1,952 research outputs found


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    Student Learning Activeness with the Achievement of Cognitive  Assessment of Class XII Students Accounting for Services  Company MA Darul Hidayah. The method used in this study uses  quantitative methods in the form of correlation or correlation  research. Data collection techniques using questionnaires,  unstructured interviews and documentaries. The tools used in data  collection are distributing questionnaires and documentation. The  sample used is saturated sampling technique involving all  correspondents. In this study, it was seen that there was a significant  relationship between learning activeness and the results of students'  cognitive evaluations which showed a correlation coefficient of  0.800. while the coefficient of determination in this study shows a  very significant relationship between learning activeness as  variable X and cognitive learning achievement as variable Y which  is equal to 0.722. When calculating the linear correlation, the  equation Y = 16.668 + 0.149 is obtained, which means that the  constant value is 16.668. If student learning activeness is worth 0,  then learning activeness is 0.149 which means an increase in  learning activeness by 1 will increase cognitive evaluation  achievement by 14.9%


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    Ruang Publik merupakan unsur yang penting dalam menciptakan ruang perkotaan yang berkualitas. Kualitas dari ruang publik itu sendiri dapat ditingkatkan dengan menguatkan hubungan antara manusia dan ruang publik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Place-Making, ruang publik dapat dirancang dengan menekankan pada pengalaman manusia terhadap tempat itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menguraikan Genius Loci sebagai konsep untuk melakukan Place-Making yang dapat menguraikan keunikan konteks pada sebuah ruang publik. Place-Making merupakan pendekatan perancangan ruang publik yang menekankan penggunaan kekayaan lokal, sedangkan Genius Loci merupakan teori mengenai keberadaan sebuah jiwa yang unik dari sebuah tempat. Sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini meninjau Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak sebagai salah satu ruang publik yang berada di Kota Pontianak. Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak menjadi pilihan lokasi penelitian karena merupakan ruang publik yang terkenal dikalangan masyarakat Kota Pontianak, sehingga berhasil memberikan pengalaman manusia yang unik. Output dari penilitain ini adalah menemukan Genius Loci yang dimiliki oleh Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak dan menguraikan konteks yang dimiliki. Dengan menguraikan Genius Loci beserta konteks dan pengalaman manusia pada Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak, maka pendekatan Place-Making dapat dilakuakan untuk pengembangan alun-alun di masa yang akan datang

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Kesesuain Jenis Lahan Pertanian untuk Budidaya Tanaman Buah-buahan Menggunakan Metode Similarity Berbasis Web

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    Hambatan pembudidayaan tanaman buah salah satunya adalah menentukan kesesuaian lahan pertanian. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya informasi tentang penentuan kesesuaian jenis lahan pertanian dan keterbatasan pengetahuan petani. Selain itu, pihak penyuluh pertanian terkadang mengalami kesulitan dalam menghafal fakta kondisi lahan untuk penanaman jenis tanaman buah, sehingga perlu adanya media bantu berupa sistem yang dapat memberikan informasi solusi kapan saja.Penelitian ini membangun sebuah perangkat lunak sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis web mengenai penentuan kesesuaian jenis lahan pertanian untuk pembudidayaan tanaman buah-buahan menggunakan metode similarity. Sebuah metode yang akan mencari solusi kesimpulan berdasarkan kemiripan objek yang ada kemudian dipilih solusi dengan nilai similarity terbesar. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi diawali dengan tahap analisis sistem meliputi analisis data, deskripsi kebutuhan sistem dan rekayasa pengetahuan yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel basis pengetahuan, tabel keputusan, tabel aturan, penghitungan nilai similarity, diagram konteks, diagram alir data, entity relationship diagram dan tabel perancangan sistem meliputi spesifikasi proses, perancangan mapping table dan perancangan antarmuka. Tahap akhir adalah implementasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan menggunakan database MySql.Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan perangkat lunak sistem yang berguna sebagai media konsultasi mengenai penentuan kesesuaian lahan pertanian untuk pembudidayaan tanaman buah-buahan dan cara penanaman tanaman buah-buahan. Informasi yang dihasilkan berbasis pada kriteria lahan yang ada, sehingga keputusan yang dibuat oleh sistem untuk jenis tanaman buah mengacu pada kriteria lahan tersebut dilengkapi dengan cara penanaman tanaman buah-buahan. Hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa aplikasi layak dan dapat digunakan

    The effects of world heritage sites and governance on tourist arrivals: worldwide evidence

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    The tourism sector plays an important role in economic development. Its contributes foreign exchange earnings to the nation; tax revenue to the government; and provide job to the population as well as open-up business opportunities to serve the communities. Thus, international tourist arrival plays a central role in stimulating economic growth by ensuring substantial export income in the form of international tourist receipts to a destination country. A fundamental question that relates international visitors and the destination country is “why do some destination countries attract more visitors than others?” In this study, using a sample of 126 countries, we provide evidences that income, the number of world natural and cultural heritage sites, ethnic diversity and good governance are important factors influencing international visitors’ destination choices (tourism demand)


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    Entering teen-age, in general, either adolescent son or daugther is hard to be arranged though by its own parents. This matter is problem had by each adolescences, there are four the important matters which become fundamental study at this research, that is: (1) Condition of moral and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, (2) Effort of moral construction and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, (3) Resistances faced in moral construction and adolescent creativity in countryside of Bancelok, and also (4) Effort is done to increase the moral construction and adolescent creativity [in countryside of Bancelok. This Research uses approach qualitative. There are four elements becoming the source of informations in this research, that is; old fellow, elite figure society, government officer, and young man figure. Whereas relating to field study (data collecting) using the observation method, interview, and documentation. Later, data that is gathered to be analysed using two approaches, that is: descriptive informative and descriptive analysis

    Impact of language-augmented human capital on foreign direct investment: a study of developing countries

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    Foreign direct investment is regarded as a key element in globalization and international economic integration. Being an additional source of investment funding, it plays an integral role in the economic development of countries. This study investigates the relationship between English language proficiency and foreign direct investment in developing countries. The study used macro and socio-economic variables of foreign direct investment, level of English language proficiency, income per capita and unemployment. A sample of forty-nine (49) developing countries is used. The model was regressed cross-sectionally and White standard error was employed to remove traces of heterogeneity. As expected, it is found that there are significant relationships between (1) English language proficiency and foreign direct investment; and (2) income per capita and foreign direct investment. The results confirmed the importance of English language proficiency in attracting foreign direct investment into developing countries. It also provides some insights to designing of policies mainly to raise the level of human resources capabilities in terms of improved language proficiency to facilitate sustainable flows of investment from abroad

    Effect of DLC Coating on Tribological Behavior of Cylinder Liner-piston Ring Material Combination When Lubricated with Jatropha Oil

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    AbstractThe expansion of modern engines would have been unfeasible without advanced lubricant chemistry and proper lubricant formulation. Introduction of diamond like carbon (DLC) coatings opens further possibilities in improving performance of engine and transmission components, which cannot longer be achieved only by lubricant design.DLC coatings show extremely good promise for a number of applications in automotive components as they exhibit excellent tribological properties. In this paper, the tribological performance of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C: H)DLC coating with Jatropha oil was evaluated using a four ball Tribometer also with commercial synthetic lubrication oil (SAE 40) used as base lubricant. Experimental results demonstrated that the hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C: H)DLC coating exhibited better performance with Jatropha oil in terms of wear and friction under similar operating conditions compared to the uncoated stainless. Thus, usage of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C: H)DLC coating with Jatropha oil in the long run may have a positive impact on engine life

    The multiplier effect: Singapore's hospitality industry

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    Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly36164-69CHRQ