384 research outputs found

    Transitions in polycrystalline diamond probed by steady state, modulated and transient surface photovoltage spectroscopy

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    Numerous electronic transitions in polycrystalline chemical vapor deposition diamond with characteristic nucleation and growth sides were obtained by highly sensitive surface photovoltage SPV spectroscopy in dc Kelvin probe , ac modulated and ac transient regimes from near infrared to deep ultraviolet. In the dc regime, defect transitions D1 to D8 were detected at 0.8 0.9, 1, 1.37, 1.78, 2.27, 3.15, 4.2 and 5.42 eV, respectively. Hints for more transitions were found for measurements in the ac modulated regime in the range near D3. SPV measurements in the ac transient regime showed the importance of disorder for relaxation of SPV signals excited at different photon energies. Phonon assisted transitions were observed at Eg amp; 8722; Ex amp; 8722; h amp; 957;LA,LO, Eg amp; 8722; Ex h amp; 957;LA,LO and Eg amp; 8722; Ex h amp; 957;TO. The developed SPV techniques are suitable for applications in research and quality control not only for diamond but also for any other semiconductor with ultra wide bandga

    On the relationship between field cycling and imprint in ferroelectric Hfâ‚€.â‚…Zrâ‚€.â‚…Oâ‚‚

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    Manifold research has been done to understand the detailed mechanisms behind the performance instabilities of ferroelectric capacitors based on hafnia. The wake-up together with the imprint might be the most controversially discussed phenomena so far. Among crystallographic phase change contributions and oxygen vacancy diffusion, electron trapping as the origin has been discussed recently. In this publication, we provide evidence that the imprint is indeed caused by electron trapping into deep states at oxygen vacancies. This impedes the ferroelectric switching and causes a shift of the hysteresis. Moreover, we show that the wake-up mechanism can be caused by a local imprint of the domains in the pristine state by the very same root cause. The various domain orientations together with an electron trapping can cause a constriction of the hysteresis and an internal bias field in the pristine state. Additionally, we show that this local imprint can even cause almost anti-ferroelectric like behavior in ferroelectric films

    Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy over Wide Time Domains for Semiconductors with Ultrawide Bandgap Example of Gallium Oxide

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    A nonconventional approach is proposed for the measurement of surface photovoltage SPV signals over very wide ranges in photon energy and time. Regimes for AC, DC, and combined AC DC measurements are defined and applied for the characterization of a amp; 946; Ga2O3 crystal by transient and modulated SPV spectroscopy, spectroscopy in the mode of a Kelvin probe and single pulse SPV transients from 10 amp; 8201;ns to 1000 amp; 8201;s with the same electrode. Numerous electronic transitions are distinguished in amp; 946; Ga2O3 depending on the measurement regime, the time response and the history of measurement. An accumulation of negative charge at the surface of amp; 946; Ga2O3 is observed at long times independent whether the SPV signals are positive or negative before. The nonconventional approach of measuring SPV signals opens new opportunities for investigating electronic properties of semiconductors with ultrawide bandgaps and any other photoactive material

    Charge Generation and Selective Separation at PbS Quantum Dot Metal Oxide Interfaces

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    Charge separation and transfer at the interface between layers of oleic acid capped PbS quantum dots QDs and Titanium and Indium Tin oxide TiO2 and ITO films were investigated by surface photovoltage SPV measurements. Photoluminescence PL measurements were performed in order to check for excitonic transitions and determine the QD band gaps. The QDs diameter of 4.2 nm and 5.0 nm were estimated by using the PL band gaps and the theoretical equation derived by Wang et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 87 1987 7315]. The SPV spectra of the PbS QDs TiO2 system reveal a positive charge on the PbS film surface and show three distinguished regions which demonstrate i the charge separation across QDs, ii the electron injection from QDs into TiO2 and iii the fundamental absorption in TiO2. The on set of the electron injection depends on the QD size QD band gap it shifts to lower photon energies for lower QD dimensions for higher QD band gaps . Thus, a better conduction band alignment is achieved in the latter case. In contrast to PbS QDs TiO2, the SPV spectra of the PbS QDs ITO structure reveal the negative charge on PbS surface. Moreover, the charge transfer at this interface is not observed. Instead, the SPV peculiarities in the photon energy range 1.4 3.0 eV point out to trapped holes on the ITO surface state

    Cardiac magnetic resonance assessment of central and peripheral vascular function in patients undergoing renal sympathetic denervation as predictor for blood pressure response

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    Background: Most trials regarding catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation (RDN) describe a proportion of patients without blood pressure response. Recently, we were able to show arterial stiffness, measured by invasive pulse wave velocity (IPWV), seems to be an excellent predictor for blood pressure response. However, given the invasiveness, IPWV is less suitable as a selection criterion for patients undergoing RDN. Consequently, we aimed to investigate the value of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) based measures of arterial stiffness in predicting the outcome of RDN compared to IPWV as reference. Methods: Patients underwent CMR prior to RDN to assess ascending aortic distensibility (AAD), total arterial compliance (TAC), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). In a second step, central aortic blood pressure was estimated from ascending aortic area change and flow sequences and used to re-calculate total arterial compliance (cTAC). Additionally, IPWV was acquired. Results: Thirty-two patients (24 responders and 8 non-responders) were available for analysis. AAD, TAC and cTAC were higher in responders, IPWV was higher in non-responders. SVR was not different between the groups. Patients with AAD, cTAC or TAC above median and IPWV below median had significantly better BP response. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves predicting blood pressure response for IPWV, AAD, cTAC and TAC revealed areas under the curve of 0.849, 0.828, 0.776 and 0.753 (p = 0.004, 0.006, 0.021 and 0.035). Conclusions: Beyond IPWV, AAD, cTAC and TAC appear as useful outcome predictors for RDN in patients with hypertension. CMR-derived markers of arterial stiffness might serve as non-invasive selection criteria for RDN

    Calibration to American options: numerical investigation of the de-Americanization method.

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    American options are the reference instruments for the model calibration of a large and important class of single stocks. For this task, a fast and accurate pricing algorithm is indispensable. The literature mainly discusses pricing methods for American options that are based on Monte Carlo, tree and partial differential equation methods. We present an alternative approach that has become popular under the name de-Americanization in the financial industry. The method is easy to implement and enjoys fast run-times (compared to a direct calibration to American options). Since it is based on ad hoc simplifications, however, theoretical results guaranteeing reliability are not available. To quantify the resulting methodological risk, we empirically test the performance of the de-Americanization method for calibration. We classify the scenarios in which de-Americanization performs very well. However, we also identify the cases where de-Americanization oversimplifies and can result in large errors

    Gapless Assembly of Maize Chromosomes Using Long-Read Technologies

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    Creating gapless telomere-to-telomere assemblies of complex genomes is one of the ultimate challenges in genomics. We use two independent assemblies and an optical map-based merging pipeline to produce a maize genome (B73-Ab10) composed of 63 contigs and a contig N50 of 162 Mb. This genome includes gapless assemblies of chromosome 3 (236 Mb) and chromosome 9 (162 Mb), and 53 Mb of the Ab10 meiotic drive haplotype. The data also reveal the internal structure of seven centromeres and five heterochromatic knobs, showing that the major tandem repeat arrays (CentC, knob180, and TR-1) are discontinuous and frequently interspersed with retroelements
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