925 research outputs found

    Learning outcomes:revised Bloom’s taxonomy and critical thinking in two examples of unit design

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    Abstract. This Master’s Thesis ‘Learning Outcomes: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and Critical Thinking in Two Examples of Unit Design’ introduces two different theoretical approaches in learning theory. Both theories discussed in this work were used for creating course plans for student activities but while they shared partly the same methodology they had different approaches in the way they approached the material in depth. In Finland, the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is generally referred to as Andersonin ja Krathwohl Taxonomy. The idea for this paper was first raised during an online teacher training course at the University of Oregon while studying ‘Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching’. During the course the basic set of theory, Elements of Thought and Intellectual Standards, and the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework were used in the course assignments. Critical Thinking functions also as a method for improving one’s thinking through the previously mentioned elements and for example ‘Intellectual Traits’. Personally, Critical Thinking as studied during the course, felt like a positive approach to learning, teaching and personal development in objectivity. A couple of years later I came across part of the same terminology while I was involved in an Erasmus + project ‘Learning units for students in an international setting for floristry’. The project included creating learning units, taking part in the pilots and student activities. The learning units were formed using the European Qualifications Framework for Life Long Learning. The Framework follows the classification for learning outcomes which in turn are defined by Knowledge, Skills and Competence. The theoretical background for these three concepts is based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The original approach, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, is one of the most influential methods (at present time) for describing learning, teaching and assessing through educational objectives. Revised Bloom’s taxonomy approaches learning and acquisition from two dimensions: cognitive process and knowledge. These two dimensions have stages which get harder to learn the higher they get in the matrix the model creates. The meeting point describes the expected learning outcome which once again leads back to European Qualifications Framework. The target in my work has been to show the connections between Critical Thinking and Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and how the influential European Qualifications Framework is sharing features of these methods. The Finnish National Qualifications Framework follows the same agreed theoretical standards in curriculum design and my aim has been to bring the particular features described in my paper visible and easier to approach for other teaching professionals as well.Oppimistulokset : uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia ja kriittinen ajattelutapa — kaksi esimerkkiä tutkinnonosan suunnittelussa. Tiivistelmä. Maisterintutkintoni lopputyö ”Oppimistulokset: Uudistettu Bloomin Taksonomia ja Kriittinen Ajattelutapa — kaksi esimerkkiä tutkinnonosan suunnittelussa” tuo esille kaksi erilaista oppimisteorioiden teoriasuuntausta. Molempia näistä tässä työssä esitellyistä lähestymistavoista käytettiin pohjana opiskelijoille suunniteltujen tutkinnonosien työstämisessä, mutta vaikka kyseiset teoriat jakavat osittain samaa teoriataustaa, niiden lähestymistavat eroavat materiaalin syvyysnäkökohdan tulkinnassa. Uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia tunnetaan Suomessa paremmin Andersonin ja Krathwohlin taksonomiana. Alkuperäinen ajatus lopputyöni aiheesta kehittyi opiskellessani opettajille tarkoitetulla Oregonin yliopiston järjestämällä internetkurssilla ”Kriittinen ajattelutapa kielten oppimisessa ja opettamisessa”. Kurssin aikana tutustuttiin teorian perusteisiin, ’Elements of Thought’ ja ’Intellectual Standards’, sekä Paul-Elderin kriittisen ajattelutavan malliin, jotka toimivat myös pohjana kurssitehtävien suorittamisessa. Kriittistä ajattelutapaa voidaan käyttää myös henkilökohtaisen ajattelun uudistamisessa aiemmin mainittujen teoriaperusteiden ja esimerkiksi menetelmän esittelemän ’Intellectual Traits’ kautta. Minulle itselleni kurssin aikana esitelty kriittisen ajattelutavan malli antoi positiivisen suunnan oppimiselle, opettamiselle ja objektiivisuudelle henkilökohtaisessa kehityksen käsittelyssä. Muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin kohtasin samoja käsitteitä liityttyäni mukaan Erasmus+ projektiin ”Kansainvälisiä opintokokonaisuuksia floristiikan opiskelijoille”. Projektiin kuului opintokokonaisuuksien muodostamista sekä pilotointeihin ja opiskeijatoimintoihin osallistumista. Opintojaksojen muodostamisen pohjana käytettiin eurooppalaista tukintojen viitekehystä. Viitekehys käyttää luokittelupohjana oppimistuloksia, jotka puolestaan määritellään tietoina, taitoina ja pätevyytenä. Näiden käsitteiden taustateoria pohjautuu uudistettuun Bloomin taksonomiaan. Kyseinen alkuperäinen teoriapohja, uudistettu Bloomin taksonomia, on yksi aikamme merkityksellisimmistä oppimistavoitteiden pohjalta tapahtuvan oppimisen, opettamisen ja arvioinnin menetelmistä. Taksonomia lähestyy oppimista kahdelta eri suunnalta: kognitiivisten prosessien tasolta sekä tietotasojen kautta. Näitä kahta tasoa kuvataan asteittain vaikeutuvilla tasoilla matriisimallissa, jossa tasojen kohtaamispisteet kuvaavat jälleen oppimistuloksia, jotka puolestaan johtavat takaisin eurooppalaiseen viitekehykseen. Lopputyöni tavoite on ollut osittaa kriittisen ajattelutavan ja uudistetun Bloomin taksonomian välisiä yhteyksiä ja miten vaikutusvaltainen eurooppalainen viitekehys jakaa piirteitä näistä malleista. Suomen kansallinen viitekehys seuraa samaa yleisesti hyväksyttyä teoriapohjaa opetussuunnitelmien suunnittelussa ja tarkoitukseni on ollut tuoda näkyvämmin esille työssäni esiteltyjä ominaispiirteitä sekä tehdä niistä helpommin lähestyttäviä myös muille opetusalan ammattilaisille

    Daily functioning and symptom factors contributing to attitudes toward antipsychotic treatment and treatment adherence in outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    Background: Poor adherence and negative attitudes to treatment are common clinical problems when treating psychotic disorders. This study investigated how schizophrenia core symptoms and daily functioning affect treatment adherence and attitudes toward antipsychotic medication and to compare patients using clozapine or other antipsychotics. Method: A cross-sectional study with data from 275 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Patients adherence, attitudes, insight and side-effects were evaluated using the Attitudes toward Neuroleptic Treatment scale. Overall symptomology was measured using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS). The functioning was assessed using activities of daily living scale, instrumental activities of daily living scale and social functioning of daily living scale. Results: Self-reported treatment adherence was high. Of the patients, 83% reported using at least 75% of the prescribed medication. Having more symptoms was related with more negative attitude towards treatment. There was a modest association with functioning and treatment adherence and attitude toward antipsychotic treatment. Attitudes affected on adherence in non-clozapine but not in clozapine groups. Conclusion: Early detection of non-adherence is difficult. Systematic evaluation of attitudes toward the treatment could be one way to assess this problem, along with optimized medication, prompt evaluation of side effects and flexible use of psychosocial treatments.Peer reviewe

    The growth pattern and microvasculature of pancreatic tumours induced with cultured carcinoma cells

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    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most frustrating problems in gastroenterological surgery, since there is little we can do to improve the survival of patients with current treatment strategies. If one is to elucidate factors related to carcinogenesis, tumour biology, diagnostics and new treatment modalities of this malignant disease, then it is essential to develop a suitable animal model. In the present study we investigated rat pancreatic tumour growth after intrapancreatic injection of cultured pancreatic carcinoma cells (DSL-6A/C1), originally derived from an azaserine-induced tumour, as well as the features of tumour microcirculation using the microangiography technique. After intrapancreatic inoculation, tumours were detected in 64% of animals. A 1 cm3tumour volume was reached within 20 weeks after inoculation. The tumours were ductal adenocarcinomas. Larger tumours showed invasive growth and spreading into the surrounding tissues, mainly into spleen and peritoneum. Microangiography revealed that the pancreatic tumours had an irregular and scanty vessel network and there were avascular areas in the center of the tumour. The area between normal pancreas and the induced tumour had dense vascularization. Intrapancreatic tumour induction with cultured pancreatic carcinoma cells produced a solid and uniformly growing tumour in Lewis rats and it thus provides a possible model for pancreatic cancer studies. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Does diametrical clearance influence the wear of Pinnacle hip implants?

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    Aims: The optimum clearance between the bearing surfaces of hip arthroplasties is unknown. Theoretically, to minimize wear, it is understood that clearances must be low enough to maintain optimal contact pressure and fluid film lubrication, while being large enough to allow lubricant recovery and reduce contact patch size. This study aimed to identify the relationship between diametrical clearance and volumetric wear, through the analysis of retrieved components. / Methods: A total of 81 metal-on-metal Pinnacle hips paired with 12/14 stems were included in this study. Geometrical analysis was performed on each component, using coordinate and roundness measuring machines. The relationship between their as-manufactured diametrical clearance and volumetric wear was investigated. The Mann-Whitney U test and unpaired t-test were used, in addition to calculating the non-parametric Spearman's correlation coefficient, to statistically evaluate the acquired data. / Results: The hips in this study were found to have had a median unworn diametrical clearance of 90.31 μm (interquartile range (IQR) 77.59 to 97.40); 32% (n = 26) were found to have been below the manufacturing tolerance. There was no correlation found between clearance and bearing (rs = -0.0004, p = 0.997) or taper (rs = 0.0048, p = 0.966) wear rates. The wear performance of hips manufactured within and below these specifications was not significantly different (bearing: p = 0.395; taper: p = 0.653). Pinnacles manufactured from 2007 onwards had a greater prevalence of bearing clearance below tolerance (p = 0.004). / Conclusion: The diametrical clearance of Pinnacle hips did not influence their wear performance, even when below the manufacturing tolerance. The optimum clearance for minimizing hip implant wear remains unclear

    GIMAP6 is required for T cell maintenance and efficient autophagy in mice

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    The GTPases of the immunity-associated proteins (GIMAP) GTPases are a family of proteins expressed strongly in the adaptive immune system. We have previously reported that in human cells one member of this family, GIMAP6, interacts with the ATG8 family member GABARAPL2, and is recruited to autophagosomes upon starvation, suggesting a role for GIMAP6 in the autophagic process. To study this possibility and the function of GIMAP6 in the immune system, we have established a mouse line in which the Gimap6 gene can be inactivated by Cre-mediated recombination. In mice bred to carry the CD2Cre transgene such that the Gimap6 gene was deleted within the T and B cell lineages there was a 50-70% reduction in peripheral CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Analysis of splenocyte-derived proteins from these mice indicated increased levels of MAP1LC3B, particularly the lipidated LC3-II form, and S405-phosphorylation of SQSTM1. Electron microscopic measurements of Gimap6(-/-) CD4(+) T cells indicated an increased mitochondrial/cytoplasmic volume ratio and increased numbers of autophagosomes. These results are consistent with autophagic disruption in the cells. However, Gimap6(-/-) T cells were largely normal in character, could be effectively activated in vitro and supported T cell-dependent antibody production. Treatment in vitro of CD4(+) splenocytes from GIMAP6(fl/fl) ERT2Cre mice with 4-hydroxytamoxifen resulted in the disappearance of GIMAP6 within five days. In parallel, increased phosphorylation of SQSTM1 and TBK1 was observed. These results indicate a requirement for GIMAP6 in the maintenance of a normal peripheral adaptive immune system and a significant role for the protein in normal autophagic processes. Moreover, as GIMAP6 is expressed in a cell-selective manner, this indicates the potential existence of a cell-restricted mode of autophagic regulation.Peer reviewe

    Alteration of the late endocytic pathway in Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2B disease

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    The small GTPase RAB7A regulates late stages of the endocytic pathway and plays specific roles in neurons, controlling neurotrophins trafficking and signaling, neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration. Mutations in the RAB7A gene cause the autosomal dominant Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2B (CMT2B) disease, an axonal peripheral neuropathy. As several neurodegenerative diseases are caused by alterations of endocytosis, we investigated whether CMT2B-causing mutations correlate with changes in this process. To this purpose, we studied the endocytic pathway in skin fibroblasts from healthy and CMT2B individuals. We found higher expression of late endocytic proteins in CMT2B cells compared to control cells, as well as higher activity of cathepsins and higher receptor degradation activity. Consistently, we observed an increased number of lysosomes, accompanied by higher lysosomal degradative activity in CMT2B cells. Furthermore, we found increased migration and increased RAC1 and MMP-2 activation in CMT2B compared to control cells. To validate these data, we obtained sensory neurons from patient and control iPS cells, to confirm increased lysosomal protein expression and lysosomal activity in CMT2B-derived neurons. Altogether, these results demonstrate that in CMT2B patient-derived cells, the endocytic degradative pathway is altered, suggesting that higher lysosomal activity contributes to neurodegeneration occurring in CMT2B