797 research outputs found

    Magnetic Insulator-Induced Proximity Effects in Graphene: Spin Filtering and Exchange Splitting Gaps

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    We report on first-principles calculations of spin-dependent properties in graphene induced by its interaction with a nearby magnetic insulator (Europium oxide, EuO). The magnetic proximity effect results in spin polarization of graphene π\pi orbitals by up to 24 %, together with large exchange splitting bandgap of about 36 meV. The position of the Dirac cone is further shown to depend strongly on the graphene-EuO interlayer. These findings point towards the possible engineering of spin gating by proximity effect at relatively high temperature, which stands as a hallmark for future all-spin information processing technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Intensidade e duração dos esforços físicos em aulas de Educação Física

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a intensidade e a duração dos esforços físicos em aulas de Educação Física no ensino fundamental e médio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base escolar por meio de observação de 218 aulas de Educação Física, incluindo um total de 272 estudantes (avaliados três vezes cada um). O estudo foi realizado em Pelotas, RS, de agosto a setembro de 2009. Para a intensidade dos esforços, foram utilizados acelerômetros e adotados os pontos de corte (em counts por minuto): atividades sedentárias (0 a 100), leves (101 a 2.000), moderadas (2.001 a 4.999), vigorosas (5.000 a 7.999) e muito vigorosas (&gt; 8.000). RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de duração das aulas foi de 35,6 minutos (dp 6,0). A proporção média de tempo das aulas em atividades físicas de intensidade moderada a vigorosa foi de 32,7% (dp 25,2). Os meninos (44,1%) envolveram-se significativamente mais em atividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas do que as meninas (21,0%; p < 0,01). Estudantes que se envolvem em atividade física fora das aulas tiveram maior participação em atividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas nas aulas de Educação Física. CONCLUSÕES: Além de o tempo da aula de Educação Física ser reduzido, os estudantes praticam atividades físicas de intensidade moderada a vigorosa um terço da aula, com pouca contribuição significativa para o nível de atividade física dos estudantes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the intensity and duration of physical efforts in Physical Education classes in primary and secondary school. METHODS: School-based cross-sectional study carried out by means of the observation of 218 Physical Education classes, including a total of 272 students (each one of the students was evaluated three times). The study was carried out in the city of Pelotas (Southern Brazil), between August and December 2009. In order to evaluate the intensity of the efforts, accelerometers were used and the following cut-off points were adopted (in counts per minute): sedentary activities (0-100), light activities (101-2,000), moderate (2,001-4,999), vigorous (5,000-7,999), and very vigorous activities (&gt;8000). RESULTS: The mean duration of the classes was 35.6 minutes (SD 6.0). The mean proportion of time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity was 32.7% (SD 25.2). Boys (44.1%) were involved significantly more in moderate to vigorous physical activity as compared to girls (21.0%; pOBJETIVO: Evaluar la intensidad y la duración de los esfuerzos físicos en clases de Educación Física en la enseñanza básica y media. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base escolar por medio de observación de 218 clases de Educación Física, incluyendo un total de 272 estudiantes (evaluados tres veces cada uno). El estudio fue realizado en Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, de agosto a septiembre del año 2009. Para la intensidad de los esfuerzos, se utilizaron acelerómetros y se adoptaron los puntos de corte (en counts por minuto): actividades sedentarias (0 a 100), leves (101 a 2.000), moderadas (2.001 a 4.999), vigorosas (5.000 a 7.999) y muy vigorosas (&gt; 8.000). RESULTADOS: El tiempo promedio de duración de las clases fue de 35,6 minutos (de 6,0). La proporción promedio de tiempo de las clases en actividades físicas de intensidad moderada a vigorosa fue de 32,7% (desviación estándar 25,2). Los niños varones (44,1%) se involucraron significativamente en actividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas con relación a las niñas (21,0%;

    Acceptability of novel lifelogging technology to determine context of sedentary behaviour in older adults

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    <strong>Objective:</strong> Lifelogging, using body worn sensors (activity monitors and time lapse photography) has the potential to shed light on the context of sedentary behaviour. The objectives of this study were to examine the acceptability, to older adults, of using lifelogging technology and indicate its usefulness for understanding behaviour.<strong> </strong><strong>Method:</strong> 6 older adults (4 males, mean age: 68yrs) wore the equipment (ActivPAL<sup>TM</sup> and Vicon Revue<sup>TM</sup>/SenseCam<sup>TM</sup>) for 7 consecutive days during free-living activity. The older adults’ perception of the lifelogging technology was assessed through semi-structured interviews, including a brief questionnaire (Likert scale), and reference to the researcher&#39;s diary. <strong>Results:</strong> Older adults in this study found the equipment acceptable to wear and it did not interfere with privacy, safety or create reactivity, but they reported problems with the actual technical functioning of the camera. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This combination of sensors has good potential to provide lifelogging information on the context of sedentary behaviour

    Exploring the context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom)

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    BACKGROUND: Older adults are the most sedentary segment of the population. Little information is available about the context of sedentary behaviour to inform guidelines and intervention. There is a dearth of information about when, where to intervene and which specific behaviours intervention should target. The aim of this exploratory study was to obtain objective information about what older adults do when sedentary, where and when they are sedentary and in what social context. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional data collection. Older adults (Mean age = 73.25, SD ± 5.48, median = 72, IQR = 11) volunteers wore activPAL monitors and a Vicon Revue timelapse camera between 1 and 7 days. Periods of sedentary behaviour were identified using the activPAL and the context extracted from the pictures taken during these periods. Analysis of context was conducted using the Sedentary Behaviour International Taxonomy classification system. RESULTS: In total, 52 days from 36 participants were available for analysis. Participants spent 70.1 % of sedentary time at home, 56.9 % of sedentary time on their own and 46.8 % occurred in the afternoon. Seated social activities were infrequent (6.9 % of sedentary bouts) but prolonged (18 % of sedentary time). Participants appeared to frequently have vacant sitting time (41 % of non-screen sedentary time) and screen sitting was prevalent (36 % of total sedentary time). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable information to inform future interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour. Interventions should consider targeting the home environment and focus on the afternoon sitting time, though this needs confirmation in a larger study. Tackling social isolation may also be a target to reduce sedentary time

    Utilização de serviços médicos no sistema público de saúde no Sul do Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and analyze factors associated with the utilization of medical services in the public health system. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based study with 2,706 individuals aged 20-69 years carried out in Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2008. A systematic sampling with probability proportional to the number of households in each sector was adopted. The outcome was defined by the combination of the questions related to medical consultation in the previous three months and place. The exposure variables were: sex, age, marital status, level of schooling, family income, self-reported hospital admission in the previous year, having a regular physician, self-perception of health, and the main reason for the last consultation. Descriptive analysis was stratified by sex and the analytical statistics included the use of the Wald test for tendency and heterogeneity in the crude analysis and Poisson regression with robust variance in the adjusted analysis, taking into consideration cluster sampling. RESULTS: The prevalence of utilization of medical services in the three previous months was 60.6%, almost half of these (42.0%, 95%CI: 36.6;47.5) in public services. The most utilized public services were the primary care units (49.5%). In the adjusted analysis stratified by sex, men with advanced age and young women had higher probability of using the medical services in the public system. In both sexes, low level of schooling, low per capita family income, not having a regular physician and hospital admission in the previous year were associated with the outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the expressive reduction in the utilization of medical health services in the public system in the last 15 years, the public services are now reaching a previously unassisted portion of the population (individuals with low income and schooling).OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar fatores associados à utilização de serviços médicos no sistema público de saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional, com 2.706 indivíduos de 20 a 69 anos, de Pelotas, RS, em 2008. Foi adotada amostragem sistemática com probabilidade proporcional ao número de domicílios por setor. O desfecho foi definido pela combinação das perguntas relacionadas à consulta médica nos últimos três meses e local. As variáveis de exposição foram: sexo, idade, estado civil, escolaridade, renda familiar, internação hospitalar auto-referida no último ano, existência de médico definido para consultar, autopercepção de saúde e o principal motivo da última consulta. A análise descritiva foi estratificada por sexo e a estatística analítica incluiu o uso do teste de Wald para tendência e heterogeneidade na análise bruta e regressão de Poisson com variância robusta na análise ajustada, levando-se em consideração a amostragem por conglomerados. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de utilização de serviços médicos nos últimos três meses foi de 60,6%, quase a metade (42,0%, IC95% 36,3;47,5) em serviços públicos. Os serviços públicos mais utilizados foram os postos de saúde (49,5%). Na análise ajustada e estratificada por sexo, homens com idade avançada e mulheres mais jovens tiveram maior probabilidade de utilizarem os serviços médicos no sistema público. Em ambos os sexos, baixa escolaridade, renda familiar per capita, inexistência de médico definido para consultar e internação hospitalar no último ano estiveram associados ao desfecho. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de expressiva redução na utilização de serviços médicos de saúde no sistema público nos últimos 15 anos, os serviços públicos têm atingido uma parcela anteriormente desassistida (indivíduos com baixa renda e escolaridade).OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y analizar factores asociados a la utilización de servicios médicos en el sistema público de salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional, con 2.706 individuos de 20 a 69 años de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, en 2008. Se adoptó muestreo sistemático con probabilidad proporcional al número de domicilios por sector. El resultado fue definido por la combinación de las preguntas relacionadas con la consulta médica en los últimos tres meses y local. Las variables de exposición fueron: sexo, edad, estado civil, escolaridad, renta familiar, internación hospitalaria auto-referida en el último año, existencia de médico definido para consultar, auto-percepción de salud, y el principal motivo de la última consulta. El análisis descriptivo fue estratificado por sexo y la estadística analítica incluyó el uso del test de Wald para tendencia y heterogeneidad en el análisis bruto y regresión de Poisson con varianza robusta en el análisis ajustado, tomando en consideración el muestreo por conglomerados. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de utilización de servicios médicos en los últimos tres meses fue de 60,6%, casi la mitad (42,0%, IC 95%: 36,6;47,5) en servicios públicos. Los servicios públicos más utilizados fueron los puestos de salud (49,5%). En el análisis ajustado y estratificado por sexo, hombres con edad avanzada y mujeres más jóvenes tuvieron mayor probabilidad de utilizar los servicios médicos en el sistema público. En ambos sexos, baja escolaridad, renta familiar per capita, inexistencia de médico definido para consultar e internación hospitalaria en el último año estuvieron asociados a la utilización de servicios médicos públicos. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de expresiva reducción en la utilización de servicios médicos de salud en el sistema público en los últimos 15 años, los servicios públicos han alcanzado una parcela anteriormente desasistida (individuos con baja renta y escolaridad)

    Physical activity and medicine use: evidence from a population-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have investigated the association between physical activity practice and medicine use; data from these studies are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between level of physical activity and medicine use in adults aged 20 years or more. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out in the first semester of 2002 in the urban area of Pelotas; a medium-sized Southern Brazilian city. Physical activity was assessed with the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. A physical activity score was created as the weekly time spent in moderate-intensity activities plus twice the weekly time spent in vigorous-intensity activities. Medicine use in the 15 days prior to the interview was also assessed. Adjusted analyses taking into account the sampling design was carried out using Poisson regression. Wald tests for heterogeneity and linear trend were used to calculate significance. RESULTS: Out of the 3,182 individuals interviewed, 41% were not sufficiently active according to current physical activity guidelines. Only 34% of the subjects did not use medicines in the previous 15 days, and 18% used three or more drugs in the same period. Level of physical activity was inversely associated with the number of medicines used both in the crude and in the adjusted analyses. CONCLUSION: There are well-documented benefits of physical activity for several chronic diseases in the literature. Data from the present study suggest that medicine use is also positively affected by physical activity behavior

    Energy expenditure compared to physical activity measured by accelerometry and self-report in adolescents: a validation study

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    Background Physical inactivity is responsible for 5.3 million deaths annually worldwide. To measure physical activity energy expenditure, the doubly labeled water (DLW) method is the gold standard. However, questionnaires and accelerometry are more widely used. We compared physical activity measured by accelerometer and questionnaire against total (TEE) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) estimated by DLW. Methods TEE, PAEE (TEE minus resting energy expenditure) and body composition were measured using the DLW technique in 25 adolescents (16 girls) aged 13 years living in Pelotas, Brazil. Physical activity was assessed using the Actigraph accelerometer and by self-report. Physical activity data from accelerometry and self-report were tested against energy expenditure data derived from the DLW method. Further, tests were done to assess the ability of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) to predict variability in TEE and to what extent adjustment for fat and fat-free mass predicted the variability in TEE. Results TEE varied from 1,265 to 4,143 kcal/day. It was positively correlated with physical activity (counts) estimated by accelerometry (rho = 0.57; p = 0.003) and with minutes per week of physical activity by questionnaire (rho = 0.41; p = 0.04). An increase of 10 minutes per day in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) relates to an increase in TEE of 141 kcal/day. PAEE was positively correlated with accelerometry (rho = 0.64; p = 0.007), but not with minutes per week of physical activity estimated by questionnaire (rho = 0.30; p = 0.15). Physical activity by accelerometry explained 31% of the vssariability in TEE. By incorporating fat and fat-free mass in the model, we were able to explain 58% of the variability in TEE. Conclusion Objectively measured physical activity significantly contributes to the explained variance in both TEE and PAEE in Brazilian youth. Independently, body composition also explains variance in TEE, and should ideally be taken into account when using accelerometry to predict energy expenditure values