715 research outputs found

    Contending Issues in Political Parties in Nigeria: The Candidate Selection Process

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    This article focuses on the issue of candidate selection process within Nigeria's political parties. Hence the article argues that in Nigeria, primary elections are the most common method of selecting party flag-bearers, and more often than not, this process is undermined by party elite who deploy money to influence choices thereby, leading to the outright collapse of the party structures, which are expected to breed internal democracy. This, in turn, hinders the emergence of credible candidates and also gives rise to internal party squabbles, litigation, and the exclusion of certain segment of society, notably, women, youth and the people with disability. Therefore, the authors conducted a series of interviews with party leaders from three political parties and officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and prominent members of civil society organisations

    On comparison of Aunu permutation pattern and generalized permutation patterns using Wilf-equivalence

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    A large number of articles have been published in the last decade studying pattern avoidance on permutations. From the point of view of enumeration, one tries to examine permutations avoiding certain patterns according to their lengths. We tackle the problem of refining this enumeration by considering the statistics “first/last entry” in the case of generalized patterns as well as “first entry unity” in the case of Aunu patterns. We give results for classical patterns of type  (Aunu patterns) as well as for at least one of the mentioned statistics for every generalized pattern of type

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Amaranthus sp. L sold at vegetable farms in Katsina Metropolis

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    The study was design to assess the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in spinach sold at vegetable farms at Katsina metropolis, using Atomic absorption spectrometer VPG 210 model for the metals analysis.The study reveals that cadmium has recorded highest concentration followed by chromium and zinc, at Kofar Marusasite, Cd 12.5±2.5mg/kg > Cr & Zn both had 4.7±0.62mg/kg, while Kofar Durbi site Zn 13.2±4.21mg/kg > Cd 12.5±2.5mg/kg > Cr 4.71 ± 0.62mg/kg. Similarly, at K/Sauri, study site, Zn had 13.2±4.21mg/kg > Cd 12.5± 2.5mg/kg > Cr 4.71±0.62mg/kg. However, concentrations of heavy metals in the soil of the study sites show Cr had high mean value of 10.19±0.41mg/kg > Zn 6.13± 0.87mg/kg > Cd 5.84±0.83mg/kg: Plant concentration factor (PCF) in the study ranges between 1.40-2.8Mg/l at K/marusa for Cd, Cr and Zn, K/Durbi 0.45-2.11 and K/Sauri with 0.3-4.0 respectively. Therefore, the study recommended that measures should be taken inorder to mitigate improper discharge of untreated wastewater by the neighboring factories which might be the potential source of contamination of soil and vegetable in the farms.Keywords: Bioaccumulation, Heavy metals, Amaranthus sp. L, Katsian metropolis and Wastewate

    Financial Analysis of Small Scale Cattle Fattening Enterprise in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the financial analysis of Small-Scale beef Cattle enterprise in Bama Local Government Area of Borno. Purposive method of sampling was use to select the two districts based on the prevalence of Cattle Fattening Enterprise. The second stage sampling involved random selection of 45 fatteners from a sampling frame of 450 sample frame. The data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The data collected include information on the output and the inputs used and their prices using the questionnaire method of data collection. The data collected were analysed using the Net farm income analysis, gross profit margin ratio, current ration and debt/asset ratio. The result of the Net farm income analysis showed ?208,310.00 per head of cattle fattened. The result of the gross profit margin ration revealed a ratio of 0.43:1, implying that for everyone naira invested in the fattening enterprise, 43 kobo will be realized. Similarly, the result of the current ration revealed a ratio of 172:1, implying that the current assets can more than pay for the current liabilities in the event of bankruptcy. And the debt/asset ratio indicates the ratio of 6032:1, implying high solvency. Therefore, the study revealed that the small-scale cattle fattening enterprise is profitable and viable venture. The main constrain militating against the smooth operation of the enterprises is the lack of access to formal credit facilities. This implies that the small fattening enterprises have no access to any formal credit institutions in the study area. Keywords: Financial analysis, profit ratio, cattle fattening enterprise

    Physico-chemical evaluation of wastewater in Katsina metropolis, Katsina Nigeria

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    The study was designed to assess the physico-chemical parameters of wastewater at Katsina metropolis from June-August, 2015. Water samples were collected twice in a month at three (3) sampling sites designated as K/Marusa, K/Durbi and K/Sauri and was analyzed for surface water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and turbidity. These parameters were compared with their sampling sites in which a significant difference was observed (P<0.05). The water is well oxygenated and alkaline in all locations (7.7,7.9 and 7.67), temperature were relatively high (26ĚŠC,25.7ĚŠC and 25.8ĚŠC), DO mean values were 4.6, 3.9 and 4.8 while BOD were 2.6, 2.53 and 2.53. Turbidity values were 11.5, 15.8 and 11.2. Therefore, measure should be put in place to regulate improper refuse disposal into the wastewater and a possible creation of wastewater treatment plant so as to avoid adverse conditions.Keywords: Physico-chemical Parameters, Pollution, Wastewater, and Katsina Metropoli

    Vulnerability prediction for secure healthcare supply chain service delivery

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    Healthcare organisations are constantly facing sophisticated cyberattacks due to the sensitivity and criticality of patient health care information and wide connectivity of medical devices. Such attacks can pose potential disruptions to critical services delivery. There are number of existing works that focus on using Machine Learning(ML) models for pre-dicting vulnerability and exploitation but most of these works focused on parameterized values to predict severity and exploitability. This paper proposes a novel method that uses ontology axioms to define essential concepts related to the overall healthcare ecosystem and to ensure semantic consistency checking among such concepts. The application of on-tology enables the formal specification and description of healthcare ecosystem and the key elements used in vulnerabil-ity assessment as a set of concepts. Such specification also strengthens the relationships that exist between healthcare-based and vulnerability assessment concepts, in addition to semantic definition and reasoning of the concepts. Our work also makes use of Machine Learning techniques to predict possible security vulnerabilities in health care supply chain services. The paper demonstrates the applicability of our work by using vulnerability datasets to predict the exploitation. The results show that the conceptualization of healthcare sector cybersecurity using an ontological approach provides mechanisms to better understand the correlation between the healthcare sector and the security domain, while the ML algorithms increase the accuracy of the vulnerability exploitability prediction. Our result shows that using Linear Regres-sion, Decision Tree and Random Forest provided a reasonable result for predicting vulnerability exploitability

    Use of Data Mining for Prediction of Customer Loyalty

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    This article discusses the analysis of customer loyalty using three data mining methods: C4.5,Naive Bayes, and Nearest Neighbor Algorithms and real-world empirical data. The data contain ten attributes related to the customer loyalty and are obtained from a national multimedia company in Indonesia. The dataset contains 2269 records. The study also evaluates the effects of the size of the training data to the accuracy of the classification. The results suggest that C4.5 algorithm produces highest classification accuracy at the order of 81% followed by the methods of Naive Bayes 76% and Nearest Neighbor 55%. In addition, the numerical evaluation also suggests that the proportion of 80% is optimal for the training set

    Optimization of the Bugs Classification of the Ticketing System in Software Development: a Study Case

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    Computer bug elimination is an important phase in the software development process. A ticketing system is usually used to classify the identified bug type and to assign a suitable developer. This system is handled manually and error prone. This paper proposes a new bug classification method using the fast string search algorithm. The method searches the error string and compares it to the full text. The approach is deployed to the software development process at PT. Selaras Anugerah Lestari and it results in a significant reduction in the average value of the time required to handle the bugs

    Social Network Analysis of Cryptocurrency using Business Intelligence Dashboard

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    There are currently more than 10.000 cryptocurrencies available to buy from the online market, with a vast range of prices for each coin it sells. The fluctuation of each coin is affected by any social events or by several important companies or people behind it. The aim of this research is to compare three cryptocurrencies, which are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin, using Social Network Analysis (SNA) by visualizing them using Business Intelligence (BI Dashboard). This study uses the SNA parameters of degree, diameter, modularity, centrality, and path length for each network and its actors and their actual market price by crawling(data collecting process) from Twitter as one of the social media platforms. From the research conducted, the popularity of cryptocurrencies is affected by their market price and the activeness of their actors on social media. These results are important because they could help in the decision-making to buy cryptocurrencies with high popularity on social media because they tend to retain their value over time and could benefit from price spikes from influential people. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-02-09 Full Text: PD

    Apport de la Tomographie en Cohérence Optique (OCT) dans le Glaucome Primitif à Angle Ouvert (GPAO) au Niger

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    Le But de cet travail est de dĂ©finir les particularitĂ©s cliniques et Ă©pidĂ©miologiques du GPAO et de rapporter la contribution de la tomographie en cohĂ©rence optique (OCT)  dans le diagnostic du glaucome au Niger. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude prospective rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein du service d’ophtalmologie du CHU LamordĂ© et la clinique Lumière Ă  Niamey, sur une pĂ©riode de sept (7) mois de Janvier Ă  Juillet 2019, portant sur tous les malades suspects ou prĂ©sentant un GPAO admis en consultation durant la pĂ©riode ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s d’un OCT et champ visuel. RĂ©sultats : Il s’agit de 90 patients, dont l’âge moyen est de 50,44 ±15,81ans avec des extrĂŞmes de 9 et 83 ans avec une prĂ©dominance masculine. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont : la myopie (83.33% ), les antĂ©cĂ©dents familiaux de glaucome (33.33% ) et l’HTA (31.11%.) et La plupart des patients (68,88% ) ont une PIO entre 10-20mmHg ; 75,55% des patients ont une Ă©paisseur cornĂ©enne fine <520µm. Le CV et l’OCT sont pathologiques dans respectivement 88,89% et 91,49% Ă  OD et Ă  OG  dans le GPAO. L’OCT est plus sensible Ă  la dĂ©tection des lĂ©sions rĂ©tiniennes dans le glaucome par rapport au CV( p = 0,002-0,04). es couches rĂ©tiniennes Ă©taient plus amincies chez les glaucomateux au stade sĂ©vère de la maladie. Conclusion : la place de l’OCT est incontestable dans le diagnostic du glaucome  prĂ©-pĂ©rimĂ©trique, nĂ©anmoins un champ visuel est toujours important dans le suivi des glaucomateux.   The aim of this work is to define the clinical and epidemiological features of POAG and to report the contribution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the diagnosis of glaucoma in Niger. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the ophthalmology department of CHU LamordĂ© and the Lumière clinic in Niamey, over a period of seven (7) months from January to July 2019, covering all patients suspected of or presenting with POAG admitted for consultation during the period having benefited from an OCT and visual field. Results: These are 90 patients, whose mean age is 50.44 ± 15.81 years with extremes of 9 and 83 years with male predominance. The main risk factors are: myopia (83.33%), family history of glaucoma (33.33%) and hypertension (31.11%). And Most patients (68.88%) have an IOP between 10-20mmHg; 75.55% of patients have a thin corneal thickness <520µm. CV and OCT are respectively 88.89% and 91.49% pathological at OD and OG in POAG. OCT is more sensitive at detecting retinal damage in glaucoma compared to CV; this relationship is statically proven (p = 0.002-0.04). The retinal layers were more thinned in the glaucomatous patients with the severe stage of the disease. Conclusion: the place of OCT is indisputable in the diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma, nevertheless a visual field is always important in the follow-up of glaucomatous patients
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