2,508 research outputs found

    Characterization of potential sources of magnetic anomalies within the crust in a tectonically active region: Amphibolites and migmatites from Potrillo Maar, New Mexico

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    The purpose was to characterize the oxide mineralogy and petrology of samples collected from Potrillo Maar, New Mexico with the goal of explaining the magnetic anamoly that is observed over this region from remote sensing. Potrillo Maar is a diatreme that has brought rocks from all depths in the crust to the surface almost instantaneously. The samples are therefore thought to be representative of the crust as it exists today below this portion of the Rio Grande Rift. It is generally believed that oxide minerals (magnetite, hematite, etc.) are responsible for the magnetic signature of the crust. The samples from Portillo Maar therefore offer a unique opportunity to examine the magnetic mineralogy of the entire crust. The results indicate that the magnetic anamoly observed over Rio Grande Rift may be consequence of the tectonic activity that caused mylonitization of the rocks and allowed the infiltration of oxidizing fluids

    Lunar and Martian hardware commonality

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    A number of different hardware elements were examined for possible Moon/Mars program commonality. These include manned landers; cargo landers, a trans-Mars injection (TMI) stage, traverse vehicles, unmanned surface rovers, habitation modules, and power supplies. Preliminary analysis indicates that it is possible to build a common two-stage manned lander. A single-stage, reusable lander may be practical for the lunar cast, but much less so for the Martian case, and commonality may therefore exist only at the subsystem level. A modified orbit transfer vehicle was examined as a potential cargo lander. Potential cargoes to various destinations were calculated for a Shuttle external tank sized TMI stage. A nuclear powered, long range traverse vehicle was conceptually designed and commonality is considered feasible. Short range, unmanned rovers can be made common without great effort. A surface habitation module may be difficult to make common due to difficulties in landing certain shapes on the Martian surface with aerobraking landers. Common nuclear power sources appear feasible. High temperature radiators appear easy to make common. Low temperature radiators may be difficult to make common. In most of these cases, Martian requirements determine the design

    Shear Heating Reconciles Thermal Models with the Metamorphic Rock Record of Subduction

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    Some commonly referenced thermal-mechanical models of current subduction zones imply temperatures that are 100–500 °C colder at 30–80-km depth than pressure–temperature conditions determined thermobarometrically from exhumed metamorphic rocks. Accurately inferring subduction zone thermal structure, whether from models or rocks, is crucial for predicting metamorphic reactions and associated fluid release, subarc melting conditions, rheologies, and fault-slip phenomena. Here, we compile surface heat flow data from subduction zones worldwide and show that values are higher than can be explained for a frictionless subduction interface often assumed for modeling. An additional heat source––likely shear heating––is required to explain these forearc heat flow values. A friction coefficient of at least 0.03 and possibly as high as 0.1 in some cases explains these data, and we recommend a provisional average value of 0.05 ± 0.015 for modeling. Even small coefficients of friction can contribute several hundred degrees of heating at depths of 30–80 km. Adding such shear stresses to thermal models quantitatively reproduces the pressure–temperature conditions recorded by exhumed metamorphic rocks. Comparatively higher temperatures generally drive rock dehydration and densification, so, at a given depth, hotter rocks are denser than colder rocks, and harder to exhume through buoyancy mechanisms. Consequently––conversely to previous proposals––exhumed metamorphic rocks might overrepresent old-cold subduction where rocks at the slab interface are wetter and more buoyant than in young-hot subduction zones

    Probing the isovector transition strength of the low-lying nuclear excitations induced by inverse kinematics proton scattering

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    A compact approach based on the folding model is suggested for the determination of the isoscalar and isovector transition strengths of the low-lying (ΔS=ΔT=0\Delta S=\Delta T=0) excitations induced by inelastic proton scattering measured with exotic beams. Our analysis of the recently measured inelastic 18,20^{18,20}O+p scattering data at Elab=30E_{\rm lab}=30 and 43 MeV/nucleon has given for the first time an accurate estimate of the isoscalar β0\beta_0 and isovector β1\beta_1 deformation parameters (which cannot be determined from the (p,p') data alone by standard methods) for 21+^+_1 and 31−3^-_1 excited states in 18,20^{18,20}O. Quite strong isovector mixing was found in the 21+^+_1 inelastic 20^{20}O+p scattering channel, where the strength of the isovector form factor F1F_1 (prototype of the Lane potential) corresponds to a β1\beta_1 value almost 3 times larger than β0\beta_0 and a ratio of nuclear transition matrix elements Mn/Mp≃4.2M_n/M_p\simeq 4.2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of a new imaging software for aortic endograft planning

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate a new 3D Workstation workflow (EVAR Assist, Advantage Windows, GE Healthcare, Chalfont, UK) (EA-AW) designed to simplify complex EVAR planning. Patients and methods: All pre-operative computed tomography (CT) scans of patients who underwent repair at our institution of a complex aortic aneurysm using fenestrated endovascular repair (f-EVAR) between January and September 2014, were reviewed. For each patient, imaging analysis (12 measures: aortic diameters and length and "clock position" of visceral artery) was performed on two different workstations: Aquarius (TeraRecon, San Mateo, CA, USA) and EA-AW. According to a standardized protocol, three endovascular surgeons experienced in aortic endograft planning, performed image analyses and data collection independently. We analyzed an internal assessment between observers (on the Aquarius 3DWS) and an external assessment comparing these results with the planning center (PC) data used to custom the fenestrated endografts of the patients enrolled in this study. Finally, we compared both 3DWS data to determine the accuracy and the reproducibility. A p-value < .05 was considered as statistically significant. Complete agreement between operators was defined as 1.0. Results: Intra and inter observer variability (interclass correlation coefficients - ICC: 0.81- .091) was very low and confirmed the reliability of our planners. The ICC comparison between EA-AW and Aquarius was excellent (> 0.8 for both), thus confirming the reproducibility and reliability of the new EA-AW application. Aortic and iliac necks diameters and lengths were similarly reported with both workstations. In our study, the mean difference in distance and orientation evaluation of target vessels evaluated by the two workstations was marginal and has no impact on clinical practice in term of device manufacturing. Conclusions: We showed that complex EVAR planning can be performed with this new dedicated 3D workstation workflow with a good reproducibility

    Blood pressure surveillance in cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    Published online: 19 April 2023. OnlinePublImmune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are cancer therapies that have been associated with increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Blood pressure (BP) measurements are routinely performed during day oncology center visits for administration of ICI therapy but are often not assessed temporally to screen and monitor hypertension, which could independently increase the risk of ASCVD in cancer survivorship. This study reports the feasibility of using serial BP measurements from routine visits to day oncology center to diagnose and monitor hypertension control in cancer patients receiving ICIs.Sean Tan, Ella Spear, Nikhita Sane, Adam J. Nelson, Nitesh Nerlekar, Eva Segelov and Stephen J. Nicholl

    Entrances and exits: changing perceptions of primary teaching as a career for men

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713640830~db=all Copyright Informa / Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.1080/03004430802352087The number of men in teaching has always been small, particularly in early childhood, but those that do come into teaching usually do so for the same reasons as women, namely enjoyment of working with children, of wanting to teach and wanting to make a difference to children's lives. However, in two separate studies, the authors have shown that on beginning teacher training in 1998, and at the point of leaving the profession in 2005, men and women tend to emphasise different concerns. This article will explore those differences and seek possible explanations for how men's views of teaching might be changing over time.Peer reviewe

    Low-Temperature Sulfidic-Ice Microbial Communities, Borup Fiord Pass, Canadian High Arctic

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    A sulfur-dominated supraglacial spring system found at Borup Fiord Pass (BFP), Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, is a unique sulfur-on-ice system expressed along the toe of a glacier. BFP has an intermittent flowing, subsurface-derived, glacial spring that creates a large white-yellow icing (aufeis) that extends down-valley. Over field campaigns in 2014, 2016, and 2017, numerous samples were collected and analyzed for both microbial community composition and aqueous geochemistry. Samples were collected from multiple site types: spring discharge fluid, aufeis (spring-derived ice), melt pools with sedimented cryoconite material, and mineral precipitate scrapings, to probe how microbial communities differed between site types in a dynamic freeze/thaw sulfur-rich system. Dissolved sulfate varied between 0.07 and 11.6 mM and was correlated with chloride concentrations, where the fluids were saltiest among spring fluids. The highest sulfate samples exhibited high dissolved sulfide values between 0.22 and 2.25 mM. 16S rRNA gene sequencing from melt pool and aufeis samples from the 2014 campaign were highly abundant in operational taxonomic units (OTUs) closely related to sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms (SOM; Sulfurimonas, Sulfurovum, and Sulfuricurvum). Subsequent sampling 2 weeks later had fewer SOMs and showed an increased abundance of the genus Flavobacterium. Desulfocapsa, an organism that specializes in the disproportionation of inorganic sulfur compounds was also found. Samples from 2016 and 2017 revealed that microorganisms present were highly similar in community composition to 2014 samples, primarily echoed by the continued presence of Flavobacterium sp. Results suggest that while there may be acute events where sulfur cycling organisms dominate, a basal community structure appears to dominate over time and site type. These results further enhance our knowledge of low-temperature sulfur systems on Earth, and help to guide the search for potential life on extraterrestrial worlds, such as Europa, where similar low-temperature sulfur-rich conditions may exist

    Autophagic Flux Modulation by Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway Inhibition in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Autophagy targets cellular components for lysosomal-dependent degradation in which the products of degradation may be recycled for protein synthesis and utilized for energy production. Autophagy also plays a critical role in cell homeostasis and the regulation of many physiological and pathological processes and prompts this investigation of new agents to effect abnormal autophagy in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). 2,5-Dichloro-N-(2-methyl-4-nitrophenyl) benzenesulfonamide (FH535) is a synthetic inhibitor of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway that exhibits anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic effects on different types of cancer cells. The combination of FH535 with sorafenib promotes a synergistic inhibition of HCC and liver cancer stem cell proliferation, mediated in part by the simultaneous disruption of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis. We demonstrated that FH535 decreased HCC tumor progression in a mouse xenograft model. For the first time, we showed the inhibitory effect of an FH535 derivative, FH535-N, alone and in combination with sorafenib on HCC cell proliferation. Our study revealed the contributing effect of Wnt/β-catenin pathway inhibition by FH535 and its derivative (FH535-N) through disruption of the autophagic flux in HCC cells

    Geographic and ecologic heterogeneity in elimination thresholds for the major vector-borne helminthic disease, lymphatic filariasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Large-scale intervention programmes to control or eliminate several infectious diseases are currently underway worldwide. However, a major unresolved question remains: what are reasonable stopping points for these programmes? Recent theoretical work has highlighted how the ecological complexity and heterogeneity inherent in the transmission dynamics of macroparasites can result in elimination thresholds that vary between local communities. Here, we examine the empirical evidence for this hypothesis and its implications for the global elimination of the major macroparasitic disease, lymphatic filariasis, by applying a novel Bayesian computer simulation procedure to fit a dynamic model of the transmission of this parasitic disease to field data from nine villages with different ecological and geographical characteristics. Baseline lymphatic filariasis microfilarial age-prevalence data from three geographically distinct endemic regions, across which the major vector populations implicated in parasite transmission also differed, were used to fit and calibrate the relevant vector-specific filariasis transmission models. Ensembles of parasite elimination thresholds, generated using the Bayesian fitting procedure, were then examined in order to evaluate site-specific heterogeneity in the values of these thresholds and investigate the ecological factors that may underlie such variability</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that parameters of density-dependent functions relating to immunity, parasite establishment, as well as parasite aggregation, varied significantly between the nine different settings, contributing to locally varying filarial elimination thresholds. Parasite elimination thresholds predicted for the settings in which the mosquito vector is anopheline were, however, found to be higher than those in which the mosquito is culicine, substantiating our previous theoretical findings. The results also indicate that the probability that the parasite will be eliminated following six rounds of Mass Drug Administration with diethylcarbamazine and albendazole decreases markedly but non-linearly as the annual biting rate and parasite reproduction number increases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This paper shows that specific ecological conditions in a community can lead to significant local differences in population dynamics and, consequently, elimination threshold estimates for lymphatic filariasis. These findings, and the difficulty of measuring the key local parameters (infection aggregation and acquired immunity) governing differences in transmission thresholds between communities, mean that it is necessary for us to rethink the utility of the current anticipatory approaches for achieving the elimination of filariasis both locally and globally.</p
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