294 research outputs found

    Room temperature ferromagnetic-like behavior in Mn-implanted and post-annealed InAs layers deposited by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    We report on the magnetic and structural properties of Ar and Mn implanted InAs epitaxial films grown on GaAs (100) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) and the effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA) for 30 seconds at 750C. Channeling Particle Induced X- ray Emission (PIXE) experiments reveal that after Mn implantation almost all Mn atoms are subsbtitutional in the In-site of the InAs lattice, like in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS). All of these samples show diamagnetic behavior. But, after RTA treatment the Mn-InAs films exhibit room-temperature magnetism. According to PIXE measurements the Mn atoms are no longer substitutional. When the same set of experiments were performed with As as implantation ion all of the layers present diamagnetism without exception. This indicates that the appearance of room-temperature ferromagnetic-like behavior in the Mn-InAs-RTA layer is not related to lattice disorder produce during implantation, but to a Mn reaction produced after a short thermal treatment. X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) measurements evidence the segregation of an oxygen deficient-MnO2 phase (nominally MnO1.94) in the Mn-InAs-RTA epitaxial layers which might be on the origin of room temperature ferromagnetic-like response observed.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Acepted in J. Appl. Phy

    Electrochemical Estimation of the Corrosion Rate of Magnesium/Aluminium Alloys

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    The corrosion rate of AZ31, AZ80, and AZ91D magnesium/aluminium alloys immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl was determined comparing gravimetric and electrochemical measurements. The findings revealed that, for all investigated materials, a fraction of the metallic surface exposed to the corrosive medium did not reveal a normal electrochemical response to the applied signal. This may be associated with phenomena such as partial disintegration of specimens into fine metallic particles, electrochemical formation of ions, and/or anomalous chemical attack occurring simultaneously with the normal electrochemical corrosion attack. The abnormal electrochemical behaviour was more evident for lower amounts of aluminium in the bulk composition of the investigated materials. Thus, the electrochemical estimates of pure Mg and the AZ31 alloy were not reliable and tended to underestimate corrosion losses.Peer Reviewe

    Industrial Applications of Laser Neutron Source

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    The industrial applications of the intense neutron source have been widely explored because of the unique features of the neutron-matter interaction. Usually, intense neutron sources are assembled with fission reactors or high energy ion accelerators. The big size and high cost of these systems are the bottle neck to promote the industrial applications of intense neutrons. In this paper, we propose the compact laser driven neutron source for the industrial application. As the first step of our project for the versatile applications of laser driven neutron source, Li-neutron and/or Li-proton interactions have been investigated for the application to the development of Li battery

    Diseño y puesta en marcha de una Infraestructura de Datos Espacial sobre Agricultura y Agua

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    La integración de múltiples fuentes de datos espaciales es esencial para el desarrollo de los servicios públicos en todos los dominios temáticos, los datos son suministrados y a la vez consumidos por todos los niveles de la administración. Actualmente, la demanda de datos interoperables está creciendo enormemente entre los gestores del agua para buscar soluciones más eficaces a la gestión o la planificación de este recurso tan importante y escaso, para lo cual se necesita integrar una gran cantidad de datos de carácter geográfico de diferentes procedencias y resoluciones. Sin embargo, a menudo es muy difícil poder integrar conjuntamente la información geográfica disponible para un mismo territorio y temática. Esto es debido a la gran diversidad de modelos de datos, las diferentes especificaciones y los diversos tipos de conectores que utilizan las organizaciones que tienen competencias en un mismo territorio. Para superar estas limitaciones, los organismos deben adoptar unas normas comunes para facilitar la reutilización de los datos espaciales, unas especificaciones estándares y un acuerdo de intercambio de datos basado en sus necesidades, pero que permita compartir estos datos con otras organizaciones. Por esta necesidad están surgiendo las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE o su acrónimo en inglés SDI Spatial Data Infraestructure) en los diferentes dominios temáticos, y para su armonización la UE ha desarrollado la directiva INSPIRE, que proporciona un marco global con una serie de recomendaciones tecnológicas que permiten superar los problemas de la integración de datos desde múltiples fuentes y propósitos.Al equipo de SIGyT del IMIDA por la ayuda técnica recibida, a los proyectos Telerieg del programa SUDOE y REDSIM de la D. G de Medio Ambiente de la EU por la financiación de los trabajos realizados

    Calculation of biophysical indicators through the automatic processing of satellite images

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    In recent years, remote sensing has emerged as one of the most useful tools in agronomy. A series of biophysical indicators can be derived from satellite images and used as inputs for decision support systems in irrigation management, crop planning or determination of crop yields, thus achieving a better management of resources. An automated system implemented under the IDEaRM services provides these indicators on a daily rate to support in decision-making.This work has been done through the project “Telerieg – Remote sensing use for irrigation practice recommendation and monitoring in the SUDOE space” financed by Programme (SUDOE), which supports regional development through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing of transnational projects

    Correlation between the surface chemistry and the atmospheric corrosion of AZ31, AZ80 and AZ91D magnesium alloys

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    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used in order to investigate the correlation between the surface chemistry and the atmospheric corrosion of AZ31, AZ80 and AZ91D magnesium alloys exposed to 98% relative humidity at 50 °C. Commercially pure magnesium, used as the reference material, revealed MgO, Mg(OH)2 and tracers of magnesium carbonate in the air-formed film. For the AZ80 and AZ91D alloys, the amount of magnesium carbonate formed on the surface reached similar values to those of MgO and Mg(OH)2. A linear relation between the amount of magnesium carbonate formed on the surface and the subsequent corrosion behaviour in the humid environment was found. The AZ80 alloy revealed the highest amount of magnesium carbonate in the air-formed film and the highest atmospheric corrosion resistance, even higher than the AZ91D alloy, indicating that aluminium distribution in the alloy microstructure influenced the amount of magnesium carbonate formedThanks to the MCYT for the financial support given to this work (Project MAT2006-13179-C02-01-02)Peer reviewe

    Thermal stability of copper nitride thin films: The role of nitrogen migration

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    The atomic composition, structural, morphological, and optical properties of N-rich copper nitride thin films have been investigated prior to and after annealing them in vacuum at temperatures up to 300 °C. Films were characterized by means of ion-beam analysis (IBMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and spectroscopic ellipsometry techniques (SE). The data reveal that even when the total (integrated over the whole thickness) atomic composition of the films remains constant, nitrogen starts to migrate from the bulk to the film surface, without out-diffusing, at temperatures as low as 100 °C. This migration leads to two chemical phases with different atomic concentration of nitrogen, lattice parameters, and crystallographic orientation but with the same crystal structure. XRD experimental and Rietveld refined data seem to confirm that nitrogen excess accommodates in interstitial locations within the anti-ReO3 crystal lattice forming a solid solution. The influence of nitrogen migration on the optical (electronic) properties of the films will be discusse

    Comparative study regarding the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces under Ar+ irradiation

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    Nanostructured tungsten has been proposed as a promising option for plasma facing materials in future fusion reactors, because compared to conventional tungsten it shows advantages such as a better radiation resistance and, in particular, a retardation of tungsten-fuzz growth. Besides these aspects, the sputtering yield of nanostructured tungsten under ion bombardment is of interest, since it would affect the atomic density of tungsten emitted into the fusion plasma, which leads to radiative heat losses. In this work, we present a multiscale approach for investigating the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces under 1 keV and 2 keV Ar irradiation. Our results cover experiments and also computational simulations, which operate either on the basis of the binary collision approximation and ray tracing or use a full molecular dynamics implementation. In our studied case, both computational approaches can predict the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces very well. In comparison to flat W, we observe a much reduced dependence on the ion incidence angle, similar as reported for conventional rough surfaces in literature. However, an additional global reduction of the sputtering yield was identified, which can be attributed to geometrical redeposition effects between the separated nanocolumns. These results support the applicability of nanocolumnar tungsten as a first wall coating.Peer reviewe