218 research outputs found

    Роль історизму і шляхи його використання унавчанні фізики

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    (uk) У статті розглянуто особливості історизму, шляхи та форми його використання , а також значення історизму при викладанні фізики.(en) The features of historical method, ways and forms of his use, and also values of historical method, are considered in this article at teaching of physics

    Social blandning och svensk bostadspolitik - En kvalitativ studie av två stadsdelsprojekt och de bostadspolitiska förutsättningarna för att skapa social blandning

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    This essay aims to investigate which tools Swedish planners can use to create social mixing in newly built urban districts and how the current housing policy in Sweden affects the possibilities to do so. Two examples of urban district projects, Frihamnen in Gothenburg and Vallastaden in Linköping, are used to present different ways of planning for social mixing. The research questions are: - Which methods, within the building- and planning process, does the urban district projects Vallastaden and Frihamnen use to create social mixing? - How does Swedish housing policy obstruct or facilitate the creation of social mixing? Theories on social mixing, segmentation, housing subsidies, municipal land allocations, housing norms, municipal housing and rent regulation were used. The main methods were document analysis of planning documents, literature studies and an interview. The results show that Vallastaden used a mixture of rental buildings, owner-occupied buildings and homeowners and aimed to create meeting points. The Frihamnen project is going to use a diversification in rental levels to create social mixing. The current housing policy in Sweden does not create a natural social mixing within the municipalities but, with innovative ideas, it is possible to plan for social mixing within the current system

    The psychopathy construct in a Swedish context : conceptualization and validation of different assessments

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    Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is associated with affective and interpersonal features (e.g., lack of empathy, egocentricity) in combination with behavioral deviance. Despite being extensively researched, formal criteria for classifying psychopathy are lacking, and some of its core features are intensively debated in the field (Skeem et al., 2011). One of the reasons behind the conceptual controversy is that during the past three decades, psychopathy has mainly been operationalized with one single measure, the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare 1991, 2003). Alternative assessments and models of psychopathy have gained increased attention in international research. This dissertation project aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of traditional and alternative assessments and models of psychopathy, primarily in a Swedish context. Study I aimed to investigate the field reliability of the PCL-R in a Swedish setting, involving life-sentenced offenders (N = 27) undergoing court-ordered risk assessments. The results demonstrated good reliability for the antisocial Facet 4, but considerably lower reliability for the remaining facets. The aim of Study II was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Swedish translation of the self-report measure Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R; Lilienfeld & Widows, 2005) in a non-criminal sample (N = 227). The results demonstrated solid reliability (test-retest and internal consistency) and somewhat mixed construct validity for the PPI-R. Factor analyses failed to confirm any of the proposed factor structures. In Study III, we investigated perceptions of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP; Cooke et al., 2012) model among Swedish forensic practitioners (N = 90), using prototypicality analysis. The aim was also to investigate broader perceptions and attitudes about psychopathy. The results demonstrated support for the content validity of the CAPP, and findings were highly similar to those in previous international research. Study IV aimed to investigate perceptions of the Boldness construct from the Triarchic model of psychopathy (Patrick et al., 2009) among professional and layperson raters from Sweden and the U.S. (N = 535), using prototypicality analysis. The results demonstrated general support for the content validity of Boldness, even though the ratings varied across the subgroups. In conclusion, this dissertation project demonstrated mixed findings regarding the field reliability of the PCL-R. It also demonstrated support for the reliability and validity of alternative assessments and models of psychopathy

    Understanding contrasting municipal standpoints on mining investments in relation to framings of mining and rural development

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    Overs the last couple of years, Sweden has seen an increasing trend in mining investments. New to this trend is that also places in southern Sweden are involved; places that may not historically be familiar with mining. Many of the places that face potential mines are rural places with different challenges and opportunities in relation to their rurality. In Sweden, the municipality is the governmental body closest to the citizens and is responsible for many welfare related services. At the same time, the municipalities are also excluded from certain decision making process that affect them, e.g. due to Swedish mining laws. This thesis explores contrasting standpoints on mining investments by Swedish municipalities in relation to framings of rural development, by probing the two cases of Jokkmokk municipality in northern Sweden and Karlsborg municipality in southern Sweden, who have taken contrasting official municipal standpoints on potential mining investments in their respective municipalities. An analytical framework is formulated which highlights linkages between understandings of mining and rural development and the standpoints that are taken. Results indicate that negative standpoints are connected to an economy, population and employment related framing of mining and rural development, and positive standpoints to a place or community related framing, and that governance is an important layer in the understanding of the standpoints. Furthermore, this thesis highlights the importance of including the Swedish municipality in research on processes of natural resource extraction and rural development

    Niveles de presión arterial y cambios longitudinales en relación con factores de la red social: ¿Mejor juntos o por separado?

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between social network variables andlevels of and longitudinal changes in blood pressure in a middle-aged/older sample. Theparticipants (50-75 years at baseline; n=1097) responded to questions concerning socialrelationships at baseline and their blood pressure (diastolic, systolic) was measured. Bloodpressure levels were reassessed 5, 10, and 15 years later. Latent growth models with responses toquestions concerning social relationships as predictors and basic demographic factors (age, sex) ascovariates, unexpectedly indicated that a more limited social network (no close friend, few visits,little contact with friends in other ways, not living with someone, and a composite index based onall questions) was associated with significantly lower diastolic blood pressure levels. For systolicblood pressure a similar result was observed for one of the variables (lack of a close friend). Ingeneral, these effects diminished over time, as indexed by the positive relationship between severalof the social variables and slope. The results were little affected by inclusion of additionalcovariates (e.g. measures of psychological distress, smoking/alcohol habits, and BMI) suggestingthat the origins of this unexpected pattern of findings must probably be sought for in other subjectrelatedfactors, such as, for example, increased help seeking. Future studies should considerqualitative aspects (e.g. feelings of loneliness, quality of social relationships) in addition tostructural aspects to provide a better understanding of these associations.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre las variables de la red social y losniveles de cambios longitudinales en la presión arterial en la muestra que consta de la gente demediana y tercera edad. Los participantes (50-75 años; n=1097) respondieron a las preguntas quetrataban el tema de relaciones sociales y se midió su presión arterial (diastólica, sistólica). Sevolvió a valorar los niveles de presión arterial 5, 10 y 15 años después. Modelos de crecimientolatente con respuestas a las preguntas que trataban el tema de relaciones sociales (o un índice)como predictores y factores demográficos básicos (edad, sexo) como covariables,inesperadamente, indicaron que la red social más limitada (sin amigos íntimos, con pocas visitas eíndice compuesto) se relacionaba con el nivel de presión arterial diastólica significativamente másbaja. Para la presión arterial sistólica se confirmó el resultado similar para una de las variables(falta de amigos cercanos). En general, estos efectos disminuyeron con el tiempo, según estáindexado por la relación positiva entre distintas variables sociales y la pendiente. La inclusión decovariables adicionales (p. ej. medición de trastornos psicológicos, hábitos de fumar y beberalcohol e IMC) afectaron un poco a los resultados, sugiriendo que los orígenes de este patrón deresultados inesperado probablemente los hay que buscar en los factores relacionados con el sujetoy no aquellos relacionados con el estilo de vida, como p. ej. aumento de la búsqueda de ayuda. Losfuturos estudios deberían considerar aspectos cualitativos (p. ej. sentimiento de soledad, calidad derelaciones sociales), además de los aspectos estructurales, para proporcionar un entendimientomejor de estas asociaciones

    AquaticVID: a low cost, extended battery life, plug-and-go video system for aquatic research

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    AquaticVID is a low-cost, long battery life video camera system for use in a wide-range of aquatic research applications. The system can be deployed for multiple day recording on a single charge, is submersible to depths of down to 950 m and can be constructed quickly using easily sourced off-the-shelf materials. The system is essentially ‘plug-and-go’, as assembly and preparation for deployment take

    Executive Processes Underpin the Bilingual Advantage on Phonemic Fluency: Evidence from Analyses of Switching and Clustering

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    Bilinguals often show a disadvantage in lexical access on verbal fluency tasks wherein the criteria require the production of words from semantic categories. However, the pattern is more heterogeneous for letter (phonemic) fluency wherein the task is to produce words beginning with a given letter. Here, bilinguals often outperform monolinguals. One explanation for this is that phonemic fluency, as compared with semantic fluency, is more greatly underpinned by executive processes and that bilinguals exhibit better performance on phonemic fluency due to better executive functions. In this study, we re-analyzed phonemic fluency data from the Betula study, scoring outputs according to two measures that purportedly reflect executive processes: clustering and switching. Consistent with the notion that bilinguals have superior executive processes and that these can be used to offset a bilingual disadvantage in verbal fluency, bilinguals (35-65 years at baseline) demonstrated greater switching and clustering throughout the 15-year study period

    Structure of the silicon vacancy in 6H-SiC after annealing identified as the carbon vacancy–carbon antisite pair

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    We investigated radiation-induced defects in neutron-irradiated and subsequently annealed 6H-silicon carbide (SiC) with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), the magnetic circular dichroism of the absorption (MCDA), and MCDA-detected EPR (MCDA-EPR). In samples annealed beyond the annealing temperature of the isolated silicon vacancy we observed photoinduced EPR spectra of spin S=1 centers that occur in orientations expected for nearest neighbor pair defects. EPR spectra of the defect on the three inequivalent lattice sites were resolved and attributed to optical transitions between photon energies of 999 and 1075 meV by MCDA-EPR. The resolved hyperfine structure indicates the presence of one single carbon nucleus and several silicon ligand nuclei. These experimental findings are interpreted with help of total energy and spin density data obtained from the standard local-spin density approximation of the density-functional theory, using relaxed defect geometries obtained from the self-consistent charge density-functional theory based tight binding scheme. We have checked several defect models of which only the photoexcited spin triplet state of the carbon antisite–carbon vacancy pair (CSi-VC) in the doubly positive charge state can explain all experimental findings. We propose that the (CSi-VC) defect is formed from the isolated silicon vacancy as an annealing product by the movement of a carbon neighbor into the vacancy

    AquaticVID: a low cost, extended battery life, plug-and-go video system for aquatic research

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    AquaticVID is a low-cost, long battery life video camera system for use in a wide-range of aquatic research applications. The system can be deployed for multiple day recording on a single charge, is submersible to depths of down to 950 m and can be constructed quickly using easily sourced off-the-shelf materials. The system is essentially ‘plug-and-go’, as assembly and preparation for deployment takes < 30 minutes without the need for technical build or programming skills. All of the electrical components are interchangeable with parts from multiple manufacturers and the camera system can be adapted to fit a variety of waterproof enclosure sizes depending on power and data storage requirements. Here, we describe three versions of the AquaticVID in detail and give examples of above and below water research undertaken with the system. The small size and extended battery times, coupled with ease of use and low cost (US$ 268–540) make the AquaticVID a useful option for numerous aquatic research applications