63 research outputs found

    Analisis Desain Pesan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Dalam Buku Ajar Al-‘arabiyah Baina Yadaik Level 1

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    ANALISIS DESAIN PESAN PEMBELAJARANBAHASA ARAB DALAM BUKU AJARAL-‘ARABIYAH BAINA YADAIK LEVEL 1Saiful Amien *)ABSTRACTThis paper is intended to describe the design analysis of the message in Arabic languagelearning textbook al-‘arabiyah baina yadaik. Issues to be discussed in this paper is Doesthe message have been designed to effectively and efficiently making it easier for learnersto understand and also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the design of themessage. This analysis is based on the ability of humans to the realm of cognitive,affective and psychomotor. Therefore, educators should be able to provide learningconditions so that learners can achieve certain abilities learned. This is where the designof the learning message has a very important role, because the design of the learningmessage refers to the process of manipulating, or plan a pattern of signals or symbols(words, pictures) that can be used to provide learning conditions

    Telaah Kurikulum Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah (Mam) I Malang

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    TELAAH KURIKULUM MADRASAHALIYAH MUHAMMADIYAH (MAM) IMALANGSaiful Amien *)ABSTRACTTulisan ini berupaya untuk menelaah kurikulum Madrasah AliyahMuhammadiyah I Malang (MAM I Malang) yang merupakan lembagapendidikan menengah tingkat atas yang diselenggarakan oleh yayasanMuhammadiyah di Tlogomas Malang.Penulis memposisikan kurikulum MAM IMalang dalam telaah ini sebagai rencana pengalaman belajar (writencurriculum) yang terlepas dari pelaksanaannya (actual curriculum), sehinggaobjek pembacaan di sini lebih pada desain tujuan (standar kompetensi lulusandan standar kompetensi matapelajaran), muatan matapelajaran, muatanpengembangan diri, dan muatan lokal yang tersusun dalam buku KurikulumMAM I Malang. Dalam melakukan pembacaan kurikulum ini, penulis pertamatamamendeskripsikan pelbagai komponen kurikulum di atas lalu mencobamendekatinya dengan menggunakan perspektif pelbagai model kurikulum yangberkembang, yaitu subjek-akademik, humanistis, teknologis, dan rekonstruksisosial. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk melakukan “penempatan” paradigmatis:melalui pendekatan apakah desain kurikulum ini dikembangkan? Selanjutnya,penulis melakukan pembacaan lebih dalam pada muatan lokal yang dipilih,untuk melihat sisi lokalitas budaya apa yang hendak ditonjolkannya

    Studi Awal Pemanfaatan Marka Molekuler Rapd untuk Penentuan Kebenaran Tiga Kultivar Nilam

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    Budidaya tanaman nilam yang dilakukan di Indonesiaumumnya menggunakan stek batang sebagai bahan tanam,karena nilam tidak berbunga. Kultur jaringan merupakansalah satu pendekatan metode yang dapat digunakan untukperbanyakan dan pemuliaan tanaman nilam. Perbanyakanmelalui kultur jaringan memungkinkan terjadinyavariabilitas genetik pada planlet yang dihasilkan. Olehkarena itu diperlukan penanda molekuler untuk menentukankebenaran suatu kultivar. Percobaan ini bertujuanuntuk memperoleh sekuen primer yang spesifik untukmasing-masing kultivar nilam. Tahapan percobaanyang dilakukan antara lain sebagai berikut: EkstraksiDNA, Amplifikasi PCR, Elektroforesis, Visualisasi. Padapercobaan ini DNA masing-masing kultivar di uji dengan10 primer RAPD, dan enam kondisi PCR. Pengujian 10primer dengan 6 enam kondisi PCR untuk mendapatkansekuen DNA bagi masing-masing kultivar dan kondisioptimum amplifikasi DNA nilam. Hasil percobaan menunjukkandari 10 primer hanya 2 primer yaitu SW_1 danSW_5 yang menunjukkan hasil amplifikasi untuk kultivarLhoksumawe dan Sidikalang. Ke enam kondisi PCR yangtelah diuji hanya terdapat dua kondisi optimum untukmengamplifikasi DNA nilam yaitu kondisi PCR II untukkultivar Lhoksumawe, dan kondisi PCR III untuk kultivarSidikalang

    Recommendation of Sustainable Landuse in Border Area East Kalimantan-Malaysia

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    Development problems of agriculture on border area require handling which more comprehensive and sustainable. Up to now, research results indicate that efforts has been done in handling various problems in agricultural sector, but still partial and is not be able to overcome complex problems. Therefore to overcome various development problems of agriculture on the border area need to be done in holisticaly, covers all aspect i.e. social, economics, ecology, and institution. Sebatik Island is one of state border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, located in Nunukan District, East Kalimantan Province. Up to now, cocoa is still the priority commodity, but its productivity is relatively low. Based on potency and constraint of land resources in Sebatik Island, sustainable recommendations to increase land productivity of cocoa i.e. (1) land and water conservation management, (2) using organic matter, (3) proportional fertilization, (4) using mulch, (5) integrated crop management, (6) integrated crop-livestock system, and (7) improvement of capacity of farmers institutio

    Hubungan Paparan Toluene dengan Gangguan Fungsi Hati pada Pekerja Bagian Pengecatan sebuah Industri Karoseri di Magelang

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    Toluene was a volatile organic compound (VOC) or organic chemicals that very easy to vapor in room temperature. Toluene that fat soluble so easily accumulated in organs that contain lots of fat, one of them was liver. Liver was the main organ in the metabolism of toxic substances including toluene. Toluene metabolism produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that was free radicals can damage cells. Indicator that used to detect the presence of liver damage was the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in the blood. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between toluene exposure with liver dysfunction in workers painting. This research used analytic observational method with cross-sectional approach. The population of of this study was 26 people. Sampling technique used total sampling. Analysis of association between toluene concentration with levels of ALT and AST, working period with AST used Spearman Rank test, work period with ALT levels used Pearson Product Moment. The results of this current research showed no association between toluene concentration with levels of ALT and AST in the blood, there is a association between work period with ALT levels and there is no association between work period with AST levels in the blood. Advice given that workers should wear a mask a respiratory purifiying when did the painting to reduce the toluene exposure

    Wing planform analysis with taper ratio and expansion segment variation with lifting line theory

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    Amien S. Dafa* & Gunawan NugrohoDepartment of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya Indonesia 60111*Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected] 6 October 2022, Received in revised form 5 April 2023Accepted 5 May 2023, Available 30 November 2023ABSTRACTTapered wing shape of a planform wing is still widely used amongst airplane and UAVs with subsonic speed. In the design process, a good consideration for a good taper ratio of a wing is required to obtain the optimal and distribution for the desired function of an aircraft. Additionally, addition of expansion segment on wing planform shape is often used to increase the performance of wings without the increase of wingspan. Several methods to analyze a wing shape are experimentation, computational luid dynamics, and analytical calculation. Analyzing with analytical calculation will present limited, but accurate outcomes due to the assumptions that are made during the calculation. This method, however, is inexpensive. This is why analytical calculation is still a common method to use in the design process of an aircraft, particularly in the early phase. Five variants of taper ratio and 3 variants that with expansion segment is analyzed using the Lifting Line Theory that utilizes Fourier series at subsonic speed. The results are the values of and with respect to and the distribution of and along the wingspan. Increasing the taper ratio results in the decrease of and the increase of , while adding an expansion segment will give results that are dependent on the added segment’s taper ratio

    Design of self balancing pitch control in fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle with fuzzy logic controller

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    In UAV flight controller's design, the occurrence of errors due to the delay in the system response to the reference signal from the pilot and the lack of stability in flat conditions due to interference or unbalanced mechanical load. When this happens UAV can not be controlled and the flight conditions can not be maintained any more. Fuzzy controller offers a solution for the development of UAV's stability controllers, specialized in the design of the autopilot system that controls the pitch angle of the UAV. This research has been developing a prototype of fixed wing UAV that can be controlled wirelessly and has ability to maintain the balance on the pitch angle of the flat conditions (self-balancing). Run test results show that the applied fuzzy method succesfully controls the pitch angle to maintain a flat condition the developed UAV