22 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategy of a Manufacturing Company

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    Práce je zaměřena na marketingovou strategii výrobní firmy, analyzuje firmu z pohledu vnějšího a vnitřního a hledá slabiny, silné stránky, potenciální hrozby a příležitosti firmy. Práce využívá několik různých analýz k dosažení výsledku, tedy k formování marketingové strategie podniku. Mezi provedené analýzy patří například dotazníkové šetření, benchmarking, PEST analýza, Porterova analýza a nakonec SWOT analýza. Výsledkem práce je navrhnutá marketingová strategie formulující preference při výrobě výrobků, positioningu firmy a doporučení v rámci marketingového mixu.The thesis focuses on analysis of the marketing strategy of a manufacturing company. Thesis analyses the company from the external and internal point of view and looks for weaknesses, strengths, potential threats and opportunities of the company. The thesis uses several different analysis to reach the result, which is to shape the marketing strategy of the company. Some of the analysis conducted are questionnaire survey, benchmarking, PEST analysis, Porter's analysis and finally SWOT analysis. The result of the thesis is a proposed marketing strategy formulating product preferences, company positioning and recommendations within the marketing mix.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Sales promotion and advertising of a particular company

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá efektivním využitím prostředků podpory prodeje a marketingu společnosti v oboru prodeje postelí a matrací. Práce se skládá z části teoretic-ké, analytické a návrhové. V teoretické části se zabývám možnostmi podpory prodeje a marketingu, jejich popisem a uplatněním dle marketingové teorie. Vycházím při tom z literatury a rozhovorů s předními marketingovými experty. Analytická část je věnovaná výzkumu současně využívaných prostředků podpory prodeje Analyzované společnosti a její konkurence. Při výzkumu vycházím z analýzy hodnocení společnosti, jejich komuni-kačních kanálů a z rozhovorů s majitelem firmy. V návrhové části popisuju konkrétní způsoby zlepšení podpory prodeje a marketingu společně s odhadovanými náklady, tržbami, dosahem a návratností investice. V této části vycházím ze zjištění analytické části a zkušeností s online marketingem.Sales promotion, marketing, communication mix, marketing research

    Banking Secrecy

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    Banking Secrecy Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of banking secrecy in the context of the laws of the Czech Republic with the main focus being the so-called practical exceptions to banking secrecy, i.e. the exceptions that are not expressly provided for by the laws but were inferred by the interpretation given by the Czech National Bank as banking supervisory authority or by court decisions. These are mainly the exceptions that can be used by the bank in carrying out certain procedures that are important for its operations. The need for these exceptions is due to the not very satisfactory statutory regulation of banking secrecy, particularly the exceptions to it in the Act on Banks, that this thesis points out, among other things, in conjunction with the objective impossibility (or impracticability or inappropriateness) to obtain the client's consent in these cases. In the first chapter, the thesis provides a description of the basic characteristics and main aspects of banking secrecy arising from the legislation, the interpretative practice of the Czech National Bank, court decisions, and legal doctrine. In the second chapter, the basic outline of the issue of the exceptions to banking secrecy is given, including the categorization thereof and highlighting of some exceptions and aspects that cause..

    Analýza aktivit firmy Polpur s.r.o. na zahraničních trzích a návrh optimalizace vstupu na nové trhy

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the activities of the company Polpur s.r.o. (company produces tools for grinding and polishing, primarily in the glass and jewellery industry) on foreign markets and recommendation how to optimize entering new markets. In the first part is presented the company, its history, the portfolio of products and also how is company presented. Furthermore, with the assistance of SWOT analysis is evaluated the position of the firm on domestic market. In the second part is defined range of current activities of company Polpur s.r.o. on foreign markets. These activities are evaluated and it is suggested how to optimize them. The third chapter briefly describes the importance of the newly opened Internet shop on the domestic market and on foreign markets. In the next section are defined factors that are crucial for the company Polpur s.r.o. while entering foreign market. The content of the fourth chapter is the selection and following PEST analysis of country suitable for entry. Selected country is from the point of view of company Polpur s.r.o. perspective, and it is Iran. In the final part of the thesis are at first mentioned possible forms of entry to foreign markets and consequently is demonstrated the recommendation of optimisation of entry to foreign markets in the selected country with the help of selected forms of entry and the author's own recommendations

    Role of the support programme for entrepreneurs, when founding and building IT or technological company, comparision of Czech Repulic and foreign countries, suggestions for improvement

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    This Master Thesis deals with value added of provided services in a field of support for beginning entrepreneurs in Czech Republic and foreign country and their comparison. The Thesis is aimed at Czech coworking center Node5, which supports startup companies mainly form IT industry. Thesis has three partial goals "to analyze feedback of startup companies working at Node5", "to compare provided services by Node5 and chosen foreign coworking center" and "to identify best practice in Node5 and in chosen center". To achieve these goals, the qualitative research (especially partially standardized interviews) was used. Selection of foreign coworking center was based on similarity of provided services with Node5, so the comparison possible. The research and subsequent analysis showed, that Czech center Node5 provides services of similar range of provided services, however the quality of these services is lower compared to chosen foreign center. Therefore were suggested changes, which should improve current quality of Node5 services

    The Analysis of British Parliamentary Debate in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict between 2010 and 2015: The Comparison of Political Parties' Stances towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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    Bachelor thesis The Analysis of British Parliamentary Debate in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict between 2010 and 2015: The Comparison of Political Parties' Stances towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict deals with the stances of major British political parties, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and to lesser extent also the Liberal Democrats, towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The thesis at first thoroughly examines through an analysis of parliamentary debates in 2010-2015 the stances of concerned political parties towards three important aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - the issue of recognition of Palestinian state on bilateral level, the issue of enhanced status of Palestine in the United Nations and the issue of some form of economic sanctions against the Israel or against the Jewish settlement in the West Bank. In subsequent comparison main dissimilarities and similarities are identified in stances of concerned political parties. In the end the thesis answers the question, whether the stances of political parties in question towards Israeli- Palestinian conflict falls within the confines of traditional bipartisan consensus in the foreign policy between the Labour Party and the Conservative party or not

    Analysis of activities of company Polpur s.r.o. on foreign markets and recommendation how to optimize entering new markets

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rozborem aktivit firmy Polpur s.r.o. (firma vyrábí nástroje na broušení a leštění především ve sklářském a bižuterním průmyslu) na zahraničních trzích a dále pak návrhem jak optimalizovat vstup na nové trhy. V první části je představena firma, její historie, portfolio produktů a také to jak se firma prezentuje. Dále je za pomoci SWOT analýzy zhodnocena pozice firmy na domácím trhu. V druhé části je vymezen rozsah současných aktivit firmy Polpur s.r.o. na zahraničních trzích. Ty jsou následně zhodnoceny a je navrhnuto jak tyto aktivity optimalizovat. Třetí kapitola krátce popisuje význam nově otevřeného internetového obchodu na domácím trhu a na zahraničních trzích. V další části vymezuje práce faktory, které jsou rozhodující pro firmu Polpur s.r.o. při vstupu na zahraniční trh. Obsahem čtvrté kapitoly je výběr a následná PEST analýza země vhodné pro vstup. Vybranou zemí je, z pohledu firmy Polpur s.r.o. perspektivní země, Írán. V závěrečné části práce jsou nejprve zmíněny možné formy vstupu na zahraniční trhy a následně je demonstrován návrh optimalizace vstupu na zahraniční trhy na vybrané zemi za pomoci vybrané formy vstupu a vlastních doporučení autora.This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of the activities of the company Polpur s.r.o. (company produces tools for grinding and polishing, primarily in the glass and jewellery industry) on foreign markets and recommendation how to optimize entering new markets. In the first part is presented the company, its history, the portfolio of products and also how is company presented. Furthermore, with the assistance of SWOT analysis is evaluated the position of the firm on domestic market. In the second part is defined range of current activities of company Polpur s.r.o. on foreign markets. These activities are evaluated and it is suggested how to optimize them. The third chapter briefly describes the importance of the newly opened Internet shop on the domestic market and on foreign markets. In the next section are defined factors that are crucial for the company Polpur s.r.o. while entering foreign market. The content of the fourth chapter is the selection and following PEST analysis of country suitable for entry. Selected country is from the point of view of company Polpur s.r.o. perspective, and it is Iran. In the final part of the thesis are at first mentioned possible forms of entry to foreign markets and consequently is demonstrated the recommendation of optimisation of entry to foreign markets in the selected country with the help of selected forms of entry and the author's own recommendations

    Bezpečná recyklace elektrošrotu:Pilotní projekt - Analýza území svazku obcí mikroregion Radbuza se zaměřením na oblast odpadového hospodářství

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    Analýza území svazku obcí mikroregion Radbuza se zaměřením na oblast odpadového hospodářství představuje kompletně množství sebraných odpadů za sledované území, zejména elektroodpadů. Obsahuje také analýzu nashromážděných odpadů ve vybraném sběrném dvoře

    Example-Based Expressive Animation of 2D Rigid Bodies

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    We present a novel approach to facilitate the creation of stylized 2D rigid body animations. Our approach can handle multiple rigid objects following complex physically-simulated trajectories with collisions, while retaining a unique artistic style directly specified by the user. Starting with an existing target animation (e.g., produced by a physical simulation engine) an artist interactively draws over a sparse set of frames, and the desired appearance and motion stylization is automatically propagated to the rest of the sequence. The stylization process may also be performed in an off-line batch process from a small set of drawn sequences. To achieve these goals, we combine parametric deformation synthesis that generalizes and reuses hand-drawn exemplars, with non-parametric techniques that enhance the hand-drawn appearance of the synthesized sequence. We demonstrate the potential of our method on various complex rigid body animations which are created with an expressive hand-drawn look using notably less manual interventions as compared to traditional techniques