177 research outputs found

    PI Stabilization for Congestion Control of AQM Routers with Tuning Parameter Optimization

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of stabilizing network using a new proportional- integral (PI) based congestion controller in active queue management (AQM) router; with appropriate model approximation in the first order delay systems, we seek a stability region of the controller by using the Hermite- Biehler theorem, which isapplicable to quasipolynomials. A Genetic Algorithm technique is employed to derive optimal or near optimal PI controller parameters

    Using computer tablets to assess preference for videos in children with autism

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    Using computer tablets, we assessed preference for videos in five children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Then, we provided access to most preferred and less preferred videos contingent on sitting on one of two chairs within a concurrent schedule design. All participants spent consistently more time sitting on the chair associated with the video selected the most often during the preference assessment, indicating that practitioners may use the tablet-based assessment procedure to identify potential video reinforcers for children with ASD in applied settings

    Prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities: a systematic review

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    Although many researchers have examined the prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities, the results of previous studies have not been aggregated and analyzed methodically. Thus, we conducted a systematic review of studies reporting the prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities. Our results indicated that the average prevalence of stereotypy across studies was 61 % and that individuals with autism spectrum disorders had the highest reported prevalence (i.e., 88 %) across specific diagnoses. Children and adults generally had similar overall prevalence measures, but the specific forms varied with age and diagnosis. Studies using the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Schedule-Revised generally reported higher estimates of prevalence of specific forms of stereotypy when compared to the Behavior Problem Inventory. However, the latter seemed more sensitive than the Aberrant Behavior Checklist for overall prevalence. Studies with a low risk of bias found a lower prevalence of stereotypy than those with a high risk of bias. Our systematic review underlines the importance of continuing research efforts to improve the assessment and treatment of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities

    Comparison of tablet-delivered and instructor-delivered teaching on receptive identification in children with autism spectrum disorders

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    The purpose of our study was to compare the effectiveness of tablet- and instructor-delivered teaching (i.e., prompting and reinforcement) on the receptive identification of one-word concepts in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). To this end, we embedded a multielement design within a multiple probe design to compare the effectiveness of the two instructional modalities in seven participants. Two of the seven participants showed generalization on all concepts in fewer instructional trials following instructor-delivered teaching, whereas the remaining five participants had mixed results depending on the concept. In total, the participants showed more rapid generalization with the instructor for 14 of the 19 concepts taught. Our results suggest that tablets should not systematically replace instructor-delivered prompting and reinforcement, but that they may be used to provide supplementary teaching to children with ASD

    Characterization of gsp-Mediated Growth Hormone Excess in the Context of McCune-Albright Syndrome

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    McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a disorder characterized by the triad of café-au-lait skin pigmentation, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone, and hyperfunctioning endocrinopathies, including GH excess. The molecular etiology of the disease is postzygotic activating mutations of the GNAS1 gene product, Gsα. The term gsp oncogene has been assigned to these mutations due to their association with certain neoplasms. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of GH excess in MAS, characterize the clinical and endocrine manifestations, and describe the response to treatment. Fifty-eight patients with MAS were screened, and 22 with stigmata of acromegaly and/or elevated GH or IGF-I underwent oral glucose tolerance testing. Twelve patients (21%) had GH excess, based on failure to suppress serum GH on oral glucose tolerance test, and underwent a TRH test, serial GH sampling from 2000-0800 h, and magnetic resonance imaging of the sella. We found that vision and hearing deficits were more common in patients with GH excess (4 of 12, 33%) than those without (2 of 56, 4%). Of interest, patients with a history of precocious puberty and GH excess who had reached skeletal maturity achieved normal adult height despite a history of early epiphyseal fusion. All 9 patients tested had an increase in serum GH after TRH, 11 of 12 (92%) had hyperprolactinemia, and all 8 tested had detectable or elevated nighttime GH levels. Pituitary adenoma was detected in 4 of 12 (33%) patients. All patients with elevated IGF-I levels were treated with cabergoline (7 patients), long-acting octreotide (LAO; 8 patients), or a combination of cabergoline and LAO (4 patients). In six of the seven patients (86%) treated with cabergoline, serum IGF-I decreased, but not to the normal range. In the eight patients treated with LAO alone, IGF-I decreased, and, in four, returned to the normal range. The remaining 4 patients were treated with a combination of cabergoline and LAO. For them, symptoms of GH excess diminished, and IGF-I decreased further, but did not enter the normal range. GH excess is common in MAS and results in a distinct clinical phenotype characterized by inappropriately normal stature, TRH responsiveness, prolactin cosecretion, small or absent pituitary tumors, a consistent but inadequate response to treatment with cabergoline, and an intermediate response to LAO

    Proposal for an ecofriendly and economic strategy for efficient radioiodination of coumarin derivatives

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    Combination of the calculation of reactivity descriptors and the cold iodine test for some coumarin derivatives was used in order to optimize the radioiodination reaction. The strongly nucleophilic predicted coumarins were subjected to the action of cold iodine. With two coumarins substituted at 3 by the 2-hydroxybenzoyl group, iodination did not occur but a product of intramolecular heterocyclization was obtained. This strategy is useful for economic and environmentally friendly radioiodination.publishe

    Effects of yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and turmeric powder (curcuma) on laying hens performance, physical and nutritional eggs quality

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    peer reviewedSoybean meal is the main source of protein in laying hens’ diet that is generally imported. This study aims to explore the yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) “TM”, and curcuma effects on laying hens’ performances, and physical and nutritional eggs quality. One hundred laying hens were divided randomly into 4 groups. The first group (Control) received a standard commercial diet (SCD), while test groups (TM, TP, and TM-TP) received SCD with respectively 5% TM, 0.50 % curcuma, and 5% TM and 0.50% curcuma. According to the results, Control and TM reduced significantly hen’s bodyweight in the experiment end. However, the curcuma incorporation and TM (TP and TM-TP) kept the stability of bodyweight during the whole period. No effect of diet was observed on feed intake and egg laying rate. Diet had a significant effect on eggs physical parameters (weight, freshness, thickness and rupture force). The mixture of TM and curcuma permitted eggs with good physical parameters. For nutritional quality of eggs, all groups had the same content of ALA and DHA. However, eggs of group receiving a mixture of TM and curcuma had the lowest cholesterol content. Thus, TM and curcuma could reduce soybean importation dependence with improving eggs quality

    Preferential binding of a stable G3BP ribonucleoprotein complex to intron-retaining transcripts in mouse brain and modulation of their expression in the cerebellum.

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    Neuronal granules play an important role in the localization and transport of translationally silenced messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs) in neurons. Among the factors associated with these granules, the RNA-binding protein G3BP1 (stress-granules assembly factor) is involved in neuronal plasticity and is induced in Alzheimer's disease. We immunopurified a stable complex containing G3BP1 from mouse brain and performed High-Throughput Sequencing and CrossLinking Immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP) to identify the associated RNAs. The G3BP-complex contained the deubiquitinating protease USP10, CtBP1 and the RNA binding proteins Caprin-1, G3BP2a and SFPQ (Splicing Factor Proline and Glutamine rich, or PSF). The G3BP-complex binds preferentially to transcripts that retain introns, and to non-coding sequences like 3'UTR and long non-coding RNAs. Specific transcripts with retained introns appear to be enriched in the cerebellum compared to the rest of the brain and G3BP1 depletion decreased this intron retention in the cerebellum of G3BP1 knockout mice. Among the enriched transcripts, we found an overrepresentation of genes involved in synaptic transmission, especially glutamate-related neuronal transmission. Notably, G3BP1 seems to repress the expression of the mature Grm5 (metabotropic glutamate receptor 5) transcript, by promoting the retention of an intron in the immature transcript in the cerebellum. Our results suggest that G3BP is involved in a new functional mechanism to regulate non-coding RNAs including intron-retaining transcripts, and thus have broad implications for neuronal gene regulation, where intron retention is widespread. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Production pastorale et mode d’utilisation des parcours forestiers au niveau du Rif occidental

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    Extensive livestock farming plays an important socio-economic role for goat farmers in Western Rif. Silvopastoral resources are the main source of feed for herds. Actually, these resources have a strong tendency to degradation. To ensure their sustainability, setting up a monitoring and evaluation system is a necessity. The aim of this study was to assess the pastoral production and the silvopastoral areas use. This work was carried out in two forest rangelands (Ain Rami and Derdara), where dairy goat farming has been dominant for decades. For the floristic study, a total of ninety-six plant species were counted. The chemical composition and nutritional value of pastoral species varied according to the analyzed species. For phytomass, significant differences were noted according to the season and the sites, with a maximum productivity in spring of 2725 and 2465 kg DM per hectare, respectively in Ain Rami and Derdara. The degree of palatability depended mainly on the chemical composition and the season of pastoral species intake. The most grazed rangelands were overgrown by unpalatable species. Management actions of silvopastoral resources use, including a reduction of grazing pressure, should be developed to ensure the productivity and the sustainability of these resources.L’élevage extensif joue un rôle socio-économique très important pour les éleveurs caprins du Rif occidental. Les ressources sylvopastorales constituent la principale source d’alimentation pour le troupeau. Actuellement, ces ressources connaissent une forte tendance à la dégradation. Pour assurer leur durabilité, la mise en place d’un système de suivi-évaluation s’avère une nécessité. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’offre pastorale et le mode d’utilisation de ces espaces sylvopastoraux. Ce travail a été mené, au niveau de deux parcours forestiers (Ain Rami et Derdara), où l’élevage des chèvres laitières règne depuis des décennies. Pour l’étude floristique, un total de quatre-vingt-seize espèces végétales a été recensé. La composition chimique et la valeur nutritive varient selon l’espèce pastorale considérée. Pour la phytomasse, des différences significatives ont été relevées en fonction de la saison et des sites de prélèvement, avec un maximum de productivité enregistré au printemps de 2725 kg MS/ha et 2465 kg MS/ha, respectivement à Ain Rami et Derdara. Le degré d’appétibilité dépend essentiellement de la composition chimique et de la saison de prélèvement des espèces pastorales. Les pâturages les plus fréquentés par les caprins sont envahis par des espèces à faible intérêt pastoral. Des actions de gestion du mode d’utilisation des ressources sylvopastorales, incluant une diminution de la pression de pâturage, devraient être mises en place afin d’assurer la productivité et la durabilité de ces ressources
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