123 research outputs found

    Antiproliferative activity, mechanism of action and oral antitumor activity of CP-4126, a fatty acid derivative of gemcitabine, in in vitro and in vivo tumor models

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    Gemcitabine is a deoxycytidine (dCyd) analog with activity in leukemia and solid tumors, which requires phosphorylation by deoxycytidine kinase (dCK). Decreased membrane transport is a mechanism of resistance to gemcitabine. In order to facilitate gemcitabine uptake and prolong retention in the cell, a lipophilic pro-drug was synthesized (CP-4126), with an elaidic fatty acid esterified at the 5'position. CP-4126 was tested in cell lines resistant to cytarabine, another dCyd analog or gemcitabine. Activity of gemcitabine and the derivative was comparable in the parent cell lines, while in dCK deficient cells all compounds were inactive. However, inhibition of nucleoside transport increased the IC(50) for gemcitabine up to 200-fold, but not for CP-4126, underlining the independence of a nucleoside transporter. For in vivo evaluation, nude mice bearing a human xenograft were treated intraperitoneally every third day for five doses at the maximal tolerated dose. In melanoma, sarcoma, lung, prostate, pancreatic and breast cancer xenografts, gemcitabine and CP-4126 were equally and highly effective; in four other xenografts moderately but equally active. In contrast to gemcitabine, CP-4126 could be administered orally, with a schedule and dose dependent toxicity and antitumor activity. In a colon cancer xenograft, antitumor activity of orally administered CP-4126 was equal to the intraperitoneally administered drug. In conclusion, CP-4126 is membrane transporter independent. Intraperitoneally administered CP-4126 was as effective as gemcitabine in several xenografts and CP-4126 is tolerated when orally administered. CP-4126 seems to be a promising new anticancer drug

    CDH11 Expression is Associated with Survival in Patients with Osteosarcoma

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    Previous studies have shown that cadherin-11 (CDH11) may be involved in the metastatic process of osteosarcoma. The correlation of the expression levels of CDH11 in osteosarcoma samples with the risk of disease progression and metastasis was examined. Real time qRT-PCR was used to quantify CDH11 expression in a set of newly established osteosarcoma cell lines, 11 primaries and five metastases, compared to the levels in 12 normal osteoblast cell lines established from healthy bone, and also in a set of 10 snap-frozen osteosarcoma samples. In all cases long term clinical follow-up data was available. The CDH11 expression level decreased gradually from the osteoblast to the primary cell lines (p=0.2184) and further to those established from the tumor metastases (p=0.0275). Importantly, the level of CDH11 expression correlated significantly (p=0.01) with patient survival (Kaplan-Meier survival analysis) in both sample sets (p=0.0128 for the cell lines, p=0.0492 for the biopsies). In conclusion, the results indicate that CDH11 may be useful as a prognostic marker of disease progression and survival in osteosarcoma

    Biological control of Botrytis cinerea and plant growth promotion potential by Penicillium citrinum in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    A total of 48 fungi were characterised for their antagonistic potential against Botrytis cinerea causing Botrytis Gray Mold (BGM) disease in chickpea by dual culture and metabolite production assays. The culture filtrate of the most promising isolate, VFI-51, was purified by various chromatographic techniques and identified as ‘citrinin’ by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry studies. The efficacy of citrinin was demonstrated to control BGM in chickpea under greenhouse conditions. The sequences of 18S rDNA gene of the VFI-51 matched with Penicillium citrinum in BLAST analysis. The VFI-51 produced siderophore, hydrocyanic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, lipase, protease and β-1,3- glucanase; grew well in NaCl (up to 15%), at pH between 7 and 11 and temperatures between 20°C and 40°C; and was compatible with fungicides bavistin and thiram. Under greenhouse and field conditions, VFI-51 significantly enhanced the nodule number, nodule weight, root and shoot weight and stover and grain yield over the un-inoculated control. In the rhizosphere, VFI-51 also significantly enhanced total N, available P and OC over the un-inoculated control. Scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed that VFI-51 colonised on the roots of chickpea. This study concluded that VFI-51 has the potential for biocontrol of BGM and plant growth promotion in chickpea

    Impaired NDRG1 functions in Schwann cells cause demyelinating neuropathy in a dog model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 4D

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    Mutations in the N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) cause degenerative polyneuropathy in ways that are poorly understood. We have investigated Alaskan Malamute dogs with neuropathy caused by a missense mutation in NDRG1. In affected animals, nerve levels of NDRG1 protein were reduced by more than 70% (p < 0.03). Nerve fibers were thinly myelinated, loss of large myelinated fibers was pronounced and teased fiber preparations showed both demyelination and remyelination. Inclusions of filamentous material containing actin were present in adaxonal Schwann cell cytoplasm and Schmidt-Lanterman clefts. This condition strongly resembles the human Charcot-MarieTooth type 4D. However, the focally folded myelin with adaxonal infoldings segregating the axon found in this study are ultrastructural changes not described in the human disease. Furthermore, lipidomic analysis revealed a profound loss of peripheral nerve lipids. Our data suggest that the low levels of mutant NDRG1 is insufficient to support Schwann cells in maintaining myelin homeostasis. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

    Improvement of acetaldehyde production in Zymomonas mobilis by engineering of Its aerobic metabolism

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    Acetaldehyde is a valuable product of microbial biosynthesis, which can be used by the chemical industry as the entry point for production of various commodity chemicals. In ethanologenic microorganisms, like yeast or the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis, this compound is the immediate metabolic precursor of ethanol. In aerobic cultures of Z. mobilis, it accumulates as a volatile, inhibitory byproduct, due to the withdrawal of reducing equivalents from the alcohol dehydrogenase reaction by respiration. The active respiratory chain of Z. mobilis with its low energy-coupling efficiency is well-suited for regeneration of NAD+ under conditions when acetaldehyde, but not ethanol, is the desired catabolic product. In the present work, we sought to improve the capacity Z. mobilis to synthesize acetaldehyde, based on predictions of a stoichiometric model of its central metabolism developed herein. According to the model analysis, the main objectives in the course of engineering acetaldehyde producer strains were determined to be: (i) reducing ethanol synthesis via reducing the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and (ii) enhancing the respiratory capacity, either by overexpression of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase (NDH), or by mutation of other components of respiratory metabolism. Several mutants with elevated respiration rate, decreased alcohol dehydrogenase activity, or a combination of both, were obtained. They were extensively characterized by determining their growth rates, product yields, oxygen consumption rates, ADH, and NDH activities, transcription levels of key catabolic genes, as well as concentrations of central metabolites under aerobic culture conditions. Two mutant strains were selected, with acetaldehyde yield close to 70% of the theoretical maximum value, almost twice the previously published yield for Z. mobilis. These strains can serve as a basis for further development of industrial acetaldehyde producers

    Testing for Differentially-Expressed MicroRNAs with Errors-in-Variables Nonparametric Regression

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    MicroRNA is a set of small RNA molecules mediating gene expression at post-transcriptional/translational levels. Most of well-established high throughput discovery platforms, such as microarray, real time quantitative PCR, and sequencing, have been adapted to study microRNA in various human diseases. The total number of microRNAs in humans is approximately 1,800, which challenges some analytical methodologies requiring a large number of entries. Unlike messenger RNA, the majority of microRNA (60%) maintains relatively low abundance in the cells. When analyzed using microarray, the signals of these low-expressed microRNAs are influenced by other non-specific signals including the background noise. It is crucial to distinguish the true microRNA signals from measurement errors in microRNA array data analysis. In this study, we propose a novel measurement error model-based normalization method and differentially-expressed microRNA detection method for microRNA profiling data acquired from locked nucleic acids (LNA) microRNA array. Compared with some existing methods, the proposed method significantly improves the detection among low-expressed microRNAs when assessed by quantitative real-time PCR assay

    Investigation of an Escherichia coli O145 outbreak in a child day-care centre - extensive sampling and characterization of eae- and stx1-positive E. coli yields epidemiological and socioeconomic insight

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>On October 29<sup>th </sup>2009 the health authorities in the city of Trondheim, Norway were alerted about a case of Shiga toxin-positive <it>E. coli </it>(STEC) O145 in a child with bloody diarrhoea attending a day-care centre. Symptomatic children in this day-care centre were sampled, thereby identifying three more cases. This initiated an outbreak investigation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case was defined as a child attending the day-care centre, in whom <it>eae- </it>and <it>stx</it><sub>1</sub>- but not <it>stx</it><sub>2</sub>-positive <it>E. coli </it>O145:H28 was diagnosed from a faecal sample, with multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) profile identical to the index isolate. All 61 children, a staff of 14 in the day-care centre, and 74 close contacts submitted faecal samples. Staff and parents were interviewed about cases' exposure to foods and animals. Faecal samples from 31 ewes from a sheep herd to which the children were exposed were analyzed for <it>E. coli </it>O145.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixteen cases were identified, from which nine presented diarrhoea but not haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). The attack rate was 0.26, and varied between age groups (0.13-0.40) and between the three day-care centre departments (0.20-0.50), and was significantly higher amongst the youngest children. Median duration of shedding was 20 days (0-71 days). Children were excluded from the day-care centre during shedding, requiring parents to take compassionate leave, estimated to be a minimum total of 406 days for all cases. Atypical enteropathogenic <it>E. coli </it>(aEPEC) were detected among 14 children other than cases. These isolates were genotypically different from the outbreak strain. Children in the day-care centre were exposed to faecal pollution from a sheep herd, but <it>E. coli </it>O145 was not detected in the sheep.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We report an outbreak of <it>stx</it><sub>1</sub>- and <it>eae-</it>positive STEC O145:H28 infection with mild symptoms among children in a day-care centre. Extensive sampling showed occurrence of the outbreak strain as well as other STEC and aEPEC strains in the outbreak population. MLVA-typing of the STEC-isolates strongly indicates a common source of infection. The study describes epidemiological aspects and socioeconomic consequences of a non-O157 STEC outbreak, which are less commonly reported than O157 outbreaks.</p

    Metabolic and evolutionary insights into the closely-related species Streptomyces coelicolor and Streptomyces lividans deduced from high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization

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    Whilst being closely related to the model actinomycete Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), S. lividans 66 differs from it in several significant and phenotypically observable ways, including antibiotic production. Previous comparative gene hybridization studies investigating such differences have used low-density (one probe per gene) PCR-based spotted arrays. Here we use new experimentally optimised 104,000 × 60-mer probe arrays to characterize in detail the genomic differences between wild-type S. lividans 66, a derivative industrial strain, TK24, and S. coelicolor M145