15 research outputs found

    The Impact of Economic Crisis on Graduates’ Employment and Work

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    This article examines the employment and work status of Catalan graduates from public universities, by establishing a comparison between three cohorts of graduates: 2004 (during an expansion), 2007 (starting point of economic crisis), and 2010 (during the crisis). A first descriptive analysis shows that the rise of unemployment has affected graduates differently according to gender, social origin, field of study and work during higher education. A second typological analysis shows a homogeneous structure of occupations among the cohorts. However, starting with the 2010 cohort, the most exposed to the crisis, the absolute number of graduates with the better occupational conditions has declined, whereas the number of graduates in less protected has increased

    Social mobility from a comparative perspective between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This chapter presents a review of the analysis of social mobility in the international sphere (Europe and Latin America), with a particular focus on the partner countries of the INCASI network. To date, few studies have linked nations whose economic and social aspects are so dissimilar. As is usual in the specialized literature, the relationship between social origin and class destination is addressed. This is done by noting the comparisons made across the geographical areas. We review the analyses that have been made of the evolution of social fluidity as well as the distance between social classes within each country and the comparisons made between them. We compare the main theories that have inspired the study of social mobility to date: modernization theory, which predicts an increase in relative mobility rates, and invariance theory, which postulates the constancy of social fluidity. Special attention is devoted to the role played by the family, the state and the market in late industrialized countries. We study the difficulties for social change, i.e. upward mobility from one class to another, as well as the likelihood of reproduction in comparative terms. To do so, we link these mechanisms with the AMOSIT model. The advances in methodology, techniques, theory and data processing are highlighted

    Higher education segregation in Spain: Gender constructs and social background

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    The waning influence of ascriptive factors on occupational status has been related to the expansion of higher education systems and economic modernisation. The theory of Effectively Maintained Inequality observes that the horizontal stratification of university degrees is a strategy of social differentiation used mainly by the most advantaged social class to access the occupations that are better valued in the labour market. This article verifies the effectively maintained inequality theory by means of a statistical analysis of selected degrees, differentiated by gender and social class, carried out in a Spanish university during the period of expansion and consolidation of the higher education system. The results confirm the theory, but they are partially conditioned by the vertical stratification that alters the composition by gender of the contingent of students of less advantaged social class, in which women present a greater tendency to choose degrees that are less valued by the market

    Migration and social mobility between Argentina and Spain : climbing the social hierarchy in the transnational space

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This chapter analyses the relationship between migration and social mobility in Argentina and Spain from a transnational perspective focusing on two dimensions: the patterns of intergenerational social mobility of immigrants and natives in both countries; the social mobility strategies and trajectories of Galicians families in Buenos Aires and Argentinians, of Galician origin, who migrated to Galicia after the 2001 crisis. The chapter begins by contextualizing the migratory trends in Europe and Latin America. This is followed by a comparative study of how immigration impacts on the class structure and social mobility patterns in Argentina and Spain. Quantitative analysis techniques are used to study the intergenerational social mobility rates. The statistical analysis of stratification and social mobility surveys have been benchmarked against previous studies conducted in Argentina (Germani, G., Movilidad social en la sociedad industrial. EUDEBA, Buenos Aires, 1963; Dalle, P., Movilidad social desde las clases populares. Un estudio sociológico en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (1960-2013). CLACSO/Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani-UBA/CICCUS, Buenos Aires, 2016) and Spain (Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P., Revista Española de Sociología 26:1-20, 2017). Secondly, qualitative research methods are used to consider the social mobility strategies and class trajectories of migrant families. We analyse two fieldworks, developed in the framework of other research projects (based on 44 biographical and semi-structured interviews). These case studies were carried out with Galicians that migrated to Argentina between 1940 and 1960 and Argentinians, of Galician origin, who migrated to Galicia after the 2001 crisis

    The value of university internships

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    Universities place particular importance on their internship projects for university students. The purpose of this study is to identify if the internships have an impact on the students’ entry to the labour market. The methodology used is based on the bivariate analysis and the multiple binary logistic regression technique, using data from the 2014 Survey on the Labour Insertion of University Graduates (EILU), carried out by the INE. The sample used comprises 30,379 graduates and in the internships section, 21,622 university graduates. The results obtained confi rm that internships are a tool for job placement.Las universidades prestan especial importancia a sus proyectos de prácticas enfocados hacia los universitarios. Así, el propósito de este estudio es identificar si las prácticas impactan en la inserción laboral. La metodología utilizada se basa en el análisis bivariado y la técnica de regresión logística binaria múltiple, sobre la base de datos de la Encuesta de Inserción Laboral de los Titulados Universitarios (EILU) del año 2014, llevada a cabo por el INE. La muestra utilizada es de 30.379 titulados y, en el apartado de prácticas, de 21.622 titulados universitarios. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que las prácticas son una herramienta de inserción laboral

    The value of university internships

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    Universities place particular importance on their internship projects for university students. The purpose of this study is to identify if the internships have an impact on the students’ entry to the labour market. The methodology used is based on the bivariate analysis and the multiple binary logistic regression technique, using data from the 2014 Survey on the Labour Insertion of University Graduates (EILU), carried out by the INE. The sample used comprises 30,379 graduates and in the internships section, 21,622 university graduates. The results obtained confi rm that internships are a tool for job placement.Las universidades prestan especial importancia a sus proyectos de prácticas enfocados hacia los universitarios. Así, el propósito de este estudio es identificar si las prácticas impactan en la inserción laboral. La metodología utilizada se basa en el análisis bivariado y la técnica de regresión logística binaria múltiple, sobre la base de datos de la Encuesta de Inserción Laboral de los Titulados Universitarios (EILU) del año 2014, llevada a cabo por el INE. La muestra utilizada es de 30.379 titulados y, en el apartado de prácticas, de 21.622 titulados universitarios. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que las prácticas son una herramienta de inserción laboral

    Comparing Labour Market among Spain, Italy, Argentina and Chile

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    The chapter, elaborated in the context of the INCASI European project, deals with the issue of social and employment inequalities seen from the dynamics of labour market segmentation. The study uses a specific analytical model to identify a range of segments that differentiate the employment positions hierarchically, in correspondence with the individual characteristics and professional profiles. The transnational comparison between two European countries and two in Latin America, which share the belonging to the Southern part of the world, allowed us to demonstrate that there are unexpected similarities between the contexts considered, both in the trends and in the configuration of the occupational segmentation. Despite significant differences in both socio-economic contexts and institutional regulation of labour, the structure of inequalities is reproduced through its intrinsic logic, functional to the needs of global capitalism

    The Impact of Economic Crisis on Graduates’ Employment and Work

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    This article examines the employment and work status of Catalan graduates from public universities, by establishing a comparison between three cohorts of graduates: 2004 (during an expansion), 2007 (starting point of economic crisis), and 2010 (during the crisis). A first descriptive analysis shows that the rise of unemployment has affected graduates differently according to gender, social origin, field of study and work during higher education. A second typological analysis shows a homogeneous structure of occupations among the cohorts. However, starting with the 2010 cohort, the most exposed to the crisis, the absolute number of graduates with the better occupational conditions has declined, whereas the number of graduates in less protected has increased

    A general model for the comparative analysis of social inequalities between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004The chapter is an introduction to the book that places the research perspective for the comparative analysis of social inequalities between Europe and Latin America in a theoretical and methodological framework. Particularly, we present the INCASI project, the objectives, and discuss the concept of social inequalities in Latin American countries in comparison with European countries in order to create a dialogue that fills the knowledge gap between these two different traditions. To do so, we propose an Analytical Model on Social Inequalities and Trajectories (AMOSIT). Finally, the structure and general contents of the book are presented