1,332 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harapan Pengajar terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Siswa di Kelas

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    This research refers to the research conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968), which finds that students' intellectual development is influenced by their teacher expectations and how these expectations are communicated to them. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that positive teacher expectations and behavior in experimental classes for one semester would strengthen students' effort and motivation in achieving higher performance in the experimental classes. In this experiment, students / respondents were not isolated from external environmental influences, such as from the influence of other their 'regular' classes, lecturers, as well as their classmates. The method used in this study was experimentation method using two teachers and two subjects. Each teacher taught two classes of one same subject, which were divided into experimental group and control group. The result of this experimentation shows that the students' achievement in both of the experimental classes is not different significantly than those in regular/ control classes

    The effects of budget emphasis, budgetary participation, trust and organisational commitment on job related tension and propensity to create slack : Empirical evidence from Norway

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    Results of early studies (eg. Hopwood, 1972; Otley, 1978) on the effects of supervisory styles on subordinates’ job related tension have been contradictory. Subsequent studies using the contingency model to resolve these conflicting results have identified budgetary participation (Brownell, 1982a) and trust (Ross, 1994) as important moderating variables. With respect to participation, a number of prior studies found that a compatible combination of high budget emphasis and high participation was associated with better behavioural outcomes (eg. lower job related tension), than other combinations of budget emphasis and participation. Yet there has been relatively little research to investigate why this particular combination of budget emphasis and participation is associated with better behavioural outcomes. This thesis therefore investigates a number of important issues. First, it investigates whether different combinations of budget emphasis and participation affect subordinates\u27 propensity to create slack and job related tension differently. Second, it examines whether a high budget emphasis-high participation combination results in lower subordinates\u27 propensity to create slack and lower job related tension than a low budget emphasis-high participation combination. Third, it investigates the reasons why a high budget emphasis-high participation combination leads to lower propensity to create slack and lower job related tension. The interaction between budget emphasis and participation was dealt with by testing a model on supervisory styles in a high participatory environment. Norway was hypothesised to have a high participatory environment because of its high power distance culture and its highly centralised and formalised industrial relations systems which emphasise democratic work environment. Moreover, its highly homogeneous population and society are likely to result in a small diversity within its national culture, which in turn, leads to a smaller range of participation. Hence participation in Norway is expected to be not only high, but also widespread. This means that a high budget emphasis situation in Norway is similar to a high budget emphasis and high participation combination, whilst a low budget emphasis situation in Norway is similar to a low budget emphasis-high participation combination. This allows a high budget emphasis-high participation (Norway) situation to be compared with a low budget emphasis-high participation (Norway) situation. Consequently, a high budget emphasis situation in Norway, which is similar to a high budget emphasis and high participation situation, is therefore expected to be associated with lower job related tension than a low budget emphasis in Norway. In order to investigate the reason why a high budget emphasis-high participation combination promotes lower propensity to create slack and job related tension, path analytical models, which investigate the intervening effects of participation, trust and organisational commitment on the relationship between budget emphasis and propensity to create slack/job related tension, were developed. Testing these models in Norway permits two issues to be investigated. These are: (i) the interaction between budget emphasis and participation affecting propensity to create slack/job related tension, and (ii) the intervening effects of participation, trust and organisational commitment on the relationship between budget emphasis and propensity to create slack/job related tension. The results support the expectation that Norwegian managers generally enjoy very high level of budgetary participation. Second, they also support the expected significant negative relationship between budget emphasis and job related tension. Third, a high budget emphasis situation in Norway (high participatory) was found to have only a small and insignificant direct effect of job related tension. Instead, there is a strong indirect effect through trust. Based on these results, it is possible to conclude that a high budget emphasis and high participation combination will lead to lower job related tension. The reason for this is partly because this combination promotes higher trust between the subordinates and their superior. Trust, in turn, leads to lower subordinates\u27 job related tension. These results provide valuable insights which help to explain why a compatible combination of high budget emphasis and high participation, found by a number of prior studies with the contingency model, can lead to better behavioural outcomes than other combinations of budget emphasis and participation

    Book Presentation: Methoden der Geldwäscherei

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    An in depth commentary on the named book ('Methods of Money Laundering')

    Assessing the impact of low workload in supervisory control of networked unmanned vehicles

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. )122-126.This research investigated the effects of prolonged low workload on operator performance in the context of controlling a network of unmanned vehicles (UxVs) in a search, track, and destroy mission with the assistance of an automated planner. In addition, this research focused on assessing the physical, social, and cognitive coping mechanisms that operators rely upon during prolonged low workload missions. An experiment was conducted to collect data for researching the impact of low workload in human supervisory control of networked, heterogeneous UxVs. This research showed that performance was not necessarily affected at the low end of the workload spectrum, especially in the context of human supervisory control of networked UxVs. Given varying levels of low taskload, operators tended to gravitate toward a common total utilization (percent busy time) that was well above the required utilization. The boredom due to the low taskload environment caused operators to spend the majority of their time distracted; to a lesser degree, operators were more directed than divided in terms of attention. More directed attention predicted higher operator performance, especially in the tracking portion of the mission. Higher utilization predicted improved operator performance in search and destroy tasks, but hindered the automation's ability to track targets. Video gaming experience was a detriment to destroying hostile targets in this long duration, low workload mission involving human supervisory control of networked UxVs. Vigilance, shown by a decrement in amount of directed attention per hour, decreased over the course of the mission duration. Top performers had higher directed attention and coped with the boredom through extreme focus or use of switching times to stay engaged in the mission. In comparison to a moderate workload study, participants in this low workload experiment performed both better and worse. Low workload did not necessarily cause a drop in operator performance.by Christin S. Hart.S.M

    Field Test of the Cougar Home Safety Assessment for Older Persons Version 1.0

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    After reviewing the literature on environmental safety and existing home safety evaluation tools, the researchers developed the Cougar Home Safety Assessment Version 1.0 (Cougar 1.0). This assessment is a 56-item tool for identifying environmental safety hazards in the homes of older persons. The first purpose of this study was to develop and field test the Cougar 1.0 to determine its inter-rater reliability and validity. The second purpose was to identify specific environmental safety hazards in the residences of older persons during the field test. Three graduate occupational therapy students administered the Cougar 1.0 in the homes of 14 older persons within one county of northeastern Pennsylvania. The instrument was found to have a moderate level of inter-rater reliability, as Cohen’s Kappa for the ratings of the 3 raters was .506. Percent agreement between the three raters was 90 percent. The field test found that the most frequently unsafe aspects of the homes were: a lack of grab bars near toilets; no emergency numbers posted near phones; the presence of non-grip throw rugs; lack of fire extinguishers; and lack of step stools. Participating residents and occupational therapy home safety specialists provided positive feedback regarding the content validity of the Cougar 1.0. This research suggests that the use of this instrument by occupational therapists may prevent client injuries in the home

    Uji Toksisitas Akut Limbah Cair Tahu terhadap Daphnia Magna dengan Metode Renewal Test

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    Tofu is a domestic industry developed rapidly in Indonesia. Unfortunately the treatment of wastewater has not been done before the wastewater is thrown away to receiving water bodies. Therefore it is one of the causes of water pollution that effect the death of aquatic biota. Thus it is needed to do acute toxicity test. The goal of the research are to know the value of LC50 and to analyze the relationship of industrial wastewater of tofu UD. Tahu Jaya towards the experimental animal. Acute toxicity test is done by renewal test method in 96 hours using Daphnia Magna. The characteristic consentration of wastewater of tofu UD. Tahu Jaya is COD 4750 mg/l, TSS 2100 mg/l, ammonia 5,29 mg/l, pH 3 and temperature 33°C. Based on the result of analysis characteristics of tofu wastewater, it is known that the parameters of COD, TSS, ammonia, pass the quality standart of the rules of Enviromental Ministry No. 15 Year 2008 about the Quality Standart of Waste Water for Industry and Soybean Processing Activity. The value of LC50 is 6,509% and TUa (Toxicity Unit Area) of tofu industrial wastewater is 15,36 showed that the wastewater of tofu is very cause acute toxicity

    Analisis Deformasi Struktur Balok Beton Bertulang Dengan Lubang Hollow Core Pada Tengah Balok

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    Kebutuhan manusia untuk bangunan dan infrastruktur tiap tahun mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini secara langsung membuat kebutuhan akan bahan baku bangunan juga meningkat. Efisiensi, peningkatan dan inovasi bahan baku menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Perkembangan konstruksi beberapa dekade belakangan ini sudah sangat pesat, dalam perkembangannya ini menjadikan beton sebagai bahan bangunan yang sangat diminati. Hampir sebagian besar bangunan dibuat mengguanakan beton di berbagai bagian strukturnya. Beton didapat dari campuran pasir, kerikil dan semen. Dalam penelitian ini, akan diuji deformasi struktur balok beton bertulang dengan lubang hollow core di tengah balok. Pengujian ini difokuskan pada struktur balok. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan benda uji balok penampang persegi dengan tiga buah lubang persegi dengan arah memanjang balok di tengah badan balok. Untuk memudahkan dalam proses pembuatan benda uji, maka lubang diisi dengan styrofoam yang diletakkan dibawah garis batas pemisah bagian tarik dan tekan penampang (garis netral). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan berat volume balok beton dengan lubang 5 x 10 x 60 cm, balok beton dengan lubang 7 x 10 x 60 cm, dan balok beton dengan lubang 9 x 10 x 60 cm berturut-turut mengalami penurunan sebesar 14,10%; 15,17%; dan 18,47% dibandingkan dengan balok beton tanpa lubang. Deformasi balok beton mengalami naik turun di nilai deformasinya karena beban maksimum yang dapat diterima berbeda , sehingga nilai deformasi pada balok beton dengan lubang 7 x 10 x 60 cmyang mengalami nilai deformasi paling besar diantara balok beton dengan lubang lainnya. Nilai rata-rata terbesar deformasi balok beton berlubang 5 x 10 x 60 cm, 7 x 10 x 60 cm, dan 9 x 10 x 60 cm berturut turut sebesar 4 mm; 5,16 mm; dan 3,14 mm. Nilai deformasi ini tidak signifikan dibandingkan dengan penurunan berat volume yang terjadi
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