30 research outputs found

    The reliability of pseudoneglect is task dependent

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    Funding: This work was supported by the University of St. Andrews and by Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Funds (105621/Z/14/Z).Bisection tasks that require individuals to identify the midpoint of a line are often used to assess the presence of biases to spatial attention in both healthy and patient populations. These tasks have helped to uncover a phenomenon called pseudoneglect, a bias towards the left-side of space in healthy individuals. First identified in the tactile domain, pseudoneglect has been subsequently demonstrated in other sensory modalities such as vision. Despite this, the specific reliability of pseudoneglect within individuals across tasks and time has been investigated very little. In this study, we investigated the reliability of response bias within individuals across four separate testing sessions and during three line bisection tasks: landmark, line bisection and tactile rod bisection. Strong reliability was expected within individuals across task and session. Pseudoneglect was found when response bias was averaged across all tasks, for the entire sample. However, individual data showed biases to both left and right, with some participants showing no clear bias, demonstrating individual differences in bias. Significant, cross-session within-individual reliability was found for the landmark and tactile rod bisection tasks respectively, but no significant reliability was observed for the line bisection task. Alongside this, no significant cross-task within-individual reliability was observed. These results highlight the inconsistent nature of pseudoneglect within individuals, particularly across sensory modality. They also provide strong support for the use of the landmark task as the most reliable measure of pseudoneglect.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Prophetic Reading: Sisterhood and Psychoanalysis in H.D.’s HERmione

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    This article offers a comparative reading of H.D.’s 1927 kunstlerroman à clef, HERmione, and Freud’s Dora alongside an intertextual close reading of its dense web of literary allusions in order to argue that it offers a sustained critique of Freudian psychoanalysis and an alternative origin story for the condition of hysteria. Drawing on the notion of prophecy as it is thematised in the novel, the article demonstrates H.D.’s prefiguring of Juliet Mitchell’s recent reconfiguration of hysteria as a response to, replacement by, or failure of identification with a sibling

    Sub-100-nm negative bend resistance ballistic sensors for high spatial resolution magnetic field detection

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    We report the magnetic field detection properties of ballistic sensors utilizing the negative bend resistance of InSb∕In(1−x)Al(x)Sb quantum well cross junctions as a function of temperature and geometric size. We demonstrate that the maximum responsivity to magnetic field and its linearity increase as the critical device dimension is reduced. This observation deviates from the predictions of the classical billiard ball model unless significant diffuse boundary scattering is included. The smallest device studied has an active sensor area of 35×35 nm(2), with a maximum responsivity of 20 kΩ∕T, and a noise-equivalent field of [Formula: see text] at 100 K

    An Evaluation of Mainland China’s Road to Urbanization ─Big Cities or Small Towns?

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    [[abstract]]中國大陸自1979年改革開放以來,除了經濟體制的改革以外,都市發展也伴隨著這波改革開放的浪潮而受到牽動。1980年10月中共中央所召開全國城市規畫工作會議中明訂「控制大城市規模,合理發展中等城市,積極發展小城市」作為未來都市化發展的政策綱領。但隨著中國大陸都市逐漸的發展,這套政策開始出現了許多問題,而引起了中國大陸學術界的廣泛討論。針對這一問題學者們有若干不同的看法,並且在學界也因這些看法而有不少論戰,其中包括較為單一的發展大城市,或發展小城鎮,此外也有所謂的「第三條道路」,也就是構築“大城市 ― 中型城市 ― 小城市 ― 鄉鎮 ― 鄉村”的都市化網絡,謀求共同發展。 然而在都市化的爭論當中,大多數是以中國大陸整體為討論的對象。但是就中國大陸這一面積廣大、人口眾多的國家而言,考慮區域的個別差異是有必要的。因此本文在探討中國大陸的都市化道路將發展大城市或小城鎮時,有別於將中國大陸視為一單一個體作為研究的對象,而擬以區域發展為主要途徑,分別在東部沿海地區以及中部地區選擇一城市,南通市及宜昌市作為研究的對象,來探討不同區域中的都市化道路是否有所差異?並與目前中國大陸都市化道路的爭論做一相互印證,以評估發展大城市或小城鎮是較為合理的都市化道路

    Worn shoes: identity, memory and footwear

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    This article raises questions about the role of footwear within contemporary processes of identity formation and presents ongoing research into perceptions, experiences and memories of shoes among men and women in the North of England. In a series of linked theoretical discussions it argues that a focus on women, fashion and shoe consumption as a feature of a modern, western 'project of the self' obscures a more revealing line of inquiry where footwear can be used to explore the way men and women live out their identities as fluid, embodied processes. In a bid to deepen theoretical understanding of such processes, it takes account of historical and contemporary representations of shoes as a symbolically efficacious vehicle for personal transformation, asking how the idea and experience of transformation informs everyday and life course experiences of transition, as individuals put on and take off particular pairs of shoes. In so doing, the article addresses the methodological and analytic challenges of accessing experience that is both fluid and embodied