidence for cholinergic innervation of the human spleen, irrespective of the type of fixation (regularly fixed, fresh-frozen post-fixed or fresh-frozen cryoslides). Furthermore, no positive VIP staining was observed (VIP is often co-expressed in postganglionic parasympathetic nerves). Conclusion: Our comprehensive approach did not produce any evidence for a direct cholinergic (or VIP-ergic) innervation of the spleen. This finding does not rule out (indirect) vagal innervation via postganglionic non-cholinergic periarterial fibres

    Anatomy of rodent and human livers: What are the differences?

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    The size of the liver of terrestrial mammals obeys the allometric scaling law over a weight range of >3 ∗ 106. Since scaling reflects adaptive changes in size or scale among otherwise similar animals, we can expect to observe more similarities than differences between rodent and human livers. Obvious differences, such as the presence (rodents) or absence (humans) of lobation and the presence (mice, humans) or absence (rats) of a gallbladder, suggest qualitative differences between the livers of these species. After review, however, we conclude that these dissimilarities represent relatively small quantitative differences. The microarchitecture of the liver is very similar among mammalian species and best represented by the lobular concept, with the biggest difference present in the degree of connective tissue development in the portal tracts. Although larger mammals have larger lobules, increasing size of the liver is mainly accomplished by increasing the number of lobules. The increasing role of the hepatic artery in lobular perfusion of larger species is, perhaps, the most important and least known difference between small and large livers, because it profoundly affects not only interventions like liver transplantations, but also calculations of liver function

    Development of the sympathetic trunks in human embryos

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    Although the development of the sympathetic trunks was first described >100 years ago, the topographic aspect of their development has received relatively little attention. We visualised the sympathetic trunks in human embryos of 4.5–10 weeks post-fertilisation, using Amira 3D-reconstruction and Cinema 4D-remodelling software. Scattered, intensely staining neural crest-derived ganglionic cells that soon formed longitudinal columns were first seen laterally to the dorsal aorta in the cervical and upper thoracic regions of Carnegie stage (CS)14 embryos. Nerve fibres extending from the communicating branches with the spinal cord reached the trunks at CS15-16 and became incorporated randomly between ganglionic cells. After CS18, ganglionic cells became organised as irregular agglomerates (ganglia) on a craniocaudally continuous cord of nerve fibres, with dorsally more ganglionic cells and ventrally more fibres. Accordingly, the trunks assumed a “pearls-on-a-string” appearance, but size and distribution of the pearls were markedly heterogeneous. The change in position of the sympathetic trunks from lateral (para-aortic) to dorsolateral (prevertebral or paravertebral) is a criterion to distinguish the “primary” and “secondary” sympathetic trunks. We investigated the position of the trunks at vertebral levels T2, T7, L1 and S1. During CS14, the trunks occupied a para-aortic position, which changed into a prevertebral position in the cervical and upper thoracic regions during CS15, and in the lower thoracic and lumbar regions during CS18 and CS20, respectively. The thoracic sympathetic trunks continued to move further dorsally and attained a paravertebral position at CS23. The sacral trunks retained their para-aortic and prevertebral position, and converged into a single column in front of the coccyx. Based on our present and earlier morphometric measurements and literature data, we argue that differential growth accounts for the regional differences in position of the sympathetic trunks