162 research outputs found

    Selectivity experiments with topside chafers

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    Selectivity experiments with topside chafers

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    Progress Report on Joint Investigation on Arctic Cod

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    Innovasjon og utvikling av TV 2: En kritisk analyse av prototypen «TV 2’s Innholdsunivers» sett i lys av Christensens innovasjonsteori og Rogers diffusjonsteori

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    Det er store endringer i mediebransjen og det er viktig for markedsledende aktører som TV 2 å henge med på utviklingen og drive frem nye innovative løsninger. Denne masteroppgaven er en akademisk analyse av den praktiske komponenten av masterarbeidet. Oppgaven analyserer prototypen «TV 2’s Innholdsunivers» basert på klassisk innovasjonsteori fra professorene Clayton Christensen og Everett Rogers. Avhandlingen har en brukersentrert tilnærming og har tatt i bruk tematisk analyse, brukertest og fokusgruppe som datainnsamlingsmetode. Ved bruk av Christensens innovasjonsteori analyserer oppgaven om prototypen er en omveltende- eller bevarende teknologi, samt hvordan TV 2 kan drive frem omveltende teknologier. Oppgaven tar også for seg Rogers adopteringskategorier, og vurderer hvilke kategorier som prototypens målgruppe 18-35 år kan klassifiseres etter. Prototypen blir også vurdert etter Rogers fem attributter ved innovasjon, for å vurdere prototypens adopsjonshastighet.Masteroppgave i medie- og interaksjonsdesignMIX350MASV-MI

    How can we improve the effectiveness of HRM strategy? A model for future research

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    This is a published version of the paper, available at LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives" at https://businessperspectives.org/journals/problems-and-perspectives-in-management/issue-2-cont-1/how-can-we-improve-the-effectiveness-of-hrm-strategy-a-model-for-future-researchpublishedVersio

    Woodpeckers in Western Norway: the White-backed Woodpecker is still the most common species

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    The pine-dominated forests of Western Norway have been found to harbour viable populations of woodpeckers, including the highly specialized White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent there were any changes in frequencies of woodpeckers, in particular the White-backed Woodpecker and the Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus, by resurveying 60 plots (each 1 km2) originally surveyed during 1994/1995. The resurvey was performed in 2013/2014. The White-backed Woodpecker was found to be the most common woodpecker species in both time periods. The Grey-headed Woodpecker was found to have a statistically significant decline from 27% of the 60 plots in 1994/95 to only 12% in 2013/14. The other four species all increased in frequency; although none of those increased frequencies were found to be statistically significant. We discuss possible explanations to why pine forests in Western Norway constitute a valuable habitat for the White-backed Woodpecker at the same time as it has drastically declined in other parts of Norway and Western Europe. In general, the reduced frequency of Grey-headed Woodpecker is not fully understood, although we suggest that cold winters during the years prior to the surveys in 2013/14 may be an important factor
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