16 research outputs found

    Learning styles and their relationship with the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) in the adaptation of pharmacy studies to the ESHE

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    Introducción: El conocimiento de los estilos de aprendizaje es fundamental para el docente a fin de comprender cómo aprenden sus alumnos y así modificar/reforzar su estilo de enseñanza. La aplicación de las nuevas Tecnologías de la Comunicación y de la Información (TIC) facilita la adaptación de las enseñanzas universitarias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Objetivo: Evaluar el estilo de aprendizaje de los alumnos de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y comparar dichos estilos con las TIC. Metodología: Alumnos de 4º curso de licenciatura en Farmacia y de postgrado. Todos respondieron al cuestionario CHAEA de estilos de aprendizaje. Además, se ha planteado un nuevo cuestionario para correlacionar estilos de aprendizaje y TIC. Discusión: Las puntuaciones positivas más elevadas correspondieron al estilo reflexivo seguido del teórico. Más del 80% de los alumnos muestran preferencia muy elevada por las clases magistrales (puntuaciones 4-5, siendo 5 la puntación de máxima preferencia). Este resultado estaría en concordancia con el estilo mayoritario de aprendizaje de los alumnos evaluados. Más del 90% de los alumnos valora de forma altamente positiva (4-5) la impartición de clases mediante la utilización de presentaciones en PowerPoint y, a continuación la utilización de la pizarra y la proyección de videos. Conclusiones: El estilo de aprendizaje de los alumnos de cuarto curso de Farmacia y de postgrado es fundamentalmente reflexivo aunque valoran de forma altamente positiva la utilización de las TIC, lo que confirma la importancia de su uso en la consecución de los objetivos del EEES.Introduction: knowledge of the learning styles of Pharmacy students is an important tool that can be used to improve teaching thereby reinforcing the use of appropriate and transferable teaching strategies. For this, the use of the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) may facilitate the implementation of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). Objective: To evaluate the learning styles of graduate and postgraduate pharmacy students at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and, to compare the student´s learning styles with their preferences regarding the use of the TIC. Methods: The study was performed on fourth-year pharmacy students and postgraduate students. The instrument used to analyze the learning styles was the CHAEA questionnaire. Moreover, a new questionnaire was developed and implemented in order to establish a correlation between learning styles and TIC. Results: The preferred learning styles corresponded to reflexive and, in second place, theoretical learning. More than 80% of the students highly graded traditional lectures (4-5, being 5 the grade for maximum preference), with this result in accordance with the main learning style of the population assayed. More than 90% of the students also positively graded (4-5) multimedia presentations using PowerPoint software, followed by the use of blackboard and videos. Conclusions: The main learning style of fourth-year graduate students and postgraduate students at the School of Pharmacy (UCM) is reflexive. The populations assayed highly and positively graded the use of TIC, thereby stating their importance in the implementation of the ESHE

    Revisiting the reactivity between HCO and CH3_3 on interstellar grain surfaces

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    Formation of interstellar complex organic molecules is currently thought to be dominated by the barrierless coupling between radicals on the interstellar icy grain surfaces. Previous standard DFT results on the reactivity between CH3_3 and HCO on amorphous water surfaces, showed that formation of CH4_4 + CO by H transfer from HCO to CH3_3 assisted by water molecules of the ice was the dominant channel. However, the adopted description of the electronic structure of the biradical (i.e., CH3_3/HCO) system was inadequate (without the broken-symmetry (BS) approach). In this work, we revisit the original results by means of BS-DFT both in gas phase and with one water molecule simulating the role of the ice. Results indicate that adoption of BS-DFT is mandatory to describe properly biradical systems. In the presence of the single water molecule, the water-assisted H transfer exhibits a high energy barrier. In contrast, CH3_3CHO formation is found to be barrierless. However, direct H transfer from HCO to CH3_3 to give CO and CH4_4 presents a very low energy barrier, hence being a potential competitive channel to the radical coupling and indicating, moreover, that the physical insights ofthe original work remain valid.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS main journal. For associated supporting material refer to the publication in MNRAS. Accepted 2020 February 14. Received 2020 February 1

    Hydrogen transfer reactions of interstellar Complex Organic Molecules

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