55 research outputs found

    Costs and benefits of ''the return of coal'' case considering economic and environmental concerns in Turkish electricity market

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    The main focus of this study is the costs and benefits of return of coal case in Turkish electricity market in terms of economic and environmental aspects. Three chapters mainly answer the questions regarding the study. The first chapter includes a comprehensive explanation of the state of coal both around the globe and in Turkey. Proven reserves, production & consumption values and coal in power generation are analyzed in this chapter. Moreover, the return of coal case for the Turkish electricity market is clearly defined. In the second chapter, economic outcomes of the return of coal are discussed considering the cost effectiveness and a goal of having more predictable market. Certain cases in the Turkish electricity market are used to elucidate issues regarding the economic aspect. Third chapter renders the environmental costs of coal by classifying types of impacts. The cases in Turkey are also introduced in this chapter to grasp the environmental challenges in Turkey. Certain options to mitigate the environmental risks are clearly explained. Key Words: Energy Policy, Coal Policy, Electricity Market, Coal-Fired Power Generation

    The effects of mineralogical and petrographical features of the Lake District rocks (Isparta, Turkey) on the quality of artificial marbles

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    Large quantities of marble blocks are produced from many new marble quarries which were opened around Isparta (Turkey) and its surrounding region. The opened quarries are also affected negatively by weathering as a result of karstification. Therefore, block efficiency of the quarries is low which results in a lot of waste materials that can be used in cultured marble production. The production of artificial marble from marble waste materials around Isparta is the main purpose of the study. The cultured marble is an attractive, healthy and homogenous building material. It has a wide application in the building construction sector. Artificial marble which is composed of mineral dusts and polyesters has high mechanical strength and they are durable to various chemical and high temperature environmental conditions. Based on physico- mechanical properties, cultured marbles are accepted by Turkish Standards (TS). The materials used for the production of qualified cultured marble are directly related to the hardness of the minerals used as filler in the polyester resin. Physico- mechanical properties of cultured marble depend on the physical properties of the filler minerals. The compressive strength of the cultured marble material is controlled by the physical properties of the filler minerals, therefore, the hardness of the cultured marble is determined by the hardness of the filler mineral. The following analyses were carried out: wet unit volume analysis, dry unit volume analysis, compressive strength of the materials, capillary water absorption analysis, analysis of ultrasound velocity (P- wave) and the marble wastes bulk chemical analyses were investigated and the results of the data were evaluated and discussed. In addition, natural and artificial marbles were compared with respect to physico- mechanical properties

    Comparison of the cystocholedochal angle in patients with choledocholithiasis and only cholelithiasis

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    This study aims to evaluate the relation between the cystocholedochal angle (SCA) and choledocholithiasis. The data of 3.350 patients were reviewed retrospectively and a total of 628 patients who met the criteria were included in the study. The patients included in the study were divided into three groups as patients with choledocholithiasis (Group I), patients with only cholelithiasis (Group II), and patients without gallstones as control group (Group III). Measurements of SCA, cystic, bile, and common hepatic ducts (CHDs) were made on magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) images. Laboratory findings and demographic characteristics of the patients were also recorded. Of the patients included in the study 64.2% were female, 35.8% were male, and their age ranged from 18 to 93 (mean 53.37 +/- 18.87 years). While the mean SCA values of all patient groups were 35.44 degrees +/- 10.44 degrees, the mean length of cystic, bile and CHDs were 28.91 +/- 9.30, 40.28 +/- 12.91, 27.09 +/- 9.68 mm respectively. All measurements were higher in Group I in comparison to other groups, whereas all measurements of Group II were higher than those of Group III (p < 0.001). Statistical analysis suggests that a SCA of 33.5 degrees and above is an important criterion for diagnosis of choledocholithiasis. Increase of SCA raises the likelihood of choledocholithiasis, as it facilitates the passage of stones from gallbladder into the bile ducts. This is the first study to compare SCA in patients with choledocholithiasis and those with only cholelithiasis. Therefore, we think that this study is important and will be a guide for clinical evaluation

    The effects of taxifolin on neuropathy related with hyperglycemia and neuropathic pain in rats: A biochemical and histopathological evaluation

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    Background. Hyperglycemia can be considered a determining factor in the development of diabetic neuropathy as well as neuropathic pain. There is a relationship between the excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathic pain. Taxifolin, on the other hand, is a flavonoid that has been documented to inhibit ROS production. Objectives. To investigate the effects of taxifolin, which has antioxidant and neuroprotective effects, on alloxan-induced hyperglycemia-induced neuropathy and neuropathic pain, biochemically and histopathologically. Materials and methods. The albino Wistar male rats were divided into 3 groups: Healthy group (HG), only alloxan group (AXG) and alloxan+taxifolin group (ATG). Hyperglycemia in animals was caused through intraperitoneal injection of alloxan at a dose of 120 mg/kg. Paw pain thresholds of animals were measured using Basile algesimeter. Sciatic nerve tissues were examined biochemically and histopathologically in order to evaluate neuropathy. Results. Our experimental results revealed that taxifolin significantly prevented the increase of plasma glucose concentration level with alloxan administration, the decrease of the paw pain threshold related to hyperglycemia, the change of oxidant-antioxidant balance in the sciatic nerve tissue in favor of oxidants, and the deterioration of tissue morphology in animals. Conclusions. Our experimental results indicate that taxifolin alleviates alloxan-induced hyperglycemia-related neuropathy and neuropathic pain

    A comparison of the 2 thermal ablation procedures for the management of benign thyroid nodules

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    Introduction: In recent years, ultrasound (US)-guided thermal ablation techniques have come to the fore as minimally invasive alternatives to surgery. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of radiofrequency ablation or microwave ablation procedures in patients with benign thyroid nodules. Material and methods: This retrospective and single-centre study consisted of 55 patients and 62 benign thyroid nodules that were treated either with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or microwave ablation (MWA) in our hospital between January 2020 and March 2022. All the patients were at high risk for surgery or with symptomatic TNs and who refused surgery. The TNs diagnosed as benign from the fine-needle aspiration biopsy were evaluated in terms of volume reduction, symptom, and cosmetic scores. In addition, these 2 treatment modalities were compared to each other. Results: Out of 55 patients, 44 (80%) were female and were aged between 24 and 97 years with a median age of 50 years. RFA was applied to 54.5% (n = 30) of the participants, and MWA was applied to 46.5% (n = 25). The volume reduction rate (VRR) after RFA and MWA at the first month was 63.4 ± 14.2 and 65.7 ± 13, respectively. No significant difference was detected between the 2 groups in terms of VRR (p = 0.51). In addition, the mean symptom and cosmetic scores decreased significantly in both procedures, and there was a significant difference due to the symptom score change in the RFA group compared to the MWA group. Of all the patients, one patient experienced haematoma in the RFA, and one patient had transient voice change in the MWA group. No life-threatening complications were noted. Conclusion: In the treatment of benign symptomatic thyroid nodules, both RFA and MWA are options worthy of consideration in terms of efficacy and safety

    Larinks kanserleri takip sonuçlarının bilgisayarla analizi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.[Abstarct Not Available

    Katip Çelebi’ de tarih felsefesi

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    Kâtip Çelebi1609 yılının Şubat ayında İstanbul şehrinde doğmuştur. Babasının adı Abdullah'tır. Küçük yaşlarda temel dini bilgileri ile ilgili eğitimini aldı. Divan kalemlerinde çalıştı. Babasıyla birlikte Tercan seferine katıldı.(1624) Daha sonra Bağdat seferine katıldı(1629-1630) İstanbul'da bazı hocaların derklerine ve sohbetlerine katıldı. Bibliyografik eseri için birçok yerden malzeme topladı. Birçok eser kaleme alırken bazı tercümeler de yaptı. 6 Ekim 1657'de İstanbul'da öldü. Kâtip Çelebi'de Tarih Felsefesi'ne geçmeden önce hayatı hakkında ve eserleri hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra tarih ve tarih felsefesi açıklanmaktadır. Tarih kelimesi "reha" kökünden gelir. Geriye gitme, geriye doğru uzanma anlamına gelir. Buradan Arapça'ya ve oradan Türkçe'ye geçmiştir. Tarih sözcüğü batır dillerinde de aynı anlamda kullanılmaktadır ve Grekçe istoria sözcüğünden gelmektedir. Tarih sözcüğü ile hem geçmişte kalan insani ve toplumsal olaylar topluluğunu, yani yaşanmış geçmişi adlandırmakta kullanılır, hem de bu sözcükle, bu yaşanmış geçmişi konu edinen bilim, tarih bilimi kastedilir. Bu iki anlamışla tarih felsefesinin de iki boyutu vardır: 1- Yaşanmış geçmişin felsefesi, 2- Tarih biliminin felsefesi. Tarih felsefesi, tarihi hadiseleri zaman ve mekan zinciri içerinde tespit edip değerlendirmek yerine, tarihin felsefi problemler açısından bir yorumunu yapmakta, tarihi hadiselerin seyrinde hangi kanunların ve illetlerin hakim olduğunu ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Nereden geldik? Nereye gidiyoruz? Tarih felsefelerinin büyük çoğunluğu bu tür sorulara yanıt verme ihtiyacının ürünleri olmuştur. Tarih felsefesi zannedildiği gibi ilk defa Avrupa'da hümaniste fikir hareketleriyle başlayan çok yeni bir disiplin değildir. Geçmişten ders ve ibret alma, geçmişteki olayların sebeplerini tespit etme arzu ve gayreti çok eskidir. Belki usul yenidir. Ancak tarih felsefesi terimini ilk defa kullanan Voltaire'dir. Daha sonra Alman tarih okullarında yaygınlaşarak tartışılacaktır. Üçüncü bölüm olan son bölümde Kâtip Çelebi'nin yaşadığı onyedinci yüzyıl Osmanlı tarihinin kısa bir i ile birlikte Katip Celebi'de tarih felsefesi verilmeye çalışıldı. Onyedinci yüzyıl Osmanlı Devleti bozulmaya yüz tutmuş bir devlet yapısı içerindedir. Devletin bu bozulmuş durumunu düzeltme gayretleri çoğu zaman uzun ömürlü olumlu sonuçlar vermemiştir. Kâtip Çelebi'de devletin bozulmuş yapısının düzeltilmesi için bir layiha kaleme almıştır. Ancak Kâtip Çelebi bu tedbirlerin devletin yıkılmasını önleyemeyeceğini sadece belki ömrümü biraz daha uzatabileceğini düşünmektedir. Kâtip Çelebi tarihi olaylardan ders ve ibret alınmasını savunmaktadır. Kaleme aldığı eserlerdeki içerik ve kaynaklardan istifade etme usulü günümüz modern ilmi anlayışa yakın bir usul izlemiştir. Bu tutumu ile batıda tanınmış bir düşünürümüzdür. Çelebi felsefenin medreselerde okutulmamasına karşı çıkmış, taassupçulukla mücadele etmiş ve kendini batı ilmine açık tutan bir ilim adamıdır. Tarih ilmine ve felsefesine kazandırdığı en önemli unsur ise esrelerinde kaynakçaları belirtmesi ve tarih olaylara objektif yaklaşmasıdır. Toplumsal olayları değerlendirirken toplumların gelişimini ve yıkılışlarını insan bünyesine benzetmektedir. İnsan doğar, büyür, gelişir ve ölür. Devletler de insanlar gibi kurulur (doğar), gelişip büyür ve sonra gerileyerek yıkılır. SUMMARY Kâtip Çelebi was born in İstanbul in 1609. He was born a child, he learned the information he had hearned the religious information. He worked at council of state. He joined to Tercan war with his father. After then in (1629-1630), he joined to Bağdat War. He joined to some moslem preacher's lessons and their conversations. He collected some documents for his bibliographic wrettin work. He traslated some written works, while he was doing his own written work. Information about history and history philosophy are explained before the "history philosophy in Kâtip Çelebi." Word of history comes from "reha" ıt means go back, first It was in Arabic then it passed in Turkish. The word of history is used in the same meaning in west languages and it comes from the word of "istoria" in Greek. The word of history is used for expressing humanely and social events,in the mean time the past which is lived is expressed with it. And with this word, the past which is lived is expressed in science. It's history science. With these two meanings history philosophy has got two dimensions. 1- The philosophy of the past which is lived. 2- The philosophy of history science. History philosophy the problems of the history's philosophy and explaines what are the laws and reasons, while the history events are occuring. Where did we come from? Where are we going? Most of the philosophies of the history are the products of giving the answers to these questions. The philosophy of history didn't start with the humanist idea. Maybe the method is new. Voltaire is the first person who used the word of history philosophy. After then it will to be talked in German history schools. In the last third part, the short summary of the Ottoman history in 17 th century which Kâtip Çelebi was lived and the philosophy of history in Kâtip Çelebi are explained. In 17 th century. Ottoman Empire was in a state structure that was gone bad. The works for making better didn't give positive results. The works of making better for the state situantion is written as a document in Kâtip Çelebi. He defended to understand the history events an do take asawarning from these events. The method of benefiting from the bibliography in his written work is almast the same with nowadays modern science idea. Hi is very fomous scientist in west. He refused not to teach the philosophy in schools. The most important things are expressing of his bibliography in his written wors and thinking objective in idea a bout history events while he was making a evoluation of social events, society's development and its dest. Oyment is resembled to the body of a human by him. Human is borned, he grows, he develops and he is died. States are borned like humans, develops, grows and then goes backword, then destroys


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    Bu araştırmada, öğretmen adaylarının bağlaçların etkili bir şekilde öğretimi için Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisinin (YBT) bilişsel kategorilerinden yararlanarak etkinlikleri nasıl hazırladıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yarı deneysel olarak tasarlanan bu çalışmada veriler, tek gruplu aralıklı zaman serisi desenine göre toplanmıştır. Bu kapsamda eğitim öncesi ön bilgileri tespit etmek amacıyla katılımcılardan etkinlikler hazırlamaları istenmiştir. Katılımcılar verilen eğitimin sonunda etkinlikler hazırlamıştır. Verilerin toplanması ve analizi sürecinde araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen dereceli puanlama anahtarı kullanılmıştır. Eğitim öncesi hazırlanan etkinliklerin ve eğitim sonrası hazırlanan etkinliklerin toplam ortalama puanları karşılaştırılmıştır. Etkinlik temelli eğitim ve hazırlanan etkinliklerin başarı düzeyleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda ulaşılan sonuçlara göre katılımcılara verilen etkinlik hazırlama eğitimi etkili olmuştur. YBT’nin bilişsel kategorilerinden yararlanarak bağlaçların öğretimi için başarılı etkinliklerin hazırlandığı belirlenmiştir