447 research outputs found

    InGaAs/GaAs/alkanethiolate radial superlattices: Experimental

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    A radial InGaAs/GaAs/1-hexadecanethiol superlattice is fabricated by the roll-up of a strained InGaAs/GaAs bilayer passivated with a molecular self-assembled monolayer. Our technique allows the formation of multi-period inorganic/organic hybrid heterostructures. This paper contains the detailed experimental description of how to fabricate these structures.Comment: 2 pages, no figures, Version 2; minor changes (fixed typos and update references

    HIV related isolated tuberculosis of the spleen: A case report

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    A patient with left upper quadrant pain, intermittent fever, and weight loss but no radiographic evidence suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis is presented. Abdominal sonography showed multiple hypo echoic nodular splenic lesions reported as foci of infection/abscess. Histopathology study of splenectomy specimen revealed caseous tuberculous lesions of near normal size organ

    Bending and wrinkling as competing relaxation pathways for strained free-hanging films

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    An equilibrium phase diagram for the shape of compressively strained free-hanging films is developed by total strain energy minimization. For small strain gradients {\Delta}{\epsilon}, the film wrinkles, while for sufficiently large {\Delta}{\epsilon}, a phase transition from wrinkling to bending occurs. We consider competing relaxation mechanisms for free-hanging films, which have rolled up into tube structures, and we provide an upper limit for the maximum achievable number of tube rotations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Direct strain and elastic energy evaluation in rolled-up semiconductor tubes by x-ray micro-diffraction

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    We depict the use of x-ray diffraction as a tool to directly probe the strain status in rolled-up semiconductor tubes. By employing continuum elasticity theory and a simple model we are able to simulate quantitatively the strain relaxation in perfect crystalline III-V semiconductor bi- and multilayers as well as in rolled-up layers with dislocations. The reduction in the local elastic energy is evaluated for each case. Limitations of the technique and theoretical model are discussed in detail.Comment: 32 pages (single column), 9 figures, 39 reference

    Structural and magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3_3Si superlattice in cylindrical geometry

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    The structure and the magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3Si superlattice in a cylindrical geometry are investigated by electron microscopy techniques, x-ray diffraction and magnetometry. To form a radial superlattice, a pseudomorphic InGaAs/Fe3As bilayer has been released from its substrate self-forming into a rolled-up microtube. Oxide-free interfaces as well as areas of crystalline bonding are observed and an overall lattice mismatch between succeeding layers is determined. The cylindrical symmetry of the final radial superlattice shows a significant effect on the magnetization behavior of the rolled-up layers

    Rolled-Up Nanotech: Illumination-Controlled Hydrofluoric Acid Etching of AlAs Sacrificial Layers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>The effect of illumination on the hydrofluoric acid etching of AlAs sacrificial layers with systematically varied thicknesses in order to release and roll up InGaAs/GaAs bilayers was studied. For thicknesses of AlAs below 10 nm, there were two etching regimes for the area under illumination: one at low illumination intensities, in which the etching and releasing proceeds as expected and one at higher intensities in which the etching and any releasing are completely suppressed. The &#8220;etch suppression&#8221; area is well defined by the illumination spot, a feature that can be used to create heterogeneously etched regions with a high degree of control, shown here on patterned samples. Together with the studied self-limitation effect, the technique offers a way to determine the position of rolled-up micro- and nanotubes independently from the predefined lithographic pattern.</p

    Cloud mask algorithm from the EarthCARE Multi-Spectral Imager: the M-CM products

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    The EarthCARE (Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer) satellite mission will provide new insights into aerosol–cloud–radiation interactions by means of synergistic observations of the Earth's atmosphere from a collection of active and passive remote sensing instruments, flying on a single satellite platform. The Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) will provide visible and infrared images in the cross-track direction with a 150 km swath and a pixel sampling at 500 m. The suite of MSI cloud algorithms will deliver cloud macro- and microphysical properties complementary to the vertical profiles measured from the Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) and the Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) instruments. This paper provides an overview of the MSI cloud mask algorithm (M-CM) being developed to derive the cloud flag, cloud phase and cloud type products, which are essential inputs to downstream EarthCARE algorithms providing cloud optical and physical properties (M-COP) and aerosol optical properties (M-AOT). The MSI cloud mask algorithm has been applied to simulated test data from the EarthCARE end-to-end simulator and satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as well as from the Spinning Enhanced Visible InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI). Verification of the MSI cloud mask algorithm to the simulated test data and the official cloud products from SEVIRI and MODIS demonstrates a good performance of the algorithm. Some discrepancies are found, however, for the detection of thin cirrus clouds over bright surfaces like desert or snow. This will be improved by tuning of the thresholds once real observations are available.</p

    Fabrication and optical properties of strain-free self-assembled mesoscopic GaAs structures

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    FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESWe use a combined process of Ga-assisted deoxidation and local droplet etching to fabricate unstrained mesoscopic GaAs/AlGaAs structures exhibiting a high shape anisotropy with a length up to 1.2 mu m and a width of 150 nm. We demonstrate good controllability over size and morphology of the mesoscopic structures by tuning the growth parameters. Our growth method yields structures, which are coupled to a surrounding quantum well and present unique optical emission features. Microscopic and optical analysis of single structures allows us to demonstrate that single structure emission originates from two different confinement regions, which are spectrally separated and show sharp excitonic lines. Photoluminescence is detected up to room temperature making the structures the ideal candidates for strain-free light emitting/detecting devices.12114FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES2012/11382-92014/17141-92015/08344-62016/14001-7475343/2013-1482729/2013-9305769/2015-4Sem informaçãoThe financial support through SisNano (MCTI Brazil), FAPESP (Processo 2012/11382-9, 2014/17141-9, 2015/08344-6 and 2016/14001-7), and CNPq (Processo 482729/2013-9, 305769/2015-4, 475343/2013-1) is acknowledged. SFCS thanks CAPES for the scholarship

    Comprehensive assessment of meteorological conditions and airflow connectivity during HCCT-2010

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    This study presents a comprehensive assessment of the meteorological conditions and atmospheric flow dur- ing the Lagrangian-type “Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia 2010” experiment (HCCT-2010), which was performed in Septem- ber and October 2010 at Mt. SchmĂŒcke in the Thuringian Forest, Germany and which used observations at three measurement sites (upwind, in-cloud, and downwind) to study physical and chemical aerosol–cloud interactions. A Lagrangian-type hill cap cloud experiment requires not only suitable cloud conditions but also connected airflow condi- tions (i.e. representative air masses at the different measure- ment sites). The primary goal of the present study was to identify time periods during the 6-week duration of the ex- periment in which these conditions were fulfilled and there- fore which are suitable for use in further data examinations. The following topics were studied in detail: (i) the general synoptic weather situations, including the mesoscale flow conditions, (ii) local meteorological conditions and (iii) lo- cal flow conditions. The latter were investigated by means of statistical analyses using best-available quasi-inert trac- ers, SF6 tracer experiments in the experiment area, and re- gional modelling. This study represents the first applica- tion of comprehensive analyses using statistical measures such as the coefficient of divergence (COD) and the cross- correlation in the context of a Lagrangian-type hill cap cloud experiment. This comprehensive examination of local flow connectivity yielded a total of 14 full-cloud events (FCEs), which are defined as periods during which all connected flow and cloud criteria for a suitable Lagrangian-type ex- periment were fulfilled, and 15 non-cloud events (NCEs), which are defined as periods with connected flow but no cloud at the summit site, and which can be used as refer- ence cases. The overall evaluation of the identified FCEs provides the basis for subsequent investigations of the mea- sured chemical and physical data during HCCT-2010 (see http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/special_issue287.html). Results obtained from the statistical flow analyses and regional-scale modelling performed in this study indicate the existence of a strong link between the three measurement sites during the FCEs and NCEs, particularly under condi- tions of constant southwesterly flow, high wind speeds and slightly stable stratification. COD analyses performed using continuous measurements of ozone and particle (49nm di- ameter size bin) concentrations at the three sites revealed, particularly for COD value
