943 research outputs found

    Anisotropy techniques in study of cytoplasm

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    Cílem této práce bylo provést srovnávací experimenty pomocí časově rozlišené anizotropie a ustálené anizotropie v bakteriích kmene Cupriavidus necator. Fluorescenční sondou pro skenování buněčného vzorku byl vybrán fluorescein, respektive jeho derivát BCECF_AM. Pomocí ověřovacího experimentu v systému glycerol/voda s přídavkem fluoresceinu, byla ověřena anizotropie a vypočítán molární hydrodynamický objem jedné molekuly fluoresceinu, který přibližně odpovídal jeho reálné hodnotě. Pomocí fluorescenční anizotropní mikroskopie byly získány obrázky bakterií s příslušnými středními hodnotami anizotropií. Skeny bakterií CN H16 a mutantů CN PHB-4, ukázaly patrné rozdíly mezi uniformitou vnitřního prostředí.The main goal of this thesis was to compare experiments using time-resolved anisotropy and steady-state anisotropy for measuring in bacteria strain Cupriavidus necator. Fluorescent probe for anisotropy imaging was chosen BCECF_AM, which is derivate of fluorescein. Using experiment in system glycerol/water with fluorescein, anisotropy has been verified and calculated molecular hydrodynamic volume of a single fluorescein molecule, which approximately corresponded with real value. By using fluorescence imaging anisotropy microscopy, images and values of average anisotropy in cells were taken. Images of living cells (bacteria) of CN H16 and mutant CN PHB-4 showed differences, mainly in the uniformity of the inside environment.

    Planning of Resources for Construction Project

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    Bakalářská práce vysvětluje základní pojmy v projektovém řízení, plánování zdrojů, nákladů, časové plánování a poukazuje na jejich vhodné využití v praxi. Cílem práce je seznámení s metodami a postupy při plánování zdrojů a především nákladů, lidských zdrojů a použitých mechanizmů na konkrétním projektu výstavby bytového domu.Bachelor thesis deals with the basic concepts of project management, resource management, cost, time management, and its proper practical application. The aim of the thesis is concentrated on resource planning methods and procedures especially on human resource planning followed by particular building construction project.

    Familly house

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je návrh a projektová dokumentace rodinného domu v Praze Třebonicích. Objekt je o 2 nadzemních a 1 podzemním podlaží, zastřešený plochou střechou.The theme of the bachelor´s thesis are a design and a project documentation of a family house in Prague Třebonice. This house is a two - storey house with partial basement with a flat roof.

    Molecular ecological analyses of specific interactions between symbionts in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

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    Arbuscular mycorrhiza is an ancient symbiosis between the majority of land plants and fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonize plant roots and contribute to the mineral nutrient uptake of the hosts in exchange for carbohydrates. AMF species diversity and identity was reported to have a decisive influence on the composition and productivity of natural plant communities. Only around 200 glomeromycotan species described so far were thought to colonize the majority of higher plant species and thus, their host specificity was thought to be very low. In this thesis, molecular methods were used to investigate ecological aspects of root colonizing AMF. The community composition of these fungi was analyzed in two plant species-rich grasslands facing different environmental conditions and harboring different plant communities. One site consisting of two meadows located close to each other was situated in the upper montane zone of the Swiss Alps. The other was located in the lowland in France on the edge of the Jura mountains. The roots were analyzed using AMF-specific nested PCR, RFLP screening and sequencing of rDNA small subunit and internal transcribed spacer regions. AMF sequences were analyzed phylogenetically and used to define monophyletic sequence types. Overall, 27 different AMF sequence types were detected in the root samples from both field sites. The overlap between the AMF communities in the alpine and lowland site was relatively small - they shared just six sequence types. These results indicate strong geographical differences in the AMF community composition, reflecting different environmental conditions and plant species communities in each site. The question was adressed, whether different host plant species co-occurring in the same area host distinct or similar AMF communities. Gentiana verna, G. acaulis and Trifolium spp. growing in two alpine species-rich meadows harbored significantly different AMF communities, whereas the differences between the two sites were negligible. These results indicate that within a relatively small area with similar soil and climatic conditions, the host plant species can have a major influence on the AMF communities within the roots. In these alpine sites, there was also a focus on green plants from the family Gentianaceae. In contrast to their mycoheterotrophic relatives, the green gentians did not show a high level of specificity towards AMF. The plants sampled harbored AMF communities comprising multiple phylotypes from different fungal lineages. In the lowland site – a calcareous grassland – different culturing methods and their influence on the AMF community composition in the roots were adressed. Four plant species were sampled i) directly in the field, ii) in a bait plant bioassay conducted directly in that grassland and iii) in a greenhouse trap experiment using soil and a transplanted whole plant from that grassland as inoculum. The community composition in their roots was strongly influenced by the experimental approach, with additional influence of cultivation duration, substrate and host plant species in some experiments. Some fungal phylotypes, e.g. Glomus mosseae and several members of Glomus group B, appeared predominantly in the greenhouse experiment or in bait plants. These phylotypes can be considered r strategists, rapidly colonizing uncolonized ruderal habitats in early successional stages of the fungal community. Other phylotypes as Glomus badium and GLOM-A16 were detected almost exclusively in roots sampled from plants naturally growing in the grassland or from bait plants exposed in the field, indicating that they preferentially occur in late successional stages of fungal communities and thus represent the K strategy. The only phylotype found with high frequency in all three experimental approaches as well as in the alpine site was GLOM A-1 (Glomus intraradices), which is assumed to be a generalist. These ecological strategies of different AMF species or phylotypes should be considered in AMF experimental work. In greenhouse trap experiments it is difficult to establish a rootcolonizing AMF community reflecting the diversity of these fungi in the field roots, because fungal succession in such artificial systems may bias the results. However, the field bait plant approach might be a convenient way to study the influence of different environmental factors on AMF community composition directly under the field conditions. Finally, the co-existence of the Glomeromycota in the root samples with fungi from the basidiomycotan order Sebacinales was addressed. These fungi are widely distributed and known to form various types of presumable mycorrhizal associations of different morphology (ecto-, ectendo-, orchid, ericoid, jungermannoid) with a broad range of host plant species. However, their presence in plants forming arbuscular mycorrhiza has not been reported yet. Therefore, the root samples originating from the two species-rich grasslands mentioned above were analyzed with Sebacinales-specific primers for the D1/D2 region of the nuclear 28S rDNA subunit. Fungi from the order Sebacinales were present in the majority of the root samples from both sites, where they co-existed with the Glomeromycota. In agreement with studies targeting the Sebacinales in ericoid plants, the phylogenetic analysis of sebacinoid sequences from our samples did not reveal any patterns according to their host plant species or geographical origin

    Optimization of struvite precipitation in synthetic biologically treated swine wastewater - Determination of the optimal process parameters

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    A sustainable way to recover phosphorus (P) in swine wastewater involves a preliminary step of P dissolution followed by the separation of particulate organic matter. The next two steps are firstly the precipitation of struvite crystals done by adding a crystallization reagent (magnesia) and secondly the filtration of the crystals. A design of experiments with five process parameters was set up to optimize the size of the struvite crystals in a synthetic swine wastewater. More than 90% of P was recovered as large crystals of struvite in optimal conditions which were: low Mg:Ca ratio (2.25:1), the leading parameter, high N:P ratio (3:1), moderate stirring rate (between 45 and 90 rpm) and low temperature (below 20°C). These results were obtained despite the presence of a large amount of calcium and using a cheap reactant (MgO). The composition of the precipitates was identified by Raman analysis and solid dissolution. Results showed that amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) co-precipitated with struvite and that carbonates were incorporated with solid fractions


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    The paper presents and discusses the results of statistical analysis of differences among scores obtained by students of different faculties of the University of Economics in Prague. The analysed dataset contains the scores for 2256 students that took basic mathematics course during the academic year 2013/2014. A two way analysis of variance was performed with semester and faculty as main factors. The interaction between these two factors was also considered. Students have to take two tests. At first, the sum of the scores obtained from both tests is analysed and then, the two tests are analysed separately. It turns out that the significance of factors is the same in the three analyses. The assumptions of linear models are verified. Due to problem of heteroscedasticity, weighted least squares are used and the possibility of using Box-Cox transformation is also discussed, as the errors are not normally distributed. Finally, the differences between the faculties are described

    Special asynchronous dynamometer designed for fast transient phenomena

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    This paper is focused on measurement of output of the rotary electromechanic machines, i.e. torque and speed. Special attention is paid to the torque measurement under transient phenomena. The paper is also concentrated on the optimization and interference of the designed asynchronous dynamometer. Thanks to the dynamometer it is possible to measure very fast transient phenomena with a very high precision. The mathematical model of the asynchronous machine completed with the mathematical description of the mechanical elements has also been added. Part of this work is focused on parameters identification of the modeled mechanical elements. Selected transient states were simulated with the help of MATLAB and SIMULINK language

    Creating and evaluating replicas of surfaces machined by laser beam

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    In industrial practice, we often encounter a problem when it is necessary to measure and subsequently evaluate the surface quality of the part produced by the water jet, laser cutting. In that case, it is very often difficult to evaluate the final surface because of its weight or bulkiness. However, the literature sources recommend using of material known under the commercial name Dentacryl™. Although this material is still being used in technical practice, its utilisation for creating the replicas of the polypropylene surfaces which is produced by the laser beam is not recommended due to its limited viscosity and mainly due to its health risk for allergic people. Therefore, this article will describe a method of an application the two-component dental material Siloflex© for the creation of the replicas of polypropylene surfaces formed after CO2 laser machining. Furthermore, the statistical approach for evaluation of the quality comparison of the original surfaces and produced replicas is necessary to surface quality of produced replicas. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2017/002

    Effect of concentrated energy of laser beam on polymer material

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    The article deals with the area of non-conventional technologies, specifically with the effect of concentrated radiant energy on the polymer material. There was studied the laser beam and its application to two different types of polymeric materials in details. PMMA, as a representative of the amorphous polymers and POM, which is a crystalline polymer, were used for experimental cutting as they frequently applied in industrial practice. The input technological parameters were changed during machining followed by evaluation of their interaction with the concentrated radiant energy of the laser beam. The results were subjected to statistical processing. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2017/002