17 research outputs found

    Analisis Hematologi, Nilai Kecernaan dan Tingkah Laku Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) Jantan Obes yang Diintervensi Nikotin

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    Penelitian ini dirancang untuk memperoleh informasi tentang hematologi, pengembangan nilai-nilai kecernaan, dan kondisi perilaku 15 kera ekor panjang pria obesitas, sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dengan nikotin. Studi dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, tahap pertama adalah pengumpulan dari hematologikal, data kecernaan, dan pengamatan perilaku, sebelum intervensi dengan solusi nikotin. Tahap kedua terdiri dari koleksi dari hematologikal, data kecernaan, dan pengamatan perilaku selama periode intervensi dengan larutan nikotin (0,75 mg / kg bobot badan weight/12 jam). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap bersarang dalam waktu yang dianalisis dengan versi SAS 6.12. perangkat lunak, untuk menemukan hubungan perilaku dengan nilai-nilai hematologi dan kecernaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada penurunan yang signifikan (

    Physiological Value of Heart Rate, Respiration and Rectal Temperature of Wild-Captive Dugong (Dugong dugon)–A Case Study in Lingayan Island

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    This study aims to obtain the physiological value of dugongs that live in natural habitats (in-situ) as protected wildlife, namely on the coast of Lingayan Island, Toli-Toli Regency. Wild dugongs caught on the beach were put into a net cage. After 14 days of living in a beach cage, measurements of heart rate, respiration, and body temperature were measured using non-invasive methods. This study showed that the value of heart rate, respiration, and body temperature were measured (80.00±17.32) beats/minutes, (17.33±6.80) inspiration/minute, and (32.75±0.07)°C. This physiological value is higher when compared to dugongs that live in captivity, this is likely due to the process of homeostasis through physiological adaptation mechanisms. The physiological value of the dugong is very important for the advancement of dugong animal health science and technology. Besides this finding can be a medical reference that is very useful for veterinarians in the diagnostic and therapeutic process

    Perbandingan nilai fisiologis kardiorespirasi dan suhu rektal anjing kampung dewasa dan anak

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    Dog is man's favorite companion animal and they are also beneficial as an animal model in biomedical research. So far, the Indonesian native dog's physiological values for diagnostic or research purposes, was based on literature which differed in breeds, geography and age variety. Furthermore, there is little publication on Indonesian native's dog physiological value which emphasize on its age variety, specially its comparative study between adult and puppies. Comparative parameters which were used in this study were heart rate {HR), respiratory rate {RR), non-invasive blood pressure {NIBP) and rectal temperature {RT). The study utilized fifteen Indonesian native dogs. The result showed a significant {p< 0.05) higher HR's values on puppies to adult, which are 152.50±14.76 and 95.93±23.7 beat per minute), respectively, while the RT's were lower on puppies to adults {37.53±0.29 and 38.23±0.73 °C, respectively). The NIBP's values were significantly lower on puppies to adult, which are systole {83.93±13.29 Vs 129.68±24.45 mmHg), diastole {37.50±16.31 Vs 72.96±20.33 mmHg) and mean blood pressure values {58.21±13.30 Vs 91.82±24.34 mmHg). The insignificant result was found on RR values which are 26.50±7.93 and 28.21±14.34 for puppies and adult, respectively. The main reason for the differences in above parameters among puppies and adult can be defined by their metabolic rate and growth process

    Perbandingan nilai fisiologis kardiorespirasi dan suhu rektal anjing kampung dewasa dan anak

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    Dog is man's favorite companion animal and they are also beneficial as an animal model in biomedical research. So far, the Indonesian native dog's physiological values for diagnostic or research purposes, was based on literature which differed in breeds, geography and age variety. Furthermore, there is little publication on Indonesian native's dog physiological value which emphasize on its age variety, specially its comparative study between adult and puppies. Comparative parameters which were used in this study were heart rate {HR), respiratory rate {RR), non-invasive blood pressure {NIBP) and rectal temperature {RT). The study utilized fifteen Indonesian native dogs. The result showed a significant {p< 0.05) higher HR's values on puppies to adult, which are 152.50±14.76 and 95.93±23.7 beat per minute), respectively, while the RT's were lower on puppies to adults {37.53±0.29 and 38.23±0.73 °C, respectively). The NIBP's values were significantly lower on puppies to adult, which are systole {83.93±13.29 Vs 129.68±24.45 mmHg), diastole {37.50±16.31 Vs 72.96±20.33 mmHg) and mean blood pressure values {58.21±13.30 Vs 91.82±24.34 mmHg). The insignificant result was found on RR values which are 26.50±7.93 and 28.21±14.34 for puppies and adult, respectively. The main reason for the differences in above parameters among puppies and adult can be defined by their metabolic rate and growth process

    Dinamika profil hematologi dan rasio netrofil:limfosit monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) pada pengaturan mikroklimat ruangan

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    The aim of this study was to obtain the profile of physiological hematology (erythrocyte, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and leukocyte) and the profile of ratio between neutrophil and lymphocyte of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in different microclimate conditions due to the room's temperature and humidity setting. The symptom of stress was also observed in this study. The research used 10 male macaques aged of 4 until 5 years old which placed in room temperature and humidity of 29,00±1,95°C and 79,52±1,57% respectively 7 days for adaptation period. Further more, the room temperature and humidity were set into 25,79±1,16°C and 80,19±9,05°/o during 14 days for treatment period. For the last treatment, macaques were reconditioned in room temperature and humidity of 29,00±1,95°( and 79,52±1,57°/o during 14 days for post-treatment period. Blood samplings were collected through femoralis vein on last day of adaptation period, continued with treatment and post-treatment periods as the day 1, 4, 7, 14, and 28. The results showed that there were not significant difference by room temperature and humidity setting to hematology and neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio. It could be proven by all parameters score obtained were still in normal ranges compared to literatures. There was also no stress symptom based on neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio measurement. Condition with room temperature and humidity of 25,79±1,16°C dan 80,19±9,05% regarded as the most suitable condition for long-tailed macaque'slife

    Dinamika profil hematologi dan rasio netrofil:limfosit monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) pada pengaturan mikroklimat ruangan

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    The aim of this study was to obtain the profile of physiological hematology (erythrocyte, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and leukocyte) and the profile of ratio between neutrophil and lymphocyte of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in different microclimate conditions due to the room's temperature and humidity setting. The symptom of stress was also observed in this study. The research used 10 male macaques aged of 4 until 5 years old which placed in room temperature and humidity of 29,00±1,95°C and 79,52±1,57% respectively 7 days for adaptation period. Further more, the room temperature and humidity were set into 25,79±1,16°C and 80,19±9,05°/o during 14 days for treatment period. For the last treatment, macaques were reconditioned in room temperature and humidity of 29,00±1,95°( and 79,52±1,57°/o during 14 days for post-treatment period. Blood samplings were collected through femoralis vein on last day of adaptation period, continued with treatment and post-treatment periods as the day 1, 4, 7, 14, and 28. The results showed that there were not significant difference by room temperature and humidity setting to hematology and neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio. It could be proven by all parameters score obtained were still in normal ranges compared to literatures. There was also no stress symptom based on neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio measurement. Condition with room temperature and humidity of 25,79±1,16°C dan 80,19±9,05% regarded as the most suitable condition for long-tailed macaque'slife

    Gene-Expression-Guided Selection of Candidate Loci and Molecular Phenotype Analyses Enhance Genetic Discovery in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a highly heterogeneous autoimmune disorder characterized by differences in autoantibody profiles, serum cytokines, and clinical manifestations. We have previously conducted a case-case genome-wide association study (GWAS) of SLE patients to detect associations with autoantibody profile and serum interferon alpha (IFN-α). In this study, we used public gene expression data sets to rationally select additional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for validation. The top 200 GWAS SNPs were searched in a database which compares genome-wide expression data to genome-wide SNP genotype data in HapMap cell lines. SNPs were chosen for validation if they were associated with differential expression of 15 or more genes at a significance of P<9×10−5. This resulted in 11 SNPs which were genotyped in 453 SLE patients and 418 matched controls. Three SNPs were associated with SLE-associated autoantibodies, and one of these SNPs was also associated with serum IFN-α (P<4.5×10−3 for all). One additional SNP was associated exclusively with serum IFN-α. Case-control analysis was insensitive to these molecular subphenotype associations. This study illustrates the use of gene expression data to rationally select candidate loci in autoimmune disease, and the utility of stratification by molecular phenotypes in the discovery of additional genetic associations in SLE


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    Dog is man’s favorite companion animal and they are also beneficial as an animal model in biomedical research. So far, the Indonesian native dog’s physiological values for diagnostic or research purposes, was based on literature which differed in breeds, geography and age variety. Furthermore, there is little publication on Indonesian native’s dog physiological value which emphasize on its age variety, specially its comparative study between adult and puppies. Comparative parameters which were used in this study were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) and rectal temperature (RT). The study utilized fifteen Indonesian native dogs. The result showed a significant (p< 0.05) higher HR’s values on puppies to adult, which are 152.50±14.76 and 95.93±23.7 beat per minute), respectively, while the RT’s were lower on puppies to adults (37.53±0.29 and 38.23±0.73 oC, respectively). The NIBP’s values were significantly lower on puppies to adult, which are systole (83.93±13.29 Vs 129.68±24.45 mmHg), diastole (37.50±16.31 Vs 72.96±20.33 mmHg) and mean blood pressure values (58.21±13.30 Vs 91.82±24.34 mmHg). The insignificant result was found on RR values which are 26.50±7.93 and 28.21±14.34 for puppies and adult, respectively. The main reason for the differences in above parameters among puppies and adult can be defined by their metabolic rate and growth proces