279 research outputs found

    A low-altitude satellite interaction study /Neutral gases/ Final report

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    Low-altitude satellite interaction study of neutral gases and Monte Carlo computer techniques for describing flow field and spacecraft interaction

    Online Aggregation of the Forwarding Information Base: Accounting for Locality and Churn

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    A low-altitude satellite interaction study

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    Two computer programs calculate interaction effects of high speed spacecraft on the environment at altitudes from 90 km to 150 km. EXT program determines fluid field in bodies of arbitrary geometries in transient flow regime. INT program uses EXT output and measures flow conditions inside spacecraft body

    Anatomical Organization of the Extended Amygdala

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    The concept of the extended amygdala proposed by de Olmos and Heimer suggests that the central (CEA) and medial nuclei of the amygdala (MEA) and the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) are parts of a contiguous cellular column of neurons with similar anatomical connectivity and functional output (Olmos; and Heimer; 1999). An alternative hypothesis proposed by Larry Swanson suggests that the CEA/MEA and BST are ventral differentiations of the striatum and pallidum, together forming a striatopallidal circuit that participates in a cortical reentrant loop (Swanson and Petrovich 1998, Swanson 2000). In support of the extended amygdala concept, connections between the amygdala and BST are topographically-organized, suggesting the presence of discrete channels for information processing. Furthermore, results from several studies indicate that lesions of the amygdala or BST often produce experimental results that are quite similar (Zardetto-Smith, Beltz et al. 1994, Newman 1999, Tanimoto, Nakagawa et al. 2003, Nakagawa, Yamamoto et al. 2005, Deyama, Nakagawa et al. 2007). On the other hand, the concept of the extended amygdala has been challenged by results from behavioral studies that suggest a dissociation of CEA and BST functions in mediating behavioral processes associated with fear, anxiety (Walker and Davis 1997, Fendt, Endres et al. 2003, Walker, Toufexis et al. 2003, Sullivan, Apergis et al. 2004), social defeat (Jasnow, Davis et al. 2004), social interaction (Cecchi, Khoshbouei et al. 2002) and ethanol self-administration (Funk, O'Dell et al. 2006). The studies in this dissertation were designed to test some of the assumptions proposed by the extended amygdala concept by more closely examining the similarities of extended amygdala circuits. In the first study, we tested the hypothesis proposed by de Olmos and Heimer that “all or most of the central extended amygdala would share similar inputs” (de Olmos and Heimer 1999). In the second study, we examined multisynaptic BST circuits that project to CEA and MEA to determine if BST circuits were maintained within topographically-organized channels. Our findings reveal several organizational principles for the anatomical relationship of the amygdala and BST subnuclei and suggest new theories for how extended amygdala circuits process information

    A Match in Time Saves Nine: Deterministic Online Matching With Delays

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    We consider the problem of online Min-cost Perfect Matching with Delays (MPMD) introduced by Emek et al. (STOC 2016). In this problem, an even number of requests appear in a metric space at different times and the goal of an online algorithm is to match them in pairs. In contrast to traditional online matching problems, in MPMD all requests appear online and an algorithm can match any pair of requests, but such decision may be delayed (e.g., to find a better match). The cost is the sum of matching distances and the introduced delays. We present the first deterministic online algorithm for this problem. Its competitive ratio is O(mlog25.5)O(m^{\log_2 5.5}) =O(m2.46) = O(m^{2.46}), where 2m2 m is the number of requests. This is polynomial in the number of metric space points if all requests are given at different points. In particular, the bound does not depend on other parameters of the metric, such as its aspect ratio. Unlike previous (randomized) solutions for the MPMD problem, our algorithm does not need to know the metric space in advance

    Bucket Game with Applications to Set Multicover and Dynamic Page Migration

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    We present a simple two-person Bucket Game, based on throwing balls into buckets, and we discuss possible players’ strategies. We use these strategies to create an approximation algorithm for a generalization of the well known Set Cover problem, where we need to cover each element by at least k sets. Furthermore, we apply these strategies to construct a randomized algorithm for Dynamic Page Migration problem achieving the optimal competitive ratio against an oblivious adversary

    Prevalence and influence of cys407* Grm2 mutation in Hannover-derived Wistar rats:mGlu2 receptor loss links to alcohol intake, risk taking and emotional behaviour

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    AbstractModulation of metabotropic glutamate 2 (mGlu2) receptor function has huge potential for treating psychiatric and neurological diseases. Development of drugs acting on mGlu2 receptors depends on the development and use of translatable animal models of disease. We report here a stop codon mutation at cysteine 407 in Grm2 (cys407*) that is common in some Wistar rats. Therefore, researchers in this field need to be aware of strains with this mutation. Our genotypic survey found widespread prevalence of the mutation in commercial Wistar strains, particularly those known as Han Wistar. Such Han Wistar rats are ideal for research into the separate roles of mGlu2 and mGlu3 receptors in CNS function. Previous investigations, unknowingly using such mGlu2 receptor-lacking rats, provide insights into the role of mGlu2 receptors in behaviour. The Grm2 mutant rats, which dominate some selectively bred lines, display characteristics of altered emotionality, impulsivity and risk-related behaviours and increased voluntary alcohol intake compared with their mGlu2 receptor-competent counterparts. In addition, the data further emphasize the potential therapeutic role of mGlu2 receptors in psychiatric and neurological disease, and indicate novel methods of studying the role of mGlu2 and mGlu3 receptors

    Precise segmentation of densely interweaving neuron clusters using G-Cut

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    脑是宇宙间最为复杂的系统之一,成人的脑中有约1000亿个神经元,单个神经元通常与其它神经元有成千上万个“突触”连接节点,形成拥有百万亿级连接的极其复杂的脑神经网络。当前多数神经元三维重建和分析工具仅适用于单个神经元的形态学重建,难以从神经元簇图像中正确追踪重建出多个神经元,而神经元的重建质量又影响到量化分析神经元的形态学特征及其功能。针对这一问题,课题组提出一种新的三维神经元簇重建工具G-Cut。具体地,为了度量神经元胞体与神经突起间的关联性,课题组从已有的带有标注的大规模神经元形态学数据集统计分析得到其规律和形态学信息。然后将神经元簇的重建问题转化为神经突起之间连接所形成的拓扑连接图的图分割问题,并结合神经元形态学规律和信息,在所有的神经突起与神经元胞体的关联性中寻找重建问题的最优解。通过在不同的合成数据集以及真实的脑组织图像数据集上测试,和已有的方法相比,G-Cut在不同密度和不同规模的神经元簇图像上均获得了更高的重建正确率。该项研究工作由厦门大学,南加州大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校等高校课题组合作完成,厦门大学信息学院智能科学与技术系为第一完成单位,厦门大学博士生李睿和USC博士生Muye Zhu为论文共同第一作者,张俊松博士和南加州大学的Hong-Wei Dong教授为论文共同通讯作者。厦门大学周昌乐教授和南加州大学的Arthur Toga教授为研究提供了大力支持。【Abstract】Characterizing the precise three-dimensional morphology and anatomical context of neurons is crucial for neuronal cell type classification and circuitry mapping. Recent advances in tissue clearing techniques and microscopy make it possible to obtain image stacks of intact, interweaving neuron clusters in brain tissues. As most current 3D neuronal morphology reconstruction methods are only applicable to single neurons, it remains challenging to reconstruct these clusters digitally. To advance the state of the art beyond these challenges, we propose a fast and robust method named G-Cut that is able to automatically segment individual neurons from an interweaving neuron cluster. Across various densely interconnected neuron clusters, G-Cut achieves significantly higher accuracies than other state-of-the-art algorithms. G-Cut is intended as a robust component in a high throughput informatics pipeline for large-scale brain mapping projects.This work was supported by NIH/NIMH MH094360-01A1 (H.W.D.), MH094360-06 (H.W.D.), NIH/NCI U01CA198932-01 (H.W.D.), NIH/NIMH MH106008 (X.W.Y. and H.W.D.), National Nature Science Foundation of China No. 61772440 (J.S.Z.), and National Basic Research Program of China 2013CB329502 (J.S.Z. and C.L.Z.). We thank a support of Graduate Student International Exchange Project of Xiamen University to R.L. and State Scholarship Fund of China Scholarship Council (No. 201406315023) to J.S.Z. 该项研究得到国家自然科学基金、国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目、国家留学基金、厦门大学研究生国际交流项目、美国脑计划和NIH等课题资助

    Analytics in online and offline language learning environments: the role of learning design to understand student online engagement

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    Language education has a rich history of research and scholarship focusing on the effectiveness of learning activities and the impact these have on student behaviour and outcomes. One of the basic assumptions in foreign language pedagogy and CALL in particular is that learners want to be able to communicate effectively with native speakers of their chosen language. Combining principles of learning analytics and Big Data with learning design, this study used a student activity based taxonomy adopted by the Open University UK to inform module design. The learning designs of four introductory and intermediary language education modules and online engagement of 2111 learners were contrasted using weekly learning design data. In this study, we aimed to explore how learning design decisions made by language teachers influenced students’ engagement in the VLE. Using fixed effect models, our findings indicated that 55% of variance of weekly online engagement in these four modules was explained by the way language teachers designed weekly learning design activities. Our learning analytics study highlights the potential affordances for CALL researchers to use the power of learning design and big data to explore and understand the complexities and dynamics of language learning for students and teachers