1,484 research outputs found

    Translation termination depends on the sequential ribosomal entry of eRF1 and eRF3.

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    Translation termination requires eRF1 and eRF3 for polypeptide-and tRNA-release on stop codons. Additionally, Dbp5/DDX19 and Rli1/ABCE1 are required; however, their function in this process is currently unknown. Using a combination of in vivo and in vitro experiments, we show that they regulate a stepwise assembly of the termination complex. Rli1 and eRF3-GDP associate with the ribosome first. Subsequently, Dbp5-ATP delivers eRF1 to the stop codon and in this way prevents a premature access of eRF3. Dbp5 dissociates upon placing eRF1 through ATP-hydrolysis. This in turn enables eRF1 to contact eRF3, as the binding of Dbp5 and eRF3 to eRF1 is mutually exclusive. Defects in the Dbp5-guided eRF1 delivery lead to premature contact and premature dissociation of eRF1 and eRF3 from the ribosome and to subsequent stop codon readthrough. Thus, the stepwise Dbp5-controlled termination complex assembly is essential for regular translation termination events. Our data furthermore suggest a possible role of Dbp5/DDX19 in alternative translation termination events, such as during stress response or in developmental processes, which classifies the helicase as a potential drug target for nonsense suppression therapy to treat cancer and neurodegenerative diseases

    Measuring cellular traction forces on non-planar substrates

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    Animal cells use traction forces to sense the mechanics and geometry of their environment. Measuring these traction forces requires a workflow combining cell experiments, image processing and force reconstruction based on elasticity theory. Such procedures have been established before mainly for planar substrates, in which case one can use the Green's function formalism. Here we introduce a worksflow to measure traction forces of cardiac myofibroblasts on non-planar elastic substrates. Soft elastic substrates with a wave-like topology were micromolded from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and fluorescent marker beads were distributed homogeneously in the substrate. Using feature vector based tracking of these marker beads, we first constructed a hexahedral mesh for the substrate. We then solved the direct elastic boundary volume problem on this mesh using the finite element method (FEM). Using data simulations, we show that the traction forces can be reconstructed from the substrate deformations by solving the corresponding inverse problem with a L1-norm for the residue and a L2-norm for 0th order Tikhonov regularization. Applying this procedure to the experimental data, we find that cardiac myofibroblast cells tend to align both their shapes and their forces with the long axis of the deformable wavy substrate.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    GABA and Glutamate: Their Transmitter Role in the CNS and Pancreatic Islets

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    Glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the major neurotransmitters in the mammalian brain. Inhibitory GABA and excitatory glutamate work together to control many processes, including the brain’s overall level of excitation. The contributions of GABA and glutamate in extra-neuronal signaling are by far less widely recognized. In this chapter, we first discuss the role of both neurotransmitters during development, emphasizing the importance of the shift from excitatory to inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission. The second part summarizes the biosynthesis and role of GABA and glutamate in neurotransmission in the mature brain, and major neurological disorders associated with glutamate and GABA receptors and GABA release mechanisms. The final part focuses on extra-neuronal glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling in pancreatic islets of Langerhans, and possible associations with type 1 diabetes mellitus

    Contacting single bundles of carbon nanotubes with alternating electric fields

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    Single bundles of carbon nanotubes have been selectively deposited from suspensions onto sub-micron electrodes with alternating electric fields. We explore the resulting contacts using several solvents and delineate the differences between Au and Ag as electrode materials. Alignment of the bundles between electrodes occurs at frequencies above 1 kHz. Control over the number of trapped bundles is achieved by choosing an electrode material which interacts strongly with the chemical functional groups of the carbon nanotubes, with superior contacts being formed with Ag electrodes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    GAD65 Autoantibody Responses in Japanese Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adult Patients

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    OBJECTIVE—To determine whether development of insulin requirement in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is accompanied with the emergence of a type 1 diabetes–like autoimmune response

    Elevated unmethylated and methylated insulin DNA are unique markers of A + β + ketosis prone diabetes

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    A + β + ketosis prone diabetes (KPD) is associated with slowly progressive autoimmune beta cell destruction. Plasma unmethylated and methylated insulin DNA (biomarkers of ongoing beta cell damage and systemic inflammation, respectively) were elevated in A + β + KPD compared to all other KPD subgroups

    Conformation-dependent GAD65 autoantibodies in diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis. Conformation-dependent autoantibodies directed against GAD65 are markers of Type 1 diabetes. In this study we aimed to determine whether the substitution of GAD65 with GAD67 amino acids would affect the binding of conformation-dependent GAD65 autoantibodies. Methods. We used PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis to generate a series of mutated GAD65 cDNA constructs in which specific GAD65 coding sequences for regions of the protein critical for autoantibody binding were replaced with GAD67 coding sequences. Results. The introduction of a point mutation at position 517, substituting glutamic acid with proline, markedly reduced the binding of disease-associated GAD65 antibodies. The binding of GAD65 antibodies to the E517P mutant was reduced in the sera of all newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes patients (n=85) by a mean of 72% (p<0.0001) compared with binding to wild-type GAD65. Patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (n=24) showed a similar reduction in binding (79% reduction, p<0.0001). First-degree relatives who subsequently progressed to Type 1 diabetes (n=12) showed a reduction in binding of 80% compared with a reduction of only 65% among relatives who had not progressed to disease (n=38; p=0.025). In healthy GAD65Ab-positive individuals who did not progress to diabetes during a 9-year follow-up period (n=51), binding to GAD65-E517P was reduced by only 28% compared with binding to wild-type GAD65. Conclusions/interpretation. Differences in autoantibody binding to wild-type GAD65 versus GAD65-E517P may provide predictive information about Type 1 diabetes risk beyond that provided by the presence or absence of GAD65 autoantibodies. Lack of binding to mutant GAD65-E517P defines GAD65-positive individuals who are at higher risk of developing diabetes

    Mutual Zonated Interactions of Wnt and Hh Signaling Are Orchestrating the Metabolism of the Adult Liver in Mice and Human

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt/β-Catenin (Wnt) cascades are morphogen pathways whose pronounced influence on adult liver metabolism has been identified in recent years. How both pathways communicate and control liver metabolic functions are largely unknown. Detecting core components of Wnt and Hh signaling and mathematical modeling showed that both pathways in healthy liver act largely complementary to each other in the pericentral (Wnt) and the periportal zone (Hh) and communicate mainly by mutual repression. The Wnt/Hh module inversely controls the spatiotemporal operation of various liver metabolic pathways, as revealed by transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome analyses. Shifting the balance to Wnt (activation) or Hh (inhibition) causes pericentralization and periportalization of liver functions, respectively. Thus, homeostasis of the Wnt/Hh module is essential for maintaining proper liver metabolism and to avoid the development of certain metabolic diseases. With caution due to minor species-specific differences, these conclusions may hold for human liver as well

    Structural and chemical embrittlement of grain boundaries by impurities: a general theory and first principles calculations for copper

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    First principles calculations of the Sigma 5 (310)[001] symmetric tilt grain boundary in Cu with Bi, Na, and Ag substitutional impurities provide evidence that in the phenomenon of Bi embrittlement of Cu grain boundaries electronic effects do not play a major role; on the contrary, the embrittlement is mostly a structural or "size" effect. Na is predicted to be nearly as good an embrittler as Bi, whereas Ag does not embrittle the boundary in agreement with experiment. While we reject the prevailing view that "electronic" effects (i.e., charge transfer) are responsible for embrittlement, we do not exclude the role of chemistry. However numerical results show a striking equivalence between the alkali metal Na and the semi metal Bi, small differences being accounted for by their contrasting "size" and "softness" (defined here). In order to separate structural and chemical effects unambiguously if not uniquely, we model the embrittlement process by taking the system of grain boundary and free surfaces through a sequence of precisely defined gedanken processes; each of these representing a putative mechanism. We thereby identify three mechanisms of embrittlement by substitutional impurities, two of which survive in the case of embrittlement or cohesion enhancement by interstitials. Two of the three are purely structural and the third contains both structural and chemical elements that by their very nature cannot be further unravelled. We are able to take the systems we study through each of these stages by explicit computer simulations and assess the contribution of each to the nett reduction in intergranular cohesion. The conclusion we reach is that embrittlement by both Bi and Na is almost exclusively structural in origin; that is, the embrittlement is a size effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; Accepted in Phys. Rev.