1,059 research outputs found

    Hap Arnold and the Evolution of American Airpower

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    High-Fidelity Teleportation of Independent Qubits

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    Quantum teleportation is one of the essential primitives of quantum communication. We suggest that any quantum teleportation scheme can be characterized by its efficiency, i.e. how often it succeeds to teleport, its fidelity, i.e. how well the input state is reproduced at the output, and by its insensitivity to cross talk, i.e. how well it rejects an input state that is not intended to teleport. We discuss these criteria for the two teleportation experiments of independent qubits which have been performed thus far. In the first experiment (Nature {\bf 390},575 (1997)) where the qubit states were various different polarization states of photons, the fidelity of teleportation was as high as 0.80 ±\pm 0.05 thus clearly surpassing the limit of 2/3 which can, in principle, be obtained by a direct measurement on the qubit and classical communication. This high fidelity is confirmed in our second experiment (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}, 3891 (1998)), demonstrating entanglement swapping, that is, realizing the teleportation of a qubit which itself is still entangled to another one. This experiment is the only one up to date that demonstrates the teleportation of a genuine unknown quantum state.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 5 figures(eps), to appear in Journal of Modern Optic

    Relativistic charged particle ejection from optical lattice

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    We have analyzed relativistic (∼ MeV) electron ejection from potential channels of standing laser wave taking into account both rapid and averaged oscillations within the region of declining field of standing wave. We show that only a few last rapid oscillations can define transverse speed and, therefore, angle at which a particle leaves standing wave. This conclusion might drastically simplify numerical simulations of charged particles channeling and accompanying radiation in crossed lasers field. Moreover, it might provide a valuable information for estimation of charged particle beams parameters after their interaction with finite standing wave

    On a quantum particle in laser channels

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    In this paper the effective potential describing interaction of a scalar quantum particle with arbitrary nonuniform laser field is derived for a wide spectrum of the particle energies. The presented method allows to take into account all the features of the effective potential for a scalar particle. The derived expression for effective potential for quantum particle has the same form as the one presented earlier for a classical particle. A special case for channeling of a quantum particle as well as accompanying channeling radiation in a field formed by two crossed plane laser waves is considered. It is shown that relativistic particles moving near the laser channel bottom should be examined as quantum ones at both arbitrarily large longitudinal energies and laser fields of accessible intensities

    Spectral distribution of SPARC photoinjector electrons

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    SPARC is a photo-injector for production of high-brightness lowemittance electron beams to drive a FEL experiment in various configurations, including SASE-FEL radiation of 1–10nm (SPARCX project). Due to a high-brightness source, the SPARC facility can be used to study the physics of ultrashort beams, plasma-wave based acceleration, production of X-rays by means of Compton backscattering, channeling of electron beams and other experiments. The initial process of electron beam generation inside the RF gun determines the main parameters of the electron beam. Interaction of electrons with high-frequency laser beam leads to modulation of the electron beam. In this paper we present electron beam spectral distribution for SPARC photoinjector parameters. The estimate of electron beam energy loss for such electron distribution also is given

    Experimental violation of a spin-1 Bell inequality using maximally-entangled four-photon states

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    We demonstrate the first experimental violation of a spin-1 Bell inequality. The spin-1 inequality is a calculation based on the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt formalism. For entangled spin-1 particles the maximum quantum mechanical prediction is 2.552 as opposed to a maximum of 2, predicted using local hidden variables. We obtained an experimental value of 2.27 ±0.02\pm 0.02 using the four-photon state generated by pulsed, type-II, stimulated parametric down-conversion. This is a violation of the spin-1 Bell inequality by more than 13 standard deviations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Revtex4. Problem with figures resolve

    Towards quantum superpositions of a mirror

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    We propose a scheme for creating quantum superposition states involving of order 101410^{14} atoms via the interaction of a single photon with a tiny mirror. This mirror, mounted on a high-quality mechanical oscillator, is part of a high-finesse optical cavity which forms one arm of a Michelson interferometer. By observing the interference of the photon only, one can study the creation and decoherence of superpositions involving the mirror. All experimental requirements appear to be within reach of current technology.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Components for a guidance document on groundwaterprotection

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    To improve the protection of the groundwater quality, policy should be more focused on local conditions, such as soil and groundwater. To increase this focus RIVM has proposed a generic framework for a groundwater protection policy that can be elaborated for each site in an area dossier. This dossier contains all relevant information on what measures can be developed on the basis of the desired effects. In the effort to achieve more uniformity and effectiveness in the Dutch groundwater protection policy, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) is planning to derive a guidance document on groundwater protection. On commission of VROM, RIVM has elaborated several components to be used in describing policy, such as the risks of contamination with pathogens, the use of pesticides, the use of energy storage systems and actions on old contaminations. Additionally, RIVM has charted the legal demands set down by the new Water Framework Directive for the protection of industrial (private) abstractions for human consumption, such as the production of soda.Om de kwaliteit van het grondwater beter te kunnen beschermen moet het beleid meer worden toegespitst op lokale omstandigheden, zoals de natuurlijke opbouw van de bodem. Daarom pleit het RIVM voor het opstellen van een algemeen geldend kader voor grondwaterbeschermingsbeleid, dat per locatie nader kan worden uitgewerkt in een gebiedsdossier. Een gebiedsdossier bevat alle relevante informatie op basis waarvan een pakket maatregelen wordt ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op de gewenste effecten. Om meer uniformiteit en effectiviteit in het grondwaterbeschermingsbeleid te brengen is VROM van plan om in de komende jaren een Leidraad Grondwaterbescherming op te stellen. Het RIVM heeft in opdracht van het Ministerie van VROM een aantal van deze lacunes uitgewerkt, zoals de risico's van microbiologische besmetting, het gebruik van pesticiden, het toepassen van bodemenergiesystemen en het omgaan met van oudsher ontstane bodemverontreinigingen. Daarnaast heeft het instituut de juridische consequenties in beeld gebracht van de invoering van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water voor de bescherming van industriele grondwateronttrekkingen voor menselijke consumptie, zoals de productie van frisdranken

    Notions and subnotions in information structure

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    Three dimensions can be distinguished in a cross-linguistic account of information structure. First, there is the definition of the focus constituent, the part of the linguistic expression which is subject to some focus meaning. Second and third, there are the focus meanings and the array of structural devices that encode them. In a given language, the expression of focus is facilitated as well as constrained by the grammar within which the focus devices operate. The prevalence of focus ambiguity, the structural inability to make focus distinctions, will thus vary across languages, and within a language, across focus meanings