831 research outputs found

    The vulnerability and resiliency of childhood

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    Life is full of stressors, which have to be confronted efficiently to grow up. However, reaction to stressors is personalized, complex and coordinated. Vulnerable persons adjust poorly to stressors and express inappropriate responses, while resilient persons practice adaptive physiological and psychological responses. Promotion of resiliency is an intricated issue, which demands strategies at both macro and micro-level. Microlevel strategies are focused on the community, family and individual level, while macrolevel strategies formulate the principles. Nevertheless, prediction of vulnerability and resiliency is really a challenge, as different persons facing same stressors react differently. Some are growing as resilient and others as vulnerable. We aimed to discuss resiliency, vulnerability, importance in relation to health outcome, promotion of resiliency and controversies of vulnerability and resiliency

    Relationship problems and suicide in Bangladesh

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    Abstract not available Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 2023;16(3): 186-18

    Glittering in the dark: Memory, culture, and critique in light of the history of information

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    An ethical and human-centered approach to Information Science requires rigorous, historically-informed analysis of both the resources that inform this discipline and the cultural role it inhabits. This session will present and discuss significant recent developments in the history and foundations of the field. ASIST has formally established a new volunteer administrative position of ASIST Curator. Kathryn La Barre, the newly-appointed Curator, will describe the role and responsibilities of this position and assess the state of Information Science history in relation to the conference themes. In two complementary reports: Michael Buckland will examine theoretical accounts of the materials made use of in Information Science; and Sachi Arafat will explain why Information Retrieval and Information Science should be integrated and rethought as a science of technology-mediated experience, and how this new kind of science relates to the pre-modern memory arts tradition

    Sexual violence and suicide in Bangladesh

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    The Effect of Capacity Building and School Principal’s Leadership towards Teacher’s Performance

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    Capacity building is part of improving the quality of performance. This research aimed at determining the effect of capacity building and leadership of school principals on teachers’ performance in Primary School of Pulau Rimau. The population and sample in this study were teachers who taught at Primary School of Pulau Rimau, sampling was conducted using purposive sampling techniques. The results obtained there is positive and significant effect of capacity building on the performance of teachers; there is positive and significant influence of school leadership on the performance of teachers; and there is positive and significant influence of capacity building and leadership of school principals on the performance of teachers

    Sistem Prediksi Kelayakan Besaran Pinjaman Pemberian Kredit Pensiunan dengan Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic (Studi Kasus: PT. Bank Bukopin)

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    Kredit adalah penyediaan uang atau tagihan-tagihan yang dapat disamakan dengan itu berdasarkan persetujuan pinjam-meminjam antara bank dengan pihak lain dalam hal mana pihak peminjam berkewajiban melunasi utangnya setelah jangka waktu tertentu dengan bunga yang telah ditetapkan (Jayanti, 2014). Masalah kelayakan pemberian kredit cenderung bersifat samar (fuzzy) (Ariana & Suwadnyana, 2013), dimana untuk menentukan kelayakan besaran pinjaman tidak dapat ditentukan dengan mudah dan cepat, serta membutuhkan tenaga ahli. Kelayakan besaran pinjaman perlu dianalisa ataupun diprediksi (Misdiati & Rahayu, 2013), karena besarnya pinjaman merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kredit macet walaupun sebagian terbesar kredit macet diakibatkan salah dalam mengadakan analisis. Logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic) dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan suatu permasalahan yang matematis, dimana konsep matematis yang mendasari penalaran Fuzzy sangat sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, Logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic) adalah suatu metode atau cara yang tepat untuk memetakan kesuatu ruang input ke suatu ruang output (Widodo & Handayanto, 2012)

    Survivin a radiogenetic promoter for glioblastoma viral gene therapy independently from CArG motifs

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    BACKGROUND: Radiogenetic therapy is a novel approach in the treatment of cancer, which employs genetic modification to alter the sensitivity of tumor cells to the effect of applied radiation. AIM: To select a potent radiation inducible promoter in the context of brain tumors and to investigate if CArG radio responsive motifs or other elements in the promoter nucleotide sequences can correlate to its response to radiation. METHODS: To select initial candidates for promoter inducible elements, the levels of mRNA expression of six different promoters were assessed using Quantitative RTPCR in D54 MG cells before and after radiation exposure. Recombinant Ad/reporter genes driven by five different promoters; CMV, VEGF, FLT-1, DR5 and survivin were constructed. Glioma cell lines were infected with different multiplicity of infection of the (promoter) Ad or CMV Ad. Cells were then exposed to a range of radiation (0–12 Gy) at single fraction. Fluorescent microscopy, Luc assay and X-gal staining was used to detect the level of expression of related genes. Different glioma cell lines and normal astrocytes were infected with Ad survivin and exposed to radiation. The promoters were analyzed for presence of CArG radio-responsive motifs and CCAAT box consensus using NCBI blast bioinformatics software. RESULTS: Radiotherapy increases the expression of gene expression by 1.25–2.5 fold in different promoters other than survivin after 2 h of radiation. RNA analysis was done and has shown an increase in copy number of tenfold for survivin. Most importantly cells treated with RT and Ad Luc driven by survivin promoter showed a fivefold increase in expression after 2 Gy of radiation in comparison to non-irradiated cells. Presence or absence of CArG motifs did not correlate with promoter response to radiation. Survivin with the best response to radiation had the lowest number of CCAAT box. CONCLUSION: Survivin is a selective potent radiation inducible promoter for glioblastoma viral gene therapy and this response to radiation could be independent of CArG motifs

    Modern and Convensional Wound Dressing to Interleukin 1 and Interleukin 6 in Diabetic Wound

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    Introduction:Holistic wound care is one of the ways to prevent gangrene and amputation, modern wound dressing is more effective than convensional with increasing transforming growth factor and cytokine, especially interleukin. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Modern and Convensional Wound Dressing to Interleukin 1 (IL-1) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) in Diabetic wound. Method:A Quasi eksperimental pre-post with control group design was used. The intervention given was modern wound dressing and Control group by convensional wound dressing, This study was conducted in Makassar with 32 samples (16 in intervention group and 16 in control group). Result: The result of Pooled T- test showed that p = 0.00 (p < 0.05), it means that there was signifi cant correlation between modern wound dressing to IL-6 and IL-1 than Convensional wound dressing. Discussion: Process of wound healing was produced growth factor and cytokine (IL-1 and IL-6), it will stimulated by wound dressing, modern wound dressing (Calcium alginat) can absorb wound drainage, non oklusive, non adhesif, and autolytic debridement