4,182 research outputs found

    Tensorial perturbations in the bulk of inflating brane worlds

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    In this paper we consider the stability of some inflating brane-world models in quantum cosmology. It is shown that whereas the singular model based on the construction of inflating branes from Euclidean five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space is unstable to tensorial cosmological perturbations in the bulk, the nonsingular model which uses a five-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormhole to construct the inflating branes is stable to these perturbations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Anti-de Sitter wormhole kink

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    The metric describing a given finite sector of a four-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormhole can be transformed into the metric of the time constant sections of a Tangherlini black hole in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime when one allows light cones to tip over on the hypersurfaces according to the conservation laws of an one-kink. The resulting kinked metric can be maximally extended, giving then rise to an instantonic structure on the euclidean continuation of both the Tangherlini time and the radial coordinate. In the semiclassical regime, this kink is related to the existence of closed timelike curves.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in IJMP

    A dark energy multiverse

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    We present cosmic solutions corresponding to universes filled with dark and phantom energy, all having a negative cosmological constant. All such solutions contain infinite singularities, successively and equally distributed along time, which can be either big bang/crunchs or big rips singularities. Classicaly these solutions can be regarded as associated with multiverse scenarios, being those corresponding to phantom energy that may describe the current accelerating universe

    Self-similar transmission properties of aperiodic Cantor potentials in gapped graphene

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    We investigate the transmission properties of quasiperiodic or aperiodic structures based on graphene arranged according to the Cantor sequence. In particular, we have found self-similar behaviour in the transmission spectra, and most importantly, we have calculated the scalability of the spectra. To do this, we implement and propose scaling rules for each one of the fundamental parameters: generation number, height of the barriers and length of the system. With this in mind we have been able to reproduce the reference transmission spectrum, applying the appropriate scaling rule, by means of the scaled transmission spectrum. These scaling rules are valid for both normal and oblique incidence, and as far as we can see the basic ingredients to obtain self-similar characteristics are: relativistic Dirac electrons, a self-similar structure and the non-conservation of the pseudo-spin. This constitutes a reduction of the number of conditions needed to observe self-similarity in graphene-based structures, see D\'iaz-Guerrero et al. [D. S. D\'iaz-Guerrero, L. M. Gaggero-Sager, I. Rodr\'iguez-Vargas, and G. G. Naumis, arXiv:1503.03412v1, 2015]

    Astrophysical parameters and orbital solution of the peculiar X-ray transient IGR J00370+6122

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    BD+6073 is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source IGR J00370+6122, a probable accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. The X-ray light curve of this binary system shows clear periodicity at 15.7 d, which has been interpreted as repeated outbursts around the periastron of an eccentric orbit. We obtained high-resolution spectra of BD+6073 at different epochs. We used the FASTWind code to generate a stellar atmosphere model to fit the observed spectrum and obtain physical magnitudes. The synthetic spectrum was used as a template for cross-correlation with the observed spectra to measure radial velocities. The radial velocity curve provided an orbital solution for the system. We have also analysed the RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT light curves to confirm the stability of the periodicity. BD +6073 is a BN0.7 Ib low-luminosity supergiant located at an approximate distance of 3.1 kpc, in the CasOB4 association. We derive Teff=24000 K and log gc=3.0, and chemical abundances consistent with a moderately high level of evolution. The spectroscopic and evolutionary masses are consistent at the 1 sigma level with a mass of 15 solar masses. The recurrence time of the X-ray flares is the orbital period of the system. The NS is in a high eccentricity (e=0.56) orbit, and the X-ray emission is strongly peaked around orbital phase 0.2, though the observations are consistent with some level of X-ray activity happening at all orbital phases. The X-ray behaviour of IGR J00370+6122 is reminiscent of intermediate SFXTs, though its peak luminosity is rather low. The orbit is somewhat wider than those of classical persistent supergiant X-ray binaries, which, combined with the low luminosity of the mass donor, explains the low X-ray luminosity. IGR J00370+6122 will likely evolve towards a persistent supergiant system, highlighting the evolutionary connection between different classes of wind-accreting X-ray sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Reusing integer homology information of binary digital images

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    In this paper, algorithms for computing integer (co)homology of a simplicial complex of any dimension are designed, extending the work done in [1,2,3]. For doing this, the homology of the object is encoded in an algebraic-topological format (that we call AM-model). Moreover, in the case of 3D binary digital images, having as input AM-models for the images I and J, we design fast algorithms for computing the integer homology of I ∪J, I ∩J and I ∖J

    A graceful multiversal link of particle physics to cosmology

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    In this paper we work out a multiverse scenario whose physical characteristics enable us to advance the following the conjecture that whereas the physics of particles and fields is confined to live in the realm of the whole multiverse formed by finite-time single universes, that for our observable universe must be confined just in one of the infinite number of universes of the multiverse when such a universe is consistently referred to an infinite cosmic time. If this conjecture is adopted then some current fundamental problems that appear when one tries to make compatible particle physics and cosmology- such as that for the cosmological constant, the arrow of time and the existence of a finite proper size of the event horizon- can be solved.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    The Big Trip and Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    Of all the possible ways to describe the behavior of the universe that has undergone a big trip the Wheeler-DeWitt equation should be the most accurate -- provided, of course, that we employ the correct formulation. In this article we start by discussing the standard formulation introduced by Gonz\'alez-D\'iaz and Jimenez-Madrid, and show that it allows for a simple yet efficient method of the solution's generation, which is based on the Moutard transformation. Next, by shedding the unnecessary restrictions, imposed on aforementioned standard formulation we introduce a more general form of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. One immediate prediction of this new formula is that for the universe the probability to emerge right after the big trip in a state with w=w0w=w_0 will be maximal if and only if w0=1/3w_0=-1/3.Comment: accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc