1,369 research outputs found

    Field-free two-direction alignment alternation of linear molecules by elliptic laser pulses

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    We show that a linear molecule subjected to a short specific elliptically polarized laser field yields postpulse revivals exhibiting alignment alternatively located along the orthogonal axis and the major axis of the ellipse. The effect is experimentally demonstrated by measuring the optical Kerr effect along two different axes. The conditions ensuring an optimal field-free alternation of high alignments along both directions are derived.Comment: 5 pages, 4 color figure

    Can magnetized turbulence set the mass scale of stars?

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    Understanding the evolution of self-gravitating, isothermal, magnetized gas is crucial for star formation, as these physical processes have been postulated to set the initial mass function (IMF). We present a suite of isothermal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations using the GIZMO code that follow the formation of individual stars in giant molecular clouds (GMCs), spanning a range of Mach numbers found in observed GMCs (⁠M∼10−50⁠). As in past works, the mean and median stellar masses are sensitive to numerical resolution, because they are sensitive to low-mass stars that contribute a vanishing fraction of the overall stellar mass. The mass-weighted median stellar mass M₅₀ becomes insensitive to resolution once turbulent fragmentation is well resolved. Without imposing Larson-like scaling laws, our simulations find M₅₀∝∼M₀M⁻³α_(turb)SFE^(1/3) for GMC mass M₀, sonic Mach number M⁠, virial parameter α_(turb), and star formation efficiency SFE = M⋆/M₀. This fit agrees well with previous IMF results from the RAMSES, ORION2, and SPHNG codes. Although M₅₀ has no significant dependence on the magnetic field strength at the cloud scale, MHD is necessary to prevent a fragmentation cascade that results in non-convergent stellar masses. For initial conditions and SFE similar to star-forming GMCs in our Galaxy, we predict M₅₀ to be >20M⊙⁠, an order of magnitude larger than observed (⁠∼2M⊙⁠), together with an excess of brown dwarfs. Moreover, M₅₀ is sensitive to initial cloud properties and evolves strongly in time within a given cloud, predicting much larger IMF variations than are observationally allowed. We conclude that physics beyond MHD turbulence and gravity are necessary ingredients for the IMF

    Key Physical Processes in the Circumgalactic Medium

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    Spurred by rich, multi-wavelength observations and enabled by new simulations, ranging from cosmological to sub-pc scales, the last decade has seen major theoretical progress in our understanding of the circumgalactic medium. We review key physical processes in the CGM. Our conclusions include: (1) The properties of the CGM depend on a competition between gravity-driven infall and gas cooling. When cooling is slow relative to free fall, the gas is hot (roughly virial temperature) whereas the gas is cold (T~10^4 K) when cooling is rapid. (2) Gas inflows and outflows play crucial roles, as does the cosmological environment. Large-scale structure collimates cold streams and provides angular momentum. Satellite galaxies contribute to the CGM through winds and gas stripping. (3) In multiphase gas, the hot and cold phases continuously exchange mass, energy and momentum. The interaction between turbulent mixing and radiative cooling is critical. A broad spectrum of cold gas structures, going down to sub-pc scales, arises from fragmentation, coagulation, and condensation onto gas clouds. (4) Magnetic fields, thermal conduction and cosmic rays can substantially modify how the cold and hot phases interact, although microphysical uncertainties are presently large. Key open questions for future work include the mutual interplay between small-scale structure and large-scale dynamics, and how the CGM affects the evolution of galaxies.Comment: 69 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Authors' draft. Edited version will appear in the next volum

    Magnetic and Thermodynamic Properties of the Collective Paramagnet-Spin Liquid Pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 1012 (1999)] it was found that the Tb3+^{3+} magnetic moments in the Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7 pyrochlore lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra remain in a {\it collective paramagnetic} state down to 70mK. In this paper we present results from d.c. magnetic susceptibility, specific heat data, inelastic neutron scattering measurements, and crystal field calculations that strongly suggest that (1) the Tb3+^{3+} ions in Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7 possess a moment of approximatively 5μB\mu_{\rm B}, and (2) the ground state gg-tensor is extremely anisotropic below a temperature of O(100)O(10^0)K, with Ising-like Tb3+^{3+} magnetic moments confined to point along a local cubic diagonal(e.g.towardsthemiddleofthetetrahedron).SuchaverylargeeasyaxisIsinglikeanisotropyalonga diagonal (e.g. towards the middle of the tetrahedron). Such a very large easy-axis Ising like anisotropy along a direction dramatically reduces the frustration otherwise present in a Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet. The results presented herein underpin the conceptual difficulty in understanding the microscopic mechanism(s) responsible for Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7 failing to develop long-range order at a temperature of the order of the paramagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature θCW101\theta_{\rm CW} \approx -10^1K. We suggest that dipolar interactions and extra perturbative exchange coupling(s)beyond nearest-neighbors may be responsible for the lack of ordering of Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7.Comment: 8 POSTSCRIPT figures included. Submitted to Physical Review B. Contact: [email protected]

    Forged in FIRE: cusps, cores, and baryons in low-mass dwarf galaxies

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    We present ultra-high resolution cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of M1046.3MM_*\simeq10^{4-6.3}M_{\odot} dwarf galaxies that form within Mv=109.510MM_{v}=10^{9.5-10}M_{\odot} dark matter halos. Our simulations rely on the FIRE implementation of star formation feedback and were run with high enough force and mass resolution to directly resolve stellar and dark matter structure on the ~200 pc scales of interest for classical and ultra-faint dwarfs in the Local Group. The resultant galaxies sit on the MM_* vs. MvM_{v} relation required to match the Local Group stellar mass function. They have bursty star formation histories and also form with half-light radii and metallicities that broadly match those observed for local dwarfs at the same stellar mass. We demonstrate that it is possible to create a large (~1 kpc) dark matter core in a cosmological simulation of an M106.5MM_*\simeq10^{6.5}M_{\odot} dwarf galaxy that resides within an Mv=1010MM_{v}=10^{10}M_{\odot} halo -- precisely the scale of interest for resolving the Too Big to Fail problem. However, these large cores are not ubiquitous and appear to correlate closely with the star formation histories of the dwarfs: dark matter cores are largest in systems that form their stars late (z2z\lesssim2), after the early epoch of cusp building mergers has ended. Our M104MM_*\simeq10^4M_{\odot} dwarf retains a cuspy dark matter halo density profile that matches almost identically that of a dark-matter only run of the same system. Despite forming in a field environment, this very low mass dwarf has observable properties that match closely to those of ultra-faint satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, including a uniformly old stellar population (>10 Gyr). Though ancient, most of the stars in our ultra-faint form after reionization; the UV field acts mainly to suppress fresh gas accretion, not to boil away gas that is already present in the proto-dwarf.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Fluid-structure interaction and homogenization: from spatial averaging to continuous wavelet transform

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    Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is classicaly modeled according a separated and local approach. It enables to take full advantage of the numerical methods specifically designed for each medium. However, it requires to take great care of the interface, and to exchange, between the algorithms, the information related to boundary conditions [1]. This treatment of the interface can quickly become too cumbersome in complex flow geometries, as in the industrial case study driving this work: an inviscid compressible flow interacting with French PWR fuel assemblies (Fig. 1a). In such specific applications, where the solid medium exhibits a discontinuous but periodic design, an homogenized and global approach is preferred [2]. Inspired by porous media [3, 4], multiphase flows, or Large Eddy Simulation (LES), it relies on a spatial averaging of the balance equations, thus allowing to remove all interfaces. However, such filtering techniques exhibit two major limitations: first, they do not deal properly with boundary conditions, due to the non-commutativity between the filtering operator and spatial derivatives, as detailed in [5, 6, 7] for LES; second, filtering implies loss of microscopic information, and thus requires a closure model to describe interactions between resolved and unresolved scales

    The origin of ultra diffuse galaxies: stellar feedback and quenching

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    We test if the cosmological zoom-in simulations of isolated galaxies from the FIRE project reproduce the properties of ultra diffuse galaxies. We show that stellar feedback-generated outflows that dynamically heat galactic stars, together with a passively aging stellar population after imposed quenching (from e.g. infall into a galaxy cluster), naturally reproduce the observed population of red UDGs, without the need for high spin halos or dynamical influence from their host cluster. We reproduce the range of surface brightness, radius and absolute magnitude of the observed z=0 red UDGs by quenching simulated galaxies at a range of different times. They represent a mostly uniform population of dark matter-dominated galaxies with M_star ~1e8 Msun, low metallicity and a broad range of ages. The most massive simulated UDGs require earliest quenching and are therefore the oldest. Our simulations provide a good match to the central enclosed masses and the velocity dispersions of the observed UDGs (20-50 km/s). The enclosed masses of the simulated UDGs remain largely fixed across a broad range of quenching times because the central regions of their dark matter halos complete their growth early. A typical UDG forms in a dwarf halo mass range of Mh~4e10-1e11 Msun. The most massive red UDG in our sample requires quenching at z~3 when its halo reached Mh ~ 1e11 Msun. If it, instead, continues growing in the field, by z=0 its halo mass reaches > 5e11 Msun, comparable to the halo of an L* galaxy. If our simulated dwarfs are not quenched, they evolve into bluer low-surface brightness galaxies with mass-to-light ratios similar to observed field dwarfs. While our simulation sample covers a limited range of formation histories and halo masses, we predict that UDG is a common, and perhaps even dominant, galaxy type around Ms~1e8 Msun, both in the field and in clusters.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures; match the MNRAS accepted versio

    Possible evidence for an inverted temperature-density relation in the intergalactic medium from the flux distribution of the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We compare the improved measurement of the Lya forest flux probability distribution at 1.7<z<3.2 presented by Kim et al. (2007) to a large set of hydrodynamical simulations of the Lya forest with different cosmological parameters and thermal histories. The simulations are in good agreement with the observational data if the temperature-density relation for the low density intergalactic medium (IGM), T=T_0 Delta^{gamma-1}, is either close to isothermal or inverted (gamma<1). Our results suggest that the voids in the IGM may be significantly hotter and the thermal state of the low density IGM may be substantially more complex than is usually assumed at these redshifts. We discuss radiative transfer effects which alter the spectral shape of ionising radiation during the epoch of HeII reionisation as a possible physical mechanism for achieving an inverted temperature-density relation at z~3.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS following minor revision. The accepted version includes an expanded discussion of the flux power spectru

    Evolution of giant molecular clouds across cosmic time

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    Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are well studied in the local Universe, however, exactly how their properties vary during galaxy evolution is poorly understood due to challenging resolution requirements, both observational and computational. We present the first time-dependent analysis of GMCs in a Milky Way-like galaxy and an Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)-like dwarf galaxy of the FIRE-2 (Feedback In Realistic Environments) simulation suite, which have sufficient resolution to predict the bulk properties of GMCs in cosmological galaxy formation self-consistently. We show explicitly that the majority of star formation outside the galactic centre occurs within self-gravitating gas structures that have properties consistent with observed bound GMCs. We find that the typical cloud bulk properties such as mass and surface density do not vary more than a factor of 2 in any systematic way after the first Gyr of cosmic evolution within a given galaxy from its progenitor. While the median properties are constant, the tails of the distributions can briefly undergo drastic changes, which can produce very massive and dense self-gravitating gas clouds. Once the galaxy forms, we identify only two systematic trends in bulk properties over cosmic time: a steady increase in metallicity produced by previous stellar populations and a weak decrease in bulk cloud temperatures. With the exception of metallicity, we find no significant differences in cloud properties between the Milky Way-like and dwarf galaxies. These results have important implications for cosmological star and star cluster formation and put especially strong constraints on theories relating the stellar initial mass function to cloud properties