425 research outputs found
Monitoring the hydraulic stability of Antifer blocks : an IoT-based approach
Breakwaters are resilient marine infrastructures, or barriers, built out into the sea to protect a coast or a harbour from the force of waves. The environmental conditions that these structures continuously face are challenging and the continuous monitorization of its hydraulic stability is a key success factor for preventive maintenance of these critical infrastructures. This paper introduces the architecture of an IoT solution designed to monitor the hydraulic stability of Antifer blocks, a common building block used for breakwater infrastructures construction, by measuring, recording, processing, and communicating the data related to the displacement of an Antifer block, in a laboratory context. The IoT device has been designed to meet the following requirements: 3D displacement measurement (up to 25 mm); corrosion-proof and waterproof; wireless charging and wireless communication; and autonomy above one month. Preliminary results have shown that the SmartAntifer prototype fulfills the core application requirements and presents an average consumption of 90 mA, which results in 11 hours of autonomy when equipped with a battery with a capacity of 1000 mAh.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/
Software "Modellus" e modelagem matem?tica: relacionando conceitos matem?ticos com fen?menos da f?sica
This research presents an application and analysis of Modellus Software in the ninth
grade of Elementary School, associated with practical activities involving Kinematics, which
started from a problem of reality suggested by the students. The mathematical subject is about
functions, presenting general and essential concepts, developing models from physical
problems and study of tables and graphs. The investigated problem was: Does the use of the
computational resource Modellus help in the teaching-learning process of the functions
concept? The subjects were developed aiming to allow the researched student relate the
content with their daily life. The Modellus Software was chosen for the possibility of the
student interacting with the development of graphics, animations and tables from
mathematical models. The conclusions of the research were obtained by analyzing the
activities carried out, evaluations and diagnostic questionnaires. We sought to base these
considerations with the presentation of results generated by the students to assert that the
Software Modellus allowed a differentiated learning, in which the student interacted with the
knowledge construction regarding to the subject functions. It was concluded that the Modellus
Software was adequate for the teaching of functions with this class of ninth grade from the
data analyzed in this dissertation.O presente trabalho apresenta uma aplica??o e an?lise do Software Modellus na nona
s?rie do Ensino Fundamental, aliada ? atividades pr?ticas envolvendo Cinem?tica, partindo de
um problema da realidade sugerido pelos alunos. O assunto matem?tico refere-se ? fun??es,
abordando conceitos gerais e essenciais, constru??o de modelos a partir de problemas f?sicos e
estudo de tabelas e gr?ficos. O problema investigado foi: A utiliza??o do recurso
computacional Modellus auxilia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do conceito de
fun??es? Os temas foram trabalhados visando permitir que o estudante pesquisado relacione o
conte?do com seu dia-a-dia. Optou-se pelo Software Modellus pela possibilidade do aluno
interagir com a constru??o gr?fica, anima??es e tabelas a partir de modelos matem?ticos. As
conclus?es foram obtidas analisando as atividades realizadas, avalia??es e question?rios
diagn?sticos. Buscou-se embasar tais considera??es com a apresenta??o de resultados
produzidos pelos alunos para afirmar que o Software Modellus permitiu uma aprendizagem
diferenciada, onde o aluno interagiu com a constru??o do conhecimento referente ao assunto
fun??es. Concluiu-se que o Software Modellus mostrou-se adequado para o ensino de fun??es
com esta turma de 9? s?rie a partir dos dados analisados nesta disserta??o
Crowd quantification with flow direction estimation : a low-cost IoT-enabled solution
Monitoring crowds in public environments is of great value for understanding human routines and managing crowd routes in indoor or outdoor environments. This type of information is crucial to improve the business strategy of an organization, and can be achieved by performing crowd quantification and flow direction estimation to generate information that can be later used by a business intelligence/analytic layer to improve sales of a specific service or targeting a new specific product. In this paper, we propose the design of an IoT Crowd sensor composed of an array of ultrasonic ping sensors that is responsible for detecting movement in specific directions. The proposed device has a built-in algorithm that is optimized to quantify and detect the human flow direction in indoor spaces
such as hallways. Results have shown an average accuracy above 86% in the five scenarios evaluated when using an array with three elements.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/
Ep?stola da Geografia: da forma??o cient?fica ao surgimento do Estado na Idade Moderna
The epistemological development of the Modern Age Geography is enriched with the somatization
of man as its object of study and research, making the Geography a Science able of discuss issues
related to Politics, Power and Territory. These concepts are essentials in issues concerning State
prototypes of passed times, in the Antiquity, Midle Age and Modern Age, which are revealed today
as models imbued with social problems due to power centralization in institutions that manipulate
individual and collective personalities. For this reason, understanding the process of development of
the Geographic Science, having the knowledge of the main Classic Geographers and Libertarians
theories, makes the researcher as well as the reader, enlightened people on the territorial
configuration of today. The theoretical representations of the leading names of Geography in the
Modern Age, the set of expressions on the States models presented by philosephers of the Ancient,
Medieval, and Modern Age, and the conjectures concerning the transition from of the feudal mode
of production to the capitalist mode, supports and legitimize the concepts of State, Territory and
Power Relations, which are strictly related to the moment that the man becomes object of
geographical studies and the contemporary territorial configuration.O desenvolvimento epistemol?gico da Geografia na Idade Moderna se enriquece com a
somatiza??o do homem como seu objeto de investiga??o e estudo, tornando a Geografia uma
Ci?ncia capacitada para tratar de temas relacionados ? Pol?tica, ao Poder e ao Territ?rio. Esses
conceitos s?o essenciais nas abordagens relativas aos prot?tipos de Estados de quadras temporais
passadas, na Antiguidade, Idade M?dia e Moderna, que se revelam hoje, como modelos
impregnados de problem?ticas sociais, devido ? centraliza??o de for?as manipuladoras de
institui??es e personalidades individuais e coletivas. Por isso, entender o processo de
desenvolvimento da Ci?ncia Geogr?fica, tendo o conhecimento das teorias dos principais Ge?grafos
Cl?ssicos e Libert?rios, faz do pesquisador bem como do leitor, pessoas esclarecidas sobre a
configura??o territorial da atualidade. As representa??es te?ricas dos principais nomes da
Geografia na Idade Moderna, o conjunto de express?es acerca dos modelos de Estados apresentados
por fil?sofos da Idade Antiga, Medieval e Moderna, e, as conjunturas referentes ? transi??o do
modo de produ??o feudal para o capitalista, d?o suporte e legitimam os conceitos de Estado,
Territ?rio e Poder, os quais est?o estritamente relacionados com o momento que torna o homem
objeto de estudos geogr?ficos e a configura??o territorial contempor?nea
Relat?rio Final do Est?gio
Obrigat?rio/Trabalho de Conclus?o de
Curso apresentado ao Instituto Federal de
Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia da Para?ba
? IFPB, curso Superior de Tecnologia em
Neg?cios Imobili?rios, como parte das
atividades para obten??o do Grau de
Tecn?logo em Neg?cios Imobili?rios
A necessidade de comunica??o ? essencial para o funcionamento de qualquer institui??o. Por?m, o papel da comunica??o no ambiente organizacional, est? passando por incessante mudan?a durante os anos. Todavia, a sua n?o aplicabilidade ? a causa de in?meros decl?nios empresarias e estar aberto a essas mudan?as ? um fator estrat?gico para qualquer institui??o. Essas mudan?as, sem duvida, t?m estimulado aos pesquisadores, o desenvolvimento de novos conceitos e teorias sobre os processos comunicativos na esfera corporativa. Um desses conceitos ? a comunica??o organizacional, que tem como prop?sito necessidade de dialogo, troca e participa??o entre os gestores, funcion?rios e o ambiente externo, e ? compreendida como o elemento estrat?gico nas institui??es respons?vel pela reconstru??o da cultura organizacional e da identidade corporativa. O objetivo dessa pesquisa ? analisar os poss?veis erros de processos advindos das falhas de comunica??o interna da SER-PB e quais foram seus impacto nos processos da organiza??o. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo, dentro do N?cleo de Contratos e Documenta??es - NCD, embasados por um estudo de caso documental e descritivo por explorar situa??es do local onde a pesquisa est? sendo realizada, retratando a situa??o em que est? sendo feita a investiga??o e explicando os motivos do problema em situa??es que n?o permitem a utiliza??o de experimentos. A pesquisa foi viabilizada atrav?s da observa??o in loco, em uma amostra n?o probabil?stica intencional de 32 processos licitat?rios com problemas relacionadas a comunica??o. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que a empresa possui problemas comunicativos internos e externos graves, oriundos da falta de padroniza??o das atividades exercidas no ?mbito institucional, al?m de problemas de comunica??o gerencial descendentes. A empresa aplicou, na medida do poss?vel, as a??es de mudan?as sugeridas pelo autor desta obra, e os resultados come?aram a aparecer de imediato. A remodelagem da cultura da organiza??o leva tempo, mas o que j? se sabe, ? que aquele conceito de comunica??o ultrapassada j? n?o existe mais e o que se ver dentro da institui??o ? um processo mais participativo, com di?logos mais heterog?neos e um local de trabalho mais agrad?vel
A tem?tica sobre inclus?o na educa??o ? tema frequentemente debatida no cen?rio educacional brasileiro, por?m quando enfatizado o ensino de l?nguas estrangeiras para alunos surdos na escola regular essa discurs?o ? quase que inexistente. Considerando a import?ncia do debate sobre esta tem?tica nossa pesquisa objetivou realizar um estudo te?rico das legisla??es educacionais nacional, promovendo um di?logo entre estas e as realidades encontradas nas nossas escolas. Desenvolvida a partir de pesquisas te?ricas em textos legais referentes ? educa??o em geral, educa??o de surdos e metodologias de ensino de ensino de l?nguas estrangeiras, e nossas pr?ticas e observa??es em sala de aula com alunos surdos no Ensino M?dio regular. Debatemos os v?rios fatores que comprometem o ensino igualit?rio a estes sujeitos, e indicando pr?ticas que aliadas ?s leis possam trazer uma melhoria e efetiva??o do direito a uma educa??o de qualidade
Joining sustainable design and internet of things technologies on campus : the IPVC smartbottle practical case
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are favored environments for the implementation of technological solutions that accelerate the generation of smart campi, given the dynamic ecosystem they create based on the involvement of inspired and motivated human resources (students, professors, and researchers), moving around in an atmosphere of advanced digital infrastructures and services. Moreover, HEIs have, in their mission, not only the creation of integrated knowledge through Research and Development (R&D) activities but also solving societal problems that address the academic community expectations concerning environmental issues, contributing, therefore, towards a greener society embodied within the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This article addresses the design and implementation of a Smartbottle Ecosystem in which an interactive and reusable water bottle communicates with an intelligent water refill station, both integrated by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), to eliminate the use of single-use plastic water bottles in the premises of the Polytechnical Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), an HEI with nearly 6000 students. Three main contributions were identified in this research: (i) the proposal of a novel methodology based on the association of Design Thinking and Participatory Design as the basis for Sustainable Design; (ii) the design and development of an IoT-enabled smartbottle prototype; and (iii) the usability evaluation of the proposed prototype. The adopted methodology is rooted in Design Thinking and mixes it with a Participatory Design approach, including the end-user opinion throughout the Smartbottle Ecosystem design process, not only for the product design requirements but also for its specification. By promoting a participatory solution tailored to the IPVC academic community, recycled plastic has been identified as the preferential material and a marine mammal was selected for the smartbottle shape, in the process of developing a solution to replace the single-use plastic bottles.7519-C505-DF9E | Ant?nio Jos? Candeias CuradoN/
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