31 research outputs found

    Addressing the social landscape dimensions: the need for reconciling cross scale assessments.

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    The rural development policy community is calling for new transdisciplinary approaches to convey public preferences into meaningful measures for assessing landscape capacity to provide public goods. Some of the public goods which rural landscapes provide relate to landscape appreciation which reflects people’s preferences for particular features in a given landscape or certain geographic unit. Assessing landscape appreciation can be dealt with at different spatial scales, e.g from the European to the local, however these assessments often rely on different data and methodological approaches (Paracchini et al 2012). At broader spatial scales, a common procedure is to use proxy indicators (mostly environmental indicators), derived from European datasets such as Eurostat or Corine, being those indicators often integrated into composite indexes driving appreciation indirectly, while at the local and regional scales landscape preference surveys are operational thus a straightforward common method used to directly gather data on landscape appreciation (mostly landscape indicators) (Pinto Correia and Carvalho Ribeiro 2012). The problem is not only to gauge whether or not those assessments deliver comparable results but as well to critically analyse how these top down and bottom up approaches can be reconciled in order to comprehensively tackle landscape appreciation in such a way this can inform policy making at different scales of governance. Another issue is that while there is an array of environmental indicators derived at multiple scales of analysis, on the contrary landscape indicators – including the social dimension - are scarce. Differences between environmental indicators and landscape indicators therefore lie in the fact that the latter cannot necessarily be generalized and applied to any context. In fact, the characteristics of different landscapes and the values related to appreciation by people are likely to be different.The work developed throughout this paper addresses this issue as it builds on both conceptual and empirical basis of landscape research in order to comprehensively derive a cross scale set of social landscape indicators for conveying the appreciation people derives from rural agrarian landscapes across the diverse European settings. The work comprises a literature review and subsequent meta-analysis of studies on landscape related subjects that were further assessed and validated. The ways in which to integrate land cover datasets on the data analysis was also explored. Although in different ways, land cover was considered as one promising avenue for devising indicators that bridge agri-environmental and social spheres. An attempt at framing and mapping the results was made by addressing scale issues in order to meaningfully incorporate these results at different levels of governance

    Assessing the capacity of landscapes in providing public goods based on the social demand

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    The goal of this paper is to define, assess and geographically delimitate the public goods related to amenity and recreation provided by the agriculture and agro-forestry land covers in the context of the Alentejo landscape in Southern Portugal. Assessing and mapping the recreational public goods rural landscapes are able to provide can be dealt with at different spatial scales, e.g. from the European to the local scales. However, these assessments often rely on different data and methodological approaches. At broader spatial scales, a common procedure is to use proxy indicators, derived from European datasets such as Euro Stat, being those indicators often integrated into composite indexes deriving recreation through the demand and consumption approaches (e.g. number of beds in touristic areas) , while at the local and regional scales landscape preference surveys are operational thus, a straightforward manner to directly gather data on the most preferred landscape components for recreation, this way focussing on the supply approach. The problem is not only to gauge whether or not those assessments deliver comparable results but as well to critically analyse how these top down and bottom up approaches can be reconciled in order to comprehensively tackle recreation public goods in such a way this can inform policy making at different scales of governance. It is acknowledged that integrated multiscale assessments are inherently more complicated and often more expensive than assessments at single scales but efforts have been made in order to derive a simple and operational frameworks for comprehensively tackle a multiscale assessments. The work developed throughout this paper addresses this issue by identifying, assessing and mapping the areas likely to fulfil different types of recreational needs at the regional scale in Alentejo and further explores ways forward to upscale the results to the European scale

    Placing land cover preferences by users on the map: Bridging the gaps of landscape preference surveys and spatial pattern analysis in order to inform planning and policy

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    Landscapes provide several public goods, which, because they offer social, environmental and economic benefits, have become the focus of policy interest. Land cover patterns, being dynamic landscape components, are essential in delivering public goods. Public goods based on the social demand, such as recreation & landscape appreciation, have been progressively more acknowledged in environmental management as amenity demands steadily increase throughout Europe. As a result, there is a huge body of literature reporting landscape preferences both by the general public and of specific user groups in relation to multiple aspects of European landscapes. However, this empirical work has been revealing enormous challenges to be integrated into landscape planning and policy. This work offers two innovative outputs. One is to progress on gathering user group´s preferred land cover patterns, using in an innovative way, a non spatial model that is meaningful for respondents. The other is to map the preferences by different users into land cover pattern maps in one Alentejo municipality in order to assess the extent to which a certain landscape is likely to meet a specific social demand. Finally, the challenges for integrating the findings of this study into landscape planning and policy are discussed. The other is to relate the preferences expressed by the different users, to the Land Cover Patterns in one Alentejo municipality, to assess the extent to which a certain spatialized landscape has likelihood to meet a specific social demand

    Agriculture and sustainable landscapes: agricultural diversification in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    A produção de alimentos é importante para garantir a segurança alimentar, e os diferentes modos de produção podem gerar diferentes impactos ambientais. A diversificação agrícola é considerada uma das formas de promover a sustentabilidade, tanto em termos ecológicos quanto socioeconômicos. Para compreender a dinâmica da agricultura em Minas Gerais este trabalho utiliza um indicador para caracterizar os sistemas de produção agrícola e avaliar a diversidade produtiva dos 853 municípios do estado. A maior parte dos municípios (62%) apresentou uma diversidade alta ou muito alta, sendo esta diversidade associada principalmente ao contexto da agricultura familiar. No entanto, a contribuição destes sistemas agrícolas diversificados para a economia dos municípios é relativamente baixa, mostrando que a sustentabilidade econômica de sistemas diversificados ainda é um desafio. É importante que, além do interesse do produtor, exista uma política pública de desenvolvimento rural capaz de viabilizar sistemas de produção agrícola alinhados com padrões de sustentabilidade ambiental

    Saúde Mental Positiva no Trabalho

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    Creation and validation of a program promoter of positive mental health in adolescents

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    Introduction: The WHO estimates that at least 20% of children and adolescents have at least one mental disorder before reaching the age of 18 years. (PNSE, 2015) Based on the studies of the Multifactorial Model of Teresa Lluch (1999), it was proposed for the present study the conception and validation of a positive mental health promotion program in the field of mental health nursing directed to adolescents who attend the 3rd cycle of studies. Objectives: Elaborate a positive mental health nursing program based on the Multifactorial Model of Teresa Lluch; Implement a positive mental health program within the framework of the primary health care services portfolio, in response to the guidelines of the national school health program (PNSE, 2015);To analyse the effectiveness of the positive mental health program in promoting adolescents’ mental health in a school environment; To evaluate the positive mental health levels of adolescents in school settings. Methodology: Mixed, quasi-experimental (through a pilot study) and also observational- descriptive cross-sectional study focused on a Focus Group was chosen. Results: In the pilot group the mean positive mental health questionnaire pre-program, was 94.35, post-program had a decrease, and was at 92.61. Conclusions: Program implementation improved participants’ positive mental health. Knowing that mental health is worked on the basis of continuity, it is believed that the time factor was limiting in this study. It would have been an added value to carry out a follow-up at the end of the academic year to analyse positive mental health questionnaire.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepção de professores e alunos sobre os impactos ambientais associados à mineração

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    Mining has international economic importance and can contribute to the economic development of many countries. However, the socio-environmental impacts associated with this activity are well known. Recognizing these impacts, part of the mining companies develops Environmental Education (EA) programs through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions. The geographical outline of this study was the municipality of Congonhas, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, inserted in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, one of the largest iron ore provinces in the world. The aim of the study was to explore how the current perception of teachers and students in the municipal school system contributes to a critical participation in CSR programs. Qualitative and quantitative analyzes, including factor reduction (Principal Component Analysis) and Cluster (K-means), were employed. The results show that teachers and students are unaware of CSR activities and 71% of teachers work self-taught Environmental Education, without any academic background. For the current perception of actors to contribute to their critical participation in CSR programs, it is necessary to address the perception instrument in environmental projects through participatory methodologies.La minería tiene importancia económica internacional y puede contribuir al desarrollo económico de muchos países. Sin embargo, los impactos socioambientales asociados con esta actividad son bien conocidos. Reconociendo estos impactos, parte de las compañías mineras desarrolla programas de Educación Ambiental (EA) a través de sus acciones de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). El esquema geográfico de este estudio fue el municipio de Congonhas, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, insertado en el Quadrilátero Ferrífero, una de las provincias de mineral de hierro más grandes del mundo. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar cómo la percepción actual de docentes y estudiantes en el sistema escolar municipal contribuye a una participación crítica en los programas de RSE. Se emplearon análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos, incluida la reducción de factores (análisis de componentes principales) y el grupo (medias K). Los resultados muestran que los maestros y estudiantes desconocen las actividades de RSE y el 71% de los maestros trabajan en Educación Ambiental autodidacta, sin capacitación académica en el área. Para que la percepción actual de los actores contribuya a su participación crítica en los programas de RSE, es necesario abordar el instrumento de percepción en los proyectos ambientales a través de metodologías participativas.L'exploitation minière revêt une importance économique internationale et peut contribuer au développement économique de plusieurs pays. Cependant, les impacts socio-environnementaux associés à cette activité sont bien connus. Consciente de ces impacts, une partie des sociétés minières développe des programmes d'Education Environnementale (EA) à travers leurs actions de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE). La section géographique de cette étude était la municipalité de Congonhas, État de Minas Gerais, Brésil, insérée dans le Quadrilátero Ferrífero, l'une des plus grandes provinces de minerai de fer au monde. L'objectif de l'étude était d'explorer comment la perception actuelle des enseignants et des élèves, du système scolaire municipal, contribue à une participation critique aux programmes de RSE. Des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives, y compris la réduction des facteurs (analyse en composantes principales) et l'analyse en grappes (moyennes K), ont été utilisées. Les résultats montrent que les enseignants et les élèves ne connaissent pas les activités de RSE et 71% des enseignants travaillent sur l'éducation environnementale de manière autodidacte, sans formation académique dans la région. Pour que la perception actuelle des acteurs contribue à leur participation critique aux programmes de RSE, il est nécessaire d'aborder l'instrument de perception dans les projets environnementaux à travers des méthodologies participatives.A mineração tem importância econômica internacional podendo contribuir para o desenvolvimento econômico de vários países. No entanto, são bem conhecidos os impactos socioambientais associados a essa atividade. Reconhecendo esses impactos, parte das mineradoras desenvolve programas de Educação Ambiental (EA) por meio de suas ações de Responsabilidade Social Coorporativa (RSC). O recorte geográfico deste estudo foi o município de Congonhas, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, inserido no Quadrilátero Ferrífero, uma das maiores províncias de minério de ferro do mundo. O objetivo do estudo foi explorar como a atual percepção dos professores e alunos, da rede municipal de ensino, contribui para uma participação crítica nos programas de RSC. Análi­ses qualitativas e quantitativas, incluindo redução de fatores (Análise de Componentes Principais) e de Cluster (K-means), foram empregadas. Os resultados mostram que há desconhecimento dos professores e dos alunos em relação às atividades de RSC e 71% dos professores trabalham Educação Ambiental de forma autodidata, sem formação acadêmica na área. Para que a atual percepção dos atores con­tribua para sua participação crítica nos programas de RSC, é necessário abordar o instrumento percepção nos projetos ambientais por meio de metodologias participativas

    The Role of Railway Infrastructures in Land Use and Cover Change in MATOPIBA, Brazil

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    Land use/cover change (LUCC) can both affect and result of complex natural and socio-economic processes. The highway system is a key component for LUCC, however the role of railway infrastructure as a driver of the changes has been hardly ever in debate. In Brazil the steadily rise on large scale agro husbandry production has been demanding for railway infrastructure in states such as Maranhão, Tocantins, Piaui and Bahia (MATOPIBA), where agro husbandry production is steadily rising. In this context, the objective of this work is to develop a spatially explicit model to explore the associations between railway infrastructure (tracks, rail yards e intermodal facilities) and LUCC in an area of 650.682 km² in MATOPIBA . The model used the Baysian method of Weights of Evidence to explore the spatial determinants of land use transitions and their spatial determinants as well its associations to railway infrastructure. The model was calibrated with 2000-2012 data. This modelling approach was able to identify which variables and its ranges that can be associated to LUCC in MATOPIBA and this model was further used to simulate future scenarios of land use change in the coming decades. Our results clearly show a clear trend of increasing agro husbandry production and a trend of decreasing in native vegetation. Our results also highlight that railway infrastructure can indeed be associated changes into spatial configuration of landscape mainly by attracting LUCC in the nodes of new railway infrastructures.As mudanças do uso e cobertura do solo afetam e são resultantes de complexos processos naturais e socioeconômicos. A infraestrutura rodoviária exerce grande influência nessa dinâmica, contudo o papel das ferrovias nesse processo tem sido pouco debatido. No Brasil, a expansão da agropecuária nas últimas décadas tem demandado investimentos em transporte. Isso inclui o planejamento e construção de ferrovias na região formada pelos estados do Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia (MATOPIBA), uma das áreas com maior crescimento e expansão da produção agropecuária. Considerando este contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma modelagem espacialmente explícita explorando as associações entre a infraestrutura ferroviária (trilhos, pátios ferroviários e terminais intermodais) e a dinâmica de uso e cobertura do solo em uma área de 650.682 km² no MATOPIBA. O modelo espacialmente explícito desenvolvido para o período 2000-2012 utilizou o método bayesiano dos pesos de evidência para explorar quais os determinantes espaciais das transições entre classes de cobertura do solo e o papel das infraestruturas ferroviárias de transporte nessas mudanças. Os resultados da modelagem forneceram subsídios para conhecer as variáveis e explicar as transições de uso e cobertura do solo no período investigado, também como compilar cenários preditivos do uso e cobertura do solo para as próximas décadas. A modelagem mostrou uma tendência no aumento das áreas destinadas para a produção agropecuária em detrimento das áreas com vegetação nativa . Os resultados também mostraram que as infraestruturas ferroviárias poderão alterar a configuração espacial na região, atraindo a produção agropecuária para os pontos nodais das novas infraestruturas

    Positive mental health in university students and its relations with psychological vulnerability, mental health literacy, and sociodemographic characteristics: a descriptive correlational study

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    This study aimed to evaluate positive mental health (PMH) and its relation with sociodemographic characteristics, mental health literacy, and the psychological vulnerability scale (PVS) in Portuguese university students aged 17 to 62. A descriptive correlational study was carried out. An online survey was conducted to evaluate demographic variables, and several questionnaires were applied to evaluate positive mental health, psychological vulnerability, and mental health literacy. The data was collected from 1 November 2019 to 1 September 2020. Overall, 3405 students participated in the study. The results show that 67.8% of students revealed a high level of PMH, 31.6% presented a medium level of PMH, and 0.6% had a low level of PMH. Male students reported higher personal satisfaction (t (3170) = −2.39, p = 0.017) and autonomy (t (3170) = −3.33, p = 0.001) in PMH compared to female students. Students without a scholarship scored higher (t (3127) = −2.04, p = 0.42) in PMH than students who held a scholarship. Students who were not displaced from their home reported higher (t (3170) = −1.99, p = 0.047) self-control in PMH than those displaced from their home. University students with higher PMH results had lower PVS results and higher literacy results. The findings of this study will contribute to identifying students’ PMH intervention needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes: multi scale governance for Implementing enhanced socio-biodiversity chains

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    Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), contribute to the livelihoods of over 6 million people in Amazon and over 4 million people in the Cerrado biomes. Here we explored data on the socio-ecology of extractivist landscapes at the biome scale in Amazonia and Cerrado in Brazil. We found that there are market chains for 45 and 58 NTFPs in Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado, respectively. Although there is a vast repertoire of empirical data for characterizing sociobiodiversity in Brazil this body of literature is mostly case-study driven, focusing on a very limited number of products and using different methodological approaches. Therefore, although there is a robust research legacy meaningful comparisons are very challenging. So far we have a fragmented view of vegetal extractivist dynamics at the biome scale. Our work contributes to upscale from the socioecology of individual NTFP to the biome scale encompassing a variety of products and its associated livelihoods