152 research outputs found

    Modalités d'interaction avec des systèmes d'aide à la décision médicale par alerte ou à la demande pour délivrer des recommandations : une étude préliminaire dans le cadre de la prise en charge de l'hypertension

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    Classiquement développés comme des systèmes d'alertes produisant automatiquement des thérapeutiques centrées patient, les systèmes d'aide à la décision médicale sont appréciés par les médecins utilisateurs de façon variable selon les études. Nous pensons que ce mode d'interaction n'est pertinent que dans les cas simples où le médecin pense a priori qu'il n'a pas besoin d'être aidé. Une approche " à la demande " nous semble, par ailleurs, adaptée dans les cas plus compliqués. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse avec le système ASTI développé de façon à proposer deux modes d'interaction. Dédié aux cas simples, le mode " critique ", entièrement automatique, produit des alertes lorsque la prescription médicamenteuse du médecin n'est pas conforme aux recommandations. Au contraire, le mode " guidé " est utilisé de façon volontaire par le médecin qui, au cours d'une navigation active au sein d'une base de connaissances, accède dans les cas complexes aux recommandations thérapeutiques. Un score de complexité des cas cliniques a été proposé. Une étude préliminaire a été conduite sur 15 cas cliniques et 10 généralistes qui valide notre hypothèse de travail

    Profils patients associés à la non conformité des décisions aux recommandations de prise en charge thérapeutique des cancers du sein : utilisation de l'analyse de concepts formels

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    International audienceLes systèmes d'aide à la décision médicale permettent d'améliorer le suivi des recommandations de pratique clinique. OncoDoc2 est un tel système s’appuyant sur des recommandations de prise en charge du cancer du sein. Malgré son utilisation en routine lors de réunions de concertation pluridisciplinaire de sénologie, des décisions non conformes aux recommandations subsistent. L'objectif est d'utiliser l'analyse de concepts formels afin de caractériser les profils patients associés aux deux modalités de la conformité. Deux étapes de pré-traitement permettant de simplifier les données à analyser sont proposées : une réduction d'attributs par suppression de ceux non statistiquement associés à la non conformité, et un gommage sélectif de valeurs. Parmi les décisions recueillies sur 3 ans à l'hôpital Tenon, 198 concernent la reprise chirurgicale et ont été analysées. Les profils patients associés à la non conformité retrouvés sont ceux pour lesquels il n'existe pas de preuve scientifique des recommandations. Mots-clés

    Matching Study to Registry data: Maintaining Data Privacy in a Study on Family based Colorectal Cancer

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    Confidentiality of patient data in the field of medical informatics is an important task. Leaked sensitive information within this data can be adverse to and being abused against a patient. Therefore, when working with medical data, appropriate and secure models which serve as guidelines for different applications are needed. Consequently, this work presents a model for performing a privacy preserving record linkage between study and registry data. The model takes into account seven requirements related to data privacy. Furthermore, this model is exemplified with a study on family based colorectal cancer in Germany. The model is very strict and excludes possible violations towards data privacy protection to a reasonable degree. It should be applicable to similar use cases which are in need of a mapping between medical data of a study and a registry database

    Quels sont les patients atteints d'un cancer du sein dont la décision de prise en charge thérapeutique bénéficie de l'utilisation d'un système d'aide à la décision ? Un exemple utilisant la fouille de données et OncoDoc2

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    Session 2 : Utilisateurs et usagesNational audienceOncoDoc2 est un système d'aide à la décision (SAD) s'appuyant sur des recommandations de pratique clinique (RPC) pour la prise en charge des cancers du sein. Il a été utilisé comme intervention dans un essai randomisé contrôlé dont l'objectif principal était d'évaluer son impact sur la conformité des décisions des réunions de concertation pluridisciplinaire aux RPC. Nous avons utilisé un algorithme de fouille de données pour découvrir les régularités des profils patients, ou " motifs émergents " (ME), associées à la conformité et à la non-conformité des décisions selon que le système OncoDoc2 était ou non utilisé, afin d'évaluer quels profils patients pouvaient bénéficier de l'utilisation du système. Les ME associés à la non conformité des décisions prises sans le système sont associées à la conformité quand le système est utilisé sauf dans certaines situations cliniques pour lesquelles la force de la recommandation est faible

    ABiMed: An intelligent and visual clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management

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    Background: Polypharmacy, i.e. taking five drugs or more, is both a public health and an economic issue. Medication reviews are structured interviews of the patient by the community pharmacist, aiming at optimizing the drug treatment and deprescribing useless, redundant or dangerous drugs. However, they remain difficult to perform and time-consuming. Several clinical decision support systems were developed for helping clinicians to manage polypharmacy. However, most were limited to the implementation of clinical practice guidelines. In this work, our objective is to design an innovative clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management, named ABiMed. Methods: ABiMed associates several approaches: guidelines implementation, but the automatic extraction of patient data from the GP's electronic health record and its transfer to the pharmacist, and the visual presentation of contextualized drug knowledge using visual analytics. We performed an ergonomic assessment and qualitative evaluations involving pharmacists and GPs during focus groups and workshops. Results: We describe the proposed architecture, which allows a collaborative multi-user usage. We present the various screens of ABiMed for entering or verifying patient data, for accessing drug knowledge (posology, adverse effects, interactions), for viewing STOPP/START rules and for suggesting modification to the treatment. Qualitative evaluations showed that health professionals were highly interested by our approach, associating the automatic guidelines execution with the visual presentation of drug knowledge. Conclusions: The association of guidelines implementation with visual presentation of knowledge is a promising approach for managing polypharmacy. Future works will focus on the improvement and the evaluation of ABiMed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Reminder-based or on-demand decision support systems: a preliminary study in primary care with the management of hypertension.

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    ASTI is a guideline-based decision support system for therapeutic prescribing in primary care with two modes of interaction. The "critic mode" operates as a reminder system to detect non guideline-compliant physician drug orders, whereas the "guided mode" operates on demand and provides physician guidance to help her establishing best recommended drug prescriptions for the management of hypertension. A preliminary evaluation study was conducted with 10 GPs to test the complementary nature of both modes of decision support. Results tend to validate our assumption that reminder-based interaction is appropriate for simple cases and that physicians are willing to use on-demand systems as clinical situations become more complex

    Using OncoDoc as a computer-based eligibility screening system to improve accrual onto breast cancer clinical trials.

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    While clinical trials offer cancer patients the optimum treatment, historical accrual of such patients has not been very successful. OncoDoc is a decision support system designed to provide best therapeutic recommendations for breast cancer patients. Developed as a browsing tool of a knowledge base structured as a decision tree, OncoDoc allows physicians to control the contextual instantiation of patient characteristics to build the best formal equivalent of an actual patient. Used as a computer-based eligibility screening system, depending on whether instantiated patient parameters are matched against guideline knowledge or available clinical trial protocols, it provides either evidence-based therapeutic options or relevant patient-specific clinical trials. Implemented at the Gustave Roussy Institute and routinely used at the point of care during a 4-month period, it significantly improved physician compliance with guideline recommendations and enhanced physician awareness of open trials while increasing patient enrollment to clinical trials by 50%. But, when analyzing reasons of non-accrual of potentially eligible patients, it appeared that physicians' psychological reluctance to refer patients to clinical trials, measured during the experiment at 25%, may not be resolved by the simple dissemination of clinical trial information at the point of care

    Characterizing the dimensions of clinical practice guideline evolution.

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    The ever growing pace at which medical knowledge is produced requires clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to be regularly updated. Since clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) are effective means to implement guidelines in routine care, they have to be revised as their knowledge sources evolve. From one version to another, some parts are kept unchanged whereas others are more or less modified. We propose to characterize formally the different dimensions of recommendation evolution in two successive guideline versions from the knowledge modelling perspective. Each atomic recommendation is represented as a rule connecting a clinical condition to recommended action plans. Using subsumption-based comparisons, seven evolution patterns were identified: No change, Action plan refinement, New action plan, Condition refinement, Recommendation refinement, New practice, and Unmatched recommendation. The method has been evaluated on French bladder cancer guidelines in the revisions of 2002 and 2004