56 research outputs found

    Folyóvízi övzátony testek mikro és makroléptékű 3D szedimentológiai modellezése = 3D Sedimentological Modeling of Point Bar Sand Bodies

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    A vizsgálatok a Tisza Szeged melletti nagy övzátonyában az üledékföldtani heterogenitásnak a talajvízjárásra gyakorolt hatása tisztázásra irányultak. Összesen 39 db sekély fúrást tartalmazott a kiépített monitoring rendszer. A fúrási tapasztalatok alapján a kisléptékű üledékföldtani heterogenitás erősen befolyásolja a talajvízjárást. Ugyanakkor a krigelt talajvízszint felületek ezt a tapasztalatot nem igazolták. A Szekvenciális Gaussi Szimuláció realizációi viszont a heterogenitás sokféle geometriai formájára mutatott rá. A realizációk különbözősége a taljavízszint térképezés területi bizonytalanságát fejezi ki. Ez a bizonytalanság teljesen független a vízszint regisztráció pontosságától, csak a hidrológiai paraméterek területi homogeneitásától függ. A vízszintek félvariogram modelljei a heterogenitás három különböző léptékét mutatták ki: az övzátony (mint genetikai egység) méretének léptéke; az akkréciós felületek mérete; az üledékek kisléptékű heterogenitásának léptéke. A növekvő számú realizációból számolt számolt várható érték felületek konvergens "sorozatot" alkotnak. A konvergencia sebessége az akréciós felszínek között különböző. Következésképpen az akréciós felületek közötti zónák az információ stabilitás különböző szintjeit képviselik. Ez az oka annak, hogy a krigelt talajvízszint térkép nem adja vissza az üledékföldtani heterogenitást. A munka során kapott eredményeket az ArcGIS által kínált geoinformatikai rendszerben rögzítettük. | The object of this study was a fairly large point bar of River Tisza. We set up a monitoring system with 39 shallow wells for the geostatistical analyses of the relation between small scale heterogeneity of groundwater levels and sedimentological features. The field experiences showed that the variability of groundwater levels is controlled by the sediments. This fact was not reflected by the kriging, but it can be honored by Sequential Gaussian Simulation. The lateral differences of the realizations express the uncertainty of water level mapping under the well control. This uncertainty is independent on the accuracy of the water-level registration. This depends only upon the homogeneity of the hydrological parameters, and the geometry of the wells. By interpreting the semi-variogram models of the water levels three scales of heterogeneity could be point out: the scale of the point bar (as unit); the scale of the scroll bars; and finally the effect of the heterogeneity of the sediments. The E-type estimations computed from the sequentially increasing number of realizations give convergent surfaces. The speed of convergence may significantly different between the accretion surfaces. It follows, that the different accretion zones mean different level of information stability. This is why kriging can not give back the sedimentary variability. All the results were entered to a GIS system for supporting the environmental monitoring activity of corrosive pipeline fenestrations

    Applying grain-size and compositional data analysis for interpretation of the Quaternary oxbow lake sedimentation processes: Eastern Great Hungarian Plain

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    Grain size distribution is one of the paleoenvironmental proxies that provide insight statistical distribution of size fractions within the sediments. Multivariate statistics have been used to investigate the depositional process from the grain size dis-tribution. Still, the direct application of the standard multivariate methods is not straightforward and can yield misleading interpretations due to the compositional nature of the raw grain size data. This paper is a methodological framework for grain size data characterization through the centered log ratio transformation and euclidean data, coupled with principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and linear discriminant analysis to examine Quaternary sediments from Tovises bed in the southeast Great Hungarian Plain. These approaches provide statistically significant and sedimentologically interpretable results for both datasets. However, the details by which they supplemented the conceptual model were sig-nificantly different, and this discrepancy resulted in a different temporal model of the depositional history

    Stable isotope compositions and trace element concentrations in freshwater bivalve shells (Unio sp.) as indicators of environmental changes at Tiszapüspöki, eastern Hungary

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    Abstract Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of living Unio shells and oxygen isotope compositions of water samples were determined in order to demonstrate how the shells' compositions can reflect environmental conditions. With this information in hand, fossil shell fragments from a sedimentary section at Tiszapüspöki covering the period of about 3.5 to 10 ky BP were analyzed for their stable isotope as well as trace element compositions. Beside the determination of sedimentary facies effects on the geochemical compositions, the combined evaluation of isotopic and trace element records allowed us to detect past environmental changes at a millennial scale. The data indicate that the period of 6 to 8 ky BP was characterized by humid summers that — on the basis of comparison with an Alpine speleothem record — was associated with a generally warmer climate and increased winter precipitation in the Alps

    PARP-Inhibitor Treatment Prevents Hypertension Induced Cardiac Remodeling by Favorable Modulation of Heat Shock Proteins, Akt-1/GSK-3beta and Several PKC Isoforms.

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    Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a suitable model for studies of the complications of hypertension. It is known that activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzyme (PARP) plays an important role in the development of postinfarction as well as long-term hypertension induced heart failure. In this study, we examined whether PARP-inhibitor (L-2286) treatment could prevent the development of hypertensive cardiopathy in SHRs. 6-week-old SHR animals were treated with L-2286 (SHR-L group) or placebo (SHR-C group) for 24 weeks. Wistar-Kyoto rats were used as aged-matched, normotensive controls (WKY group). Echocardiography was performed, brain-derived natriuretic peptide (BNP) activity and blood pressure were determined at the end of the study. We detected the extent of fibrotic areas. The amount of heat-shock proteins (Hsps) and the phosphorylation state of Akt-1Ser473, glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3betaSer9, forkhead transcription factor (FKHR)Ser256, mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes were monitored. The elevated blood pressure in SHRs was not influenced by PARP-inhibitor treatment. Systolic left ventricular function and BNP activity did not differ among the three groups. L-2286 treatment decreased the marked left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy which was developed in SHRs. Interstitial collagen deposition was also decreased by L-2286 treatment. The phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2Thr183-Tyr185, Akt-1Ser473, GSK-3betaSer9, FKHRSer256, and PKC epsilonSer729 and the level of Hsp90 were increased, while the activity of PKC alpha/betaIIThr638/641, zeta/lambda410/403 were mitigated by L-2286 administration. We could detect signs of LV hypertrophy without congestive heart failure in SHR groups. This alteration was prevented by PARP inhibition. Our results suggest that PARP-inhibitor treatment has protective effect already in the early stage of hypertensive myocardial remodeling

    PARP-Inhibitor Treatment Prevents Hypertension Induced Cardiac Remodeling by Favorable Modulation of Heat Shock Proteins, Akt-1/GSK-3β and Several PKC Isoforms

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    Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a suitable model for studies of the complications of hypertension. It is known that activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzyme (PARP) plays an important role in the development of postinfarction as well as long-term hypertension induced heart failure. In this study, we examined whether PARP-inhibitor (L-2286) treatment could prevent the development of hypertensive cardiopathy in SHRs. 6-week-old SHR animals were treated with L-2286 (SHR-L group) or placebo (SHR-C group) for 24 weeks. Wistar-Kyoto rats were used as aged-matched, normotensive controls (WKY group). Echocardiography was performed, brain-derived natriuretic peptide (BNP) activity and blood pressure were determined at the end of the study. We detected the extent of fibrotic areas. The amount of heat-shock proteins (Hsps) and the phosphorylation state of Akt-1Ser473, glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3βSer9, forkhead transcription factor (FKHR)Ser256, mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes were monitored. The elevated blood pressure in SHRs was not influenced by PARP-inhibitor treatment. Systolic left ventricular function and BNP activity did not differ among the three groups. L-2286 treatment decreased the marked left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy which was developed in SHRs. Interstitial collagen deposition was also decreased by L-2286 treatment. The phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2Thr183-Tyr185, Akt-1Ser473, GSK-3βSer9, FKHRSer256, and PKC εSer729 and the level of Hsp90 were increased, while the activity of PKC α/βIIThr638/641, ζ/λ410/403 were mitigated by L-2286 administration. We could detect signs of LV hypertrophy without congestive heart failure in SHR groups. This alteration was prevented by PARP inhibition. Our results suggest that PARP-inhibitor treatment has protective effect already in the early stage of hypertensive myocardial remodeling

    A thrombocyta mint gyulladásos sejt = The platelet as an inflammatory cell

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    A kutatást az alábbi négy fókuszterületen végeztük: 1. A P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) knock out, modellben leírtuk, hogy a PSGL-1 hiánya protektív szereppel bír a thrombosis kialakulása során és megállapítottuk, hogy a PSGL-1 hiányában a myeloid sejtek és azok prekurzorai szignifikánsan magasabb számban szabadulnak fel, G-CSF hatására (közlés alatt). 2. A thrombocyta aktiváció moduláció terén megállapítottuk, hogy a calyculin-A (CLA) hatására jelentősen csökken a thromin receptor anragonista peptid (TRAP) aktiváció által létrehozott válasz. Valamint leírtuk, hogy a hagyományos anti-platelet kezelés mellett a P-selectin, a PF4, valamint a CD40L receptorokon keresztül milyen módon befolyásolható a thrombocyta működés. 3. Az inlammatorikus stimulusok közül megállapítottuk, hogy a lipopoliszacharid (LPS) formák közül kizárólag az Re-LPS formának van hatása a thrombocyta aktiváció bizonyos paramétereire. 4. A klinikai kollaborációs vizsgálatok terén a thrombocyta rendellenességek közül kollaborációs vizsgálataink során meghatároztuk, hogy Glanzmann thrombasthenia esetén a thrombocyta felszíni receptorok expresszióját és leírtuk ezek TRAP aktiváció után megjelenő szintjét. További klinikai kollaborációs vizsgálataink eredményeként két beteg populációban (obesitas és PAD) mutattunk ki jelentős vérlemezke aktivációt illetve ezek összefüggését a betegség alatti egyéb változókkal. | The research activity was carried out in 4 focus areas: 1. In P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) knock out mice we verified, that PSGL-1 is protective against thrombosis in a murine model (Miszti-Blasius et al, 2011), and we found that in the absence of PSGL-1 mature and precursor myeloid cells are released earlier upon G-CSF treatment (submitted). 2. Studying the modulation of platelet activation we proved that calyculin-A (CLA) inhibits TRAP elicited platelet activation parallel with its phosphatase inhibitor activity. (Simon Z et al, 2010) In case of conventional anti-platelet treatment we described the modulation of platelet fuction via P-selectin, PF4 and CD40L receptors (Nagy B Jr et al, 2012) 3. We investigated the effect of lipopolysaccharide and (LPS). We found that out of the LPS isoforms only the Re-LPS but not the S-LPS is capable of mediating platelet activation (Kappelmayer et al, 2012, under revision) 4. In case of clinical collaborations on platelets, we determined platelet surface glycoprotein expressions in Glanzmann thrombastenia and described their expression levels after TRAP activation. Further collaborative studies proved considerable platelet activation in obese and peripheral arterial disease patients (Csongrádi et al 2011, Shemirani et al, 2011

    A Novel PARP Inhibitor L-2286 in a Rat Model of Impact Acceleration Head Injury: An Immunohistochemical and Behavioral Study

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    We examined the neuro/axono-protective potential of a novel poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor L-2286 in a rat impact acceleration brain injury model. Male Wistar rats (n = 70) weighing 300–350 grams were used to determine the most effective intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) dose of L-2286 administered 30 min after injury, and to test the neuroprotective effect at two time points (immediately, and 30 min after injury). The neuroprotective effect of L-2286 was tested using immunohistochemical (amyloid precursor protein and mid-sized mouse anti-neurofilament clone RMO-14.9 antibody) and behavioral tests (beam-balance, open-field and elevated plus maze). At both time-points, a 100 μg/rat dose of i.c.v. L-2286 significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the density of damaged axons in the corticospinal tract and medial longitudinal fascicle compared to controls. In the behavioral tests, treatment 30 min post-injury improved motor function, while the level of anxiety was reduced in both treatment protocols

    Hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis: A prospective, multicenter, international cohort analysis of 716 acute pancreatitis cases

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    Background Hypertriglyceridemia is the third most common cause of acute pancreatitis (AP). It has been shown that hypertriglyceridemia aggravates the severity and related complications of AP; however, detailed analyses of large cohorts are inadequate and contradictory. Our aim was to investigate the dose-dependent effect of hypertriglyceridemia on AP. Methods AP patients over 18 years old who underwent triglyceride measurement within the initial three days were included into our cohort analysis from a prospective international, multicenter AP registry operated by the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group. Data on 716 AP cases were analyzed. Six groups were created based on the highest triglyceride level (Peer reviewe