182 research outputs found
Natural Arsenic in Groundwater and Alkaline Lakes at the upper Paraguay basin, Pantanal, Brazil
A distinctive feature of NhecolĂąndia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland in Brazil, is the presence of both saline (alkaline) and freshwater lakes. Saline lakes were attributed to a past arid phase during the Pleistocene, but recent studies have shown that the geochemistry of the saline lakes arises from the current concentration process of fresh waters that is supplied to the Pantanal every year. The region is mainly used for cattle farming, more recently eco-tourism is becoming widespread and water conservation agencies worry about arsenic contents in surface and shallow ground water. The study was carried out along a 600 m-long transect that linked a freshwater lake to a saline lake. The spatial distribution of arsenic is studied, based on soil morphology, according to pH, redox conditions (Eh) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and also compared to distribution of major elements. Three main processes, responsible for the chemical variability, were identified: (1) the concentration of the solution under the influence of evaporation and the associated precipitations (Mg-calcite, illite, sodium carbonate); (2) oxidation of sulphides included in clay layers and subsequent development of acid conditions; (3) buffering of acid conditions by clay dissolution. Arsenic contents are not affected by the last two processes (2 and 3) but evolve in proportion to the concentration. Arsenic concentrations in water ranged from 0.11 mg/l to 3.68 mg/l, i.e. 368 times higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water. The arsenic speciation [index word 1] as calculated from field conditions indicated that the As(V) redox state dominated in the groundwater and in the lakes, whereas some proportion of As(III) could occur on the shore and in the sediments of the saline lake. As(III) from the sediment can be remobilised and dispersed into the water following the disturbance of the sediments by cattle that come to drink water. Arsenic contents increased with most of the other dissolved species; hence competitive adsorption [index word 16] prevent dissolved arsenic regulation by solid phase reaction. Moreover, the pH-values increased above 8 with increasing arsenic, favouring As(V) desorption. As a consequence, the good correlation established between arsenic contents and electrical conductivity (r2 = 0.97) should help to indirectly evaluate the arsenic contents in shallow groundwater and lakes of the region
Highlights from the 2018 European Respiratory Society International Congress: sleep and clinical physiology.
The 2018 European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress held in Paris, France, served as a platform to discover the latest research on respiratory diseases, the improvement in their treatments and patient care. Specifically, the scientific sessions organised by ERS Assembly 4 provided novel insights into sleep disordered breathing and fresh knowledge in respiratory physiology, stressing its importance to understanding and treating respiratory diseases. This article, divided by session, will summarise the most relevant studies presented at the ERS International Congress. Each session has been written by early career members specialised in the different fields of this interdisciplinary assembly
Acute rejection features in dual kidney transplant recipients from elderly donors: comparison of calcineurin inhibitor-based and calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosuppressive protocols.
Features of acute rejection in dual kidney transplant have not been studied. The aim of this study is to compare acute rejections in dual kidney transplant recipients from elderly donors on different immunosuppressive protocols. Sixty-nine patients were evaluated: 28 received calcineurin inhibitor-based (group 1) and 41 received calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosuppression (group 2). Histology of all donor kidneys was evaluated before implantation. All rejections showed tubulitis in both groups, and were classified as T cell-mediated acute rejections. Incidence and Banff grade of rejections in the two groups were not significantly different. Late rejections however, were observed in group 1 ( P < 0.01) whereas steroid-resistant rejections occurred in group 2 ( P < 0.03). C4d deposition was only observed in group 2. Occurrence of acute rejection was significantly associated with graft loss due to interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy in both groups. In group 1 mean serum creatinine levels of patients with rejections at six months and one year were higher than those of patients without rejections ( P < 0.03 and P < 0.009, respectively). In group 2 they were higher at six months ( P < 0.01) but not at one year. In addition, graft loss due to interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy occurred in 3/28 patients in group 1 (10.7%, OR= 1.95, 95%CI 1.02â3.71), and in 1/41 patients in group 2 (2.4%, OR= 0.41, 95%CI 0.07â2.24). Taken together these results suggest better renal function in patients on calcineurin inhibitor-free immunosuppression. In conclusion, acute rejections were detrimental irrespective of the type of immunosuppression, but different features were observed with each therapy. A tailored approach should be advantageous for prevention and treatment of acute rejections
Increased cancer risk in patients undergoing dialysis: a population-based cohort study in North-Eastern Italy
In southern Europe, the risk of cancer in patients with end-stage kidney disease receiving dialysis has not been well quantified. The aim of this study was to assess the overall pattern of risk for de novo malignancies (DNMs) among dialysis patients in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, north-eastern Italy.
A population-based cohort study among 3407 dialysis patients was conducted through a record linkage between local healthcare databases and the cancer registry (1998-2013). Person-years (PYs) were calculated from 30âdays after the date of first dialysis to the date of DNM diagnosis, kidney transplant, death, last follow-up or December 31, 2013, whichever came first. The risk of DNM, as compared to the general population, was estimated using standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
During 10,798 PYs, 357 DNMs were diagnosed in 330 dialysis patients. A higher than expected risk of 1.3-fold was found for all DNMs combined (95% CI: 1.15-1.43). The risk was particularly high in younger dialysis patients (SIRâ=â1.88, 95% CI: 1.42-2.45 for age 40-59âyears), and it decreased with age. Moreover, significantly increased DNM risks emerged during the first 3âyears since dialysis initiation, especially within the first year (SIRâ=â8.52, 95% CI: 6.89-10.41). Elevated excess risks were observed for kidney (SIRâ=â3.18; 95% CI: 2.06-4.69), skin non-melanoma (SIRâ=â1.81, 95% CI: 1.46-2.22), oral cavity (SIRâ=â2.42, 95% CI: 1.36-4.00), and Kaposi's sarcoma (SIRâ=â10.29, 95% CI: 1.25-37.16).
The elevated risk for DNM herein documented suggest the need to implement a targeted approach to cancer prevention and control in dialysis patients.openTaborelli, Martina; Toffolutti, Federica; Del Zotto, Stefania; Clagnan, Elena; Furian, Lucrezia; Piselli, Pierluca; Citterio, Franco; Zanier, Loris; Boscutti, Giuliano; Serraino, Diego for the Italian Transplant & Cancer Cohort Study; Sarah Shalaby, Raffaella Petrara, Patrizia Burra, Giacomo Zanus, Stefano Zanini,Paolo Rigotti; Maria Rendina, AlfredoDi Leo, Francesco Paolo Schena, Giuseppe Grandaliano, Marco Fiorentino, Augusto Lauro, Antonio Daniele Pinna, PaoloDi Gioia, Sara Pellegrini, Chiara Zanfi, Maria Piera Scolari, Sergio Stefoni, PaolaTodeschini, Laura Panicali, Chiara Valentini, Umberto Baccarani, Andrea Risaliti, Gian Luigi Adani, Dario Lorenzin, Giuseppe Maria Ettorre, Giovanni Vennarecci,Marco Colasanti, Manuela Coco, Fabrizio Ettorre, Roberto Santoro, LuciaMiglioresi, Francesco Nudo, Massimo Rossi,Gianluca Mennini, Luca Toti, GiuseppeTisone, Annachiara Casella, Laura Fazzolari, Daniele Sforza, Giuseppe Iaria,Carlo Gazia, Chiara Belardi, ClaudiaCimaglia, Alessandro Agresta, Gianpiero DâOffizi, Ubaldo Visco Comandini,Raffaella Lionetti, Marzia Montalbano, Chiara Taibi, Giovanni Fantola, Fausto Zamboni, Gian Benedetto Piredda,Maria Benigna Michittu, Maria Gavina Murgia, Bruno Onano, Lucia Fratino, Luigino Dal Maso, Paolo De Paoli, Diana Verdirosi,Emanuela Vaccher, Francesco Pisani, Antonio Famulari, Federica Delreno, Samuele Iesari, LindaDe Luca, Maurizio Iaria, Enzo Capocasale,Elena Cremaschi, Silvio Sandrini, Francesca Valerio,Valentina Mazzucotelli, Nicola Bossini, Gisella Setti, Massimiliano Veroux, Pierfrancesco Veroux, Giuseppe Giuffrida,Alessia Giaquinta, Domenico Zerbo, GhilBusnach, Laura Di Leo, Maria Luisa Perrino, Marialuisa Querques, ValerianaColombo, Maria Chiara Sghirlanzoni , Piergiorgio Messa, Antonio Leoni , Laura Galatioto, Salvatore Gruttadauria, Vito Sparacino, FlaviaCaputo, Barbara Buscemi ,Franco Cit-terio, Gionata Spagnoletti, Maria Paola Salerno, Evaldo Favi Giuseppe Paolo Segoloni, Luigi Biancone, AntonioLavacca, Maria Cristina Maresca, CarmeloCascone, Bice Virgilio, Donato Donati, Fiorella Dossi, Andrea Fontanella, Andrea Ambrosini, Marco Di CiccoTaborelli, Martina; Toffolutti, Federica; Del Zotto, Stefania; Clagnan, Elena; Furian, Lucrezia; Piselli, Pierluca; Citterio, Franco; Zanier, Loris; Boscutti, Giuliano; Serraino, Diego for the Italian Transplant & Cancer Cohort Study; Shalaby, Sarah; Petrara, MARIA RAFFAELLA; Burra, Patrizia; Zanus, Giacomo; Zanini, Stefano; Rigotti, Paolo; Maria, Rendina; Alfredodi, Leo; Francesco Paolo Schena, ; Giuseppe, Grandaliano; Marco, Fiorentino; Augusto, Lauro; Antonio Daniele Pinna, ; Paolodi, Gioia; Sara, Pellegrini; Chiara, Zanfi; Maria Piera Scolari, ; Sergio, Stefoni; Paolatodeschini, ; Laura, Panicali; Chiara, Valentini; Umberto, Baccarani; Andrea, Risaliti; Gian Luigi Adani, ; Dario, Lorenzin; Giuseppe Maria Ettorre, ; Giovanni, Vennarecci; Marco, Colasanti; Manuela, Coco; Fabrizio, Ettorre; Roberto, Santoro; Luciamiglioresi, ; Francesco, Nudo; Massimo, Rossi; Gianluca, Mennini; Luca, Toti; Giuseppetisone, ; Annachiara, Casella; Laura, Fazzolari; Daniele, Sforza; Giuseppe, Iaria; Carlo, Gazia; Chiara, Belardi; Claudiacimaglia, ; Alessandro, Agresta; Gianpiero, DâOffizi; Ubaldo Visco Comandini, ; Raffaella, Lionetti; Marzia, Montalbano; Chiara, Taibi; Giovanni, Fantola; Fausto, Zamboni; Gian Benedetto Piredda, ; Maria Benigna Michittu, ; Maria Gavina Murgia, ; Bruno, Onano; Lucia, Fratino; Luigino Dal Maso, ; Paolo De Paoli, ; Diana, Verdirosi; Emanuela, Vaccher; Francesco, Pisani; Antonio, Famulari; Federica, Delreno; Samuele, Iesari; Lindade, Luca; Maurizio, Iaria; Enzo, Capocasale; Elena, Cremaschi; Silvio, Sandrini; Francesca, Valerio; Valentina, Mazzucotelli; Nicola, Bossini; Gisella, Setti; Massimiliano, Veroux; Pierfrancesco, Veroux; Giuseppe, Giuffrida; Alessia, Giaquinta; Domenico, Zerbo; Ghilbusnach, ; Laura Di Leo, ; Maria Luisa Perrino, ; Marialuisa, Querques; Valerianacolombo, ; Maria Chiara Sghirlanzoni, ; Piergiorgio, Messa; Antonio, Leoni; Laura, Galatioto; Salvatore, Gruttadauria; Vito, Sparacino; Flaviacaputo, ; Barbara, Buscemi; Franco, Cit-terio; Gionata, Spagnoletti; Maria Paola Salerno, ; Evaldo Favi Giuseppe Paolo Segoloni, ; Luigi, Biancone; Antoniolavacca, ; Maria Cristina Maresca, ; Carmelocascone, ; Bice, Virgilio; Donato, Donati; Fiorella, Dossi; Andrea, Fontanella; Andrea, Ambrosini; Marco Di Cicco
Immune activation, immune senescence and levels of Epstein Barr Virus in kidney transplant patients: Impact of mTOR inhibitors
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) represent a severe complication in transplanted patients and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is the main driver. Besides immunodepression, immune activation/chronic inflammation play an important role in both virus reactivation and expansion of EBV-positive B cells. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of immunosuppressive strategies on factors involved in the PTLD's pathogenesis. 124 kidney transplanted patients were enrolled in this study: 71 were treated with mycophenolic acid (MPA) and 53 treated with mTOR inhibitor (mTORi), both in combination with different doses of calcineurin inhibitor. At the time of the transplant (T0), profile of inflammation/immune activation and immune senescence didn't differ between the two groups, but after one year of treatment (T1) markers were significantly higher in MPA-treated patients; their immunosenescence process was supported by the greater erosion of telomeres despite their younger age. Percentages of activated B cells and levels of EBV-DNA significantly increased in MPA-treated patients, and at T1 were significantly higher in MPA- than in mTORi-treated patients. Overall, these findings indicate that mTOR inhibitors constrain the inflammation/immune activation and senescence status, thus reducing the expansion of EBV-infected B cells and the risk of virus-associated PTLD in kidney transplant recipients. \ua9 2019 The Author
Exercise Performance of Lowlanders with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Acutely Exposed to 2048 m: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial
Background: Amongst the millions of travelers to high altitude worldwide are many with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but data regarding the effects of acute exposure to altitude on exercise performance are limited. The current study investigated how acute exposure to moderate altitude influences exercise performance in COPD patients, providing novel insights to the underlying physiological mechanisms.
Methods: Twenty-nine COPD patients, GOLD grade 2-3, median (quartile) forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV) of 60% predicted (46; 69) performed cycling incremental ramp exercise test (IET) at 490 m and after acute exposure of 2-6 hours to 2048 m or vice versa, according to a randomized cross-over design. Exercise performance and breath-by-breath analyses of the last 30 seconds of each IET were compared between locations.
Results: At 2048 m compared to 490 m, the maximum power output (Wmax) was 77 watts (62;104) vs 88 watts (75;112), median reduction 5 watts (95% CI, 2 to 8, P<0.05), corresponding to a median reduction of 6% (95% CI, 2 to 11, P<0.05) compared to 490 m. The peak oxygen uptake (V'Opeak) was 70% predicted (56;86) at 2048 m vs 79% predicted (63;90) at 490 m, median reduction of 6% (95% CI, 3 to 9, P<0.05). The oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry (SpO) at 2048 m was reduced by 8% (95% CI, 4 to 9, P<0.05) compared to 490 m. The minute ventilation (V') increased by 2.8L/min (95% CI, 0.9 to 4.2, P<0.05) at 2048 m. The maximum heart rate and the subjective sense of dyspnea and leg fatigue did not change.
Conclusion: Lowlanders with moderate-to-severe COPD acutely exposed to 2048 m reveal small but significant reduction in cycling IET along with a reduced V'Opeak. As dyspnea perception and maximal heart rate were unchanged, the lower blood oxygenation and exaggerated ventilatory response were culprit factors for the reduced performance
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80,000,000 hooligans. Discourses of resistance to racism and xenophobia in German punk lyrics 1991-1994
The late eighties and early nineties in Germany were not only marked by the fall of the Wall and German unification, but also by the dramatization of the political issue of asylum, resulting in outbreaks of xenophobic violence. In the context of the asylum debate of the early nineties, a number of punk bands produced songs between 1991 and 1994 which criticise the xenophobic climate created by the asylum debate and undermine an exculpatory official discourse about the violent attacks. The lyrics of these songs will be analysed as instances of counter-discourse emerging from a subcultural sphere that nurtures a critical distance towards hegemonic public and political discourse, arguing that Critical Discourse Analysis should pay more attention to defiance of hegemonic discourse
European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT)-TLJ 3.0 consensus on histopathological analysis of pre-implantation donor kidney biopsy: redefining the role in the process of graft assessment
The ESOT TLJ 3.0. consensus conference brought together leading experts in transplantation to develop evidence-based guidance on the standardization and clinical utility of pre-implantation kidney biopsy in the assessment of grafts from Expanded Criteria Donors (ECD). Seven themes were selected and underwent in-depth analysis after formulation of PICO (patient/population, intervention, comparison, outcomes) questions. After literature search, the statements for each key question were produced, rated according the GRADE approach [Quality of evidence: High (A), Moderate (B), Low (C); Strength of Recommendation: Strong (1), Weak (2)]. The statements were subsequently presented in-person at the Prague kick-off meeting, discussed and voted. After two rounds of discussion and voting, all 7 statements reached an overall agreement of 100% on the following issues: needle core/wedge/punch technique representatively [B,1], frozen/paraffin embedded section reliability [B,2], experienced/non-experienced on-call renal pathologist reproducibility/accuracy of the histological report [A,1], glomerulosclerosis/other parameters reproducibility [C,2], digital pathology/light microscopy in the measurement of histological variables [A,1], special stainings/Haematoxylin and Eosin alone comparison [A,1], glomerulosclerosis reliability versus other histological parameters to predict the graft survival, graft function, primary non-function [B,1]. This methodology has allowed to reach a full consensus among European experts on important technical topics regarding pre-implantation biopsy in the ECD graft assessment.Immunopathology of vascular and renal diseases and of organ and celltransplantationIP
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