589 research outputs found

    Anatomy of an organizational change effort at the Lewis Research Center

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    By 1979, after a long decline following the end of the Apollo program, the Lewis Research Center found its very existence endangered because it was not doing the kind of research that could attract funding at the time. New management under Andrew J. Stofan applied a program of strategic planning, participative management, and consensus decision making. A corporate-cultural change was effected which enabled Lewis to commit itself to four fundable research and development projects. Morale-building and training programs which were essential to this change are described

    Ketidaktepatan Penggunaan Validitas Butir Dan Koefisien Reliabilitas Dalam Penelitian Pendidikan Dan Psikologi

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    Item validity is applied in educational and psychological research through item analysis to enhance the reliability of respondent scores. Recently, there are a couple of inappropriate ways of treating item validity, which neither ensures the reliability nor justifies the validity of the measurement. Similar cases also happen in the application of reliability coefficient

    The Misuses of Reliability Coeffient and Sampling Variance in Educational Research

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    Many educational researchers report the reliability of their data. They also report tha sampling techniques used in their research. Some of the reports treat the reliability coefficients and sampling variances incorrectly. It is a misuse of the reliability coefficients and sampling variances in educational researc


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    Report of a test assessment is usually carried out separately between the level of difficulty of the test items and the student’s ability. In addition, the analysis of test results is sometimes not clearly presented in a complete and in-depth explanation. This study aimed to explain the assessment process on the instrument of Indonesian Science Literacy Test (ISLT) conducted by 94 students from the 9th grade of junior high school. Those were 41 students from private schools and 53 from public schools. There were 36 test items with four possible answers for each item. In details, the findings were reported as follows: the item reliability was very good; two items were indicated to have different item functioning (DIF), and the data were fit to the model; public school students were slightly better than private school students, and there was no difference in achievement between male and female students. ISLT instrument was suitable for diagnostic test and had a high information value on the students with moderate ability. The current study presented a smart way on how to apply the objective measurement to improve the education assessment.   Keywords: science literacy, indonesian schools, indonesian science literacy test (islt), rasch measurement model (rmm


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    Report of a test assessment is usually carried out separately between the level of difficulty of the test items and the student’s ability. In addition, the analysis of test results is sometimes not clearly presented in a complete and in-depth explanation. This study aimed to explain the assessment process on the instrument of Science Literacy Test for Indonesian Students (SLTIS) conducted by 94 students from the 9th grade of junior high school. Those were 41 students from private schools and 53 from public schools. There were 36 test items with four possible answers for each item. In details, the findings were reported as follows: the item reliability was very good; two items were indicated to have different item functioning (DIF), and the data were fit to the model; public school students were slightly better than private school students, and there was no difference in achievement between male and female students. SLTIS instrument was suitable for diagnostic test and had a high information value on the students with moderate ability. The current study presented a smart way on how to apply the objective measurement to improve the education assessment.   Keywords: science literacy, indonesian schools, Science Literacy Test for Indonesian Students (SLTIS), Rasch Measurement Model (RMM

    Fast and Accurate Spelling Correction Using Trie and Damerau-levenshtein Distance Bigram

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    This research was intended to create a fast and accurate spelling correction system with the ability to handle both kind of spelling errors, non-word and real word errors. Existing spelling correction system was analyzed and was then applied some modifications to improve its accuracy and speed. The proposed spelling correction system is then built based on the method and intuition used by existing system along with the modifications made in previous step. The result is a various spelling correction system using different methods. Best result is achieved by the system that uses bigram with Trie and Damerau-Levenshtein distance with the word level accuracy of 84.62% and an average processing speed of 18.89 ms per sentence

    Factors Related to Work Accidents Cases in Nurse at dr. Ben Mboy Hospital, Ruteng

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    The hospital is a complex health service institution that needs to implement worker health and safety efforts. Work accidents often experienced by nurses are needlestick injuries. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with work accidents, including knowledge, attitudes, actions, K3RS information, and K3RS supervision of nurses in the inpatient room of BLUD RSU dr. Ben Mboi Ruteng in 2019. This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. The research population was nurses in the inpatient room. The sample size was 113 nurses taken by simple random sampling. The data analysis used was Chi-square with α = 0,05 (5%). The results showed that the majority of nurses were aged 30-50 years old (80,5%), D3 education level (85,8%), and tenure of 10-20 years (47,8%). Variables related to work accidents on nurses were K3RS information (p-value = 0.008), and K3RS supervision (p-value = 0.028), while knowledge (p-value = 0.170), attitude (p-value = 1,000), and actions (p-value = 0.075) were not related to work accidents. Regular training and supervision are vital to prevent workplace accidents for nurses
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