262 research outputs found

    Isokinetic torque peak and hamstrings/quadriceps ratios in endurance athletes with anterior cruciate ligament laxity

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate torque and the hamstring/quadriceps ratio of the knee of athletes with and without anterior cruciate ligament laxity. METHODS: Twenty-eight male athletes, 19 without anterior cruciate ligament laxity and 9 with anterior cruciate ligament laxity, were evaluated with an isokinetic machine model Cybex 770. The peak torque of quadriceps and hamstrings was compared, and the hamstring/quadriceps ratio on the constant angular speed of 60º per second were also compared. RESULTS: In athletes with anterior cruciate ligament laxity, the peak torque values (right and left knees) of flexors (120 ± 15 and 116 ± 15 Nm) and of extensors (218 ± 36 Nm and 207 ± 26 Nm) were not different than those of athletes without laxity (109 ± 21 Nm and 111 ± 22 Nm; 191 ± 5 Nm and 188 ± 35 Nm). The hamstring/quadriceps ratio of athletes with laxity (right: 57 ± 6% and left: 56 ± 8%) did not differ from those without anterior cruciate ligament laxity (right: 58 ± 9% and left: 58 ± 7%). CONCLUSIONS: The anterior cruciate ligament laxity of long distances running athletes did not significantly alter the peak torque of flexors and of extensors or the hamstring/quadriceps ratio.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o torque e a relação de forças entre ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos joelhos de atletas corredores de longas distâncias com e sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior. METODOLOGIA: Vinte e oito atletas do gênero masculino, 19 sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior e 9 com frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior foram avaliados com aparelho isocinético modelo Cybex 770. Comparou-se o pico de torque dos quadríceps e dos ísquios-tibiais e a relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps na velocidade angular constante de 60º por segundo. Os dados obtidos foram comparados por meio dos testes t de Student e para dados pareados (membros direito e esquerdo) e o nível de significância estabelecido foi p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Nos atletas com frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior os valores de pico de torque (joelhos direito e esquerdo) dos flexores (120 ± 15 Nm e 116 ± 15 Nm) e dos extensores (218 ± 36 Nm e 207 ± 26 Nm) não diferiram significantemente dos atletas sem frouxidão (109 ± 21 Nm e 111 ± 22 Nm; 191 ± 5 Nm e 188 ± 35 Nm). A relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos atletas com frouxidão (57 ± 6% e 56 ± 8%) também não diferiu daqueles sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior (58 ± 9% e 58 ± 7%). CONCLUSÕES: A frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior não alterou significantemente o pico de torque dos flexores e extensores e a relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos joelhos de atletas corredores de longas distâncias

    Governança orçamentária: a atuação da Secretaria de Economia e Finanças do Exército Brasileiro

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    Este estudo trata da governança orçamentária no Exército Brasileiro (EB), em particular da atuação da Secretaria de Economia e Finanças (SEF), que é responsável pelas atividades relacionadas à gestão da execução orçamentária, administração financeira e contabilidade, no âmbito do EB. O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a execução orçamentária do EB à luz do tema governança orçamentária, ao longo do período de 2010 a 2022, comparativamente aos Comandos da Aeronáutica e da Marinha, e verificar se ocorreram alterações na execução das despesas após a publicação da Política de Governança do Exército, de 2019. A análise é precedida pela identificação dos conceitos de governança e governança orçamentária na administração pública; pelo entendimento dos atores envolvidos; além da evidenciação dos normativos aplicados à governança orçamentária e da estrutura de governança do EB, com ênfase nos atores do Sistema de Economia e Finanças do EB. No método foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa via análise dos indicadores de desempenho da execução orçamentária. Os resultados indicaram que o modelo de governança praticado pela SEF ao longo dos anos vem sendo aperfeiçoado, mas ainda possui amplo espaço para evoluir com vistas à melhoria da gestão orçamentária do EB

    Unidades fraseológicas: fraseologismos, frasemas, expressões pluri ou poliverbais, formas cristalizadas, idiomatismos, expressões idiomáticas/ Phraseological units: phraseologies, phrases, pluri or polyverbal expressions, crystallized forms, idioms, idiomatic expressions

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo revisitar o referencial teórico sobre Fraseologia e fraseologismos. A partir de um breve relato histórico dos estudos das unidades fraseológicas nas Ciências do Léxico, essas unidades são identificadas de acordo com os conceitos atribuídos a elas por teóricos como Casares (1950); Zuluaga (1980), Carneado-Moré e Tristá-Pérez (1985); Corpas-Pastor (1996) dentre outros e, no Brasil, em especial, Xatara (1994, 1995, 1998a, 1998b, 2002), Ortíz-Alvarez (2000, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2009), Durão et al. (2004), Durão e Rocha (2005), Silva (2011), Monteiro-Plantin (2011a, 2011b). Destacam-se a eliminação das composições no estudo das unidades fraseológicas e a distinção entre estas e as colocações. Por outro lado, há uma discussão sobre os termos “locução” e “expressão idiomática” na análise das unidades fraseológicas. Sobre as expressões idiomáticas, suas características e classificação, ressaltam-se também as pesquisas, no Brasil, de Xatara (1994, 1998a, 1998b), Ortíz-Alvarez (2000, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, 2009), Durão et al. (2004), Durão e Rocha (2005), Monteiro-Plantin (2011a, 2011b). À guisa de conclusão, neste artigo considera-se a expressão idiomática como uma unidade lexical, pluriverbal ou frasal, com sentido metafórico, alto grau de idiomaticidade e certo grau de fixação. Essas expressões podem encontrar equivalentes em outras línguas se houver correspondência semântica.

    Isokinetic torque peak and hamstrings/quadriceps ratios in endurance athletes with anterior cruciate ligament laxity

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate torque and the hamstring/quadriceps ratio of the knee of athletes with and without anterior cruciate ligament laxity. METHODS: Twenty-eight male athletes, 19 without anterior cruciate ligament laxity and 9 with anterior cruciate ligament laxity, were evaluated with an isokinetic machine model Cybex 770. The peak torque of quadriceps and hamstrings was compared, and the hamstring/quadriceps ratio on the constant angular speed of 60º per second were also compared. RESULTS: In athletes with anterior cruciate ligament laxity, the peak torque values (right and left knees) of flexors (120 ± 15 and 116 ± 15 Nm) and of extensors (218 ± 36 Nm and 207 ± 26 Nm) were not different than those of athletes without laxity (109 ± 21 Nm and 111 ± 22 Nm; 191 ± 5 Nm and 188 ± 35 Nm). The hamstring/quadriceps ratio of athletes with laxity (right: 57 ± 6% and left: 56 ± 8%) did not differ from those without anterior cruciate ligament laxity (right: 58 ± 9% and left: 58 ± 7%). CONCLUSIONS: The anterior cruciate ligament laxity of long distances running athletes did not significantly alter the peak torque of flexors and of extensors or the hamstring/quadriceps ratio.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o torque e a relação de forças entre ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos joelhos de atletas corredores de longas distâncias com e sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior. METODOLOGIA: Vinte e oito atletas do gênero masculino, 19 sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior e 9 com frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior foram avaliados com aparelho isocinético modelo Cybex 770. Comparou-se o pico de torque dos quadríceps e dos ísquios-tibiais e a relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps na velocidade angular constante de 60º por segundo. Os dados obtidos foram comparados por meio dos testes t de Student e para dados pareados (membros direito e esquerdo) e o nível de significância estabelecido foi p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Nos atletas com frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior os valores de pico de torque (joelhos direito e esquerdo) dos flexores (120 ± 15 Nm e 116 ± 15 Nm) e dos extensores (218 ± 36 Nm e 207 ± 26 Nm) não diferiram significantemente dos atletas sem frouxidão (109 ± 21 Nm e 111 ± 22 Nm; 191 ± 5 Nm e 188 ± 35 Nm). A relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos atletas com frouxidão (57 ± 6% e 56 ± 8%) também não diferiu daqueles sem frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior (58 ± 9% e 58 ± 7%). CONCLUSÕES: A frouxidão do ligamento cruzado anterior não alterou significantemente o pico de torque dos flexores e extensores e a relação ísquios-tibiais/quadríceps dos joelhos de atletas corredores de longas distâncias

    Rare disease landscape in Brazil : report of a successful experience in inborn errors of metabolism

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    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, with many social inequalities. The latter are reflected on its health system, which comprises a large public component called SUS, a small paid health insurance component and a third very small private component, in which patients pay personally for medical services. Seventy five percent of the population depends on SUS, which thus far does not provide adequate coverage for genetic medical procedures. In 2014, SUS introduced the “Policy for the Integral Attention to Subjects with Rare Diseases”, establishing guidelines for offering diagnosis and treatment. The policy defines the two main axes, genetic and non-genetic rare diseases. In this fashion, public genetic services in SUS will be installed and funded not by themselves, but as part of the more general policy of rare diseases. Unfortunately, up to now this policy is still depending on financial allowances to be effectively launched. In this article, our intention was to describe activities developed in the area of inborn errors of metabolism by a Brazilian reference center. In spite of the lack of support of SUS, thousands of Brazilian families affected by rare genetic metabolic disorders, and many health professionals from all regions of Brazil, already have benefited from the services, training programs and research projects provided by this comprehensive center

    Effect of cassava starch biofilm with diffusion of silver nanoparticles on the conservation of banana \u27prata\u27

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    Brazil is now the world\u27s fourth-largest banana producer in the world with an annual production of 6.953,747 tons per year. In Brazil, the banana (Musa spp.) stands out, not only because it is the most widespread, but also because it is the most consumed by all social classes. Cassava is a renewable, almost unlimited resource and one of the most abundant substances in nature. It is one of the most important starchy root crops of the tropics used for food and industrial purposes. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of biofilms based on cassava starch with the diffusion of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) on the conservation of banana \u27Prata\u27. Initially, filmogenic solutions were produced using the casting technique for five treatments. Additionally, transparency, thickness, grammage, and, subsequently, the biofilms were applied in the film-forming solution for 1 min and suspended for further drying at room temperature. After this process, were evaluated the fresh mass loss and total soluble solids. This study revealed the efficiency of cassava starch biofilm with gelatin addition to reduce the enzymatic browning rate and increase the shelf life of bananas (Musa Subgroup Prata). However, no significant results were observed with the addition of commercial silver nanoparticles

    Risk factors involved in retained placenta of dairy cows from family agriculture herds / Fatores de risco envolvidos na retenção de placenta de vacas leiteiras em rebanhos da agricultura familiar

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    Objective: The aim of this paper was to assess the risk factors in the occurrence of retained placenta in cows from family agriculture herds in four cities in southwest Paraná. Methods: A total of 607 calving’s in 25 herds were studied, considering as a diagnosis if the placenta was retained 12 hours after calving. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to the producer in order to evaluate the risk factors involved concerning the cow, its pre-partum supplementation, its parturition, its calf, its clinical sanitary conditions and its seropositivity for reproductive diseases. Results: A total of 89 retained placenta cases were studied during a year, being the average prevalence of 16.8%. Among those cows, 50.6% had received mineral salt pre-partum, 18% had received mineral salt for lactating cows and 31.5% had not receive any supplementation. Among the calving’s observed in the cows involved, 21.3% were premature, 19.1% had dystocia and 4.5% twin births. 55.9% of the calves were male, 20.43% were large, 53.76% medium and 22.5% small in size. Among the affected cows, 44.9% presented hyperthermia, 41.6% decreased appetite, 27.0% concomitant disorders, 47.19% were seronegative for brucellosis, leptospirosis and neosporosis, 32.58% were seropositive for leptospirosis, 10.11% were seropositive for neosporosis and 4.49% were seropositive for both diseases. Conclusions: It can be concluded that under the study conditions, there were no decisive factors for the occurrence of retained placenta, reaffirming the multifactorial nature of this disease.  

    Fatigue performance of laser welds in heavy-gage press hardening steels

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    This work investigates and compares the fatigue performance of laser-welded joints of two press hardening steels: a standard 22MnB5 and a variant modified by a combination of niobium and molybdenum (NbMo) alloying. The results indicate that joint geometry aspects, superposed to an intrusion-generated damage mechanism, were prevalent in causing a poor fatigue life in the case of peak stress values greater than 11% of the base metal's ultimate strength being around 1450 MPa. As identical process procedures were employed, the tests allowed investigating the influence of the alloy design on fatigue performance. The results of geometrical analysis and fatigue tests indicated that the NbMo modified alloy performed better than the standard 22MnB5 steel. The results also suggest that, if extremely tight quality limits are used in the manufacturing procedures, laser-welded joints of press hardened steels could offer a very favorable fatigue performance being considerably better than that of conventional and high strength structural steels