7,357 research outputs found

    Laboratory Bounds on Electron Lorentz Violation

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    Violations of Lorentz boost symmetry in the electron and photon sectors can be constrained by studying several different high-energy phenomenon. Although they may not lead to the strongest bounds numerically, measurements made in terrestrial laboratories produce the most reliable results. Laboratory bounds can be based on observations of synchrotron radiation, as well as the observed absences of vacuum Cerenkov radiation. Using measurements of synchrotron energy losses at LEP and the survival of TeV photons, we place new bounds on the three electron Lorentz violation coefficients c_(TJ), at the 3 x 10^(-13) to 6 x 10^(-15) levels.Comment: 18 page

    Clustering with shallow trees

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    We propose a new method for hierarchical clustering based on the optimisation of a cost function over trees of limited depth, and we derive a message--passing method that allows to solve it efficiently. The method and algorithm can be interpreted as a natural interpolation between two well-known approaches, namely single linkage and the recently presented Affinity Propagation. We analyze with this general scheme three biological/medical structured datasets (human population based on genetic information, proteins based on sequences and verbal autopsies) and show that the interpolation technique provides new insight.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Quantification of the differences between quenched and annealed averaging for RNA secondary structures

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    The analytical study of disordered system is usually difficult due to the necessity to perform a quenched average over the disorder. Thus, one may resort to the easier annealed ensemble as an approximation to the quenched system. In the study of RNA secondary structures, we explicitly quantify the deviation of this approximation from the quenched ensemble by looking at the correlations between neighboring bases. This quantified deviation then allows us to propose a constrained annealed ensemble which predicts physical quantities much closer to the results of the quenched ensemble without becoming technically intractable.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exact Asymptotic Results for a Model of Sequence Alignment

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    Finding analytically the statistics of the longest common subsequence (LCS) of a pair of random sequences drawn from c alphabets is a challenging problem in computational evolutionary biology. We present exact asymptotic results for the distribution of the LCS in a simpler, yet nontrivial, variant of the original model called the Bernoulli matching (BM) model which reduces to the original model in the large c limit. We show that in the BM model, for all c, the distribution of the asymptotic length of the LCS, suitably scaled, is identical to the Tracy-Widom distribution of the largest eigenvalue of a random matrix whose entries are drawn from a Gaussian unitary ensemble. In particular, in the large c limit, this provides an exact expression for the asymptotic length distribution in the original LCS problem.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 2 .eps figures include

    Similarity-Detection and Localization

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    The detection of similarities between long DNA and protein sequences is studied using concepts of statistical physics. It is shown that mutual similarities can be detected by sequence alignment methods only if their amount exceeds a threshold value. The onset of detection is a continuous phase transition which can be viewed as a localization-delocalization transition. The ``fidelity'' of the alignment is the order parameter of that transition; it leads to criteria for the selection of optimal alignment parameters.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures (308kb post-script file

    Non-local on-shell field redefinition for the SME

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    This work instigates a study of non-local field mappings within the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension (SME). An example of such a mapping is constructed explicitly, and the conditions for the existence of its inverse are investigated. It is demonstrated that the associated field redefinition can remove b-type Lorentz violation from free SME fermions in certain situations. These results are employed to obtain explicit expressions for the corresponding Lorentz-breaking momentum-space eigenspinors and their orthogonality relations.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX

    Bethe Ansatz in the Bernoulli Matching Model of Random Sequence Alignment

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    For the Bernoulli Matching model of sequence alignment problem we apply the Bethe ansatz technique via an exact mapping to the 5--vertex model on a square lattice. Considering the terrace--like representation of the sequence alignment problem, we reproduce by the Bethe ansatz the results for the averaged length of the Longest Common Subsequence in Bernoulli approximation. In addition, we compute the average number of nucleation centers of the terraces.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (some points are clarified

    Quantifying the complexities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae's ecosystem engineering via fermentation

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    The theory of niche construction suggests that organisms may engineer environments via their activities. Despite the potential of this phenomenon being realized by Darwin, the capability of niche construction to generally unite ecological and evolutionary biology has never been empirically quantified. Here I quantify the fitness effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae's ecosystem engineering in a natural ferment in order to understand the interaction between ecological and evolutionary processes. 1 show that S. cerevisiae eventually dominates in fruit niches, where it is naturally initially rare, by modifying the environment through fermentation (the Crabtree effect) in ways which extend beyond just considering ethanol production. These data show that an additional cause of S. cerevisiae's competitive advantage over the other yeasts in the community is due to the production of heat via fermentation. Even though fermentation is less energetically efficient than respiration, it seems that this trait has been selected for because its net effect provides roughly a 7% fitness advantage over the other members of the community. These data provide an elegant example of niche construction because this trait clearly modifies the environment and therefore the selection pressures to which S. cerevisiae, and other organisms that access the fruit resource, including humans, are exposed to. © 2008 by the Ecological Society of America

    Reptile enamel matrix proteins: Selection, divergence, and functional constraint

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    The three major enamel matrix proteins (EMPs): amelogenin (AMEL), ameloblastin (AMBN), and enamelin (ENAM), are intrinsically linked to tooth development in tetrapods. However, reptiles and mammals exhibit significant differences in dental patterning and development, potentially affecting how EMPs evolve in each group. In most reptiles, teeth are replaced continuously throughout life, while mammals have reduced replacement to only one or two generations. Reptiles also form structurally simple, aprismatic enamel while mammalian enamel is composed of highly organized hydroxyapatite prisms. These differences, combined with reported low sequence homology in reptiles, led us to predict that reptiles may experience lower selection pressure on their EMPs as compared with mammals. However, we found that like mammals, reptile EMPs are under moderate purifying selection, with some differences evident between AMEL, AMBN, and ENAM. We also demonstrate that sequence homology in reptile EMPs is closely associated with divergence times, with more recently diverged lineages exhibiting high homology, along with strong phylogenetic signal. Lastly, despite sequence divergence, none of the reptile species in our study exhibited mutations consistent with diseases that cause degeneration of enamel (e.g. amelogenesis imperfecta). Despite short tooth retention time and simplicity in enamel structure, reptile EMPs still exhibit purifying selection required to form durable enamel.We calculated the percent identity between amino acid sequences of ameloblastin from various reptile groups. Crocodilians exhibit the highest sequence identity, while identity across squamates was substantially lower. Upon closer examination of the individual squamate clades, however, we found that identity values are actually much higher in snakes, with much of the variation existing between the various lizard infraorders.HIGHLIGHTSReptile enamel matrix proteins are under moderate purifying selection despite polyphyodonty and simple enamel structure.Sequence identity in reptile enamel matrix proteins exhibit correlation with divergence times in spite of differences in substitution rates.Reptile amelogenin operates under a distinct selection regime compared with ameloblastin and enamelin.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/1/jezb22857.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/2/jezb22857-sup-0001-Supplementary_file.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/3/jezb22857-sup-0007-Supplementary_file_S8-DAMBE-Saturation.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/4/jezb22857-sup-0002-Supplementary_file_S1-SpeciesTable.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/5/jezb22857-sup-0003-Supplementary_file_S2_Alignments.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/6/jezb22857-sup-0008-Supplementary_File_S9.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/7/jezb22857-sup-0005-Supplementary_file_S6.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/8/jezb22857_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/9/jezb22857-sup-0009-Supplementary_file_Reptiles.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150577/10/jezb22857-sup-0006-Supplementary_file_S7-DIVERGE.pd