100 research outputs found

    Dementia and coercion – for the patient’s best?

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    Bacheloroppgaver sykepleie, 2017Problemstilling: Hvordan kan sykepleiere bruke miljøbehandling for å redusere bruk av tvang hos pasienter med demens med utfordrende atferd i sykehjem? Bakgrunn: Grunnet befolkningsvekst og økt levealder vil tallene på personer med demenssykdom øke de neste årene. Vi har opplevd bruk av tvang i ulike sykehjemsavdelinger, både der det foreligger tvangsvedtak og ikke. Vi har erfart at miljøbehandling kan være et godt tiltak for å skape relasjoner til personene med demens. Vi ønsker derfor å se på demens, miljøbehandling og bruk av tvang. Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er å finne svar på problemstillingen, basert på fag- og forskningslitteratur og erfaringer fra praksis. Dette vil bidra til økt kunnskap om demens, miljøbehandling og bruk av tvang. Metode: Dette er en litteraturstudie, som baserer seg på fag- og forskningslitteratur og erfaringer fra praksis, som vi sammenligner med forskning for å finne svar på problemstillingen. Resultat: Teori og forskning viser til at bruk av tvang i norske sykehjem er utbredt og gir konsekvenser for livskvaliteten for pasienten. Forskning viser at mangel på kompetanse og kunnskap er en av hovedgrunnene til forekomsten av bruk av tvang. Å ha kjennskap til pasienten og skape en relasjon vil legge til rette for miljøbehandling, som vil gi økt livskvalitet hos pasienten med demens. Sykepleieren må ha gode holdninger og møte mennesket bak sykdommen. Konklusjon: Funn gjort i denne oppgaven viser at miljøbehandling fremmer livskvaliteten og en følelse av tilhørigheten for pasienten. Dette bidrar til mindre forekomst av utfordrende atferd hos pasienten og reduserer bruk av tvan

    Adaptation of a Danish online version of the Oxford Physical Activity Questionnaire (OPAQ) for secondary school students-a pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE: To adapt and partly validate a Danish online version of the patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) Oxford Physical Activity Questionnaire (“OPAQ”) and evaluate mobile phones and tablets as data capturing tool to identify potential problems and deficiencies in the PROM prior to implementation in the full study. METHODS: The OPAQ was translated into Danish by a formalised forward-backward translation procedure. Face validity was examined by interviewing 12 school students aged 10–15, recruited from two Danish public schools. After modifications, the online version of the Danish OPAQ was pilot tested in a convenience sample of seven school students for 1 week. Simultaneous objective accelerometer data were captured during the registration period. RESULTS: No major challenges were identified when translating OPAQ. Based on the interviews, the Danish version of OPAQ was perceived to be easy to understand in general, and the questions were relevant for tracking activities during the week. Five of the 12 participants had difficulties with understanding the introductory question: “what is your cultural background” in the original OPAQ. The interviews revealed that the participants recalling 7 days forgot to record some of the physical activity they had done during the week, indicating issues with the weekly recall method. After transforming to the online version, this was reported to be easy and quick to fill in (taking 1–3 min per day), and participants reported the daily design was helpful to remember activities. There was good correspondence between the online version and objective actigraphs with a tendency to underreport. Six participants reported 10–60 min less moderate to vigorous physical activity compared to the actigraphs, while one participant reported 3 min more. CONCLUSION: Participants found the online OPAQ quick and easy to complete during a 1-week period. Completing daily rather than weekly may help limit issues with recall. Overall, there was good agreement between the objective actigraphs and the OPAQ, though the OPAQ tended to slightly underreport moderate to vigorous physical activity. The Danish online version of OPAQ may be useful for capturing school students’ physical activity when objective measures are not feasible. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40814-022-01108-x

    Patient safety culture improvements depend on basic healthcare education:a longitudinal simulation-based intervention study at two Danish hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: A growing body of evidence supports the existence of an association between patient safety culture (PSC) and patient outcomes. PSC refers to shared perceptions and attitudes towards norms, policies and procedures related to patient safety. Existing literature shows that PSC varies among health professionals depending on their specific profession and specialty. However, these studies did not investigate whether PSC can be improved. This study investigates whether length of education is associated with improvements in PCS following a simulation intervention. METHODS: From April 2017 to November 2018, a cross-sectional intervention study was conducted at two regional hospitals in Denmark. Two groups with altogether 1230 health professionals were invited to participate. One group included nurses, midwives and radiographers; the other group included doctors. A train-the-trainer intervention approach was applied consisting of a 4-day simulation instructor course that emphasised team training, communication and leadership. Fifty-three healthcare professionals were trained as instructors. After the course, instructors performed in situ simulation in their own hospital environment. OUTCOMES: The Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ), which has 6 dimensions and 32 items, was used to collect main outcome variables. All employees from both groups were surveyed before the intervention and again four and nine months after the intervention. RESULTS: Mean baseline scores were higher among doctors than among nurses, midwives and radiographers for all SAQ dimensions. At the second follow-up, four of six dimensions improved significantly (p ≤ 0.05) among nurses, midwives and radiographers, whereas no dimensions improved significantly among doctors. CONCLUSION: Over time, nurses, midwives and radiographers improved more in PSC attitudes than doctors did

    Psykosocial effekt af koordineret rehabilitering

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    Does children's healthcare seeking change after participation in a musculoskeletal study?:A register-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Participating in research studies often involves interactions with healthcare professionals, potentially influencing the participant's future help-seeking behaviour. We investigated whether participating in the Childhood Health Activity and Motor Performance School Study - Denmark (CHAMPS) (2008-2014), which involved telephone consultations and clinical assessments by healthcare professionals with participants experiencing musculoskeletal complaints, changed frequency of contacts with primary public healthcare services among participants over the subsequent five-years-period, compared to non-participating children.METHODS: Using Danish health register data from 1998 to 2020, we compared CHAMPS participant's and two control group's contacts with private physiotherapists, chiropractors (outside hospitals), and general practitioners: a random 10% sample of children from Denmark (National Controls), and a secondary local control group (Local Controls) during three periods: Before (1998-31.10.2008), during (01.11.2008-20.06.2014), and after (21.06.2014-31.12.2019) the CHAMPS-study. Separate multivariable Poisson regression models were used to assess the differences between groups for the outcome variables: contacts with physiotherapists, chiropractors, and general practitioners, and overall contacts.RESULTS: Compared to National Controls, the CHAMPS-Group had fewer physiotherapy contacts before the study with an estimated mean of 0.01 vs 0.02 per person-year, and after (0.13 vs 0.18 per person-year), corresponding to a crude incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 0.69 (95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.58-0.83) after the study period. However, they had more chiropractor contacts before (0.05 vs 0.03), and after (0.21 vs 0.09) the study, with a crude IRR of 2.29 (95% CI: 1.93-2.71) after the study period. General practice contacts were equal for the CHAMPS-group compared to national controls (5.84 vs 5.84) before the study but reduced during and after (3.21 vs 3.71), with a crude IRR of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.83-0.90) after the study. Comparable patterns of contacts changes from before to after the study were observed between the CHAMPS-group and the Local Controls except for physiotherapy which was equal between the two groups after the study.CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that research studies involving systematic engagement with participants experiencing musculoskeletal complaints can influence subsequent healthcare-seeking behaviour. Future research should address the influence of health literacy, health education, and healthcare provider recommendations on healthcare decisions during such research studies.</p

    The impact of socioeconomic status and multimorbidity on mortality: a population-based cohort study

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    Objective: Multimorbidity (MM) is more prevalent among people of lower socioeconomic status (SES), and both MM and SES are associated with higher mortality rates. However, little is known about the relationship between SES, MM, and mortality. This study investigates the association between educational level and mortality, and to what extent MM modifies this association. Methods: We followed 239,547 individuals invited to participate in the Danish National Health Survey 2010 (mean follow-up time: 3.8 years). MM was assessed by using information on drug prescriptions and diagnoses for 39 long-term conditions. Data on educational level were provided by Statistics Denmark. Date of death was obtained from the Civil Registration System. Information on lifestyle factors and quality of life was collected from the survey. The main outcomes were overall and premature mortality (death before the age of 75). Results: Of a total of 12,480 deaths, 6,607 (9.5%) were of people with low educational level (LEL) and 1,272 (2.3%) were of people with high educational level (HEL). The mortality rate was higher among people with LEL compared with HEL in groups of people with 0–1 disease (hazard ratio: 2.26, 95% confidence interval: 2.00–2.55) and ≥4 diseases (hazard ratio: 1.14, 95% confidence interval: 1.04–1.24), respectively (adjusted model). The absolute number of deaths was six times higher among people with LEL than those with HEL in those with ≥4 diseases. The 1-year cumulative mortality proportions for overall death in those with ≥4 diseases was 5.59% for people with HEL versus 7.27% for people with LEL, and 1-year cumulative mortality proportions for premature death was 2.93% for people with HEL versus 4.04% for people with LEL. Adjusting for potential mediating factors such as lifestyle and quality of life eliminated the statistical association between educational level and mortality in people with MM. Conclusion: Our study suggests that LEL is associated with higher overall and premature mortality and that the association is affected by MM, lifestyle factors, and quality of life

    HLA Associations and Risk of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder in a Danish Population-Based Cohort

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    Granični poremećaj ličnosti je učestali psihički poremećaj koji se manifestira kroz simptome afektivne nestabilnosti, impulzivnog i nekontroliranog ponašanja, poremećaj identiteta, nestabilne interpersonalne odnose i moguće pogreške u testiranju realiteta uslijed kojih osoba može imati značajnih poteškoća u osobnom, roditeljskom, obiteljskom, socijalnom i radnom funkcioniranju. Svrha ovog istraživanja je dobiti uvid u iskustva rada stručnih djelatnika Odjela za zaštitu djece, obitelji i braka pri centru za socijalnu skrb, a ciljevi istraživanju su dobiti uvid u prepoznavanje simptoma graničnog poremećaja ličnosti , teškoće i potrebe stručnih djelatnika Odjela za zaštitu djece, obitelji i braka. Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno je metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua s 12 stručnjaka zaposlenih na Odjelu za zaštitu djece, obitelji i braka pri centrima za socijalnu skrb na području grada Zagreba i Zagrebačke županije. U obradi podataka korištena je tematska analiza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da stručnjaci prepoznaju različite simptome afektivne nestabilnost, impulzivnog i nekontroliranog ponašanja, smetnji identiteta, nestabilnih i intenzivnih interpersonalnih odnosa te teškoća testiranja realiteta. Simptomi graničnog poremećaja ličnosti roditelja najčešće dolaze do izražaja u situacijama prekida bračne ili izvanbračne zajednice koji često imaju obilježja visokonfliktnih razvoda, tijekom postupaka odlučivanja o roditeljskoj skrbi, obiteljskog i partnerskog nasilja te zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece zbog čega stručnjaci poduzimaju različite psihosocijalne intervencije i mjere obiteljsko pravne zaštite. Prema rezultatima istraživanja teškoće stručnjaka tijekom rada s roditeljima s dijagnozom i/ili simptomima graničnog poremećaja ličnosti proizlaze iz neposrednog rada s roditeljima, organizacije i uvjeta rada u centrima za socijalnu skrb te suradnje s drugim sustavima. Roditelji sa simptomima ovog poremećaja ličnosti prepoznati su kao nedobrovoljni korisnici skloni manipulaciji djetetom, drugim roditeljem, stručnjacima, policijom, pravosudnim, zdravstvenim i socijalnim sustavom. Rad stručnjaka otežavaju i dodatne teškoće kao što su preopterećenost količinom posla, nedovoljan broj stručnih djelatnika, neadekvatni prostorni uvjeti rada u centrima za socijalnu skrb i otežana suradanja s drugim sustavima. Nadalje, stručnjaci izvještavaju o izloženosti visokoj razini profesionalnog stresa i doživljenim simptomima sagorijevanja. U skladu s iskazanim teškoćama, stručnjaci ukazuju na nužnost unaprjeđenja suradnje s drugim sustavima, posebice s pravosudnim, zdravstvenim i obrazovnim sustavom, povećanja broja zaposlenih stručnih djelatnika, zapošljavanje psihijatra u centre za socijalnu skrb, uključenost u redovite edukacije i supervizije. Nadalje, stručnjaci iskazuju potrebu za dodatnim ovlastima kao što su mogućnost obveznog upućivanja korisnika na liječenje i konstatiranja nedostupnosti intervencijama socijalne službe.Borderline personality disorder is a frequent psychiatric disorder which manifests itself through several symptoms: affective instability, impulsive and disinhibited behaviour, disturbed sense of identity, unstable interpersonal relationships and possible stress-related reduction of contact with reality. The afflicted person may have significant difficulties in personal, parental, familial, social and work functioning. The purpose of this research was to gain insight into experiences of experts working in the Department for protection of children, family and marriage of the Social Welfare Centre. Qualitative research has been conducted using semi-structured interviews with 12 experts working in the Department for protection of children, family and marriage of Social Welfare Centres located in Zagreb and Zagreb County. Collected data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results have demonstrated that experts recognize various symptoms of affective instability, impulsive and disinhibited behaviour, identity disturbances, unstable and intense interpersonal relationships and reduction of contact with reality. Symptoms of parental borderline personality disorder most frequently appear after a divorce or separation which often have characteristics of high-conflict divorce, during procedures related to child custody, familial and domestic violence, as well as child abuse and neglect, forcing experts to do various psychosocial interventions and implement measures related to protection of the family. According to results of this research difficulties expressed by experts working eith parents with a diagnosis and/or symptoms of borderline personality disorder are the result of direct work with the parents, organisation and work conditions in Social Welfare Centres and cooperation with other systems. Symptomatic parents are recognized as involuntary clients prone to manipulation of children, other parent, experts, the police, the justice system, healthcare system and social system. There are additional difficulties for experts working with these parents, such as work overload, insufficient number of experts, inadequate working space in Social Welfare Centres and difficulties cooperating with other systems. Experts also report being exposed to high level of professional stress and experiencing symptoms of burn-out. Consistently with these difficulties, experts reported needing to improve cooperation with other systems, especially with the justice, healthcare and education systems, increase the number of hired experts, hire psychiatrists in Social Welfare Centres and taking part regularly in educations and supervisions. Experts also reported needing additional authorities, such as the possibility of mandatory reference to treatment of clients and the possibility of establishing the unavailability of social services interventions

    Parent training for preschool ADHD in routine, specialist care: a randomized controlled trial

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    Objective Parent training (PT) is recommended for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschool children. Evidence-based interventions are important, but only if they produce better outcomes than usual care. Method We conducted a multi-center, two-arm parallel group randomized controlled trial in routine, specialist ADHD clinics in Danish Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Children (N=164, age 3-7) with ADHD received either a well-established PT programme (New Forest Parenting Programme (NFPP)) (n=88) or treatment as usual (TAU) (n=76). The primary outcome was parent ratings of child ADHD symptoms. Secondary outcomes included teacher ratings and direct observations of ADHD symptoms. Outcomes were measured at baseline (T1) and post-treatment (T2) and at follow-up (T3: 36 weeks after T2). Representativeness of participants was evaluated against the total national cohort of children (n=1378, age 3-7) diagnosed with ADHD during the same time period, using the Danish Civil Registration System. Statistical analysis employed a repeated measure model. Results By T2, NFPP was superior to TAU on parent-rated ADHD symptoms (p=0.009; ES d.=0.30), and on parenting self-efficacy and family strain. Effects persisted to T3. There were no effects on teacher ratings or direct observations of ADHD or on ratings of conduct problems or parenting. Our clinical sample was similar to the national cohort of young children with ADHD. Conclusions Evidence-based PT has value as an intervention for preschool ADHD in routine clinical settings. As in previous trials effects were restricted to parent-reported outcomes. Surprisingly, there were no effects on child conduct problems