16 research outputs found

    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements in a water film, application to a tire rolling through a puddle

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    International audienceA measurement method based on Particle Image Velocimetry with refraction of the laser sheet at a win-dow/water interface is proposed for the measurement of the velocity field of a water flow formed by a tire moving inside a water puddle. This study focuses of the feasibility and repeatability of this optical measurement method. The characterization of the optical properties of the measurement technique defines the integration effect in height of the measurement method. The analysis of the overall features of the flow is focused on two main zones in front and around the tire. The flow inside the first zone is defined by a characteristic velocity of the water displaced in an area located in front of the tire ; in the second zone a characteristic velocity representative of the flow in the vicinity of the shoulder of the tire is also defined. Correlations of both characteristic velocities with the car speed and water film height are established. New and worn tires were tested in this work

    Application of real-time global media monitoring and ‘derived questions’ for enhancing communication by regulatory bodies:the case of human papillomavirus vaccines

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    Abstract Background The benefit-risk balance of vaccines is regularly debated by the public, but the utility of media monitoring for regulatory bodies is unclear. A media monitoring study was conducted at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) concerning human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines during a European Union (EU) referral procedure assessing the potential causality of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) reported to the authorities as suspected adverse reactions. Methods To evaluate the utility of media monitoring in real life, prospective real-time monitoring of worldwide online news was conducted from September to December 2015 with inductive content analysis, generating ‘derived questions’. The evaluation was performed through the validation of the predictive capacity of these questions against journalists’ queries, review of the EMA’s public statement and feedback from EU regulators. Results A total of 4230 news items were identified, containing personal stories, scientific and policy/process-related topics. Explicit and implicit concerns were identified, including those raised due to lack of knowledge or anticipated once more information would be published. Fifty derived questions were generated and categorised into 12 themes. The evaluation demonstrated that providing the media monitoring findings to assessors and communicators resulted in (1) confirming that public concerns regarding CRPS and POTS would be covered by the assessment; (2) meeting specific information needs proactively in the public statement; (3) predicting all queries from journalists; and (4) altering the tone of the public statement with respectful acknowledgement of the health status of patients with CRSP or POTS. Conclusions The study demonstrated the potential utility of media monitoring for regulatory bodies to support communication proactivity and preparedness, intended to support trusted safe and effective vaccine use. Derived questions seem to be a familiar and effective format for presenting media monitoring results in the scientific-regulatory environment. It is suggested that media monitoring could form part of regular surveillance for medicines of high public interest. Future work is recommended to develop efficient monitoring strategies for that purpose

    Application of real-time global media monitoring and ‘derived questions’ for enhancing communication by regulatory bodies:the case of human papillomavirus vaccines

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    Abstract Background The benefit-risk balance of vaccines is regularly debated by the public, but the utility of media monitoring for regulatory bodies is unclear. A media monitoring study was conducted at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) concerning human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines during a European Union (EU) referral procedure assessing the potential causality of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) reported to the authorities as suspected adverse reactions. Methods To evaluate the utility of media monitoring in real life, prospective real-time monitoring of worldwide online news was conducted from September to December 2015 with inductive content analysis, generating ‘derived questions’. The evaluation was performed through the validation of the predictive capacity of these questions against journalists’ queries, review of the EMA’s public statement and feedback from EU regulators. Results A total of 4230 news items were identified, containing personal stories, scientific and policy/process-related topics. Explicit and implicit concerns were identified, including those raised due to lack of knowledge or anticipated once more information would be published. Fifty derived questions were generated and categorised into 12 themes. The evaluation demonstrated that providing the media monitoring findings to assessors and communicators resulted in (1) confirming that public concerns regarding CRPS and POTS would be covered by the assessment; (2) meeting specific information needs proactively in the public statement; (3) predicting all queries from journalists; and (4) altering the tone of the public statement with respectful acknowledgement of the health status of patients with CRSP or POTS. Conclusions The study demonstrated the potential utility of media monitoring for regulatory bodies to support communication proactivity and preparedness, intended to support trusted safe and effective vaccine use. Derived questions seem to be a familiar and effective format for presenting media monitoring results in the scientific-regulatory environment. It is suggested that media monitoring could form part of regular surveillance for medicines of high public interest. Future work is recommended to develop efficient monitoring strategies for that purpose

    First Strontium isotopic evidence of mobility in the Neolithic of Southern France

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    Pratiques alimentaires au Néolithique moyen: nouvelles données sur le site de Pontcharaud 2 (Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France) = Dietary practices during the Middle Neolithic: new data from the site of Pontcharaud 2 (Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France)

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    Cet article présente de nouveaux résultats isotopiques (δ13C and δ15N) obtenus sur un groupe humain du Néolithique moyen issu de l'ensemble funéraire du site de Pontcharaud 2 (Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France). L'intérêt s'est initialement porté sur cette région notamment en raison de l'intéressante diversité écologique qu'offre cet espace géographique pour l'exploitation des ressources naturelles. L'acquisition de nouvelles données sur les comportements alimentaires au Néolithique dans une zone géographique, distincte de celles étudiées précédemment dans d'autres programmes de recherche, permet de développer une approche comparative relative aux choix alimentaires opérés par les Néolithiques en intégrant des aspects sociaux et environnementaux. Notre étude porte, d'une part, sur une analyse paléoalimentaire de la série ostéologique de Pontcharaud 2, par une approche isotopique intra-populationnelle intégrant les données biologiques et archéologiques et, d'autre part, sur une analyse inter-régionale entre trois zones géographiques: l'Auvergne, la Garonne et le Languedoc. L'objectif de cette comparaison est multiple et s'attache à savoir s'il existe des différences alimentaires entre les groupes méridionaux et plus septentrionaux de la deuxième moitié du Ve millénaire, et si ces différences peuvent être mises en relation avec l'environnement propre de chacune de ces aires géographiques ou avec des choix culturels. Le site de Pontcharaud 2 à Clermont-Ferrand en Auvergne a livré un vaste ensemble funéraire dont les premières datations radiométriques réalisées sur os proposent une fourchette chronologique de 4460-4030 BC cal. (LY7916: 5640 ± 70 BP ; LY7918: 5330 ± 55 BP ; LY 7917: 5430 ± 50 BP) correspondant au Néolithique moyen 1 de la Limagne. Dans notre étude, deux nouvelles datations ont été réalisées sur des individus de l'inhumation multiple. Les résultats (5350 ± 40 BP Poz-41914: 4324-4051 BC cal. ; 5380 ± 40 BP Poz-41915: 4335-4059 BC cal.) montrent que cet ensemble particulier a fonctionné dans le même intervalle chronologique que les sépultures. Une étude anthropologique a été réalisée préalablement aux analyses isotopiques. Selon le stade de croissance, différentes méthodes ont été appliquées pour estimer l'âge au décès des individus. Dans le traitement statistique, les individus immatures ont été répartis en 3 catégories: [0-4], [5-14] et [15-19] ans. Ce classement est défini par des critères biologiques. Le sexe des individus adultes a été déterminé dans un premier temps par une diagnose sur l'os coxal. La méthode de diagnose sexuelle probabiliste (DSP), élaborée à partir de données métriques, a été privilégiée. Les critères archéologiques retenus pour cette étude concernent, d'une part, la présence d'architecture pérenne ou non et, d'autre part, la distinction des sépultures individuelles des inhumations. Les isotopes stables (δ13C and δ15N) du collagène osseux humain et animal ont été dosés afin d'appréhender l'origine environnementale des protéines consommées et le niveau trophique des individus. Au total, 37 adultes, 21 immatures et 7 animaux associés ont été échantillonnés et analysés par EA-IRMS. Les résultats isotopiques indiquent pour l'ensemble du groupe une importante consommation de protéines animales. La variabilité isotopique intra-groupe souligne des différences dans la proportion de protéines consommées entre les sujets ainsi que la possible consommation de ressources d'eau douce pour certains

    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements in a water film, application to a tire rolling through a puddle

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    International audienceA measurement method based on Particle Image Velocimetry with refraction of the laser sheet at a win-dow/water interface is proposed for the measurement of the velocity field of a water flow formed by a tire moving inside a water puddle. This study focuses of the feasibility and repeatability of this optical measurement method. The characterization of the optical properties of the measurement technique defines the integration effect in height of the measurement method. The analysis of the overall features of the flow is focused on two main zones in front and around the tire. The flow inside the first zone is defined by a characteristic velocity of the water displaced in an area located in front of the tire ; in the second zone a characteristic velocity representative of the flow in the vicinity of the shoulder of the tire is also defined. Correlations of both characteristic velocities with the car speed and water film height are established. New and worn tires were tested in this work