245 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial artisan products as regional tourism competitiveness

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyse the role of entrepreneurial artisan products in regional tourism competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach – This study applies secondary data from different sources (Regional Directorate of Statistics of Madeira, the Madeira Institute of Wine, Embroideries and Handicrafts) covering a temporal period spanning the last 15 years (2001-2015). This deployed quantitative data analysis through an econometric approach with recourse to regression models and the Pearson’s correlation technique. Findings – According to the results, it is suggested that in terms of external support and funding, there should be a greater role and a boost in the number of projects carried out not only under the auspices of the European Union but also under the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Thus, participant companies may invest in greater business efficiency and entrepreneurship, in innovation, promotion and the internationalisation of their products, and thereby obtain greater overall regional competitiveness. Research limitations/implications – The generalisation of results remains to a certain extent limited, given the findings stem from only one particular region. The exclusive utilisation of secondary data may also undermine the robustness of the results obtained. Originality/value – The study provides empirical evidence that helps in identifying the role of artisan products within the capacity for regional tourism sector entrepreneurship and competitiveness. Furthermore, this also contributes to the knowledge of the scientific community particularly interested in artisan and cultural entrepreneurship and regional competitiveness in the tourism sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analytics no Ensino Superior : métodos e ferramentas para apoio à gestão da atividade de ensino

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    As Instituições do Ensino Superior (IES) recebem hoje públicos heterogéneos e uma nova geração de estudantes imersos num quotidiano interligado pelo digital que esperam aprender em contextos mais flexíveis, suportados na tecnologia e no trabalho colaborativo. Pressionadas por este ambiente social, estas organizações procuram introduzir a inovação pela via da tecnologia, investido em sistemas tecnológicos na tentativa de dar respostas pedagógicas e organizacionais eficientes. Na presente investigação, partindo do contexto da Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro Regional do Porto (Católica-Porto), procurou-se aprofundar a compreensão do fenómeno da introdução da mudança e inovação pela via da tecnologia, nos campos pedagógico e organizacional, nas IES. Centrou-se a análise na gestão dos Ambientes de Aprendizagem Ricos em Tecnologia (TELE - Technology Enhanced Learning Environments) através dos sistemas de Analytics (Learning Analytics e Academic Analytics). A aproximação metodológica à problemática da gestão da atividade de ensino em TELE nas IES foi realizada com recurso a um modelo de duas etapas. A primeira etapa assume um cariz qualitativo e justifica-se pelos objetivos do estudo que são descritivos, na medida em que se pretendeu caracterizar o TELE da Católica-Porto na complexidade do contexto, relativamente às dimensões críticas de qualidade. Concomitantemente, esta fase do estudo teve uma tónica explicativa, pois, pretendeu-se identificar os fatores facilitadores e as condicionantes no uso e integração da tecnologia, em particular do Learning Content Management System (LCMS), na atividade formativa para enquadrar os resultados da segunda etapa da investigação. O design science foi a aproximação seguida na segunda etapa, em que se concebeu, desenvolveu e operacionalizou um sistema de Learning Analytics para aferição do grau de integração do LCMS (o subsistema tecnológico central no TELE da Católica-Porto) no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, com propósito de ser utilizado na gestão. Esta fase da investigação contemplou, também, o desenvolvimento de um segundo artefacto tecnológico – protótipo de Academic Analytics – para a gestão da atividade de ensino na instituição, que agrega dados já existentes em três subsistemas tecnológicos: LCMS, Serviços Administrativos (Sophia) e Sistema de Garantia Interna de Qualidade (SIGIQ). Os resultados indicam que a Católica-Porto tem dado passos na construção de um TELE. Contudo a integração do LCMS, a plataforma tecnológica de uso institucionalizado e mais generalizado, ainda está muito aquém das reais potencialidades que oferece. O estudo também demonstrou que os sistemas de Learning Analytics e Academic Analytics têm elevado potencial para a gestão da atividade de ensino. Deste trabalho resultam como principais contributos teórico-práticos: i) sistematização do conhecimento sobre principais dimensões que condicionam a qualidade do TELE e a sua gestão; ii) sistematização do estado da arte na temática do Analytics em educação e as potencialidades e dificuldades do seu uso na prática; iii) desenvolvimento de dois sistemas de Analytics para gestão da atividade de ensino.Nowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) receive heterogeneous public and a new generation of students immersed in a daily life which is digitally interconnected and who expect to learn in more flexible environments, supported by technology and collaborative work. Pressured by this social environment, these organizations seek to introduce innovation via technology, and they invest in technological systems in an attempt to give effective pedagogical and organizational responses. In the present study, based on the context of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Centro Regional do Porto (Católica-Porto), we sought to deepen the understanding of the phenomenon of introducing change and innovation in HEIs by means of technology in the pedagogical and organizational fields. The study was focused on the analysis of the management of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELE) through systems of Analytics (Learning Analytics e Academic Analytics). A methodological approach to the problem of managing teaching in TELE in HEIs was carried out by using a two-step model. The first step has a qualitative nature and is justified by the objectives of the study which are descriptive, as we intended to characterize Católica-Porto’s TELE on the complexity of the context, as far as the quality of critical dimensions is concerned. Concomitantly, this phase of the study had an explanatory emphasis, as we tried to identify the facilitating factors and the constraints in the use and integration of technology, particularly the Learning Content Management System (LCMS), in the teaching activity, in order to contextualize the results of the second stage of the study. The design science was the approach followed in the second stage, in which a system of Learning Analytics was developed and operationalized to measure the degree of integration of the LCMS (the central technological subsystem in Católica-Porto’s TELE) in the teaching and learning process, with the purpose to be used in management. This phase of research also included the development of a second technological artifact – a prototype of Academic Analytics – for the management of the teaching activities at the institution, which aggregates data that already exists on three technological subsystems: LCMS, Administrative Services (Sophia) and Services of Quality Management (SIGIQ). The results indicate that Católica-Porto has taken steps in building a TELE. However the integration of the LCMS, the technological platform of institutionalized and widespread use, is still far behind the true potential it offers. The study also showed that the systems of Learning Analytics and Academic Analytics have high potential for the management of the teaching activity. The main theoretical and practical contributions of this study are: i) systematization of knowledge about key dimensions that affect the quality of TELE and its management; ii) systematization of the state of the art on the topic of Analytics in education and the strengths and difficulties of its use in practice; iii) development of two systems of Analytics for managing the teaching activity

    A bibliometric study of regional competitiveness and tourism innovation

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    This study’s objective essentially strives to provide a mapping of the scientific publications and the intellectual knowledge therein contained while conveying past research trends and identifying potential future lines of research in the fields of regional competitiveness and tourism innovation. This correspondingly deploys a systematic literature review in keeping with the bibliometric approach. This analysis encapsulates the number of articles published and their annual number of citations for the period between 1900 and 2016 as registered by the Web of Science database. Results show how the intellectual structure on regional competitiveness and tourism innovation evolves over time. The main contribution of this study arises out of identifying the main research trends in this field and the respective shortcomings and specific needs for future scientific research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourist events and satisfaction: a product of regional tourism competitiveness

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyze the contribution of tourist event and satisfaction with tourism events as a product of regional tourism competitiveness, as well as evaluate factors of competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach – The research followed a quantitative methodology by conducting a questionnaire on the four largest tourist events in Madeira (Carnival, Flower Festival, Atlantic Festival and Wine Festival), an insular island located in Portugal. Findings – The sample consisted of 2,262 tourists surveyed during the year 2017 and structural equation models were used as the statistical method. Results showed that satisfaction is reflected in the client’s loyalty to the choice of a tourist destination and also contributes directly and indirectly to the regional tourist competitiveness. Originality/value – This study contributes to the valorization of local and regional events, perceived by the level of satisfaction and loyalty of tourists, as products of regional competitiveness of a tourist destination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Occurrence of drugs and endocrine disruptors in the filters washing water from a water treatment plant in Belém (PA), Brazil

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    The present work aimed to investigate the occurrence of 24 drugs and endocrine disruptors in the filters washing water from the Bolonha Water Treatment Plant in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, since these residues are often released into water courses. The correlation of these microcontaminants with physicochemical and biological characteristics investigated in the studied matrix was also evaluated. For the research, six sampling campaigns were carried out during the rainy season and six in the dry season. The compounds determination was performed by solid phase extraction and chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, gas chromatography for Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, 4-Nonylphenol, 4-Octylphenol, Bisphenol A, Gemfibrozil, Estrone, Estradiol, Ethinylestradiol, and Estriol, and in liquid phase for the other compounds. The compounds detected at higher concentrations than the others were Losartan (5.5 to 738.7 ng/L) and Bisphenol A (20.9 to 518.9 ng/L), also with the highest frequency. Multivariate analyzes showed that drugs and endocrine disruptors were more positively related to each other and to turbidity during the rainy season, with emphasis on 4-Octylphenol, Bisphenol A, Losartan and Loratadine, results that strengthen the hypothesis of precipitation’s influence on the variables studied.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de 24 fármacos e desreguladores endócrinos na água de lavagem dos filtros da estação de tratamento de água (ETA) Bolonha, Belém, Pará, Brasil, uma vez que esses resíduos muitas vezes são lançados em cursos d ́água. Buscou-se avaliar também a correlação desses microcontaminantes com características físico-químicas e biológicas investigadas na matriz estudada. Para a pesquisa foram realizadas seis campanhas amostrais durante o período chuvoso e seis campanhas amostrais no período seco. A determinação dos compostos foi feita por extração em fase sólida e cromatografia acoplada à espectrometria de massas, cromatografia em fase gasosa para Ibuprofeno, Paracetamol, 4-Nonilfenol, 4-Cctilfenol, Bisfenol A, Genfibrozila, Estrona, Estradiol, Etinilestradiol e Estriol e em fase líquida para os demais compostos. Os compostos Losartan (5,5 a 738,7 ng/L) e Bisfenol A (20,9 a 518,9 ng/L) foram detectados com concentrações mais elevadas que os demais, sendo também os compostos com maior frequência de ocorrência. As análises multivariadas mostraram que os fármacos e desreguladores endócrinos estiveram mais relacionados positivamente entre si e com a turbidez durante o período chuvoso, com destaque ao 4-Octilfenol, Bisfenol A, Losartan e Loratadina, resultados que fortalecem a hipótese de influência da precipitação nas variáveis estudadas

    A systematic literature review on family business: insights from an Asian context

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    Purpose – Family firms have been the subject of various scientific studies. This interest derives not only from their unique characteristics in terms of their management but more specifically in terms of their succession in a dimension that does not impact on other companies in the same way. Hence, and as a complex field of research, this study seeks to map out and analyse the intellectual knowledge on research into family firms in Asian contexts. Design/methodology/approach – As regards the statistical and analytical methods, the authors made recourse to the bibliometric, co-citation and cluster analysis techniques. In order to evaluate any potential patterns among the articles, the authors analysed the ways in which the articles are jointly cited. This furthermore applied hierarchical cluster analysis to the totality of the articles subject to co-citation analysis within the scope of grouping the interrelated articles into distinct sets. In order to graphically map the bibliographic co-citation analysis, the authors deployed the network and cluster determination theories. Findings – The results enabled the identification and the classification of various theoretical perspectives on the domain of family firms into four main approaches: (1) family business behaviour; (2) family versus non-family CEOs; (3) business family performance; and (4) business family and people. Originality/value – This study identifies, explores, analyses and summarises the main themes, contributing towards deepening the literature through the means of identifying the priority areas in relation to Asian family businesses able to guarantee international standards of excellence in comparison with their respective competitors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aneurisma toraco‐abdominal pós‐dissecção crónica tipo B: um desafio anatómico com uma solução endovascular inesperadamente simples

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    ResumoIntroduçãoCom tratamento médico, 77,6% dos doentes sobrevivem à fase crónica da dissecção aórtica. Vinte e cinco a 40 por cento dos doentes sob tratamento médico que sobrevivem a uma dissecção aguda da aorta evoluem para aneurisma.Caso clínicoHomem de 73 anos, hipertenso, admitido por colecistite aguda perfurada. O estudo imagiológico documentou um aneurisma toraco‐abdominal pós‐dissecção crónica tipo B. O orifício de entrada, extremamente calcificado, encontrava‐se na transição entre o terço médio e distal da aorta torácica descendente. A rotura contida não podia ser excluída. O tronco celíaco, as artérias mesentérica superior e renais originavam‐se do lúmen verdadeiro. O orifício de reentrada era visível na face posterior da aorta, entre as 2 artérias renais. Todo o segmento aórtico dissecado encontrava‐se francamente calcificado e o verdadeiro lúmen apresentava‐se significativamente estenosado. O doente permaneceu sob antibioterapia e controlo tensional apertado. Foi realizada colecistiostomia percutânea ecoguiada. Foi submetido ao implante de uma endoprótese tubular cónica, imediatamente acima da origem do tronco celíaco. Na angiografia de controlo, identificava‐se preenchimento retrógrado lento do falso lúmen, através do que havia sido o orifício de reentrada. Optou‐se por uma atitude conservadora. Quatro dias após a intervenção, a TC de controlo documentou um resultado favorável com trombose do falso lúmen, conseguindo‐se assim a exclusão do aneurisma.AbstractIntroductionWith medical management, 77,6% survived the chronic phase of aortic dissection. Twenty five to forty percent of patients surviving acute aortic dissection will progress to aneurysm dilatation.Case ReportMale patient, 73 year‐old, with a history of hypertension. He was admitted with a perforated acute cholecystitis. Imaging workup documented a thoracoabdominal aneurysm post type B chronic dissection. Specifically, angio‐CT revealed a heavily calcified entry flap in the transition from the middle to the bottom third of the descending thoracic aorta. Aneurismal degeneration of the distal thoracic aorta had occurred; contained rupture could not be excluded. The celiac trunk, superior mesenteric and renal arteries originated from the true lumen. A reentry tear was visible in the posterior aorta surface, between the two renal arteries. The dissected aortic segment was markedly calcified (both the true and false lumen outer walls as well as the dividing wall between them). True lumen was significantly stenosed. The patient remained under antibiotic therapy and aggressive blood pressure control. Ultrasound‐guided percutaneous cholecystostomy was performed. He then underwent an elective expeditious conic tubular stentgraft implantation, immediately above the celiac trunk origin. Slow false lumen retrograde perfusion, from what had been the reentry tear, was still present at completion angiogram. An expectant attitude was undertaken. Four days after intervention the control CT documented a favorable outcome. False lumen thrombosis had been induced and excluding therefore the aneurysm

    Avaliação nutricional e sensorial de variedades regionais de pomóideas.

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    Os resultados obtidos evidenciam, para determinados parâmetros químicos e/ou nutricionais e de textura, diferenças entre algumas das variedades regionais estudadas. Por comparação com variedades comercializadas verifica-se que as variedades regionais estudadas apresentam valores mais elevados, particularmente do teor em fibra dietética e em compostos fenólicos totais. A análise sensorial efectuada permite inferir a existência de algumas variedades regionais nitidamente mais apreciadas do que outras. Por outro lado, as determinações efectuadas a partir de frutos colhidos em dois anos consecutivos, não revelam variações expressivas para algumas propriedades químicas